The Fibonacci sequence and prime numbers proves sapience and for anyone who has ever even thought about how to establish First Contact with someone else, that's about it. Given the insanity of the Domain, this is quite impressive.

It's even more impressive if you've watched Fireball. :V
Sure, but it's also the fibonnaci sequence in like seven languages. Most people don't speak seven languages, which is kinda against what you'd want in a FC package.
My guess is using the Fibonacci sequence was not Drossel's idea, we've seen one of her stats and it wasn't exactly good...
Oh definitely, she has heroes with triple digit learning for those sorts of ideas!

Sure, but it's also the fibonnaci sequence in like seven languages. Most people don't speak seven languages, which is kinda against what you'd want in a FC package.
It's not like she would know who she is talking to. The fact that it is in several languages says a lot. Let's ignore out of character knowledge for a bit.

This robot was found in the Wasteland. We know that who ever built the robot is freakishly advanced- grinds diamond drills into dust, resists acetylene torches (which have temperatures of 6300 degrees Fahrenheit or 3480 degrees Celsius). After the metal resists that, it seems to function quite well. The robot spouted off numbers in numerous languages That the numbers were initially arranged in the Fibonacci sequence, only to change to prime numbers.

What we can draw from this is that there is something that is extremely advanced in the Wasteland that is trying to reach out to humans and attempted to start out by proving sapience on its part. That it's talking in many different languages suggests it doesn't know its surroundings. That it isn't talking in words despite clear signs of intelligence suggests there is something stopping it from doing so.

Drakktech assuredly has the nerdy interns in order to put this all together. The paradoxes here are sure to draw someone in.

This is just a really good idea for what the Tempest Domain has as its abilities.
I mean, I can see her thinking "Fibonacci sequence will show we're intelligently communicating, and using multiple languages means more possible people will understand!"

And not thinking about how she combined those two facts.

Lets Get you out of the Twilight Zone!!

MAYBE we can Bring Mr Sterling with you TOO!

The Twilight Zone S 1 E 11 And When The Sky Was Opened / Recap - TV Tropes

Air date: Dec. 11, 1959 The X-20 is shown in the hangar where two men are inspecting her. At the hospital one of the men, Colonel Forbes, goes to see Major Gart in the hospital and is immediately identified as one of the men who flew the shuttle …
And Gart,Forbes,Harrington and The X-20
We hashed out basic contact protocols halfway through the last century, people. Its even trying to use some of them itself. I'm sorry, little machine. Its not your fault that the humans around you are acting as dumb as canned sauerkraut.

And we circle back around to the Tempest Domain, the outright non neumann swarm and something on the short list of reasons why a responsible extrasolar power would drop the Earth into a black hole. Completely benign but likely to defictionalize the 'Universal Paperclips' computer game regardless.


That looks... interesting.

I guess we might legitimately be the best people to find them with our robotics and AI stuff.
I have No idea what I'm doing...but am I bored enough to make a Character Sheet about a Twilight Zone Character that has a tense connection to Disney itself via the tower of terror? and this probably has no possible way of being canon?



Martial: 21 (A Veteran Pilot of the Korean War and Astronaut training, on top of being an officer of worth.)

Diplomacy: 10 (While good looking in a Uniform, capable and photogenic, he the end a normal man.)

Stewardship: 11 (A Colonel who knows how to tune a budget and is responsible)

Intrigue: 10 ( While Practical and could keep a secret as his nation demands...he's easy to read)

Learning: 14 (A Astronaut who has been to space and knows all there is to getting back alive...)

Occult: 2 (He has no discernible talent for Magic or the an encounter with something B̴̞̘͔̋É̸̹̺́̊Y̸̰͔̓̀O̷̢͕͑ͅŇ̴̘͍͔̃D̷̦̗̈́ ̴̨̻̻͌O̵̲͒͐U̷̥̮͊̈R̵̹̄ ̴͔̂̓ͅͅU̶̢͉̹͆̚͠N̷̞̋̀D̴͍͂̕È̸̛̹͘R̶͙͎̦̔̅̈́S̷͖̭̤͋͐͠TA̶̞͈̠͊N̵̡̊̊̂D̸̮͂͛͋Í̷͉̕͠N̵̢̞͋́G̸̛̒̍)


I̸n̷ ̶t̸h̸e̵ ̷T̶w̷i̸l̷i̷g̶h̶t̷ ̷Z̴o̷n̶e̶:̴ Once upon a time, there was a man named Harrington, a man named Forbes, a man named Gart. They used to exist, but don't any longer. Someone – or something – took them somewhere. Somewhere beyond time and beyond the science of man. Somewhere the Human Mind can only see in its dreams of creativity and insanity...a place man knows well. A place called The Twilight Zone. (????)

AN: The Trait Description in part comes from the Ending Narration of the Episode by Rod Serling, modified by me slightly.

Last edited:
In the interest of trying to find an Easter egg (confirmed there is a minor one on Discord) in the latest update, I've compiled what I believe to be all of the occurrences of numbers or related words (stuff like odd, halves, couple) within the update, except for the ones the robot was saying. There's a lot of them, some of which really stand out. That said, it's hard to find a pattern, in particular because I'm not sure which really count - does "no one else" mean a 1, or is it nothing?

after the first hour
been one infuriating mystery
of America's top ten CEOs!
She glanced at the clock. 3 pm.
for another two hours.
done three hours into the day
that no one else
happened once a week or so
I went through three bottles of acetylene
wasted five of those diamond drill bits
You've told me this three times, Drakken.
I sent her five emails!
if any interesting ones are
besides, it's only 3 PM!
That's another hour before
come visit every once in a while
staring at the clock again. 3:02
Another 50-odd minutes
the odd machine
took a few years
drag this one out of again
the one where
we lost three interns
that one week
the one with the glass trees
the one with the acid lakes
the one with all the spikes
I spent three weeks
only have two seasons
shattered halves
it wasn't the time we lost three
the time all nine disappeared
Not the first time
the other time.
these are all even numbers
last few weeks
in a couple months.
Okay, given what has already happened, I'm going to propose this as the next plan.

[ ] Plan: Cleaning and Updating the House
-[ ] Martial: Form a black ops group (Get those heroballs rolling)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Form a Research Agreement with Drakktech (Establish a bit more friendly ties with Shego & coupled with the learning actions)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit Cruella de Ville (C'mon, it's anti-villain Cruella! Why shouldn't we?)
-[ ]
Stewardship: Olympia Action (Whether that be hostile takeover or shoring up, we need to follow up before Winston loses any more assets)*
-[ ] Stewardship: Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (It's basically free money from Glomgold; we should not let this sit around)*
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out Hopper Food Group (Might as well, since we've talked about it so much)*

-[ ] Intrigue: Root out Moles (Mezmerella) (Needs to be done)
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate the Society of the Blind Eye (Tobe) (Get us ready for Bill and may help us get Russ)
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Alan?) (Get us to Tempest before Shego, plus the research agreement aligns our interests)
-[ ]
Learning: Research Sublight Drives (Jumba) (Gives us bargaining chips with Xanatos and Shego, plus the research agreement makes it more favorable)
-[ ]
Occult: Golumetric Theory (Gomez) (Gives us increases in our PMC, reduces Avatar repair, and unlocks new avenues for defense, especially given how prone we are to getting invaded)
-[ ]
Occult: Find Russ (Janna) (Needs to be done)

*Monogram takes one
Okay, given what has already happened, I'm going to propose this as the next plan.

[ ] Plan: Cleaning and Updating the House
-[ ] Martial: Form a black ops group (Get those heroballs rolling)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Form a Research Agreement with Drakktech (Establish a bit more friendly ties with Shego & coupled with the learning actions)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit Cruella de Ville (C'mon, it's anti-villain Cruella! Why shouldn't we?)
-[ ]
Stewardship: Olympia Action (Whether that be hostile takeover or shoring up, we need to follow up before Winston loses any more assets)*
-[ ] Stewardship: Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (It's basically free money from Glomgold; we should not let this sit around)*
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out Hopper Food Group (Might as well, since we've talked about it so much)*

-[ ] Intrigue: Root out Moles (Mezmerella) (Needs to be done)
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate the Society of the Blind Eye (Tobe) (Get us ready for Bill and may help us get Russ)
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Alan?) (Get us to Tempest before Shego, plus the research agreement aligns our interests)
-[ ]
Learning: Research Sublight Drives (Jumba) (Gives us bargaining chips with Xanatos and Shego, plus the research agreement makes it more favorable)
-[ ]
Occult: Golumetric Theory (Gomez) (Gives us increases in our PMC, reduces Avatar repair, and unlocks new avenues for defense, especially given how prone we are to getting invaded)
-[ ]
Occult: Find Russ (Janna) (Needs to be done)

*Monogram takes one
The lack of clearing Bonkers Bobcat's name is a dealbreaker for me. The DC for that action rose last turn, and while it might have been the result of Mirage not being great with Toon shenanigans, it also might be that it's getting harder over time as Doom has time to sway public opinion and tamper with the evidence. Russ got vwoiped into a realm of pure thought to bring us that evidence. I do not want to let it go to waste.

Also, I really want to refuse Doom's peace offer in style.
Okay, given what has already happened, I'm going to propose this as the next plan.

[ ] Plan: Cleaning and Updating the House
-[ ] Martial: Form a black ops group (Get those heroballs rolling)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Form a Research Agreement with Drakktech (Establish a bit more friendly ties with Shego & coupled with the learning actions)
-[ ] Diplomacy: Recruit Cruella de Ville (C'mon, it's anti-villain Cruella! Why shouldn't we?)
-[ ]
Stewardship: Olympia Action (Whether that be hostile takeover or shoring up, we need to follow up before Winston loses any more assets)*
-[ ] Stewardship: Implement Large Herbivore Exhibits (It's basically free money from Glomgold; we should not let this sit around)*
-[ ] Stewardship: Buy Out Hopper Food Group (Might as well, since we've talked about it so much)*

-[ ] Intrigue: Root out Moles (Mezmerella) (Needs to be done)
-[ ] Intrigue: Investigate the Society of the Blind Eye (Tobe) (Get us ready for Bill and may help us get Russ)
-[ ] Learning: Decode Odd Transmissions (Alan?) (Get us to Tempest before Shego, plus the research agreement aligns our interests)
-[ ]
Learning: Research Sublight Drives (Jumba) (Gives us bargaining chips with Xanatos and Shego, plus the research agreement makes it more favorable)
-[ ]
Occult: Golumetric Theory (Gomez) (Gives us increases in our PMC, reduces Avatar repair, and unlocks new avenues for defense, especially given how prone we are to getting invaded)
-[ ]
Occult: Find Russ (Janna) (Needs to be done)

*Monogram takes one
Heroballs require all members to use their Personal to fill, so Mez, Technor, Khan, and Juniper are out.
Heroballs require all members to use their Personal to fill, so Mez, Technor, Khan, and Juniper are out.
Are we planning on putting Technor in the heroball? I was under the impression that we'd decided he was more valuable as a solo unit, gven his high scores in many stats. Or at least that he should assemble his giant robot body before we put him in a heroball with anyone. (Which, by the way, takes three turns to complete, and he now has three turns earmarked for definitely not doing therapy).
Are we planning on putting Technor in the heroball? I was under the impression that we'd decided he was more valuable as a solo unit, gven his high scores in many stats. Or at least that he should assemble his giant robot body before we put him in a heroball with anyone. (Which, by the way, takes three turns to complete, and he now has three turns earmarked for definitely not doing therapy).
It only takes a single martial action to rearrange the ball after it's made. Making the heroball unlocks other heroballs. This isn't intended as the final make-up. We haven't quite nailed that down but it probably will involve either Khan or TECHNOR, but not both.
Are we planning on putting Technor in the heroball? I was under the impression that we'd decided he was more valuable as a solo unit, gven his high scores in many stats. Or at least that he should assemble his giant robot body before we put him in a heroball with anyone. (Which, by the way, takes three turns to complete, and he now has three turns earmarked for definitely not doing therapy).
The idea is we make a temporary Heroball until we can get a couple guys to filter in or out. Technor is being put on because of it being a good mix of stat stacking and helping cover Khan's Tech malice.
It only takes a single martial action to rearrange the ball after it's made. Making the heroball unlocks other heroballs. This isn't intended as the final make-up. We haven't quite nailed that down but it probably will involve either Khan or TECHNOR, but not both.
That's part of the reason I want Technor to stay out of the temporary ball specifically - in the long term Khan is best suited as our Martial councilor (once we have two actions and a strong black ops team), meaning Technor is the natural choice for the final black ops ball - making right now the perfect time to get his mech completed.
That's part of the reason I want Technor to stay out of the temporary ball specifically - in the long term Khan is best suited as our Martial councilor (once we have two actions and a strong black ops team), meaning Technor is the natural choice for the final black ops ball - making right now the perfect time to get his mech completed.
I'll be honest, sticking Technor on Mech for a minimum of 3 turns, potentially a lot longer doesn't work, especially since he is the only guy that really can be put as a 4th. His Stats are good enough already to be perfect for it (Plus, Technor/Mez/Juniper/Khan is surprisingly high Diplo alongside Martial) plus Lizzy has to do Transmissions this turn since Alan is getting moved to Moles and Wasabi is gonna be sent on a Diplo action alongside Max (Technor is out of the way either way)
I'd like to propose Carnivore Domestication as a Learning action so that we can get Glomgold's questline done faster. Wonder if he'd be willing to help fund dino research projects?
I'll be honest, sticking Technor on Mech for a minimum of 3 turns, potentially a lot longer doesn't work, especially since he is the only guy that really can be put as a 4th. His Stats are good enough already to be perfect for it (Plus, Technor/Mez/Juniper/Khan is surprisingly high Diplo alongside Martial) plus Lizzy has to do Transmissions this turn since Alan is getting moved to Moles and Wasabi is gonna be sent on a Diplo action alongside Max (Technor is out of the way either way)
He's not the only possible fourth for the temporary ball, I can readily get behind Tobe or Lizzy taking that spot on the short-term team while Technor gets prepped to be at his best for the permanent one.
We just need Technor for a turn or two to recruit Cruella/Red Feather or someone else and then our diplo problems are solved.
Approaching the topic of Technor's next few turns from a metagaming perspective, the fact that he's not doing therapy for three turns specifically feels to me like the QMs are whacking us with a clue-by-four marked "Assemble his giant robot body already".
  • Martial: Black Ops (Khan, Tobe, Juniper, Mez)
  • Diplo
    • Recruit Cruella (Max)
    • Research with Zaibatsu (Technor)
  • Stewardship
    • Hoppers (Moseby)
    • TBD (Roddy)
    • TBD (Monogram?)
  • Intrigue
    • Moles (Alan)
    • National write in to search for Star (Marco)
  • Learning
    • Carnivore Dinos or Fairy Book (Jumba) (If Monogram is on ODI -> Fairy Book)
    • Transmissions (Wasabi)
    • ODI (Monogram?)
  • Occult
    • Russ (Janna)
    • TBD (Golems, BMT, etc.) (Gomez)
  • Inator: Activate
  • Personals
    • Doof (Bellwether, Talk to Norm, Tinker with Inators OR Dinner + PA)
    • Tom and Lizzy help Marco look for Star
    • Kitsune: Chaos
    • Dennis: TBD
    • Norm: TBD

Thinking of something like this, incorporating the recent optimization of putting Tobe on the temporary heroball instead of Technor.

One potential difference is having Technor recruit Cruella instead of Max but Max can be the narrative's chew-toy so lets have him recruit Cruella.