Wait. Wait. Waaait one freaking moment.

@Made in Heaven, why did Ludivine do Climate Controlled Environments? Looking at her Absent Minded trait and the DCs of our other Learning Actions, she should have done Research Exotic Vehicles instead since that has the closest DC with only a 5 point difference!
It depends on if it worked off the original DC, or the adjusted DC, doesn't it?
If Encom managed to reclaim digital supremacy after multiple crit fails in a row, then we can certainly recover after 1. We just need to be willing to put forth some effort. We've got Alan, who's all about the digital stuff. If we can't figure out a way to stay competitive even with him helping us, we don't deserve our Learning score.
When "ENCOM" recovered digital supremacy, what actually happened was the Master Control Program woke up and started taking things seriously. (note the change in how they roll from 2015 to 2016) How the fuck are we supposed to compete against THAT starting from scratch with the MCP (ENCOM is probably just a puppet at this point) having a year's head start?!?
Wait. Wait. Waaait one freaking moment.

@Made in Heaven, why did Ludivine do Climate Controlled Environments? Looking at her Absent Minded trait and the DCs of our other Learning Actions, she should have done Research Exotic Vehicles instead since that has the closest DC with only a 5 point difference!
Absent Minded looks for an action 10 or less points away, then it choses a random one of those, if there aren't any it goes to the nearest one.
doesn't Ludivine only do the closest if there's no action within the range of the original DC?
It depends on if it worked off the original DC, or the adjusted DC, doesn't it?
Maybe, but the original SHV laser DC was 90, while the adjusted DC was 80, and Research Exotic Vehicles' DC is a base 85, while Climate Controlled Environment has a base DC of 110! No matter how it works, Climate Controlled Environments shouldn't have been chosen!
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Maybe, but the original SHV laser DC was 90, while the adjusted DC was 80, and Research Exotic Vehicles' DC is a base 85, while Climate Controlled Environment has a base DC of 110! No matter how it works, Climate Controlled Environments shouldn't have been chosen!
Maybe you should be a little quieter, because flubber is in the range of things that she could absent mind over to.
Maybe you should be a little quieter, because flubber is in the range of things that she could absent mind over to.
I'm...fairly certain MiH wouldn't do something like that in response go an error being called out, especially since we've already got a safe DC 90 research option ins Silphium. I just felt that it should be pointed out, in case it was a genuine error that should be fixed, as opposed to...I don't know, the critical everything effect also having an effect on Ludivine's trait or something.
Fun fact from the discord, the QMs are rolling every single roll for every single faction in the world this turn. It's apparently somewhere around at least 125 rolls.

And only Doof, Xanatos, and Shego knew this was coming.
Wouldn't have mattered. They have the same bonus.
Coyote has a +5 thing on a critical success and loyalty. I seriously remember calcing him above Roddy, and I guess I'll do it again.

Edit: Yep, Coyote really should have been doing the retreat.

Edit 2: Nope, I was wrong.
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List of actions focused entirely on raising LOVEMUFFIN's loyalty, because our extra action flunkies are literally closer to murdering us than not caring at all. I don't endorse doing all of these, but they're listed for the sake of completeness. Also, this is under the assumption that LOVEMUFFIN didn't get a reduction in their negative loyalty score from doing space stuff, as that wasn't listed under the turn results.

Martial: Perform Supervillainy.

Look, I know people don't like this action. But one of LOVEMUFFIN's big hang ups with us is that they remember what Doof used to be like: an almost completely ineffective screwball. One benefit of this action is that it specifically gets Doof more villain cred. Hopefully that could mitigate some of LOVEMUFFIN's problems with Doof. Also, we really need the money now after DoofOS dying on us.

Diplomacy: Can't see any action that would overly affect LOVEMUFFIN.

Stewardship: Solidify Your Hero Structure. Improve Recycling Programs (Only if given to LOVEMUFFIN)

Disregarding the obvious benefit of more Hero Unit slots, which we desperately need, the narrative results of this action seem to be giving people official titles and positions in DEI instead of just 'lackey', 'janitor', or 'intern'. I imagine getting their own official titles and roles might help soothe LOVEMUFFIN's ruffled feathers a bit. Hopefully. Maybe. Possibly.

The recycling programs are a bit of a gamble. On the one hand, LOVEMUFFIN might consider it drudge work and get even angrier. On the other hand, it's something with 'Evil' in the name, and they get to mad science up a bunch of AI, so they might be happy?

Intrigue: Spy on Employees

Only if actually feasible, but could be helpful even if it doesn't affect loyalty directly. Could give us a bit more information on how to handle them, and lets us know if they're thinking of leaving and/or blowing our stuff up. If the Katastrophic Interlude involves Kat being found out, then the DC for this might lower enough to make it actually feasible.

Learning: Research Extradimensional Tech

So, the DC has been reduced to 60 now. We've got pretty good odds at critting it if we assign Ludivine to it (38+40+4=+82, a full XP reduction would leave the DC at 50, thus the crit threshold at 100, therefore we crit on an 18 or higher). Unfortunately, LOVEMUFFIN is feeling underappreciated and wants to work on big projects. So before they start plotting our murder, let's give them an easy win that's still important. Downside: we miss out on a crit Other-Dimension-Inator. On the upside, we'd have a Learning slot free for something else while while LOVEMUFFIN handles this, and LOVEMUFFIN gets to feel like they're helping.

Occult: Nothing here that seems like it'd help.


Doof: Chat with the Bossman, and hope a high roll leads to mutual airing of grievances and a loyalty gain for LOVEMUFFIN.

Technor: Psychoanalyze LOVEMUFFIN, hope a high roll has him helping them get passed their enormous egos, hopefully reducing loyalty penalties.

Vanessa: Watch the Eggheads, seems like an action that has a possibility to interact with LOVEMUFFIN, which means it's put on the list.

Jumba: Talk with Fellow Evil Scientists, I realize this has no hope of being chosen, but it's listed for completeness.

Ludivine: Instruct Your Coworkers (LOVEMUFFIN), hope a high roll either boosts LOVEMUFFIN's Learning and/or reduces Loyalty penalties.

Jaunus Lee: Custom Design (LOVEMUFFIN), bribe LOVEMUFFIN with a sweet new ride/rides.

Roddy Blair: Design a lair (LOVEMUFFIN), another bribe to hopefully get their loyalty back up.

If I had to choose which of these to actually do, I'd be something like:

Martial: Supervillainy, easy action that should hopefully improve LOVEMUFFIN's opinion of Doof.
Stewardship: Solidify Hero Structure, we've got to do it anyway.
Doof: Chat with Bossman
Technor: Psychoanalyze (LOVEMUFFIN)
Vanessa: Watch the Eggheads
Janus Lee: Custom Design (LOVEMUFFIN)
Roddy Blair: Design a Lair (LOVEMUFFIN)

The Car+Lair bribes should reduce their negative loyalty, at least in the short term. Psychoanalyze to try and start reducing how much LOVEMUFFIN are controlled by their various manias and egos. Unlikely for Vanessa to do anything, but the possibility is there. Doof chats with them directly to hopefully start mitigating LOVEMUFFIN's negative opinion of him, with some Supervillainy done beforehand to try and stop them from being so Stuck In the Past. Solidify Hero Structure is something we had to do anyway, so hopefully LOVEMUFFIN are happy about it.

I don't put them on the Other-Dimension-Inator because I very much want to get a critical on constructing it to match the critical for the key this turn. Granted, I wouldn't be to fussed if we did end up putting them on this, because then Ludivine could get another important thing done instead, like the SH Laser.

Also, honorable mention goes to....

Wendy Wower: Study a Robot (Norm), which helps us solve the other long-term loyalty thing we've got to worry about.
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Here's an interesting theory, maybe the reason that lovemuffin has been unsatisfied is because they crave high risk high reward actions. That's why they were supervillains. It might be that they won't be satisfied until we give them a risky project rather than an actually important one.
[X] Start the Doofenshmirtz Evil Space Program (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.) (76% w/ XP)
DC ???, higher result means higher initial success
Marginal Progress

L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., in all their infinite wisdom, decided that the best way to jump-start your space program was to form their very own rocket! The craft was masterfully constructed out of an old fridge with a rocket booster attached, and some parts stolen from a nearby playground in lieu of a nose cone. The monstrosity made it approximately one thousand feet off the ground before being blasted into pieces by your laser defense grid coming online. The debris fell to the ground and set Rodney's company car on fire. It's not all bad, though! L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.'s thankless interns have fortunately filed all the paperwork with the government, making sure that they don't suspect you of firing off nuclear missiles or anything and allowing your work in the space program to continue unhampered.

You did not go to space today.

Evil Space Program Progress Level: At least the paperwork is filed…
If the Space Program works according to a Progress Level like some personal actions do, couldn't we just continually assign L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. to it? It would keep them out of the way*, productive**, and happy***.

* Barring critfails or enemy action to sabotage our space program.
** Hopefully.
*** Because they get to engage in Mad Science.
Considering the likelihood of DoofOS just being completely scrapped, I'm looking at our option for increasing our income.

Suoervillainy is a one-time income increase, but we've been avoiding that for a reason so far.

It might be a good idea to finally open contact with the government. We can get government contracts, and therefore government funding. We could also collaborate with some of the others on a project, like Genetic Diseases with the genetic Zaibutsu comoany.

Diecast Robotics gives us a slight income increase, but slight probably means it'll come out to 1. SPLIT/SECOND and Dinosaur Entertainment both give us moderate income boosts, and have decently low DCs. Comodizing supply lines admittedly has a higher DC, but it still gives us a moderate income boost. We could collaborate with Smarty Mart for a small increase. Finally, we could buy out another franchise. Hopper Food Group might have a 95 DC, but it gives us 3 more income, while Wyndcom is cheaper, has a lower DC, and would be useful for our new space program, even if it only gives us 1 income.

Cure Genetic Diseases increases our income and rep, and while Genemod Crops doesn't directly increase our income, it would likely lead to something that would. Extradimensional tech would at least let us grab more resources. Exotic vehicles might be useful, as might Siplhium. Large Herbivore Domestication would be helpful for the Dino park.

And...that's everything that looks like it might be useful. If I had to pick, I'd personally reach out to the Government and try to.collaborate with the Biotech Zaibutsu for the curing Genetic Diseases, while setting up SPLIT/SECOND and buying another franchise. Finish off with Large Herbivore Domestication for the next turn so we can set up an even better dino park, and I think we'd be in an even better position, Income-wise.

22 (Wile's Stewardship) + 5 (Acme's Unlimited) + 4 (Loyalty)= 31

29 (Roddy's Stewardship) + 2 (Loyalty) = 31
Roddy doesn't have any loyalty listed, though?

Edit: Didn't account for Roddy's loyalty. Apparently Evil Benefits was a very good investment.

Edit 2: Apparently it wasn't that great of an investment.
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