DEI Sleep habits
Doof - Ruined by Mad science.
Goofy - Crash lands into his bed at 9 pm and wakes up via alarm at 7.
NOWCA - Someone is always watching Doof.
Wile E - Having never seen the sun set in the desert he tries to get to sleep before that happens.
Khan - Decent scheduled but the lightest sleeper on staff.
Norm - Batteries are good enough that he can do simple tasks while the weasel sleeps.
Dennis - must have comically large midnight snack.
Technor - 24 hour therapy, 15 hours of continuous villainy.
Max - Goes to bed at 8 so he doesn't have to hear his dad snore.
Mirage - Unknown
Vanessa - Standard teenager habits
Janna -
Extreme teenager habits
Jumba - Knows exactly how the lack of sleep messes with him physically but ignores it for evil genius aesthetic.
Ludivine - Can fall asleep halfway through configuring a death ray.
Lizzy - Does not sleep as far as anyone knows.
Tobe - Will forget to sleep unless Vagabonds remind him.
P&F - Adhere to bed time unless inspiration strikes.
Janus Lee - Is up all night designing OC's. Needs exorbitant amounts of caffeine to tolerate peers.
Kitsune - Seen asleep in workspace. It might be an illusion, but no one is stupid enough to check
Alan - Stares at computer screens long past midnight. Waiting.
Wendy - Practices what she preaches to kids.
Roddy Blair - 9 to 5 work 10 to 6 sleep. Charges extra for anything that throws him off schedule.
Tom - Won't sleep in same dimension as Janna if he can help it.
Wasabi - 10 hours of sleep. He will not let anything prevent that other than his stress.
Marco - Scissor lag messes him up.
Juniper - Night owl ready to do a midnight gig. Somewhat cranky if a music number occurs before 8 but hides it well.
Gomez - Sleeps when Doof sleeps.
Mesmerella - Needs sensory deprivation to sleep. Somewhat paranoid about her tech being used against her.