From what i understand they dint get into the plane so the plane was shoot down and Elastgrill was blowed up.
The kids are into social care.

---[x] Look Into Mr. Incredible's family
The little news you were able to find was disheartening. Mrs. Helen Parr, alias 'Elastigirl', was confirmed deceased after a direct missile strike on incoming flight IG-99. Her children were put into protective custody shortly after the Metroville incident and disappeared entirely several weeks later. It wasn't you. Their current whereabouts, or if they are even alive, is unknown.
i can only hope you are right and im worrying over nothing..... but i cant help but go "what if".
sort of the reason im trying NOT to think about it....
i can only hope you are right and im worrying over nothing..... but i cant help but go "what if".
sort of the reason im trying NOT to think about it....
As I recall, the only reason Helen survived the missile strike in the first place was because she went into the back to protect her kids with her missile-proof suit.

Alternatively, she survived but either drowned in the ocean or was killed by Syndrome once she made it to the island.
Yes, the parents fate is pretty easy to puzzle out, but the kids.... Vanished in the system. I'm sure if we got higher mirage could have found out where, but still.... I can only hope Frozone got to them, as an old friend of thier father....
Yes, the parents fate is pretty easy to puzzle out, but the kids.... Vanished in the system. I'm sure if we got higher mirage could have found out where, but still.... I can only hope Frozone got to them, as an old friend of thier father....
Probably that Government spook that was Bob and Helen friend get them to drop out of the sistem.
Yes, the parents fate is pretty easy to puzzle out, but the kids.... Vanished in the system. I'm sure if we got higher mirage could have found out where, but still.... I can only hope Frozone got to them, as an old friend of thier father....
Seems unlikely. There's a lot of terrible things that can happen to kids in the DVV setting. Almost entirely because A lot of the villains are specifically kids movie villains who threaten kids specifically.

Hopefully that didn't happen, but we already know that the government or at least parts of the government dealing with superheroes and super villains cannot be trusted. That's what the agent unknown thing was about. His boss is pretty sketchy.
As an example, I could write an omake where Doof gives in to his worse impulses and builds an inator that mind controls everyone in the tri-state area into loving him because his deep seated issues prevent him from believing that anyone would care about him otherwise, culminating with Agent Russ returning only to be assigned to putting a bullet in Doof's brain because he's building a Flubber bomb to force the US to acknowledge him as a sovereign nation. It's something that could in theory happen if Doof went down that path, thematically it's entirely plausible, but even if I were the best writer in the world it still wouldn't and shouldn't be canonized because it's not the story either the QMs or the players are looking to tell here, especially not this far into the game.
Is it bad that I kind of want to see this omake now? I mean, it'd be super depressing, but it'd also be interesting to read...
As I recall, the only reason Helen survived the missile strike in the first place was because she went into the back to protect her kids with her missile-proof suit.
I'm not disputing the outcome, but waaaait.

If she was wearing a missile-proof suit, why would she be more missile-proof while protecting the kids than while in the cockpit of the plane? Remind me how that went down? Because I think what actually ended up happening was that the kids' powers were pivotal to her/their ability to survive the shoot-down (I seem to remember Violet making a force field bubble and Dash running around inside it like a hamster ball to get them to shore, but that might have been a different part of the movie?)
Because I think what actually ended up happening was that the kids' powers were pivotal to her/their ability to survive the shoot-down (I seem to remember Violet making a force field bubble and Dash running around inside it like a hamster ball to get them to shore, but that might have been a different part of the movie?)
Violet fails to forcefield the airplane. They all wake up in midair, and Helen saves the kids by parachuting. Then on the water she shapes herself into a boat and dash kicks her to shore, the kids do the bubble run in the forest later in the movie.
I'm not disputing the outcome, but waaaait.

If she was wearing a missile-proof suit, why would she be more missile-proof while protecting the kids than while in the cockpit of the plane? Remind me how that went down? Because I think what actually ended up happening was that the kids' powers were pivotal to her/their ability to survive the shoot-down (I seem to remember Violet making a force field bubble and Dash running around inside it like a hamster ball to get them to shore, but that might have been a different part of the movie?)
The suit didn't cover her neck or most of her head.
Regardless of whether she has time to protect her head when not thinking of protecting the kids, without Dash to act as the motor she'd be stuck miles from land in the middle of the ocean. Exhaustion and drowning would be a real issue.
I had a thought regarding Insuricare.

Currently, it's basically operating as a charity in all but name. Maybe we should change course on that and have Insuricare operate as a normal insurance company, but redirect the money we'd ordinarily be spending there to an actual charity of our own creation. There's a chance it'll mean we pay less in taxes.
You know that businesses reporting a loss for the fiscal year don't pay taxes, right?
You know that businesses reporting a loss for the fiscal year don't pay taxes, right?
I knew they paid less, but I wasn't sure whether a a loss or a charitable donation would be the bigger tax break. Since I doubted Doof would have had that in mind when he set Insuricare policies, I figured it would be worthwhile to at least check if there was a more financially efficient way.
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could our magical heroes sense the mysterious force
I wouldn't rule it out but there are few ways to have it come up organically.

[] [Stewardship/Occult] Magic infrastructure (P&F)
[] [Occult] Summon Celena the Shy
[] Kitsune (Help Janna prank the Pencil Neck)

The latter is most likely to work but...
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Having a third party look at P&F is a bad idea. It increases the chance of others determining Agent P's secret identity.
Howdy folks! As we work on the next update, we'd like to get a quick grasp of what you all as players feel may need to be clarified in terms of the game functions and setting. We try to be transparent about that with info posts, but some things tend to fall through the cracks. Other times, we screw up and it needlessly confuses people.

Like with "Toonforce". The word was used in the main info post as a catch-all for all of the chicannery that happens around toons. However, putting a label on it gave people the impression that the aspects of toons can be quantified, controlled, or otherwise put in a box. Which was never the intent at all. You can't game the rules of toons (which necessitates taking them seriously) and attempts to do are guaranteed to blow up in your face. Russ can go with the flow, but rarely does he get the chance to steer the ship. For that reason, we might distance the quest from using "toonforce" in the future.

That's one example of things we plan to iron out in the future. Can you guys as the audience think of anything else that might be a source of misunderstanding?
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