Doom's a toon in a fancy human suit. We'd need to trick him into acting Toony, which is harder, because Baron Von Rotten was a formerly nice toon who got too into method acting, suffered a head injury or some such, and became convinced he actually was evil, thus leading to the entire plot of WFRR. We'd have to really push it AND find out about the murder of Teddy Valiant(and likely Eddie too, since Doom's still around.)
Doom's a toon in a fancy human suit. We'd need to trick him into acting Toony, which is harder, because Baron Von Rotten was a formerly nice toon who got too into method acting, suffered a head injury or some such, and became convinced he actually was evil, thus leading to the entire plot of WFRR. We'd have to really push it AND find out about the murder of Teddy Valiant(and likely Eddie too, since Doom's still around.)
a lot of dooms crimes become rather easy to find out about and any potential evidence left by doom when looking through dooms dreams and finding such things.
oh good! There's a lot more potential for fun that way! Either way, Doom's kind of hard to out as toony unless you REALLY piss him off.
The easiest way would be to force him to shrug off some massive injury in a public setting, in such a way that he can't deny it. Bullets can be shaken off as having missed, punches rolled with, but a mallet to the head is the kind of injury Judge Doom, Normal Human Man, simply could not survive without revealing he is not, in fact, a normal human man. That said, good luck: As a toon, he still has reflexes far beyond any human, and having kept his disguise up this long means he's probably gotten good at dodging injuries that would otherwise out him. Plus, ya know, there's the small matter of having to assassinate another King, which just isn't the kinda thing Doof would do. WE, of course, can plan to attempt-to-kill Doom with a clear conscience because we know that he's a Toon and will live, but Doof couldn't because he doesn't.
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I'd flip, but my personal take on gambling is "never gamble with things you are not already prepared to lose".

Almost anything else, I'd be willing to take the risk, but I really want the full set of talismans, and they are all one-of-a-kind.
If you want the full set, you should be willing to lose the auction for the Sheepgoat Talisman. After all, the winner probably has another one of the collection, as if you're not collecting them the Sheepgoat Talisman just isn't worth that much money, and now we'll know who we can steal them from. The names of the winners are published. >:D
I wouldn't count on any of those being low on funds. Made in Heaven made it a point to specifically imply that they likely aren't low on funds and likely won't make low-end bids

Edit: Also, Xanatos bought the sword, not Demona.
I don't know about the other redhead or Pandarus, but Horvath is probably going to put most of his money on the Merlin Encantus.
Are any of them specifically interested in the tailsman or the Morganian Encanti? From what I could tell, no one wants the morganian one besides Janna and maybe Owen, while the tailsman seems more general interest than anyone wanting it, although we did only pass the first level of the intrigue check, so might be wrong.

The fact that they aren't making low end bids doesn't matter unless they're aiming for stuff we want.
It does help us if they're making high-end bids on other stuff. Means they won't have much to throw at the stuff we want.
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If you want the full set, you should be willing to lose the auction for the Sheepgoat Talisman. After all, the winner probably has another one of the collection, as if you're not collecting them the Sheepgoat Talisman just isn't worth that much money, and now we'll know who we can steal them from. The names of the winners are published. >:D
Really? Psychic defenses and one of the best spying tools around?
You mentioned that before. Makes me all the more curious what exactly Doom's Motivation and Backstory in this Quest are. How did he become so hateful towards his own kind?
Who said he did? My interpretation of the character is that he's just kinda a sadist, and, since Toons are a discriminated class, they were easier for him to legally murder. I mean, he'll murder people illegally too, but it's easier to do it this way. Ultimately, he's a Toon, so i'm willing to bet his desire to kill his own kind comes from one reason: It's FUNNY to him. He's taken the humor in violence that is inherent in toonery and taken it one step too far, desiring to dish out violence that won't be shaken off so easily as the ones inflicted on screen. Take him dropping an anvil on Eddie's brother: What's a toon would call wacky hijinks becomes tragedy on a human. Most Toons know and appreciate that fact: Doom...Does not. To him, an anvil on the head is funny, whether it ends in humor or hospitalization, as is melting someone in acid. So, yeah, he's a sadist.
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there was a popular fan theory that Doom is Pistol Packin' Possum, so maybe they'll use that?Unlikely, since doom used all those weird gold bits during his fight with Eddie, though. Eh, we'll see.
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This keeps coming up, but dip is super toxic. Normal people shoudn't touch it either.
I may be misremembering what @Made in Heaven said, but my understanding was that Dip was kind of toxic, but toxic in the sense that you don't want to drink it, not in the sense that having some splash on your skin was dangerous. I believe the phrase "you could stand in a puddle of it and be fine if you didn't mind it dissolving the polish off your shoes" was used, or something to that effect.

Doom is a toon, Wack him with a hammer or blow something up in his face, has the same revealing effect.
Yes, but those would also work if Doom was an ordinary man, just 'work' in a different way. And since he IS keeping up the pretense of being an ordinary man, he has justification to take precautions to avoid being easily assaulte
You mentioned that before. Makes me all the more curious what exactly Doom's Motivation and Backstory in this Quest are. How did he become so hateful towards his own kind?
I've had my own theories on that subject, but I don't want to spoil anything in case MiH is using it.

I may be misremembering what @Made in Heaven said, but my understanding was that Dip was kind of toxic, but toxic in the sense that you don't want to drink it, not in the sense that having some splash on your skin was dangerous. I believe the phrase "you could stand in a puddle of it and be fine if you didn't mind it dissolving the polish off your shoes" was used, or something to that effect.
Toons are paint. Dip is paint thinner. That's the joke. Paint thinner causes skin burns because it's really strong shit.

That's easy. Mine idea's better.
I may be misremembering what @Made in Heaven said, but my understanding was that Dip was kind of toxic, but toxic in the sense that you don't want to drink it, not in the sense that having some splash on your skin was dangerous. I believe the phrase "you could stand in a puddle of it and be fine if you didn't mind it dissolving the polish off your shoes" was used, or something to that effect.

Yes, but those would also work if Doom was an ordinary man, just 'work' in a different way. And since he IS keeping up the pretense of being an ordinary man, he has justification to take precautions to avoid being easily assaulte
No, it'll burn your skin too. I mean, you still don't want it on your shoes either, but...Pardon me, I just felt hallow and empty inside...
Update: I have gotten the go-ahead to tell you why Doom seems to have a problem with toons to the point of seemingly genocidal hatred.

He doesn't. The readers who think that, like some people in-universe, have come to the conclusion that he "hates toons" based on the identity he has constructed as a human and the actions he commits as that character. Even though you know he's a toon in truth.

Judge Doom is a psychopath who has murdered humans in addition to toons in order to achieve his actual plans in the movie, which were to amass a ton of money, use that money to start a major business and obtain political power, and then use those amasses resources to create a freeway. The identity of Judge Doom and his extremely banal agenda against toons were a means to an end that he is still exploiting to pull the wool over the eyes of people who already have a bias against toons, not knowing that a very crazy toon is the one pulling the strings.

Don't get suckered. Doom would kill anyone to keep control of his power, and he invented Dip to make sure he could kill other toons when they got in his way too.

But of course we aren't allowed to know this idea because [SPOILERS], right?
Don't worry, there's still more secrets I'm not telling you.
Really? Psychic defenses and one of the best spying tools around?
Yup. It's just psychic defenses and astral projection. Lots of people can do that. Horvath is going for the Merlin book, so it's only the redhead and Pandarus we need to worry about. So I don't know them, are they experienced magicians?
the big thing is. i don't think 10 will cut it due to multiple people not having bid on anything yet and our flubbed intrigue roll.
We know a lot of people are interested in the books, our flubbed intrigue roll was on the Alchemy book. That's good news, sorta, because people are probably interested in it too.
Like Simon says, people came for the final round, saved up for it. Means no item is likely to be ignored.
I really wish I didn't become intimidated by the Talisman lead and made a Morganian 7/Manual 10 bid vote last night; people really don't seem to think we can get a Talisman with a 10 bid. And in retrospect I should have put a 6/6/4 split in my plan last round.

But given how we didn't lose a single bid due to being outspent last round, I think the surety everyone has about absolutely needing to dump 17 on whatever we want to be really weird. Literally no-one has displayed that level of profligate spending so far. This a blind auction, and 17 is about 242% of the original bid; it's absolute overkill. 200% of any bid should be overkill, frankly, and we are going significantly past that. I do think it is worth betting "just" 10 here, and it's crazy that it's not considered enough.
That's my gut feeling, too. Disney was worth 12, that's not small change.
"No Risk, No Reward" bids the bare minimum on the Morganian Encantus. If anyone wants to bid on it, we have a 50% chance. If anyone wants to bid 'plus one-' and there are plenty of participants with money to burn in the last round- then we lose.

Meanwhile, if anyone really wants the talisman, "No Risk, No Reward" gives us only a modest chance of getting it.
The Morgana text was explicitly called out as something no one other than us and maybe Owen wanted. So someone might put the minimum bid on it, but it's also likely that people are using up their saved money on bids for other items. Can't bid more money than you have, so for most people, it's going to be all-in on one item, rather than spread out bets, and no one seemed very interested in the Morgana Encantus.
I don't know why we can't bid the minimum on an item nearly no one else is interested in. Even Owen is likely interested in the Merlinian copy for Xanatos' son. No one else is going for it. If there's anything we can be with the minimum, it's the Morganian Encantus.
Could someone fill me in on the lore here? Why is the Merlinian better for Xanatos' son than the Morgana?
yes. but there are 3 people who have not spent anything on the auction this far. this means they can bid very high. (ie 10 or over) on what they want.
that is the reason i want to spend over 10 on the talisman. spending over 10 on the talisman means we cannot spend anything on something else due to minimum bid being 7. so therefore we may aswell go all in on the thing we want so we absolutely get it.
Sure, but there's only two people who might go all in on something other than the Merlinian Encantus, and they might want the manual or the Merlinian. In other words, we might get lucky. And if we don't get lucky that way, maybe they'll bid ten or less. Maybe they'll win and they're a collector.
The problem is the math. We have 17 points. A 10 bid has a good chance of getting us the talisman, but, if we bet that, then we can only bet the minimum on the Enchantus, which almost-certainly won't be enough. So, best to just dump it all.
I don't think you can be almost certain on that. Who else is going to want to spend over 7 on the Morgana? And if they do bid the minimum, we could win the coinflip.
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I don't think you can be almost certain on that. Who else is going to
Because anything Xanatos has bothered to bet on so far, he's bet one or two above the minimum bid. Also because taking a chance that nobody is at all interested in the Morganian one is a bit dangerous. Two effective coin tosses is a risky game. It might pay off, it migh not.
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