For a recap of all the reasons I feel just putting Lizzy in it, especially at this stage, is absurd...
Lizzie is not a stronger Flex Quest choice than Wiley is. Wiley is actually perfectly statted to be a Quest leader, with an upgrade in the works in the form of Tech E.
Lizzy is stronger in terms of being the only actual viable High Learning Character other then Technor to go on quest as a supporting role. She has a 30 in learning to Wile's 21, and of the rest of our Learning Heroes proper, she is both the only one who can fight and doesn't mind it if things go south. Wasabi and Jumba both have high martial, but Wasabi hates conflict and Jumba wants to stay in the Lab. The marcnificent Few Buff is also nice, but not as important as the large learning stat. Tech E might help mitigate that, but he also will almost certainly Boost Coyaote's Martial, and if the goal is total stat increases (Especially Stewardship) Wile has Higher then Lizzy in 3 Areas.
Storywise, I feel tearing Lizzy away from her Friend group for people she barely knows is gonna bite us in the ass. Hard. We were told character Synergy matters a lot here, and Lizzy ain't exactly the most Social girl. She likely would be peeved she was taken from her friends to do black ops stuff.
Another issue I have is the fact that we are planning a bit to far in advance, which while fine, is leading us to make some rather odd decisions. We seemed to have come to the conclusion 3/4 of the team have to be Technor, Juniper, and Mez, yet debates on the 4th seem omnipresent. We're gonna be increasing Capacity real soon and might get either new heroes that completely change how we build the team or potential recruits. Saying we should be putting Lizzy in at this point is really kind of absurd, especially if we decide we want them to be an action monkey which focuses on martial, a quest focused heroball, or some sort of flex choice.
Like, we probably should be considering more then just a Technor lead team of misfits. Wile and Khan both could serve just as well in terms of Black Ops leadership, and we likely would build completely differently around them.
In general I mostly feel people are very much focusing on "Who can Buff Technor" and not how the Black ops team could work as a whole.