Because maybe from other people's point of view this end isn't satisfactory or resolved? Certainly isn't from mine, but I'm more than willing to wait.
And from my PoV, we *Need* to wait before even thinking of striking again at Kat or his new "patron".
Sure, we are a King, with all the far-reaching power and influence on our home theatre this "title" brings with itself. But thers the rub - Pap´s current stomping grounds of Paris are *Nowhere near* our home theatre, which are the continental US and more specifically their Midwestern states.
Right now, DEI is still pretty boxed in where we started out in terms of power projection. Heck, the only King I can name to definitely have overseas "territory" in Pap´s rough area would be Xanatos thanks to him having grabbed Chef Skinner´s Frozen Foods a few turns ago.
We definitely *Don´t* have anything like that going on, which means that we´d only have some field operatives to put pressure on Kat atm - that´s just inefficent as fuck. Once we managed to Expand into Europe (meaning not until a few turns in the future, if we want to grab Glomgolds offer ASAP, which we definitely should do), *Then* we can still think about stabbing at those two again, if it turns out to be worth our time, energy and pettiness.
does that sound sound? To me it does.
To be honest regarding to cruela, i just like better the evil asshole cartoon version. Pure evil have class, or at least entertainment value.
Naah, I kinda got fed up with one-note villains like her a while ago.
I for one definitely wouldn´t mind grabbing her as our answer to Olympias Edna Mode.