This is... actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be?

We could probably claw something out of this too, since iirc Agent Unknown had a similar action, so it's probably not the worst thing that could happen.

plus we didn't tank our PR because of this, so cheers?
Major Monogram leapt to his feet and clapped his hands together. "Alright men! …animals! Dr. Doofenshmirtz has tasked us with finding out who stole the Declaration of Independence! We will put a stop to whatever this nefarious culprit has started, find out if they've acquired any other strange items to fulfil their evil scheme, and save America! Not necessarily in that order. We'll start by stealing the surveillance records from the National Mall. Everyone ready?"

Across the briefing room, a goose gave him the side eye.

"Oh come on! What could go wrong?"


Major Monogram glared as the cell bars closed in front of him.

"Don't you dare say a word, Agent G."

Okay, Major Monogram admitted to himself. Maybe he'd gotten a bit overconfident in his newly trained agents. Maybe he'd made a few mistakes along the line. But now was not the time for pointed wingtips. Now was the time to develop some brilliant plan to get them out of this scenario. Something that would wow everyone with his espionage skill and covert brilliance.

Monogram thought.

"…Hey! Don't I get a phone call!?"

The guard sighed. "Fine, who are you calling?"



"Don't worry sir." Carl began calmingly. "I have an idea on how to get you out of this without causing a major incident. Heh, Major incident. Heh heh."

"Focus, Carl!" Monogram yelled into the phone receiver.

"R-right, sorry. So, you didn't actually do anything wrong. It's hard to believe, but technically we still are…"


"-a Federal agency." The bear across the table from you sighed in a thick Thembrian accent. He was dressed in a dark suit, dark tie, and a frown that showed off his extremely sharp teeth.

"I kannot belief it. You seempeltons are aktually government agents. While what you have done represents gross incompetence and initiative bordering on insubordination, you haf not, tekhnically, committed crime."

"Of course we are! Mr, uh… Gryzlikoff?" Monogram read off the bear's nametag. "While I will admit I may have had a few… missteps today, The Organization Without A Cool Acronym has been a bastion against Evil Science for years, I'm sure our achievements and accolades are-"

"I had to find the files myself. They were at the bottom of bathroom stall in sub-basement of SHUSH branch office behind locked door with sign saying 'Beware of Elephant'."

"Well, once you cross Agent E he never really forgets." Monogram replied offhandedly. "I suppose the name change to NOWCA might have caused some issue. Now, if we're all done here, I do have other duties-"

"Yeys." Agent Gryzlikoff replied. "I haf no more interest in being here than you. Uncle Sam is thinking 'oh, animals problems. We will send our own animals.' Feh. You will report to Agent 'Lucky 31' from now on. Expect orders within the week once channels are eystablished."

"Yes yes, I- wait what?"

"You work for government." Gryzlikoff replied bluntly as he stood up. "Prepare to start working."


Lack of Agency: The US Government has been reminded that NOWCA works for them! Each turn, Major Monogram must make a weighted roll to see if the government has a job for him (depending on how busy the government is). If so, he will be locked into a personal action while the government receives him as a hero unit for the turn. You can expect Monogram to be free more often than not, but you won't know until the turn is posted at the start of each turn.

...Honestly? That´s not as bad as we feared.

Sure, it sucks that the Feds can now "steal" one of our Hero Units (more specifically, a *floating* HU that can give us an extra action) for any given turn without preamble, but considering that it looked like a serious Masquerade breach on our head, that´s actually relatively inconsequential.

From now on, we just give NOWCA options we wouldn´t mind seeing completed but the missing out on would not cripple us - *problem solved*

Also nice to know that while Darkwing is toast, his "allies" at SHUSH are still holding on.
This wasn't too bad. And at least it's a "fun" failure rather than really having anything explode in out faces.

They really ARE the new Lovemuffin huh? At least they won't get rebellious.

Difference is, that LM would *fuck up*, while NOWCA will just *not do* what we told them to do - so there is no harm done to us aside from some opportunity costs.

So NOWCA is still far superior as a floating HU compared to Rodney and his cronies.
If so, he will be locked into a personal action while the government receives him as a hero unit for the turn. You can expect Monogram to be free more often than not, but you won't know until the turn is posted at the start of each turn.
I'm fairly certain we get told at the turn start, like the trait said and when the Feds pass the DC, we have to put Monogram on his work for Feds action. This isn't a Janna or Ludivine.
Actually, given that otherwise he'd be locked into retrying the Declaration investigation by that new experiment of Jumba's, I'm kinda hoping the Fed's roll to give him something next turn.

Also, extra bonus points for our attempt to find the Declaration of Independence reminding the Feds that NOWCA isn't independent from them.
Well this could have been a lot worst if we put other people on it but well as was said Major Monogram is part of the FEDs.
It honestly seems like the feds just think Monogram was trying to do his job in an incompetent way as opposed to acting on our orders. If so we can just let them think that.
It honestly seems like the feds just think Monogram was trying to do his job in an incompetent way as opposed to acting on our orders. If so we can just let them think that.
Why would they? The Feds had Agent Unknown in our organization and he worked with Monogram to steal from Syndrome. They would know that Monogram works for us.

I think it was fairly obvious that they thought Monogram was acting on our orders and that Carl brought up the Federal Agency to get them out of that jam. The Feds probably just decided to stop ignoring the existence of OWCA and bring NOWCA into the fold for basically nothing.
Guys, guys. Since monogram doesn't have a trait like agent unknowns pertaining to sharing government secrets with us, we just got handed a spy in the united states' government on a silver platter.

What if we convinced him to request that nowca agents be assigned to normal government employees as assistance. Suddenly we have hundreds of spies all over the place feeding information to us
The problem is the nowca agents are at least nominally competent. They may simply not send us anything useful... Oh wait we're Heinz Doofenschmirtz there's nothing we can't turn into crazy.