[ ] Sneak In
Get past the guards!
DC 70 needed: 48+22+17=87
"Follow me." Janna said, jerking her head and then turning back around the corner. Ten seconds later she was up the drain pipe, on the roof, and pulling out the bolt cutters. Lizzy climbed up the fire escape without complaint, and Tom simply hovered after her. By the time they got up there the roof door was already opening and Janna was waving them inside.
"All right, we start in the center of the building, head north, then work our way around clockwise."
"What?" Tom asked.
"Dude, I'm infiltrating a mob front, let me have this."
Janna ducked into the back offices with the skill of long practice, rifling through cupboards, scanning files, and stealing someone's coffee off the counter. "All right let's see… money laundering evidence, racketeering profits are up in Hell's Kitchen… oh hey, that's a pretty good spice blend for chicken parm." Janna pocketed the notecard. "Aargh, I'm not seeing anything good out in the open, and we don't have time to crack the safe."
"I could melt it?" Tom suggested.
"Nah we can't jump to arson yet, we might be here a while. C'mon, let's see if we can eavesdrop on some of the grunts."
Quietly, Janna and friends slipped out of the back, glancing carefully around the 'private' dining area.
"All right, listen for anything that might be about Marco. He goes by 'Cazador' apparently, so-"
"Is that him?" Lizzy asked, pointing at a young man in a red hoodie sitting alone at a corner table.
Janna's mouth dropped open. He was taller, and considerably more toned than Janna remembered him, but that was Marco.
"He looks like he's trying to be Aragorn." Lizzy gave by way of explanation.
Tom smiled. "Yep, that's Marc-ah!" he yelled as Janna yanked him down behind a table.
"Ow- what gives Janna?! He's right there!"
"Shhh!" Janna whispered. "I've waited like four years for this. I'm gonna do it right."
The mercenary who liked to call himself Cazador, and who had somehow convinced other people to go along with it, leaned back in his booth. He was annoyed. Marco was annoyed because of his prospective employer, which was a fairly common state of affairs. When the notorious mercenary Cazador said he 'had standards', a lot of people didn't believe him. He could not count the number of petty mob bosses who thought they could just wave a few dollars in front of his face and watch him fall in line. He needed money, but not that badly. But what made him annoyed tonight was that this time he had to at least pretend to go along with it. A good reason still didn't make up for-
Marco blinked, snapping out of his internal whinging. Things were quiet. Too quiet. Something was wrong.
The figure appeared in his line of sight without appearing to come from anywhere in particular. That wasn't a good sign. Neither was the giant ornate staff in their right hand. Probably should have picked up on that first.
Marco stood up, shifting into a combat stance almost without thinking. As he did, an enormous, shaggy monstrosity rounded the corner to sit at its master's side- it looked like a monkey, or a horse, or a bat, or like someone had thrown all three together into a blender for fun. It bared its teeth.
Marco narrowed his eyes, looking over the blue hood that shrouded the figure in front of him in mystery. "Are you one of Horvath's? Pandarus? Did Tony finally put money where his mouth is and get himself a pet wizard?" The figure said nothing but, after a moment, began to walk forward. As it did, twin lines of fire burned themselves into the linoleum before them. Marco readied himself for a fight. His eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"
Marco got the sense the figure was smiling at him. Slowly, it reached up and removed the hood.
"Hey dude."
"Janna?!?!?!" Marco yelled, all dignity gone, stumbling back into his seat.
"Sup." She replied, as Tom and Lizzy rounded the corner. Tom looked at the fire he'd conjured before shrugging.
"Wh-what are you doing here?"
"Besides stealing your wallet?" Janna asked casually. "Just checking in."
"Checking in?"
"Yeah, you know, just wanted to see how you've been doing over the past three or four years. Haven't heard from you since the whole 'our best friend is now a fugitive' thing."
Marco frowned grimly. "Janna, this is really serious. I can't just stop by Echo Creek whenever I want! I barely visit my parents! It's incredibly dangerous. If I'm seen with you, it could end up putting you in danger."
Janna punched Marco in the jaw.
"Ow! Janna what the heck?!?!" Marco said, rubbing his chin.
"Do I look like I can't handle myself?!?" Janna demanded.
Marco looked to the side. "Tom back me up here."
Tom shook his head.
Marco grimaced and continued. "I mean four years ago you didn't have a magic stick and a big monster-"
"Four years!" Janna screamed. "Four years, and I didn't know if you were alive, or dead, or rotting in the Lizard's dungeon with your arms chopped off. Four years my friends were in trouble and I had to sit in a classroom for most of them pretending nothing was wrong!"
A pair of mobsters peeked into the room curiously. Lizzy shook her head at them.
"You have no idea how many nights I stayed up wondering just what the hell was out there and thinking there was nothing I could do to stop it. I moved five states, started working for a crazy scientist, made friends with multiple psychopaths, found a magic goose stick-"
"Hey." Feldrake said.
"Learned dark magic, summoned a dead queen, discovered a lost species, killed three witches seventeen times in a row, and managed to team up with Tom, who, side note, was easier to find than you, despite living in literally hell!"
"Please leave me out of this."
Janna blinked desperately as tears gathered in her eyes. "And you, Marco Ubaldo Diaz, are going to beg for forgiveness, tell me everything you know about where Star is, and never leave my field of vision again!"
Marco stared, dumbfounded. "Janna, I… I'm sorry." He blinked a few times, trying to put fitful thoughts into words. "I had no idea this would hit you so hard! I didn't mean to lock you out of this! I didn't… I just never realized that you… cared."
The fight left Janna immediately. She made a noise that sounded halfway between a cough and a snort. "Of course. Of course!" she said, grinning slightly manically and running her fingers down her face. "Why would you have? Janna the prankster, Janna the weirdo, Janna the slackoff. Of course my last four years of misery are because I couldn't manage to take something seriously for twelve seconds."
"Janna… listen." Marco said, opening his arms. "I shouldn't have left you behind. I'm sorry. You've definitely proved yourself capable of helping."
Lizzy glared at him.
"N-not that you needed to!" he amended quickly. "Look. Star's your friend too. We can do this together. Ok?"
Janna slammed into Marco. It took him a few seconds to realize he wasn't being strangled, and that she was in fact crushing him in a hug.
"Never do that again, ok?" Janna asked.
"Yeah." Marco nodded. "Yeah ok."
Tom sighed in relief.
"Oh, and Marco?" Janna asked.
"'I'm Cazador'?" She asked wryly. "Really? You dork."
"Look, I didn't notice it was an anagram I swear!" Marco replied frantically. "I realized later and just sorta went with it."
"That makes it even dorkier."
Tom's eyes lit up. "Ooooooooh. Marco Diaz I'm Cazador! I never noticed that! Huh!"
Lizzy stared at him.
"Okay okay." Janna said. "Focus. We need to work together if we're gonna find Star."
"We might find her sooner than you think." Marco said. "I haven't been running around the last few years doing nothing. I have a network. Some friends tipped me off that someone with heart cheeks was in New York recently."
"She's here?!?" Janna demanded. "What are we waiting for?!?"
"Look, we'll go in just a second, ok? I need to blow off Dracon first."
"So you're not actually working for the mob then?" Lizzy asked.
"Oh, no. It's just a smokescreen. I need the underworld to have an answer to the question 'why was Cazador in New York on Christmas?' Also hey, we haven't been introduced have we?" Marco asked convivially. "I'm Marco, you're Janna's friend?"
Lizzy seemed to sense that something more was required of her. "I'm Lizzy. I like ants."
It was a few minutes later that two of the Dracon mob's enforcers came back to tell 'Cazador' that his employer was ready to speak with him. The smouldering linoleum and the fact that the mercenary had apparently gained a trio of spooky looking associates certainly concerned them, but the appearance of an enormous monster working his blissful way through three extra large pepperoni pizzas made them decide to shut their mouths and lead the party on.
"You guys can relax." Marco said, following the thugs confidently. "We'll be in and out in twenty minutes, tops. I know how to deal with these guys."
"He's in here." One nameless thug said, pointing to a simple metal door opening into a darkened meeting room.
"Please, come in." a voice called from inside.
The party stepped through the door.
Marco stared.
Janna's mouth dropped open.
"Well." David Xanatos said, looking over Janna and her friends. "This does change a few things."