"We'll probably have an easier time convincing him about the Xanatos thing if we tell him about Doof, since they both deal with ignoring unpleasant truths." One of you say. "Hey. On a side note, I wonder how much of our discussion they can hear?"
Very well could, but it could also force Bill to have our 4 Occult for a turn and that sounds like tons of fun
Asumin, of course, that his other new stats don't provide him with the perspective needed to pop the bubble on his own
Well, that was brilliantly written; great job on everything here, I really loved how the emotions were written and somehow the bare success on remembering Perry feels very fitting
This was seriously a great interlude.

Actually every multiple update interlude this turn has been fantastic.

The one with Mirage and this one. Just hugely important and impactful stuff with major emotional payoffs.

I am so pumped for next turn and seeing what happens.

Assuming our nat 1 with Wendy doesn't cause a absolute disaster. But I'm thinking it will...

On a unrelated note, what heros should we try and chat with in the future?

I'm thinking everyone on the council starting with Mirage.

Then... hmm...

Norm, yes. Need to settle that stuff.

Khan, maybe? What would we talk about?

Dennis, I'm thinking no. He is on his own quest that doesn't really have anything to do with doof.

Technor. Yes. He's a friend.

Max. No.

Jumba. Yes. Should be fun.

Monogram. Sure why not. Be nice to see what he thinks of us now.

Lizzy... no? Well. Maybe? She has firmly latched onto Janna group and is doing very well there. But she was a mad scientist villain and that might give her and doof a interesting connection.

Tobe. I don't know? Could be fun.

Phineas and Ferb. I don't know. They have a intense connection with doof through perry but neither side has any clue. Plus they could react very poorly to finding out doof killed perry accidentally.

Kitsune. Maybe? Near as I can tell she has no personal connection to doof whatsoever. But she is a interesting person and magical creature so that could be interesting to see them interact?

Alan. Yeah. We probably need to talk to him. Poor guy has had it rough and since encom is interested in us we might need him to clue us into what's actually happening there.

Wendy. Yep absolutely. She is a cool scientist that just revolutionized her branch of it. And our AI children are a really easy topic.

Roddy. Not sure. He isn't technically that connected to us but it could be fun to talk shop about lairs and such.

Tom. Nah. Purely a Janna unit. Not in doofs sphere at all.

Wasabi. I'd say yes. Could be hilarious to see them interact with each other. Plus science stuff.

Marco. Maybe. Could be a source of info about toffee but he clearly doesn't care about us in any real way.

Juniper. Nah. Other than the villain angle there's not much there for them to talk about.

Gomez. No. He would probably remind him of Lovemuffin.

Mezmerella. Eh not right now. Again other than the villain angle not much there at the moment.

Moseby. I'm thinking yes. He good at managing chaos so they could be interesting together.
Doof and Gomez should hangout and be buddies. Doof needs a friend since Xanatos was revealed to be a liar.

Winston too, of course, but I think Doof would also get along really well with Gomez.
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Doof and Gomez should hangout and be buddies. Doof needs a friend since Xanatos was revealed to be a liar.

Winston too, of course, but I think Doof would also get along really well with Gomez.
Personally I feel that Gomez would need to break his toady habits if he's to be an actual friend for Doof. Yes-men don't make good friends.

Now a Mirage friendship, that seems way overdue.
Personally I feel that Gomez would need to break his toady habits if he's to be an actual friend for Doof. Yes-men don't make good friends.
That's exactly why I want to have him hang out with Doof, to get him to break his toady habits and utilize his full potential, rather than just being a yes-man.

Part of his arc to become a divino pokemon trainer.
"Shades of black, and behind them a mystery…

"Eyes on the past, he holds to his history…"

"Foes to freedom know him thus…"

"Why it can only be… Agent-!"
Seriously though, I love the impact of the verse and how investigating the secret agent actively ripped from our mind led us to confronting the secret agent we'd been passively repressing.
This is gonna be a weird six months. Doof'll be off his game, no one will be getting therapy and the entire corporate structure of DEI is going to be massively reshuffled.
Also, did we tell Doof about David or what?
So, here's some thoughts for our plans next turn:
- Recruit Cruella
- Reach out to the II

- Dinos
- Transmissions

And for the turn after that:
- Robots (with II)
...Is it just me or was the vote regarding "Tell Doof that David is using him" completly ignored this update?

That honestly sucks...

Anyway - lemme see what we got:

Technor has many ideas. Imagination Therapy Collab Option Unlocked.

Dreamfinder is more than willing to help you learn more about the mental. Map the Mindscape Collab Option Unlocked.

Both very good ideas for Collabs with the Feds, although they both open up another "front" (the mental one) for us to deal with at least a bit.

Oh well, still good.

Technor has gone above and beyond the duty of the average therapist, and his Ego Module is fried! He has declared an Evil Sabbadtical and is unwilling to work on anything therapy related for the next three turns! At which point, his new Ego Module should arrive in the mail.

Meeh, while that does suck somewhat (seriously, *half a year of mailing time*? How rare a piece of tech is that module?), the only person we might have Shrinked within that timeframe going from our current plans - Mirage - got her own shrink to work through things...Let´s just think that she can make at least some progress without blowing the lid on THAT particular issue, ok? Anyway, coupled with THIS:

We'll be using this and the Council as an excuse to rework, expand or unlock a number of mechanical changes we've been thinking about for a while. Look forward to next turn!

It´s my belief that Technors Psychonalysis will receive a big buff/rework in the near future, so I am not too hung up about it.

A mysterious man lies hidden in your memories, forgotten by the world… but not by you! Hunt for Agent Unknown Occult Action unlocked!

Dreamfinder was very close… Hunt For Agent Unknown DC significantly reduced!

Finally being able to deliberately work on getting Russ back is very great, although Doof kinda-actively supressing the memory of Perry is rather alarming, given how integral that relationship has been for "our" personality. I mean, given how painful Perry dying has been implied to have been for Heinz, it does make sense in a way, but it once again comes back to his nasty habit to *push away uncomfortable truths*, which really needs to stop if we wanna get anywhere.

New personals for Doofenshmirtz have been unlocked!

Interesting, if nothing else.

You have been very distracted by recent revelations! All personal actions for the next turn will take a -10, and Tinkering with your Inators will take two personal actions for the next three turns.

That effectively means that for the next three turns, we have to choose between either Tinkering or Personal Attention to still keep our PA limit of four actions tops per turn....that *sucks*, guys.

I mean, just imagine having to choose between either controlling the Probability-Inator or keeping Janna from blowing up our attempts to form a coven - *that* is the kind of Sadistic Choice that will await us at worst.
We could just activate without tinkering.

We have the house edge for inators in the long run.
Yes, yes, as you keep mentioning, but the House makes profit in a single night: That we have a house edge with Inators long term doesn't mean much when a few bad Inators in a row could floor us beforehand. It's a minor edge, and it's still very possible to flip three coins and have them all come up tails. Or, rather, flip three coins, have two come up tails and one come up at "repeat the last 5 Inator" or something equally awful.
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...Is it just me or was the vote regarding "Tell Doof that David is using him" completly ignored this update?

That honestly sucks...
I'm guessing we'll get some kind of mini-interlude / turn prelude like we did for MirageQuest, with Doof meeting with Xanatos after being unfrozen, that will deal with the implications of what the gnomes told him in better detail.
I'm fine with just the one inator roll if we want to do other personal actions.

They are kinda doofs thing and give a interesting twist to each turn.

I mean we wouldn't have had this Miragequest turn without a technically bad inator and I think this is among the best, most interesting, turns we've ever had.
I'm fine with just the one inator roll if we want to do other personal actions.

They are kinda doofs thing and give a interesting twist to each turn.

I mean we wouldn't have had this Miragequest turn without a technically bad inator and I think this is among the best, most interesting, turns we've ever had.
It's for three turns, not one. Also, i'm pretty sure Miragequest was more a so-so Inator. Keep in mind, the OTHER inator that came up was explosively apocalyptically bad.
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