[X] Have Tobe take him to the time authorities.

Not sure how Goob potentially being lost in transit is a flaw in the plan. We want him (and his negative stats) away from us more than we want him to be anywhere in particular.

On the Flubber choice… we lose opinion but gain loyalty or we lose an action but lower the DC on making flubber viable.
Think we close ranks. Actions are in very short supply and flubber is not something we actually need.

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Spend Time With Norm
---[] Study Magic
---[] Remove Flubber: Tell Janus to hide the research so it won't tempt you or Ludivine ever again.
---[] Chat with the Bossman (Ludivine)
--[] Council
---[] [Ludivine] (Reflect on what almost happened)

Regarding turn planning, I think I will be going with these 5 personals next turn. I think this could be a good character moment. For both Doof and Ludivine!
Spend some time with CJ > Study Magic.
Or possibly a write-in [] Family time with Norm and CJ.

We really don't want Doof favouring one child over the other.
if we want CJ to be a person we need to treat her like a person. we are the people who discovered that fact afterall
We can put off CJ she isn't sapient enough to take it as an insult, Norm is a lot further up right.

If we are fine delaying Magic for a turn We can still do both
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I will precomite to any plan that is close ranks and helps CJ be a real girl and removes flubber
Edit: bonus points for DOI and split/second
I want somewhat healthy doof
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[X] Have Tobe take him to the time authorities.

Not sure how Goob potentially being lost in transit is a flaw in the plan. We want him (and his negative stats) away from us more than we want him to be anywhere in particular.

On the Flubber choice… we lose opinion but gain loyalty or we lose an action but lower the DC on making flubber viable.
Think we close ranks. Actions are in very short supply and flubber is not something we actually need.

Spend some time with CJ > Study Magic.
Or possibly a write-in [] Family time with Norm and CJ.

We really don't want Doof favouring one child over the other.
CJ isn't a person yet, so I'm okay with delaying one turn.

Plus, it means we can get extra synergy by taking the stewardship increasing personal relating to CJ at the same time the turn after.

But you are partially right in that if I had to pick a personal to delay with those 4 options it would be Study Magic.
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I'm kinda realizing how bad Ludivines councilor trait is.

At first I had thought this meant that she would do a extra national but it wouldn't have a councilor bonus so it would be doof+her stats and bonuses on a random project. That's not that bad as that's 38+40 so start at at least 78 right? That's pretty good. We can knock out low stuff thats just sat there for a while. Sounds great. Random free national action.

But apparently that's not how that works. It's literally just her stats. So 40.

That's actually kind of horrible.

We only have a 50 percent chance of hitting a 90 DC. We've only got 5 actions at 90 or lower. Two of those are flubber related. If we get rid of flubber ones the next dcs are in the 110s I belive. Ludivine only has a 30 percent chance of hitting those.

I think this trait might need a rework.

A 1/6th chance of triggering is low enough that I think it makes sense for this to just be a bonus national action with no councilor bonus. Just using Ludivines stats alone would seem to trap her in doing actions she has a very low chance of success at and a increased chance of failure.

The Lovemuffin problem if you will.

I'd much rather it be her getting so hyped on science she takes on a whole other project on her own initiative that would still get the doof bonus and loyalty and so on but no councilor bonus.

That way we would be excited at the chance of knocking out low level products occasionally instead of dreading her trait triggering and seeing what she was probably going to fail at this time.
I feel like the time to have this conversation was back when we are assigning counselors. You know, back when I pointed this out? Ludivine is a good *temporary* counselor. She will never be a better counselor than when we first have the council. That was the logic behind assigning her here. Also, since she is omni disciplinary, she manages to make sure that our learning actions never have penalties from a non-specialized counselor.

I'm just hoping she wanders to Silphium.

It wouldn't be as bad a problem if we still sometimes got lower DC nationals though. The fact that our DCs are slowly increasing means that we aren't actually gaining power so much as we are treading water.
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Pause-Butt-Inator, Subtype Bad: Inator stops time for only Dr. Doofenshmirtz and perhaps a select few henchmen. By the time they emerge from the pause effect, whatever task they were trying to accomplish is now considerably more difficult due to deadline pressure or enemies taking advantage of their inaction. One randomly selected action has a -10 to the raw dice roll. This effectively raises the critical failure chance by 10, and correspondingly reduces the critical success chance by the same amount.
@Arathnorn, out of curiosity, how bad is this on our Inator table? It's really hard to tell when we don't get to see the rolls.

Also, how does it work with auto passes? Is rolling a negative number an automatic crit failure? Or if we have, say, a +70 on a DC 60 action with XP, does rolling a 2 (so a -8) still allow us to pass?
Yeah, at this point, CJ is basically Siri with way better natural language processing. It's gonna take a while for her to even be Baymax, who, himself, isn't really sapient as we'd understand it.
Okay. So. I lurk a lot, but I was there live last night, and I want to share my thoughts:

This was unlikely. Really unlikely. I've heard the number "0.27%" thrown around.
Let me double-check that.
So, there were four links in that chain of disaster. A series of unfortunate events, if you will. In which one duck asked all the wrong questions. ...moving on.
#1: The roll for Absent-Minded Professor to proc. The odds of that were 1 in 6.
#2: The roll to decide which of the 5 lowest DC learning actions she would take. Those were:
Research extradimensional tech (60)
Research exotic vehicles (85)
Research Silphium (90)
Research Flubber Antigravity (90)
Research Flubber Weather Modification (90)
So the odds of her choosing a flubber action were 2 in 5.
#3: Her raw roll. The odds of her getting a critical failure were 5 in 100.
#4: The roll for No Running In the Lobby to not proc. The odds of it not proccing were 5 in 6.
So that's (1*2*5*5) out of (6*5*100*6), which is 50 out of 18,000, or 1 out of 360, which is, yep, 0.27%. (Closer to 0.28%, but whatever.)
And the thing is, this was almost entirely due to bad luck. Sure, we had the option to write-in an action to remove the flubber actions, but a 1 in 15 chance of a flubber action that has fifty-fifty odds of outright succeeding.. well, that isn't necessarily the kind of risk that one has to eliminate with the utmost urgency. But then we got absurdly unlucky.

This is one field assignment where I will completely back Gomez' presence. It's not guaranteed we'll run into Belos, but if we do, I want our magitech expert there. Also, I want to send the Potion of Polymorph with them, just in case we run into a desperate Vee. I'd love to have a shot at recruiting Vee.

Oh, I'd love that too, but Vee is either* in a Janna-like situation where she's moping around, using Luz's identity, just waiting for Belos to drag her back to the Boiling Isles, or she's in a Star-like situation where she's constantly on the run and would probably be even harder to find than Star due to her ability to shapeshift. And I feel like the latter of those is more likely.
*(these possibilities are not actually by any means exhaustive)
This is one field assignment where I will completely back Gomez' presence. It's not guaranteed we'll run into Belos, but if we do, I want our magitech expert there. Also, I want to send the Potion of Polymorph with them, just in case we run into a desperate Vee. I'd love to have a shot at recruiting Vee.

Vee may or may not be there, but a Nicholas Cage is involved and that may be Baltazar Blake, in which case we'd still want anti-shapeshifter stuff, because both Merlinians and Morganians are canonical shapechangers.


[X] Have Tobe take him to the time authorities.
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OK, OK. So it's a regular fail on Flubber. That's good. That's good. I say we take the first option and then, next turn, devote some time to PR blitzing. Cure genetic diseases, something like Split/Second maybe, smooth things out a bit. Of course, then there's the feds. For them...Hm. Maybe collab with Xanay. He's someone they respect, so him being willing to work with us may help convince them we're acting in good faith. There is, of course, one OBVIOUS way to help the fed's opinion on us: Stop rebelling against them. Which, would be a good idea (and a FANTASTIC way to smooth things over), but i'm not sure the thread wants to. Also, the DOI quest seems a pretty good way to help their opinion as well. No collab penalties, Ludivine doesn't go to jail, and the opinion penalties can be fixed up.
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Does this work on shapeshifters?
Vial of Brockium
Assigned to: No one
This strange liquid is supposedly capable of forcing a magical creature to take on their true form- for example, forcing a Dragon or Werewolf to assume their supernatural form. This cannot force a target into a weaker form, nor overcome an illusion or physical disguise; only a physical transfiguration. You wonder how it works.
because we still have this lying around.
To be fair, youve hardly interacted with CJ this quest. You have something that is, quite frankly, lower than Baymax on the sentience scale.
Sure. I just wanna make sure people aren't expecting, well... a person, right away.
This is inconsistent with the setting.

Doof hasn't spent time with her, however as she is serving as the primary administrator for the city she will have had a great deal of interaction with other people. And as she has a clear personality (simulated or not) the people she interacts with will have treater her as a person.
The whole theme of this quest is that people other than the player character have agency. Sometimes rather more agency than the players. It is not only plausible but extremely likely that CJ developed while Doof was not paying attention.

We can put off CJ she isn't sapient enough to take it as an insult, Norm is a lot further up right.

If we are fine delaying Magic for a turn We can still do both
It isn't CJ's feelings I'm worried about.
What I am very worried about is Doof realising that Vanessa was the golden child while Norm was the scapegoat. And that with Vanessa off at collage he needed a new golden child. Having promoted Norm he then needed a new scapegoat to ignore.
I can think of few things that would hurt Doof more than realising he was doing to his kids what his parents did to him.
@Arathnorn, out of curiosity, how bad is this on our Inator table? It's really hard to tell when we don't get to see the rolls.

Also, how does it work with auto passes? Is rolling a negative number an automatic crit failure? Or if we have, say, a +70 on a DC 60 action with XP, does rolling a 2 (so a -8) still allow us to pass?
Alright, given the recent object lesson in limiting detail.

Inators are divided into five categories, bad, negative, neutral tomixed tradeoff, positive and great. We roll a d100 to determine which category to pull from, then pick at random. Weighted slightly good.
This is inconsistent with the setting.

Doof hasn't spent time with her, however as she is serving as the primary administrator for the city she will have had a great deal of interaction with other people. And as she has a clear personality (simulated or not) the people she interacts with will have treater her as a person.
The whole theme of this quest is that people other than the player character have agency. Sometimes rather more agency than the players. It is not only plausible but extremely likely that CJ developed while Doof was not paying attention.
To be honest, I get the sense she's mostly pretty hands-off.