Ok, lets see what we can do.
[ ] Assault a Rival (Factions in New York only)
-[ ] Xanatos
-[ ] The Morganians
-[ ] The Magus Baazar
Martial Action, involves attacking at least one party for.some reason, exact method TBD. Possible targets are Xanatos, Morganians, and Magus Bazaar. If the three, Xanatos is clearly not a good idea. The Morganians...maybe? We could try stealing the Encantus from them, thereby having an Intrigue hero in NY to help Janna. The Magus Bazaar doesn't seem wise to me.
[ ] Perform Supervillainy
Another martial action, I'm assuming this would entail just sending some minion to steal something in NYC. Hego and the government wouldn't approve, and we'd be performing super villainy on Xanatos' turf, so this is low priority, but it's an option if we need it.
[ ] Reach Out to Magical New York
Diplomacy action, it would be helpful, even if it takes up one of our valuable diplomacy actions. Maybe Tom might help here, since we'll be sensing him to help Janna and Marco? Plus there's the possibility we might here about Star being here recently...
[ ] Form a Research Agreement with Xanatos
Diplomacy, this might be helpful for the future.
[ ] Try to Collaborate with Xanatos on an Issue
Another Diplomacy action, potentially useful long-term, especially if we want to partner up with Xanatos on the digital front. Unfortunately like I said, it's a Diplomacy action, and I'd prefer to not spend both of them on NYC next turn.
[ ] Infiltrate a Hotspot
-[ ] New York City
Intrigue, it'd definitely be helpful for the rumours front. We might have better luck hearing about Star here.
Conduct Corporate Espionage
-[ ] Xanatos Enterprises
-[ ] Gen-U-Tech
Intrigue again, and we might get some useful information and/or tech depending on the target. Anyone remember what Gen-U-Tech does? I can't remember off the top of my head, but I'm sure they're an easier target than Xanatos.