Rough outline for next turn:

M: punch someone that shows up in the interludes.

D: Swoop in on Khan to get energy for Technor.

D: Collab with Xanatos on tech.

S: Dino Entertainment with Roddy- We're low on cash

S: Collab with Smarty Mart- I think this is the third stewardship action unlock

I: Alonso Hawk- Doom is awful

I: Leaving open for interludes

L: Extra-dimensional Tech - Ludivine

L: SHV-Laser Wasabi

L: Exotic Vehicles - L.M.

O: Dance magic
I'm not sure if we want to risk Ludivine proccing on Flubber, again, which we would if we put her on the DC decreased Extra Dimensional tech, I think.

How about we put her on Transmissions?
In fairness, due to the DC going up, it was 78%, if I remember correctly.
I'm getting conflicting numbers, but that's okay. I wasn't in on the number-crunching for this turn, so to the ones that put in the effort, kudos to you. What I do think is that wether it was 78% or 85%, we had safer options and we chose not to do them, for a "prize" that is just more work next turn.
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I'm getting conflicting numbers, but that's okay. I wasn't in on the number-crunching for this turn, so to the ones that put in the effort, kudos to you. What I do think is that wether it was 78% or 85%, we had safer options and we chose not to do them, for a "prize" that is just more work next turn.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that.

Hey, I think I just realized one really good reason to put Ludivine on her Repair the Martian Robot personal action. I'm not familiar with what it is exactly, but I'm thinking it might remedy her Absent Minded trait a bit.
for a "prize" that is just more work next turn.
I prefer to think of that as a storyline. I mean, the "prize" for getting Janna to open up about Toffee was having to look for Marco which in turn got rewarded with having to actually meet Marco. And we're all more or less cool with all of that because it's something we wanted to see happen.

You don't care about cyberspace, and that's fine, but it doesn't mean the people voting to protect it are wrong.
btw, really hoping that when we gain the knowledge of genetic superpowers we can give some to our dear Khan. I mean, he is already cool and all, but a Ghengis Khan with laser eyes sound so fucking good!
I think it's a tad too early to make concrete plans yet for actions.

On an unrelated note, a vote for dinosaur actions is a vote for more dinosaurs!
Yeah, I guess my perspective for this turn got kind of warped by us taking a 1% chance of failure whenever possible to avoid unecessarily shooting ourselves in the foot.

It was explicitly discussed at the time; the ONLY reason we took that action was because of how very alarming a prospect it would be, if whoever was already hacking us for the previous two turns scored a (near-certain) critical success while we made no effort whatsoever to stop them.

I'm not sure if we want to risk Ludivine proccing on Flubber, again, which we would if we put her on the DC decreased Extra Dimensional tech, I think.

How about we put her on Transmissions?
At some point it might be better to just use a different Learning Hero rather than keep taking those risks. Ludivine's good, but she's not so good that we should deliberately take tasks with super-high DCs where failure is likely, just to avoid her trait. Not when we could assign someone like Janus Lee to the lower-DC task we actually want.

I'm getting conflicting numbers, but that's okay. I wasn't in on the number-crunching for this turn, so to the ones that put in the effort, kudos to you. What I do think is that wether it was 78% or 85%, we had safer options and we chose not to do them, for a "prize" that is just more work next turn.
Again, we faced a situation where we'd be 99% likely to be badly hurt, and we instead chose to take a situation where we had a ~80% chance of not being hurt at all, and a ~20% chance of being hurt worse.

The fact that we rolled the dice and they came up unlucky doesn't retroactively change the fact that this was the less-probable outcome, and that we'd have almost certainly been hurt if we'd done nothing.
At some point it might be better to just use a different Learning Hero rather than keep taking those risks. Ludivine's good, but she's not so good that we should deliberately take tasks with super-high DCs where failure is likely, just to avoid her trait. Not when we could assign someone like Janus Lee to the lower-DC task we actually want.
In fairness, we have something like a 50% CoS on transmissions, a decent chance of bare failure, and no chance of crit fail besides rolling a 1, if I remember the discussion on putting Ludivine on transmissions a while back correctly. If we want to do transmissions... then it's absolutely an option.
In fairness, we have something like a 50% CoS on transmissions, a decent chance of bare failure, and no chance of crit fail besides rolling a 1, if I remember the discussion on putting Ludivine on transmissions a while back correctly..
I think the exact numbers are
38 + 40 + 4 = 82 on a DC150 action
Assume +10 for XP and that's +92 so roughly a 42% chance before both PA and absent minded.
In fairness, we have something like a 50% CoS on transmissions, a decent chance of bare failure, and no chance of crit fail besides rolling a 1, if I remember the discussion on putting Ludivine on transmissions a while back correctly. If we want to do transmissions... then it's absolutely an option.
Well, it is an option in principle and the payoff for success could be pretty impressive... Granted.

It's just that we do have a lot else on our plate, Learning-wise, and it might be nice to let Ludivine do a personal action.
We also have study strange object from Malifishmirtz's castle action. It's DC ten points lower than transmissions and most likely gives more immediate benefits.
I think the exact numbers are
38 + 40 + 4 = 82 on a DC150 action
Assume +10 for XP and that's +92 so roughly a 42% chance before both PA and absent minded.
The other absent minded options would be...
Cure Genetic Diseases - 150 DC - I wouldn't be unhappy for this to be done.
Study weird object - 140 DC - Might need to be done, might be bad to crit fail.
Research Sublight Drives - 140 DC - Pretty cool, could let us take the lead in the space race.
Research Galfed Cloaking tech - 140 DC - Kinda meh, but might be a priority.
Research Insect Control - 140 DC - Kinda meh.
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So, err, I am guessing that somebody has noticed this.

However, that interlude name makes me think that "Waddle" is actually DoofOS, much like Beaks tried to pass Gearloose's technology as his own work in the new Ducktales.
We can't exactly ignore it either, he either stole our tech and is trying to pass it off a his own while he prepares his next con, or he's directly insulting us to try and steal our customers so he can con them. That said, I sincerely doubt this guy is even prince tier, he's a Zuckerberg styled con-man, a guy just charismatic enough to trick people into giving him money but too lazy to actually do anything worthwhile.
I've been saying for a while that our Learning efforts might be best spent in the short term finalizing the Dino learning tree, cementing our dominance of the field and boosting our income considerably. After that, I'd like to finish reverse-engineering the Galfed tech. The sublight drive alone would grant us unparalleled dominance of space.
I've been saying for a while that our Learning efforts might be best spent in the short term finalizing the Dino learning tree, cementing our dominance of the field and boosting our income considerably. After that, I'd like to finish reverse-engineering the Galfed tech. The sublight drive alone would grant us unparalleled dominance of space.
Space is not for us. Rather, we should rely on our two allies, who are both working on it, and offer sublight drives to them (as in make a deal, not just give them away).
I know people are assuming xanatos beat us to space flight, but the interlude for it is called Plan D. Guess who is a learning focused king who just so happens to be his ally and have a name that starts with D.