I'm not caught up to the thread yet, but I want to suggest to the planmakers that we have the ability to trade a Diplomacy/Stewardship action for another Intrigue action. The text says that we can trade any National action.
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But Technor is building a mech in my plan? With Janus' help sure, but that means a full war machine in one turn rather than two or three.

And it doesn't necessarily fill out roster out, recruit new talent is only 50% and we're planning to do hero structure next turn (and can also use the Pizza Cats to do Black Ops right away)

I see my plan as the one that focuses first and foremost on getting a string black ops team next turn rather than putting it off, since we don't need to wait for Technor's bot to finish and we get a fourth heroball member
You have him building a tank, not a mech. This has been argued on the Discord plenty. Quite frankly I can't picture the result as being anything other than a laughing stock.

Then what is the point of taking the action if we won't get anything, if that your defense of taking the action is that maybe it won't fill the roster. I mean, other than it being a pass hail mary so you can sneak Bushroot in the roster despite how unpopular it is among the questers who have talked about it.

I highly doubt we're going to be forming the black ops next turn. We have several things for each hero involved to do, be it serve as an Intrigue hero or do some pretty cool personals for Mezmerella, dance magic for Juniper, and the mech for Technor. We don't even know what personals the final hero in the black ops will have! That plan hyperfocuses on the black ops team to the detriment of our short and long term goals.

I'm not caught up to the thread yet, but I want to suggest to the planmakers that we have the ability to trade a Diplomacy/Stewardship action for another Intrigue action. The text says that we can trade any National action.
We're aware. Most of the plans swap out a Stewardship action (which we have a -20 malus in) for an Intrigue action.
[] Plan Maximum Intrigue
-[] National Actions:
--[] [Martial] Loan deniable assets (Genghis Khan)
---[] Loan questionable assets
--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit the cream of the crop (Goofy)
--[] [Stewardship] Corporate restructuring (Wasabi)
--[] [Intrigue] Track down Kat: ACME Unlimited (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] [Intrigue] Investigate the theft of the Declaration of Independence (Monogram)
--[] [Intrigue] Hunt for Moles (Kitsune) (Executive Action)
--[] [Intrigue] Conduct a Security Sweep (Dickens)
--[] [Intrigue] Hold a 'Security Seminar' (Malifishmertz)
--[] [Learning] Research with the Imagination Institute
---[] Study Emergent Robotics (Wendy Wower)
--[] [Learning] Decode Odd Transmissions (Ludivine Von Drake)
--[] [Occult] Form a Coven (Gomez)

-[] The Best Is Yet to Come
--[] Mirage (Leader)
--[] Technor
--[] Queen Lizzy
--[] Mezmerella

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Mirage:
---[] Keep up with your therapy appointments
---[] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency
----[] 2 Income
---[] Look Into Mr. Incredible's family
---[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts
---[] Quest (2 PA)

--[] Dennis the Duck (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Norm Prime (Ask Wendy for help with ending your platypode obsession)
--[] Max (Play some video games )
--[] Janna Ordonia (Work for Brocamas)
--[] Janus Lee (Work on ??? with Jumba)
--[] Jumba (Work with Janus on ???)
--[] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja (Train the Vagabond Ninja)
--[] Ludivine von Drake (Instruct your Coworkers)
---[] Gomez
--[] Marco Diaz (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom Lucitor (Rule The Underworld)
--[] Juniper (Meet your Coworkers)

-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Coyote should still have the wings from last turn, not Vanessa. Guess let him keep it for Kat.
--[] Potion of Haste (Ludivine Von Drake)

So, this plan goes all in on the intrigue. Now, the hero assignments might seem a bit weird, but here was my thought process.

Firstly, although Malifishmertz's actual intrigue bonus isn't all that high, the idea of creating a network of spies in Doofania is literally exactly what his Shepard Spies about, and he's out of crit fail range. Thus, by putting him on that, I suspect we'll get the most pay off.

Second, Kitsune has the trait Now You See Me, which lets her add half her Occult when doing actions that impair another faction or other hero units. Normally, we don't get to apply it, but hunting down moles is perfect for that, and with it, we're rolling a 31+21+11+2, or +65 (-10 from Executive Action making it 55, back to 65 with XP, but also we have to consider Mirage's trait which effectively is a +10). Also, Kitsune rooting out moles just sounds like fun. (And hopefully, it will keep Goblin Fox inactive and allow us to assign her on a non-harmful action next turn).

Third, yes the Dickens cost money, but this is quite literally the least we'd have to pay, and with XP, I'm sure they'll succeed. Even the most novice of them won't have less than 20 intrigue, I suspect, and with XP, that gets us over the DC for sure. But we need to do it sooner rather than later because the DC will probably go up, and the efficiency will likely go down, under Doof.

Fourth, I've deliberately skipped out on one Diplomacy action, because I didn't want to take Janus off his project. If someone has an idea around that, I'm happy to change my plan. The other thought I had was putting Ludivine on studying Doof, dropping a learning action, and putting Wendy on a Diplo action. But other than that, I'm not too sure how I could get a good Diplo hero or learning hero to fill in that gap.

P.S. Credit to Nystical for the basic structure of this plan.
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Plan: Bonjour, Pizza Cats

-[] National Actions:
--[] [Martial] Loan PMC to foreign assets (Genghis Khan)
--[] [Diplomacy] Expand into Foreign Markets: France (Janus Lee)
--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit from your Databanks: Samurai Pizza Cats (Goofy)
--[] [Stewardship] Corporate restructuring (Roddy)
--[] [Intrigue] Track down Kat: ACME Unlimited (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] [Intrigue] Investigate the theft of the Declaration of Independence (Monogram)
--[] [Intrigue] Hunt for Moles (Tobe)
--[] Executive Priorities:
---[] [Intrigue] Conduct a Security Sweep (Malifishmertz)
--[] [Learning] Research with the Imagination Institute
---[] Study the Anthrofictus Vivimag (Ludivine)
--[] [Learning] Research Extradimensional Tech (Queen Lizzie)
--[] [Occult] Form a Coven (Gomez)

-[] The Best Is Yet to Come
--[] Mirage (Leader)
--[] Marco
--[] Kitsune
--[] Mezmerella

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Mirage:
---[] Go Undercover
---[] Recruit New Talent
---[] Look Into Mr. Incredible's family
---[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts
---[] Quest (2 PA)

--[] Dennis the Duck (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Max (Play some video games )
--[] Janna Ordonia (Work for Brocamas)
--[] Technor (Build robot legs)
--[] Jumba (Experiment!)
--[] Norm (Ask Wendy to help end your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Tom Lucitor (Rule The Underworld)
--[] Wendy (Talk to Trevor)
--[] Juniper (Get to know Wasabi better)
--[] Wasabi (Organize your Workstation)

-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Marco
--[] Potion of Haste (Technor: Build a robot body)

Arch convinced my the TECHNOR mech robot was a bad idea! I'm crushed and heartbroken but have fixed up a new plan. The main advantages to this plan are a stronger quest team than most (in particular not saddled with a cripplingly low 31 Martial in a likely dangerous situation), and speeding towards Black Ops readiness by building two segments of robot at once and hiring the Pizza Cats. I picked France as our expansion because its focus on genetic engineering matches a lot of our research, which made Janus the natural diplomat to send.
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[] Plan Nystical Doof's Head Variant

-[] National Actions:
--[] [Martial] Loan deniable assets (Genghis Khan)
---[] Loan questionable assets
--[] [Diplomacy] Recruit the cream of the crop (Goofy)
--[] [Stewardship] Corporate restructuring (Wasabi)
--[] [Stewardship] Collaborate with Smarty Mart (Roddy)
--[] [Intrigue] Track down Kat: ACME Unlimited (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] [Intrigue] Investigate the theft of the Declaration of Independence (Monogram)
--[] [Intrigue] Hunt for Moles (Kitsune)
--[] [Intrigue] Hold a 'Security Seminar' (Malifishmertz) (-10 from roll from Executive Priorities)
--[] [Learning] Research with the Imagination Institute
---[] Study Doof's Mind (Ludivine)
--[] [Learning] Research extradimensional tech (Queen Lizzie)
--[] [Occult] Form a Coven (Gomez)

-[] The Best Is Yet to Come
--[] Mirage (Leader)
--[] Technor
--[] Juniper
--[] Mezmerella

-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Mirage:
---[] Keep up with your therapy appointments
---[] Go undercover
---[] Look Into Mr. Incredible's family
---[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts
---[] Quest (2 PA)

--[] Dennis the Duck (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Tobe (Train with Maui Mallard)
--[] Norm Prime (Follow Wendy to San Fransokyo)
--[] Max (Job Shadow Wasabi)
--[] Janna Ordonia (Work for Brocamas)
--[] Jumba (Work with Janus on ???)
--[] Janus Lee (Work on ??? with Jumba)
--[] Wendy Wower (Talk to Trevor)
--[] Marco Diaz (Train with Macbeth)
--[] Tom Lucitor (Rule The Underworld)

-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Coyote should still have the wings from last turn, not Vanessa. Guess let him keep it for Kat.
--[] Potion of Haste (Ludivine:
Instruct your Coworkers: Gomez)

Some thoughts:

Have Kitsune finally reach out to MNYC. Should synergize with Janna in Brocamas.

Ludivine tutor Gomez with potion. But both plans have Wendy talking to Trevor and Norm will be there with his write in personal action. Very important to prevent and not just react to the Yokai's plan with Vanessa at SFIT and Wendy convincing Trevor to give it up should help with that.

Because everyone on the discord wanted it, swapped Malf and Marco which saves 1 income and could potentially have narrative synergy with Malf having operated spy ring before, setting up a new one here.
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I am really not comfortable with the betrayal involved in probing Doof's mind like this. My main problem though is that the given quest team here is way too wimpy. Regular jobber Hego would stand a pretty good chance against the 31 Martial of this quest team.

There have been all sorts of hypothetical dangers and risks pointed out with all kinds of actions but I think a quest having an element of danger to it is very nearly a given, and I don't want our quest team going in so unprepared!

"Attention, readers! The boss has made a call on the DC to attain the Pizza Cats as super-heroic ninja expats! Listen up! Here's the spec! To get us this round takes a DC 150 Diplomacy check!"

"Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! Expand DEI's profile in Japan and knock those hard numbers loose!"
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We should be capitalizing on our once-in-a-lifetime break in artificial intelligence before ENCOM or someone else beats us to the punch.
That's a fair point. Also a possibility to consider: recruiting Doctor Fossil and using his tech to cure cancer.