Save-a-Rainy-Day-Inator: Generally inators don't have effects that last longer than a turn if we can help it. Obviously this isn't a hard and fast rule, but this is something that doesn't do anything interesting but slow the quest down.
Procrastinator-Inator: Can't use this, too strong. Even if was nerfed, the nature of how it works really just slows down the pace of progression.
Innator: Besides being pretty incoherently written, the degree of trade-off this necessitates would need to be pretty big. A DC increase against infiltration for four fifth's of your hero units' opinion? Calibrating that would be a pain, as indicated by the fact that you didn't do it. That aside, the theming and narrative of it doesn't really line up with the mechanics? An inn is not normally associated with defense against infiltration or more overt hostile actions.
The Toothpaste-Inator: something similar is already on the inator table.
Declog-Inator: it's not...bad, but it's very minor, at least at the moment. If/when you reach the point you get the New Man project running, it'd be a real inconvenience. Part of the push with the new version of the inator table is to make bad inators more interesting than a simple penalty. For instance, the inator you rolled this turn, the investor-inator, gives you multiple options of how to solve it. One of them is better than the other by a long shot, but at the very least there are direct options to deal with it as opposed to it being a simple 'sucks to suck' type of thing. Bad inators create problems, may as well make them interesting problems.
This good enough to use as is. 50 xp.
The Someone-Else's-Problem-Inator: This isn't necessarily bad in concept, but it falls apart in execution due to how wide reaching it is by nature. It skips way past the scale at which inators are fun and goes right into the 'wrenches the entire quest on its head' scale. We're not doing that again.
The Wanderlustinator: Something similar already exists on the inator table.
The Go-Away-Inator: This is so open-ended we may as well have a blank inator slot. Try to come up with something more specific?
The-Doctor-is-[IN/OUT]nator: There are a lot of reasons why the answers for these are no.
The Amnesia-Inator (Reverse mode)!: No. The Second Dimension never make an appearance in Doofquest.
The Anti-Plagiarism-Inator!: Inators are not a blank check for you to shove what you want into the story. Pass.
Face-to-Face inator: Something similar already exists on the inator table.
Summer-inator/Blizzard-inator: Something similar already exists on the inator table.
Gone-Fishing-inator: Maybe.
Blood-Is Thicker-Inator: It's not terrible but I'm not feeling it. It's sort of arbitrary and contrived? And yes, that is Inators, but it would cheapen things narratively, I think.
Pick-a-Fight-inator!: Something similar already exists on the inator table.
The corporate shakeup inator: This is interesting. It's really bad (for you guys), but if we tweak it a bit to make it just a little less game destroying it could be fun! 50 xp.
The Drill-inator: Fluff wise we could get some mileage out of this, but don't expect the mechanics to be the same if it shows up.
The Work-Through-The-Pain-Inator!: Not a bad concept, way too strong.
Inator: This is actually the wrong name, it wasn't a baking soda volcano maker, the Inator was a giant laser. That aside, a baking soda volcano flavoured inator that encourages causing problems? Ideas ideas...
Shuffle-inator: This is another one of those 'fun in theory' ones. It's a lot of fiddly busywork for us and is basically impossible for you guys to plan for. Gonna pass for now.
If only.
Identity Theft-Inator: Free Money vs Lose All Your Money. It's very straightforward, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but there isn't really a strong vision behind this one, the mechanics don't really line up fully with the concept.
The How-Hard-Can-It-Be Inator!: This is a genuinely interesting idea. It's definitely pretty good, but not necessarily too good? It'd need some specific fluff revision but it could make for an interesting turn, especially if for that turn Doof is sidelined narratively...50 xp.
Thank you all for your time and suggestions.