If Cmoon wants to tell you this he can, but I think just straight up telling you would remove most of the challenge.
Yes, part of the challenge with LOVEMUFFIN is finding something that can appease them. As such I'm not going to reveal these.
I understand. Thank you for saying this. Oh, although while you're here, I do have another question. Would the Greco-Roman terraforming let us do something like Syndrome's lava wall for his island base if we complete it?

Ok then people, let's take a look at what's got Lovemuffin unhappy.
Feels Unimportant: -10 (The fragile egos of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. have been bruised! They don't like being assigned to trivialities like buying out companies, they want to do important things, like mad science!)

Stop Sidelining Us!: -30 (LOVEMUFFIN does not appreciate you keeping them off of the important projects. They demand to work on something deserving of their vast intellects!)

You Stole DoofOS!: -5 (LOVEMUFFIN is quite miffed that DoofOS was "stolen" from them.)

Ok, so of the various problems, they specifically fell unimportant, and want to do mad science. Ok, in that case assigning them to a research action sounds best. Now, I know that I've said putting them on the Shiv laser might work foe a number of reasons, and I certainly wouldn't mind putting someone who's guaranteed to not get sidetracked on it, but does anyone else have any other good ideas for what they might want to do, apart from the Greco-Roman terraforming?
Max: Deal with Bradley
Max is not thrilled that Bradley has declared himself his nemesis. While you tried to talk to him about the joys of having a nemesis he wasn't having any of it and decided that his best course of action boiled down to one of three options.

[ ] Move to Lichtenstein
Max, buddy, I get that you want to get as far away from him as possible, but At least here when you deal with supervillain attacks they can run into our Dinosaur Mounties and our new laser cannons.
As far as DoofOS goes, I think it would be better to keep with it rather than just abandon it - people have already cashed in to DoofOS, so it would probably give us negative publicity to be seen doing so.

Plus, there's something to be said for a redemption arc. That, and, not sure what would happen to whatever refugees and such that are already in our network.
Of the OS options, I'd prefer to repair the firewall on the one we've got before making a new one. My thinking is if we fix our current one, then if we upgrade to a new OS then it'll be easier to sell it if we've got a fully functioning similar product. Plus there is a 10 point difference in the DCs.
I was gonna support repairing the firewall anyways as I just love the Lovecraftian aesthetic/nature of DoofOS
As for anything else I don't really have much input on anything beyond supporting investigating Hawks death
I want to take a crack at the code from Drossle, it's late enough in the game someone else could sink their claws into her first, and she's very impressionable.
[ ] Upgrade Norm Prime

DC 120 (Lowered by Palladium Chip)

You've made some improvements to your AI since you last upgraded Norm, so you might as well make sure he's as cutting edge as he can be. The more Norm-relevant technologies you have on hand, the more you will be able to pack into a single upgrade action. However, the DC of the task will also increase slightly for each new technology.

(Reward: Improve Norm Prime)

Current Technologies: Slight AI improvement, Energy Weapons, Adaptive Combat AI
This seems like the best option for Martial, unless someone can think of a good black ops hero ball.

[ ] Form a Research Agreement with the Zaibatzu

DC 100

Now that you have links to each of the big three megacorps that dominate west coast production, you can take advantage of it to collaborate on whatever issue has you tied up in knots. Your cooperation will extend to whichever Zaibatzu is focused on the topic you are reaching out for- Bakaemono for robotics and electronics, Funtelligence for AI, or Sycorax for genetics.

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on a research topic they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

If this option succeeds, there will be a vote later on for specific collaboration options.

(Reward: Collaborative research action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)
Let's start a collaboration. We need to get around to this, and getting around to genetic diseases with Sycorax also helps the CEO, who has one, so that's a good move which will boost relations. Also, in general, it's good to have a genetics partner.

[ ] Try to Collaborate With Olympia on an Issue

DC 75/Variable

Olympia has already mentioned they have some interest in working with you (and others) on the repeal of the SRA. You could always beat them to the punch, or suggest your own area of focus.

By taking this action, you will be able to collaborate with a King on an action they are interested in. You'll still have to take that action yourself, but you will receive the bonus of the king or one of their hero units (whichever is higher) on the relevant roll. Of course, you will have to share the spoils of your efforts as well…

The DC of this action is like that of Assault a Rival- once you suggest a specific issue to speak about, I'll estimate a DC for the following action for you.

(Reward: Collaborative action unlocked, Potential for improved relations)
Try to get a start on this, since we did reach out. I want to actually do something with our connections, at this point.

[ ] Restore DoofOS Security

DC 140

You expected the worst once Alan told you that the DoofOS firewall had completely failed, but for some reason… nothing seems to have happened? At least nothing catastrophic. It's probably a good idea to get on that as soon as possible, before something truly unfortunate manages to take hold of your systems.

(Reward: Functionality of DoofOS firewall restored)
We need to do this, unfortunately.

[ ] Establish a Bakaemono Supply Chain

DC 90

Bakaemono has officially offered to begin supplying DEI with advanced materials manufacturing and production solutions. What this means under all the technical jargon is that they want to sell you circuit boards and actuators and pneumatics and all the other bits and bobs that go into making your Normbots, slightly alien coffee makers, and other large-scale inventions. While you're certainly capable of doing that yourself, Bakaemono is the recognized market leader, and has both the scale and the expertise to make outsourcing worth it.

(Reward: Potential for improved relations, certain actions will reduce in DC)

[ ] Solidify your Hero Structure

DC 100

So. Your bean counters came to you the other day with what they consider to be a serious problem. Apparently your whole system of assigning certain people chosen by you mostly at random to handle personal projects, often when said individual is officially an office intern, is 'inefficient' and 'ripe for lawsuits'. You don't get the big deal, but if the paper pushers really need you to you suppose you can find some time to explain to them how it all works so they can manage whatever it is they need to manage.

(Reward: Hero Unit Cap increased by 5)

[ ] Sponsor SPLIT/SECOND

DC 80

Janus Lee told you about his idea for what sounds like the most awesome racing show of all time- a glorious affair called SPLIT/SECOND, which is nothing more than no-holds-barred racing with live explosions, souped-up vehicles, and just general mayhem and high-octane action. It'd take a bit of doing to make sure nobody gets hurt and everything is nice and legal, but if it succeeds you'll probably have one of the greatest shows of all time!

(Reward: SPLIT/SECOND show established, moderate income increase, moderate public opinion increase, ???)

[ ] Dinosaur Entertainment

DC 85

You remember some really old movie about a dinosaur theme park that went horribly wrong. Spoilers: everyone died. You think a lawyer got eaten by a T. rex or something. Not on your watch! Your dinosaur park will be far better, far safer, and far more popular than just accommodating one tour group with a bunch of whiny kids!

(Reward: Small increase to public opinion, moderate increase to income, Gets DEI's name out there as a scientific miracle house)

[ ] Comedize your Supply Line

DC 100

Coyote figured out that the trick to taking advantage of ACME's Express Delivery service is to incorporate comedy! Unfortunately this is going to take some doing, since there isn't very much humor in moving supplies from place to place, and the Toonforce is notoriously unreliable.

(Reward: Moderate income increase)
All of these are good. We need to work on income, but since I'm pretty sure most of the increases here are yearly, that's not urgent. Furthermore, PnF are great for Split/Second and Dino Entertainment, so it might be best to save Split Second for them, since it has a lower DC. Or we could save both of them. A DC decrease from Baekmono is quite good, especially since it'll apply for a lot, but an increased hero cap is also really important. For this action, I just can't say what to do for sure.

[ ] Investigate the Death of Alonso Hawk

DC 115

You heard on the news that the LAPD have attributed the death of one of Doom's associates to none other than ex-Chief Bonkers Bobcat. You, however, have doubts. It all works out a bit too perfectly in Doom's favor- getting rid of one of his failures and pinning the blame on a toon all at once? It seems very suspect to you. Mostly because you overheard Agent Russ yelling that in the employee lounge. It might be worth investigating, but it'll be hard. Some of the leads have inevitably dried up, and the LAPD doesn't really want anyone else meddling around in their affairs.

Note: Taking this action will result in a Quest if successful. We normally wouldn't tell you that, but you just had a couple of heavy quest turns and we didn't want to make people leap into more Quests without warning.
Obvious choice is obvious.

[ ] Spy on your employees
DC 125
It's not very nice, sure, but better safe than sorry. Besides, they already document most of their daily lives, what with your social media mandate, so all you really need to do is look a little deeper. Maybe one of them is up to the wrong sort of no good… or maybe you're just being paranoid *again*.

Major Monogram really bungled things up over the last couple months, though the heat from his little escapades has finally started to die down. Thankfully your otherwise stellar employee treatment can smooth over a few things.

(Reward: Discover if any of your employees are disloyal, potentially discover secrets of hero units)
We should really get a success on this at least once, though I'd like to only do it with the top Dickens, though that's very expensive.

[ ] Cure genetic diseases I

DC 150

Jumba has apparently done a lot of work on the subject of curing human genetic diseases while 'working for' the Galactic Federation. You're not going to cure cancer overnight, but with what he's done so far you could solve a whole bevy of genetic problems. The hard part is going to be getting him to actually work on it without trying to give your test subjects seventeen legs.

(Reward: Income and public opinion increases, further genetics options unlocked)

[ ] Sequence crop genomes

DC 110

While the incipient food crisis has been mostly curtailed thanks to the work of both you and others, the central US still suffers from a very bland diet. Man cannot live on corn and dinosaur alone. If you could get a general understanding of crop genomes, you could begin to develop hardier strains that could grow in Doofanian soil. Thanks to Ludivine's excellent work on climate controlled environments, you'll get slightly more of a yield than you would have otherwise.

(Reward: Develop Genemod Crops unlocked)
Speccing into our specialties more is always good. Alternately, we could put it off and get the opportunity to use one of Jumba's personals.

[ ] Research extradimensional tech

DC 60

Now that you know that other dimensions exist, and are apparently hostile, it's probably a good idea to dust off those old plans for the Other-Dimension-Inator and try to look into this great new horizon. The hard part is going to be making sure it doesn't explode after 6 hours of use. Thankfully, the basic mechanics of the Crystal Key give you something to build your systems around.

(Reward: Other-Dimension-Inator created)
We need this, and we can probably put a less used hero on it, free up a personal for a different hero.

[ ] Study the SHV 20905 Plans

DC 90

You purchased these off of the internet from a strange pirate man for the low low price of ten million dollars. You're not sure what they do, but considering that they're highly proprietary and were stolen from ENCOM, they're probably pretty useful.

(Reward: State and Purpose of the Shiva Laser established, further actions unlocked)
We also need this. However, I'm reluctant to put LOVE MUFFIN on it, since the action doesn't actually include making a copy, just understanding it.

[ ] Study Dance Magic

DC 120 (Must assign hero unit, DC heavily modified by the relevant unit's capability for Dance)

So, apparently there's some sort of artifact in Feldrake's stash that relates to Dance Magic. You are uncertain of the value of Dance Magic, but far be it from you to question the value of a good musical number.

(Reward: ?????)
Other obvious choice is obvious. This is why we recruited Juniper.

[ ] Continue the Feldrake World Tour (Part 2 of ???)

Feldrake's map contains an extensive listing of dozens of locations across the world, each filled with magical items, monsters, and other assorted neat things that Feldrake seemed to think would help an aspiring world conqueror. It also seems like Donald might be at one or another of these places. It will likely be a long and winding road, but there are goodies along the way. And hey, at least this World Tour won't be a paper-thin excuse for half a dozen low-quality backdoor pilots.

Next on Feldrake's list is: "Some place in Norway."
Seems like a decent use of the Marcnificent Few. Also, we need some cash infusions (though admittedly, I would like to have Janna study more, but ah well).

Agent Russ: [ ] Hunt for the Blot
It's been a while now since the Phantom Blot said he was 'on his way'. Agent Russ has informed you that the Blot rarely makes his presence known before he wishes it to be, and searching for him before 'the game is afoot' may be pointless. Nevertheless he is willing to try if you ask him to.

Max: Deal with Bradley
Max is not thrilled that Bradley has declared himself his nemesis. While you tried to talk to him about the joys of having a nemesis he wasn't having any of it and decided that his best course of action boiled down to one of three options.
[ ] Hit the gym
[ ] Move to Lichtenstein
[ ] Get a restraining order
Russ needs to handle the Hawk investigation, so not this turn, especially since success is unlikely, while Max can... do whatever, I really don't know.

[ ] Tinker with your Inators

No matter how big your evil schemes get, you will always have time for the creations that started it all. If you choose to roll on the inator table, you can roll twice and choose an inator.
We need this whenever possible.

[ ] Chat with the Bossman

Your employees are valuable resources in the pursuit of evil. You should see how they are doing. Choose a hero to spend time with. That hero gains a +10 to loyalty for the next 3 turns. This option can sometimes also lead to learning more about your chosen hero, possibly granting new traits or events.

-[ ] Choose a Hero Unit
Maybe Alan, maybe Russ, I really don't know, but Loyalty is good in general.

[ ] Clean out Your Rolodex

Wow, have you been letting this get out of hand. You should really clear out your contacts list of any superfluous notes. Heck, The Pack was still in there, somehow.

(Reward: Vote on up to three potential hero units to remove from your rolodex.)

[ ] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency

The Dickens are willing to work for you, hooray! Their services don't come cheap, and you'd probably want to be careful about sending them on any 'eeevil' missions. But if you pay them, their expertise will give you a free Intrigue action, and a hero to do it. You're really starting to develop a rapport with them.

-[ ] For a small (-2) income decrease, a lower level member of the Dickens family will come to aid you for a turn.

-[ ] For a medium (-5) income decrease, a veteran member of the Dickens family will aid you on an action, and likely bring some of their immediate family as well.

-[ ] For a large (-7) income decrease, the Commodore himself will complete your appointed task, and bring his entire dynasty with him.
Both good, though I'm honestly not 100% sure we need the Commodore this turn, considering the massive cost.
Hmm. LOVEMUFFIN has a "Write In" option. Can we tell them to decide for themselves what they want to research, from a list of actions with acceptable DCs? They might appreciate the extra freedom, and we're not really picking their assignments based on what's most useful for us anyways.
Hmm. LOVEMUFFIN has a "Write In" option. Can we tell them to decide for themselves what they want to research, from a list of actions with acceptable DCs? They might appreciate the extra freedom, and we're not really picking their assignments based on what's most useful for us anyways.
I think It'll work for everyone. The muffinheads get to do what they want to do, and we might get some bonuses if they succeed.
Hmm. LOVEMUFFIN has a "Write In" option. Can we tell them to decide for themselves what they want to research, from a list of actions with acceptable DCs? They might appreciate the extra freedom, and we're not really picking their assignments based on what's most useful for us anyways.
Yeah but letting them choose also implies it isn't important, because offering them a choice means we're okay with any of the actions *not* being selected by them this turn, which means none of them are important to complete.

Seems like that will backfire.
Yeah but letting them choose also implies it isn't important, because offering them a choice means we're okay with any of the actions *not* being selected by them this turn, which means none of them are important to complete.

Seems like that will backfire.
True... that's definitely a risk. In that case, maybe we should assign them to "Come Up With New Research Avenues" or go on a company-funded apology vacation.
I think that going for obvious synergies is the way to go. Do something RE: DoofOS and also research the SHV, have Marco and Tom doubleup on finding Star, that kind of thing.

Martial: No strong preference at the moment. Maybe upgrade the normbots since that's the lowest hanging fruit. Kinda feel like all the DCs for Martial options are a bit inflated, but that might just be me.

Diplo: No strong opinion. Reach out to one of the kings or reinforce what Xanay and Shego are doing by reaching out the the gov't.

Stewardship: DoofOS firewall or Dino Entertainment. We need cash and better brand recognition, but the digital world isn't going to wait. Given shit went down last turn I don't think we can afford that wait either.

Intrigue: Fuck with Doom, investigate the death.

Learning: Research the SHV, and maybe I dunno cure some genetic diseases for more income and reputation or Silphium for low hanging fruit with mystery box rewards.

Occult: No strong opinion. Maybe summon demons for shits and giggles?

Max getting a restraining order against Bradley is too funny to not do.
Hm....Anyone up for having Wendy upgrade ol' Norm this turn? Having Norm be smarter and actually able to hold a conversation without sounding weird and stilted should be useful, no? Plus, it means he could end his obsession with platypodes next turn, and become a quite useful Martial unit in so doing. Also, look into Hawk's death (Maybe use our personal attention, to be safe), and do dance magic, because...Well, it's pretty much why we hired Juniper at all.
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or go on a company-funded apology vacation.
That would sound like we're paying them NOT to do anything, which they'll also get mad about.

Frankly, the only way I think we're going to raise their loyalty back to even a zero is either a VERY high roll on 'Talking to the Bossman', or for us to assign them our highest DC Learning action, and for them to succeed on it. And even then, I don't think it'll raise their loyalty. If they had only a slightly negative opinion of us, it might raise a bit. But right now, they're looking left, right, and center for a reason to hate us. Succeeding a big project seems more likely to affirm their extremely high opinion of themselves, give them ANOTHER Loyalty Malus along the lines of "You doubted our greatness", and encourage them to strike out on their own.
That would sound like we're paying them NOT to do anything, which they'll also get mad about.

Frankly, the only way I think we're going to raise their loyalty back to even a zero is either a VERY high roll on 'Talking to the Bossman', or for us to assign them our highest DC Learning action, and for them to succeed on it. And even then, I don't think it'll raise their loyalty. If they had only a slightly negative opinion of us, it might raise a bit. But right now, they're looking left, right, and center for a reason to hate us. Succeeding a big project seems more likely to affirm their extremely high opinion of themselves, give them ANOTHER Loyalty Malus along the lines of "You doubted our greatness", and encourage them to strike out on their own.
I think our best bet is assigning Technor to them, probably for several turns at minimum. He's already demonstrated his ability to help supervillains let go of longstanding grudges with Lizzy, so I don't think LOVEMUFFIN taking offense is as likely as people seem to think. And honestly, even if they do it's just a drop in the bucket at this point.
The Plan-Inator has been updated, and I'm pretty sure it has everything. (Note that the In-vest-inator -5 diplo penalty is should be applied under the Misc Flat Mod section.)

Also, the XP-tracker is completely up to date, and for anyone wondering we've got fucktons of the stuff. Just assume everything gets a +10 unless everyone goes on strike at the same time or something.

Anyhow, let me know if I missed anything in my updates. I'm planning on properly incorporating Nemesis Actions - they need to be manually entered for now - as well as adding some Income tracking later, but if any stats, actions, traits, DC's, etc. look off I'll fix'em as soon as I can.

(Which'll be tomorrow, since I'm sleeping now.)
Hmm, let's see...

Martial: Our eventual goal should be to restructure our PMC and get the extra martial slot. Unfortunately, I don't think we can really manage good odds on even a near failure yet, so we should probably do something else this turn, probably either upgrading Norm Prime or the Normbots.

Diplomacy: I think we should open channels to US, but I'm not sure who we should send, since I think Russ is going to be a bit busy. Other than that, I want to collaborate with someone on something I almost don't care what, I just want to actually do it for once.

Stewardship: Fix DoofOS is a must, other than that, something to give us some more income seems indicated, such as dino entertainment.

Espionage: Russ is investigating the death of Alonzo Hawk. Other than that, I don't especially care, though it does occur to me that maybe we could specifically look into why Jumba's research got wiped.

Learning: I was thinking of giving the SHV plans to Lovemuffin, though that comment about them getting upset about not actually making anything is worth considering. Next, I think we should consider the possibility of aiming for a crit on the extra dimensional tech, but other than that I'm pretty open.

Occult: Again, our eventual goal should be to form a coven to get the extra action. I'll have to look at the feasibility of that, especially since I'm not feeling very interested in the other options. Though, if we get another occult slot, that just means more stuff I'm not enthusiastic about... huh.

We should definitely consider continuing Felldrake's quest, and I think it's worth considering putting Juniper on the team, as it would be a way of increasing her possible team ups. Plus, Juniper doesn't have an occult score yet, and this seems like a decent way to clue her in before we set her on dance magic.

As for Personals, I definitely think we should have TECHNOR analyze Lovemuffin, since I'm pretty sure that's going to decrease the DC of reorganizing them, and will probably help figure out how to increase their loyalty. I'd worry about them getting offended, but if anyone can manage to avoid offending a bunch of mad scientists, it's TECHNOR. Another definite is sending Kitsune to mess with Beaks. Aside from that, I kinda want to let Wendy put something on Buzztube, and if we don't send Juniper on a quest, she should get to know her coworkers.
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