Can we stop reaching out already? We already had a collaboration with Xanatos and Shego. Why Don't we start a group project with them? Why did every plan did I see here seems so interested in Zaibatsu instead of making use of what do we have?
I want to (eventually) work with Sycorax / Diane on saving Liv Amara, since we're very well situated to do so (+111 to genetics, and we're good at robots too which was part of the canon solution; she even ended up trying to kidnap wendy wower to help with it) and it seems likely to, if we can manage it, have an extremely high payout. Not a low hanging fruit, no, but an extremely valuable one.
I want to (eventually) work with Sycorax / Diane on saving Liv Amara, since we're very well situated to do so (+111 to genetics, and we're good at robots too which was part of the canon solution; she even ended up trying to kidnap wendy wower to help with it) and it seems likely to, if we can manage it, have an extremely high payout. Not a low hanging fruit, no, but an extremely valuable one.
Yeah I understand that. What do I don't understand is why can't we do it later? We already forming an agreement with Xanatos for months now and yet we still didn't work together on Anything. Any company would wonder why exactly are they forming an agreement with us if what do we do is just nothing.
Yeah I understand that. What do I don't understand is why can't we do it later? We already forming an agreement with Xanatos for months now and yet we still didn't work together on Anything. Any company would wonder why exactly are they forming an agreement with us if what do we do is just nothing.
IIRC we have a private agreement to cooperate against Toffee with an implicit mutual peace.
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] Plan: Turtle Formation
I agree with like 95% of this plan. Couple of issues though.
--[ ] Recruit from Rolodex: Wasabi (Goofy)
While I'd prefer the glooms it's not a deal breaker for me. But could we have Janus recruit instead? Goofy could stand to work on his college a bit.
--[ ] Research Sublight drives (Jumba)
I feel like this is opening up another avenue instead of focusing on our strengths. Perhaps moving jumba to human genetics and having Wendy work on doppelganger bodies?
--[ ] Technor (Psychoanalyze: Genghis Khan)
Why him? Near as I can tell he's fine. Why not one of our employees with known issues and malices against us like Francis, Lovemuffin or Janus. Or heck even hego and his fixation on the golden age.
--[ ] Jī Talisman (Dr. Doof)
I'd give this to Roddy as it will probably give a bonus to moving the castle.
--[ ] Yáng Talisman (Kitsune)
I'd give this to Russ as it would probably give a bonus to him spying.

Everything else looks great.
Yeah I understand that. What do I don't understand is why can't we do it later? We already forming an agreement with Xanatos for months now and yet we still didn't work together on Anything. Any company would wonder why exactly are they forming an agreement with us if what do we do is just nothing.
Meeting with people means that if something time sensitive comes up we already have made contact with them and can thus be more open to do it.

If I remember correctly, at one point quite a few turns before the auction some of us had the idea to bring Shego along to pitch the alliance deal, but that wasn't even a possible option (but could have been one) because we hadn't yet properly reached out to Shego yet, and it was confirmed to be too late to reach out to her and invite her to the auction.

-[ ] Quest
--[ ] Hego
--[ ] Wile E. Coyote
--[ ] Norm Prime
--[ ] Queen Lizzy
You should specify Wiley as the leader.
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IIRC we have a private agreement to cooperate against Toffee with a implicit mutual peace.
IIRC. A word agreement between the bosses and thats it. If we want to form a deeper relation with either Xanatos or Shego then we should work on something instead of chasing after new shinies. Like AI. Isn't that why we are recruiting Wendy? After researching the Doppel body Wendy can immediately started the research with Xanatos people after we form the agreement this turn.
I'd rather hang onto the high level stuff we CAN do and keep it to ourselves. We should be able to get AI in a couple of turns now. No need to spread it to others.

The high level stuff we don't have specialists in is where we should be doing collaborations for.
If we meet Gogo and Wasabi we'll be able to rebuild BH6 without the Zaibatsu. Buying Fusion energy from Shere Khan should be a higher priority right now.
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[ ] Plan: In Dice we Trust
-[ ] National Actions
--[ ] Build a personal suit of power armor (Ludivine)

--[ ] Write in: Doof rolls 1d4 to choose among Juniper/ Glooms/ Wasabi/ Gomez on recruit from rolodex option.(Goofy)
--[ ] Reach out to Shere Khan (Janus Lee)

People want to make it Glooms vs Wasabi but we never recruit Juniper or Gomez at this rate. I wanted to give them chance, and in either case I am not very invested in anyone. It is either that or two reach out actions. Reach out to Shere Khan so we can buy his reactor to power up Technor and perhaps Uburnium particle accelerator.

--[ ] Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania (Roddy Blair)
--[ ] Improve DoofOS security (Alan Bradley)

--[ ] Spy on your employees (Agent Russ)
--[ ] Investigate Supervillain Attacks (Mirage)
--[ ] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Commodore)

--[ ] Study the SHV 20905 Plans (Technor)
--[ ] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies (Wendy Wower)
--[ ] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)

Since we have cybersecurity threat it look reasonable to go all in on AI this turn and leave genetic for the turn after, especially that now we have useful Jumba personal.

--[ ] Summon Celena the Shy (Tom Lucitor)

-[ ] Personal Actions
--[ ] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
---[ ] Start Writing a Musical
---[ ] Chat with the Bossman (Wendy)
---[ ] Tinker with your Inators
---[ ] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency
----[ ] Commodore

--[ ] Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Study odd scrolls)
--[ ] Genghis Khan (Study history)
--[ ] Francis Monogram (Reorganize OWCA)
--[ ] Dennis the Duck (Study the Perfect Sandwich)
--[ ] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja (Study the Jo-Lan Scrolls)
--[ ] Max (Job Shadow Russ)
--[ ] Vanessa (Job shadow Mirage)
--[ ] Janna (Find Marco)
--[ ] Kitsune (Train Janna)

-[ ] Quest
--[ ] Wile E. Coyote
--[ ] Hego
--[ ] Norm Prime
--[ ] Queen Lizzy

-[ ] Item Assignments:
--[ ] Ruby Wings (Hego)
--[ ] XT9000 Jet Car (Wile E. Coyote)
--[ ] Jī Talisman (Roddy Blair)
--[ ] Yáng Talisman (Mirage)
-[ ] Misc
--[ ] Don't Overclock Technor
--[ ] Activate an Inator
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I agree with like 95% of this plan. Couple of issues though.

While I'd prefer the glooms it's not a deal breaker for me. But could we have Janus recruit instead? Goofy could stand to work on his college a bit.

So basically something like this then? While I'd prefer having Wendy study the Kronos AI stuff, this variant works.

[ ] Plan: Turtle Formation
-[ ] National Actions
--[ ] Build a personal suit of power armor (Ludivine)
--[ ] Recruit from Rolodex: Wasabi (Janus)
--[ ] Reach out to Evelyn Deavor (Mirage)
--[ ] Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania (Roddy Blair)
--[ ] Improve DoofOS security (Alan Bradley)
--[ ] Investigate Supervillain Attacks (Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja)
--[ ] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Agent Russ)
--[ ] Spy on your employees (Commodore)
--[ ] Research Human Genetics (Joomba)
--[ ] Research Robo-Doppelganger Bodies (Wendy)
--[ ] Research Silphium (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)
--[ ] Summon Celena the Shy (Tom Lucitor)
-[ ] Personal Actions
--[ ] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
---[ ] Start Writing a Musical
---[ ] Chat with the Bossman (Wendy)
---[ ] Tinker with your Inators
---[ ] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency
----[ ] Commodore
--[ ] Goofy (Finish your degree online)
--[ ] Genghis Khan (Study science and technology)
--[ ] Francis Monogram (Reorganize OWCA)
--[ ] Dennis the Duck (Study the Perfect Sandwich)
--[ ] Technor (Psychoanalyze: Hego)
--[ ] Max (Job Shadow Russ)
--[ ] Vanessa (Take the SAT)
--[ ] Janna (Find Marco)
--[ ] Kitsune (Train Janna)
-[ ] Quest
--[ ] Wile E. Coyote (leader)
--[ ] Hego
--[ ] Norm Prime
--[ ] Queen Lizzy
-[ ] Item Assignments:
--[ ] Ruby Wings (Hego)
--[ ] XT9000 Jet Car (Roddy Blair)
--[ ] Jī Talisman (Roddy Blair)
--[ ] Yáng Talisman (Agent Russ)
-[ ] Misc
--[ ] Don't Overclock Technor
--[ ] Activate an Inator
[] Plan: Letting The Newbies Shine
-[] National Actions:
--[] Build a personal suit of power armor (Ludivine von Drake) (CoS: 57%, 67% w/ XP)
--[] Recruit from your rolodex: Wasabi (Goofy) (CoS: 89%, 99% w/ XP)
--[] Reach out to leaders of the Zaibatsu (TECHNOR) (CoS: 99%, 99% w/ XP)
--[] Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania (Roddy Blair, King of Lairs) (CoS: 66%, 76% w/ XP)
--[] Improve DoofOS Security (Alan Bradley) (CoS: 53%, 63% w/ XP)
--[] Infiltrate a Hotspot: New York (Agent Russ) (CoS: 66%, 76% w/ XP)
--[] Investigate Supervillain Attacks (Mirage) (CoS: 70%, 80% w/ XP)
--[] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies (Wendy Wower) (CoS: 79%, 89% w/ XP)
--[] Research human genetics (Janus Lee) (CoS: 99%, 99% w/ XP)
--[] Summon Celena the Shy (Tom Lucitor) (CoS: 45%, 55% w/ XP)
--[] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.) (CoS: 72%, 82% w/ XP)
--[] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Dickens Detective Agency (Large)) (CoS: 73%, 83% w/ XP)
-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency (Large)
---[] Chat with the Bossman: Janus Lee
---[] Automatic Potion Brewing
---[] Tinker with your Inators
--[] Major Francis Monogram (Reorganize OWCA (150/250))
--[] Genghis Khan (Study science and technology)
--[] Norm Prime (End your obsession with platypodes)
--[] Dennis the Duck (Study the Perfect Sandwich)
--[] Max (Job Shadow Russ)
--[] Vanessa (Take the SAT)
--[] Janna Ordonia (Find Marco)
--[] Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Study Odd Scrolls)
--[] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja (Study the Jo-Lan Scrolls)
--[] Kitsune (Train Janna)
-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Hego

--[] XT9000 Jet Car: Wile E. Coyote, Genius
--[] Jī Talisman: Queen Lizzie
--[] Multiverse's Best Sandwich: Dennis the Duck
--[] Scrolls of Jo-Lan: Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja
--[] Yáng Talisman: Mirage
-[] Quests:
--[] One Man's Trash (Martial: 65, Diplomacy: 28, Stewardship: 47, Intrigue: 40, Learning: 58, Occult: 0)
---[] Quest Leader: Wile E. Coyote, Genius
---[] Queen Lizzie
---[] Hego
-[] Miscellaneous:
--[] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[] Activate an Inator

I'm down to infiltrate somewhere else, but New York can provide an early warning system for broken masquerade. Vote Zootopia
I am not down with putting Janus on any diplo actions. He wants to do Genetics, let's do genetics. It doesn't matter whether him or Jumba gets to do it though. Having him do two diplo actions consecutively while avoiding having him to stuff he likes seems kinda shitty.
I would be happy switching Improve DoofOS Security with Dino Entertainment, however, Alan has no personal actions. Better make him useful and happy so he can get personal actions.
I will not be down to replace any intrigue action with Spying on Employees. No. Not after we just failed and guards are still up.
I'm leaning towards using Tobe's bonus to a personal action, while Tom does the only national action we know he can do.
Norm will not join the Quest.
I don't care about item assignment, or the other two/four Doof Personal Actions. They can be whatever.

Edit: Changed Ruby Wing assignment to Hego
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This might help? Do we even know what he does?
Amur: +4 to Martial rolls on quests taking place at night, +10 to diplo with gargoyles.

Janna would probably have a better chance of benefiting from his presence. She has the highest chance of running into gargoyles if the manhattan clan is still around. There's also the fact she'll have input on ??? which Amur's martial might contribute to.
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[-] Plan: Prepare for Trouble
-[-] National Actions:
--[-] Build a personal suit of power armor (Ludivine von Drake) (CoS: 47%, 57% w/ XP)
--[-] Recruit from your rolodex: The Glooms (Goofy) (CoS: 82%, 92% w/ XP)
--[-] Reach out to leaders of the Zaibatsu (Wile E. Coyote, Genius) (CoS: 92%, 99% w/ XP)
--[-] Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania (Roddy Blair, King of Lairs) (CoS: 66%, 76% w/ XP)
--[-] Improve DoofOS Security (Alan Bradley) (CoS: 53%, 63% w/ XP)
--[-] Investigate Supervillain Attacks (Agent Russ) (CoS: 86%, 96% w/ XP)
--[-] Infiltrate a Hotspot: Cape Suzette (Major Francis Monogram) (CoS: 82%, 92% w/ XP)
--[-] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies (Wendy Wower) (CoS: 79%, 89% w/ XP)
--[-] Research sublight drives (Dr. Jumba Jookiba) (CoS: 60%, 70% w/ XP)
--[-] Study the Crystal Key (Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja) (CoS: 66%, 76% w/ XP)
--[-] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.) (CoS: 72%, 82% w/ XP)
--[-] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Dickens Detective Agency (Large)) (CoS: 73%, 83% w/ XP)
-[-] Personal Actions:
--[-] Doof:
---[-] Tinker with your Inators
---[-] Chat with the Bossman: L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.
---[-] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency (Large)
---[-] Start writing a musical
--[-] Dennis the Duck (Study the Perfect Sandwich)
--[-] TECHNOR (Build giant robot legs)
--[-] Max (Job Shadow Russ)
--[-] Mirage (Recruit new talent)
--[-] Vanessa (Take the SAT)
--[-] Janna Ordonia (Find Marco!)
--[-] Kitsune (Train Janna)
--[-] Tom Lucitor (Search for Star)
-[-] Item Assignments:
--[-] XT9000 Jet Car: Hego
--[-] Jī Talisman: Genghis Khan
--[-] Potion of Fire Breath: Genghis Khan
--[-] Yáng Talisman: Genghis Khan
-[-] Quests:
--[-] One Man's Trash (Martial: 103, Diplomacy: 43, Stewardship: 55, Intrigue: 42, Learning: 49, Occult: 7)
---[-] Quest Leader: Genghis Khan
---[-] Norm Prime
---[-] Janus Lee
---[-] Queen Lizzie
---[-] Hego
-[-] Miscellaneous:
--[-] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[-] Activate an Inator

Main focus of the plan is setting up defenses or other prepwork. Also serves as a joke because I want to recruit the Glooms dagnabit.

Power Armor preps us against the "assassination" thing that seems to be going around. Glooms is so Xanatos can't nab them, Zaibatsu to establish friendly relations with a fellow King. Roddy moves Doofhawk because that's what he's good at, and Alan Bradley gives us some more cyber defense, an area we're comparatively lacking in. Russ investigates Supervillans to make sure they're not worrisome, and Monogram starts setting up our first spy network. Wendy keeps us hammering away at AI, and Jumba looks at Sublight so that we can move towards running Doom out of business. Tobe does Crystal Key this turn because a +5 is more valuable on a National Action than a Personal. LOVEMUFFIN gets Normbots taken care of. And Commodore checks out the Cartel, which will hopefully be another step towards recruiting the Dickens permanently.

Doof does Inators because duh, chats with LOVEMUFFIN to hopefully start shaping them up, finally does the musical, and hires the Dickens for the extra action. Dennis studies Sandwich because duh, TECHNOR starts on his giant form, and Max follows Russ. Mirage rolls the Hero Gacha, Vanessa gets her test out of the way, Janna finds Marco, Kitsune teaches Janna, and Tom searches for Star.

Hego gets a (temporary) Hego-Mobile, Khan gets both Talisman for possible Synergy, and Fire Breath to make him wreck face even harder.

Large Quest lineup to hopefully cover for each other with a variety of specializations, with a very high beatstick-ability. Maximum Hero Units are sent to hopefully get at least one of them some growth.
--[-] One Man's Trash (Martial: 103, Diplomacy: 43, Stewardship: 55, Intrigue: 42, Learning: 49, Occult: 7)
---[-] Quest Leader: Genghis Khan
---[-] Norm Prime
---[-] Janus Lee
---[-] Queen Lizzie
---[-] Hego
i honestly don't find this a great comp, Janus Lee has no place being on a quest in a wasteland. i'm also pretty sure that with this setup Hego adds nothing to the quest which is not a good thing
As a gentle reminder, the Phantom Blot is coming soonish.

We want to get our house in order, particularly in regards to Normbot decentralization and that blasted alien cat.
I desperately wish we could send Wendy on the quest as her plus 30 for robotics and AI would no doubt be immensely helpful in that setting.

But we have our own research to do.

@Made in Heaven two little questions:

1. Where is "Open Ties to Magical NYC"? I can´t seem to find it anywhere and I´d rather us not miss out on taking it this turn, considering that shit will get real very soon regarding the Magical Masquerade

2. Would Roddys PA to Construct a Lair (say, for Hego?) fulfill his expectations to do construction work for us this turn? Considering that doing so eats into our income, I daresay that it does - after all, we seem to be the one ultimately paying for it, not the Hero Unit in question.
[-] Plan: Prepare for Trouble
-[-] National Actions:
--[-] Build a personal suit of power armor (Ludivine von Drake) (CoS: 47%, 57% w/ XP)
--[-] Recruit from your rolodex: The Glooms (Goofy) (CoS: 82%, 92% w/ XP)
--[-] Reach out to leaders of the Zaibatsu (Wile E. Coyote, Genius) (CoS: 92%, 99% w/ XP)
--[-] Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania (Roddy Blair, King of Lairs) (CoS: 66%, 76% w/ XP)
--[-] Improve DoofOS Security (Alan Bradley) (CoS: 53%, 63% w/ XP)
--[-] Investigate Supervillain Attacks (Agent Russ) (CoS: 86%, 96% w/ XP)
--[-] Infiltrate a Hotspot: Cape Suzette (Major Francis Monogram) (CoS: 82%, 92% w/ XP)
--[-] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies (Wendy Wower) (CoS: 79%, 89% w/ XP)
--[-] Research sublight drives (Dr. Jumba Jookiba) (CoS: 60%, 70% w/ XP)
--[-] Study the Crystal Key (Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja) (CoS: 66%, 76% w/ XP)
--[-] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.) (CoS: 72%, 82% w/ XP)
--[-] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Dickens Detective Agency (Large)) (CoS: 73%, 83% w/ XP)
-[-] Personal Actions:
--[-] Doof:
---[-] Tinker with your Inators
---[-] Chat with the Bossman: L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.
---[-] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency (Large)
---[-] Start writing a musical
--[-] Dennis the Duck (Study the Perfect Sandwich)
--[-] TECHNOR (Build giant robot legs)
--[-] Max (Job Shadow Russ)
--[-] Mirage (Recruit new talent)
--[-] Vanessa (Take the SAT)
--[-] Janna Ordonia (Find Marco!)
--[-] Kitsune (Train Janna)
--[-] Tom Lucitor (Search for Star)
-[-] Item Assignments:
--[-] XT9000 Jet Car: Hego
--[-] Jī Talisman: Genghis Khan
--[-] Potion of Fire Breath: Genghis Khan
--[-] Yáng Talisman: Genghis Khan
-[-] Quests:
--[-] One Man's Trash (Martial: 103, Diplomacy: 43, Stewardship: 55, Intrigue: 42, Learning: 49, Occult: 7)
---[-] Quest Leader: Genghis Khan
---[-] Norm Prime
---[-] Janus Lee
---[-] Queen Lizzie
---[-] Hego
-[-] Miscellaneous:
--[-] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[-] Activate an Inator

Main focus of the plan is setting up defenses or other prepwork. Also serves as a joke because I want to recruit the Glooms dagnabit.

Power Armor preps us against the "assassination" thing that seems to be going around. Glooms is so Xanatos can't nab them, Zaibatsu to establish friendly relations with a fellow King. Roddy moves Doofhawk because that's what he's good at, and Alan Bradley gives us some more cyber defense, an area we're comparatively lacking in. Russ investigates Supervillans to make sure they're not worrisome, and Monogram starts setting up our first spy network. Wendy keeps us hammering away at AI, and Jumba looks at Sublight so that we can move towards running Doom out of business. Tobe does Crystal Key this turn because a +5 is more valuable on a National Action than a Personal. LOVEMUFFIN gets Normbots taken care of. And Commodore checks out the Cartel, which will hopefully be another step towards recruiting the Dickens permanently.

Doof does Inators because duh, chats with LOVEMUFFIN to hopefully start shaping them up, finally does the musical, and hires the Dickens for the extra action. Dennis studies Sandwich because duh, TECHNOR starts on his giant form, and Max follows Russ. Mirage rolls the Hero Gacha, Vanessa gets her test out of the way, Janna finds Marco, Kitsune teaches Janna, and Tom searches for Star.

Hego gets a (temporary) Hego-Mobile, Khan gets both Talisman for possible Synergy, and Fire Breath to make him wreck face even harder.

Large Quest lineup to hopefully cover for each other with a variety of specializations, with a very high beatstick-ability. Maximum Hero Units are sent to hopefully get at least one of them some growth.
I am Woweed, and I approve this plan.
So, since there seems to be some interest in still researching the GalFed ship and getting space tech eventually, why not reach out to the US Gov.? The DC dropped a little bit to 100, and from what we saw government funding gave a wooping +30 bonus during the last rival report. Not only would it make the relevant actions far easier to succeed and even crit, it would also make Government more willing to look away from Doof, now that the military is once again up to par.

Edit: And then there's WyndCom. Odds are that somebody might gobble it up in order to get into the space race. Might be worth considering.
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