That's why I don't want them as a floating unit, we used LOVEMUFFIN extremely poorly because they were a free action and I don't want to do that with Monogram.
...No, we didn´t "use them extremly poorly" - We used them in a perfectly reasonable (if a bit cautious) manner and THEY decided they wanted *more and more until nothing but us handing over Doofaniawoulda sated their egos*.
Well, I AM SORRY that we gave a bunch of interns only intern-level jobs and not stuff Albert Einstein would have looked at in awe...*not*
I think it's safe to say that the thread has learned from LOVEMUFFIN- if NOWCA starts expressing dissatisfaction, the thread's going to be more proactive about unruffling their feathers instead of saying "eh, it can wait a turn". Additionally, NOWCA doesn't consider misanthropy and arrogance to be requirements for joining, so they're going to be more patient about unpleasant jobs.
Yeah, NOWCA will probably be quite a bit more professional about having to do "menial labour" and more to the point, *clear about what they consider "menial labour"* in the first friggin place.
Anyway, in terms of plan foci, I am torn between "focussing on collateral damage reducal" (Doofania & People - would generate for both DEI and the cape population, since both Khan and Jumbas cover story amounts to "eccentric cape with a certain theme") and "focussing on enemy apprending" (Kat & Golem - would bring the fight to the enemy)...pretty sure that between our PMC, Normbots and laser turrets, the HQ of DEI can hold out on its own for a little longer.
As for the NOWCA angle, I am leaning towards making them a floating HU akin to a *less shitty* LM - because let´s be honest, what could we use even a buffed Monogram for that most of our other operatives can´t do as well? Additionally, having an extra action slot is always nice to have, especially if the HU in question is at least somewhat reasonable about what they want. (As for a first use of their extra action, *have them infiltrate Zootopia* - would be a perfect assignment for a bunch of animal agents)