I fail to see how a person getting thrown off a cliff to her death for petty reasons by dogs, and leaving her daughter distraught in the process, is humorous
Are you sure? The scene was hilarious.

"How do we reboot 101 Dalmations as a punk-themed crime drama with superhero undertones?"

"Tragic backstory! Mom killed by dogs!"

"Genius! Don't forget to never stop playing popular music, regardless of the scene or context!"

"Bring out the wine, boys! We've got a blockbuster!"

Cue a baffling scene in which Estella's mom stands blankly like she's waiting for her bus to arrive when she gets Spatan kicked by dalmations to her death. I crack up every time.
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I fail to see how a person getting thrown off a cliff to her death for petty reasons by dogs, and leaving her daughter distraught in the process, is humorous
The meme I'm talking about is where people make up backstories for other Disney villains where "their mom was pushed off a cliff by [something that relates to the protagonist]" which is usually an inanimate object to make it extra-funny.
Honestly I think Cruella came about when someone at Disney saw Joker and thought "wow people sure love seeing evil people having tragic backstories we can profit off this!" Ignoring that there is precedent for the Joker having a more involved, sympathetic backstory while Cruella DeVil is one of the most hated and unsympathetic Disney villains of all time.
Honestly I think Cruella came about when someone at Disney saw Joker and thought "wow people sure love seeing evil people having tragic backstories we can profit off this!" Ignoring that there is precedent for the Joker having a more involved, sympathetic backstory while Cruella DeVil is one of the most hated and unsympathetic Disney villains of all time.
Disney did Maleficent with Angelina Jolie looong before Joker.
oh yeah and mandatory disclaimer because I wouldn't want my words to be misinterpreted: I'm not judging or upset at the QMs for adding the Cruella movie to the Quest, nor am I judging or upset at anybody who likes the movie. Different strokes for different folks, and all that.
I actually liked Cruella, like a lot. I actually think it's one of the better Disney live-action remakes, so... yeah. I take offense when people just come out and say it sucks without giving any reasoning.
Yeah, I feel the 2021 Cruella is a significant improvement over the original even if I don't particularly have any interest for the character.
Honestly I think Cruella came about when someone at Disney saw Joker and thought "wow people sure love seeing evil people having tragic backstories we can profit off this!" Ignoring that there is precedent for the Joker having a more involved, sympathetic backstory while Cruella DeVil is one of the most hated and unsympathetic Disney villains of all time.
Cruella had already started filming when Joker came out.
I actually liked Cruella, like a lot. I actually think it's one of the better Disney live-action remakes, so... yeah. I take offense when people just come out and say it sucks without giving any reasoning.

Tbf, the label "Disney LA remakes" includes movies like Lion King (which just feels like a quick money grab via rehashed nostalgia with how slavishly it sticks to the source material) and especially Mulan (with how ass-backwards and anti-feminist it handles its supposed "feminine empowerment" message, on top of all the behind-the-scenes BS) - so Cruella being "one of the better ones" isn´t as high a bar to climb as you might think.
I fail to see how a person getting thrown off a cliff to her death for petty reasons by dogs, and leaving her daughter distraught in the process, is humorous
To me it felt like they wanted to give her an origin as to why she is obsessed with making a coat out of Dalmatian skin/fur, but rather than just saying "she's just an asshole" they wanted to give her a tragic backstory. Which is fine, whatever, but what they chose for her mom to get dropped kicked over a railing and off a cliff by the dogs (while her mom just kinda stood there). Just the whole sequence of events turns a potentially dramatic moment for me into something that is honestly kind of hilarious.

And then the dogs eat her mom's jewelry as if to add insult to injury, doesn't help.
The meme I'm talking about is where people make up backstories for other Disney villains where "their mom was pushed off a cliff by [something that relates to the protagonist]" which is usually an inanimate object to make it extra-funny.
Personally I'm a big fan of this meme edit:
Are you sure? The scene was hilarious.

"How do we reboot 101 Dalmations as a punk-themed crime drama with superhero undertones?"

"Tragic backstory! Mom killed by dogs!"

"Genius! Don't forget to never stop playing popular music, regardless of the scene or context!"

"Bring out the wine, boys! We've got a blockbuster!"

Cue a baffling scene in which Estella's mom stands blankly like she's waiting for her bus to arrive when she gets Spatan kicked by dalmations to her death. I crack up every time.
Tragic ridiculous backstories are soul foundation of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated :p
Maybe Cruella even comes prepackaged with Horace and Jasper.
I do wonder tho if Gabriel is using us as opportunity to advance his business plans. Fashion design wars are a ruthless battleground.
I thought of something simple we could do to get back at Gabriel. Donate money to the french police. Not this turn because we are trying to get hoppers but something for latter.
Yeah, from my PoV that conflict with Kat *has been resolved already* by him having to flee to whole different continent and us already on the upswing again. So why should we artificially prolong things now and even drag others into it on Kats side?

Not a good idea
Because maybe from other people's point of view this end isn't satisfactory or resolved? Certainly isn't from mine, but I'm more than willing to wait.