I just wanna throw out that while we know that Actual Satan exists, the QMs are not willing (and probably never will) to confirm if Actual God exists at this time.
If we give the gargoyle-led attempted genocide of humanity a face, that'll just be the face that the Huntsclan puts on their recruitment posters.Would holding the line, have prevented the huntsman from gaining too much Positive PR, and stop them from committing any warcrimes towards defeated gargoyles?
How about after this crisis, we do some damage control such as revealing the history of Demona, and how she grew to hate humans, and why Janna and her party had to abandon the huntsclan and the mob during battle, without revealing too much info about the Weapon of mass destruction that Demona tried to steal? Revealing that Demona convince or even artificially created a group of desperate gargoyles as a diversion just for her vendetta and deluded crusade against humanity to prevent the huntsmen from spreading the hatred of gargoyles too much, a sort of damage control getting Xanatos to help is a good idea.
If we give the gargoyle-led attempted genocide of humanity a face, that'll just be the face that the Huntsclan puts on their recruitment posters.
Imagine if someone in October 2001 ran an ad campaign about how Osama bin Laden had his reasons for attacking America and we should try to be more sympathetic.I meant reveal to the world how, Demona became Demona, and to get them to understand Why Janna's didn't so much as abandon the fight as prioritize taking down a tragic but ultimately dangerous terrorist mastermind, This prevents the huntsman from taking the whole credit, and we may actually convince the people that, Janna already knew that reinforcements were arriving, and at the same time stop or at the least weaken the Huntsman Propaganda by convincing them that if they do join, they shouldn't do so with hatred or at the least join them for nongenocidal intentions, as so much as join to protect others,
I mean if it goes well the huntsman may be defeated from the inside by the decent, sane and people with morals, that the huntsclan may actually be reform for the better once the huntsmaster is overthrown later.
The thing is, the Huntsclan aren't creating anything, here. There are already people who can only view other people as monsters, and can only view differences as signs of the monstrous. Those people will seek any excuse they can find to ... well, to have an excuse.
We could cast a spell to make everyone on this planet infinitely understanding of Demona's motives. There would still be people who would be all-too-ready to pick up a dagger and stab the nearest oddity in the heart. And standing there, blood on their hands, hate in their heart, they would look you in the eyes with their own wild, vengeful gaze, and claim that murder was the only reasonable thing to do.
Demona's invasion isn't the cause of the hatred. It's just the alibi.
Calling the KKK a force for racial equality won't change the KKK, it'll just give them another defense against people calling them racist. Nobody wants to leave the Huntsclan to do their thing, but your proposed strategy will not work. It will at best cost us public approval for no effect, and at worst drive more people to the Huntsclan, where the organization with a lot of institutional knowledge on how to radicalize its members against magical creatures will be free to do that. Regardless of the effect on the Huntsclan, talking up how awesome the genocidal militia is will not endear us to the targets of their genocide, and for both moral and practical reasons we do want to be seen as a safe haven when people like Doom and Bellwether decide that the politically expedient thing to do is to jump on board the magic genocide train.The bottom line is to not allow the Huntsclan to shape the story and narrative of what happen, otherwise they will milk the PR for all its worth unopposed, for example a public statement cogratulating them and treating them as heroic force of good, that will ensure a peaceful future or coexistence with other supernatural creatures, that way if they try denying it or reveal their true colors, it will only damage their image. This is a opportunity.
I don't really think so, because holding the line meant that we were going to be held up with the Pack. All that would have done is place us in the same area as the huntsclan, where they're assisting us, and then we probably would have had to run at least some damage control since we're associated with them on TV.Would holding the line, have prevented the huntsman from gaining too much Positive PR, and stop them from committing any warcrimes towards defeated gargoyles?
Calling the KKK a force for racial equality won't change the KKK, it'll just give them another defense against people calling them racist. Nobody wants to leave the Huntsclan to do their thing, but your proposed strategy will not work. It will at best cost us public approval for no effect, and at worst drive more people to the Huntsclan, where the organization with a lot of institutional knowledge on how to radicalize its members against magical creatures will be free to do that. Regardless of the effect on the Huntsclan, talking up how awesome the genocidal militia is will not endear us to the targets of their genocide, and for both moral and practical reasons we do want to be seen as a safe haven when people like Doom and Bellwether decide that the politically expedient thing to do is to jump on board the magic genocide train.
I'm going to stop you right there.I meant sabotage or instigate a coup't from within their ranks, by setting a trap where enough good people join their ranks, that they outnumber the evil,
I will point out that Doof's sum knowledge of the organization can be summed up roughly as "it exists".I meant sabotage or instigate a coup't from within their ranks, by setting a trap where enough good people join their ranks, that they outnumber the evil, insane genocidal, ones than takeover the organization by deposing the huntsmaster thus destroying the fascist group and reforming it,
How do you think genocides happen? The groups responsible don't advertise themselves as bad guys, they always paint themselves as the good guys heroically defending their race. Feeding that narrative will not avert a genocide, it'll make us complicit in it.in other words, use the positive PR against them and rely on the goodwill of the people to do the right thing and overthrow them from within, this public stunt has given them a weakness that can be exploited, they wanted to play or at least to pretend to be heroic so lets take advantage of it if we can't convince the people that they are bad guys.
They aren't going to move a new recruit up the hierarchy and into a position of power without strong evidence that the new recruit follows the ideology of the group.I meant sabotage or instigate a coup't from within their ranks, by setting a trap where enough good people join their ranks, that they outnumber the evil, insane genocidal, ones than takeover the organization by deposing the huntsmaster thus destroying the fascist group and reforming it,
I also doubt that any of the non Birthmark recruits are going to be put in a position of power. You also have to kill a dragon to become one of the Head Honchos.They aren't going to move a new recruit up the hierarchy and into a position of power without strong evidence that the new recruit follows the ideology of the group.
Everything after the word "or" is redundant because "big zealot" describes the latter.The main problem with online theological debates is that it will attract someone with either big zealot energy or big edgy middle school atheist who thinks he smarter than everyone energy.