Imagine the following we'd get on Tumblr.
Edit: Wait, idea.
Catboy-inator: If there was one thing you learned when fighting Kat, it's that you really want any cat in your future to be on your side. Their vicious, manipulative, underhanded, and based on the stories you've heard they're probably magical, too. Come to think of it, why bother with trying to get a cat on your side when you can just make one of your own employees part-cat. Sure, there might be some mental changes, but it's nothing that can't be handled, right?
When this inator is rolled, choose a random Hero Unit who is not on the Council. That unit will gain cat-like traits, giving them +5 to Martial, Diplomacy, Intrigue and Occult. However, cats are fickle creatures, so if the unit is assigned to a National Action, there is a 1/3 chance that they will not do the action and instead goof off and do cat things (this can be decreased with high loyalty, but can also be increased with negative loyalty). In addition, the unit cannot be assigned to the Council, because they now lack the attention span to do so. Should there be a need to undo the transformation, Doof can use a Personal Action to create an "Anti-Catboy-inator" to do so, but do keep in mind that the stat bonuses will be lost if you do.