No, Kat was pulled into Doofania by Nemesis-Inator. And by pulled in I mean literally pulled all the way from Canada to Tri-State Area. And Kat is not guaranteed to become a nemesis yet. Just has a potential. He serves as a great foil when compared to Agent P. Basically Nega-Perry.
I mean, that doesn't really preclude what I said? I said Kat was designed to be the replacement nemesis after Inquinator was taken out, and that is functionally correct. I wasn't saying a "you're wrong because..." statement. I was saying a "To be fair..." statement
Seriously, I mean come on, we're just going to have our employees take turns?
We won't have to have them take turns. Do remember that we have an option to specifically build a custom car for each hero. It is one of Janus Lee's personal actions.
Oh, that's definately the Boiling Isles. TOH is here, then.

It was interesting enough I guess.
Does anyone who can answer have any ideas if this means anything for iding this person?

Anyway, leaning for the cookbook and the key.

Probably 6 on the key and 4 on the cookbook, from my first guess.
Owl House was confirmed near the start of the quest when the lady matching Eda's description was said to be kicked out.
Seriously, the key is most likely going to have more than one benefit. It'll probably let the Other-Dimension-Inator have things that it wouldn't otherwise.
I agree it probably would, but I have no interest in doing anything beyond the bare basics of solving the Toffee conundrum. I have no interest in the other dimensions beyond that. If we were to significantly expand our purview, I'd much rather it be with a Space Program than through exploring or otherwise establishing relations across dimensions. Thus, the key is functionally a waste of money for how I view we should go.

I desire the Cookbook the most, and the scroll second. Unfortunately that means my vote is meaningless yet again, because no leading plan includes the Cookbook.

[X] Plan: Knowledge is Power
- [X] 7 for the Scroll of Jo-Lan
- [X] 6 for the Mad Mojo Cookbook
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I doubt that this was the logic used in picking out items for the auction- from a meta perspective, I'm not sure the QM has gone into that level of detail here. Besides that, if you want to bet, I'll bet that even if we don't want the talisman being sold in the auction, there will be an item besides the Encantus in the final round that we'll desire more than the book or scrolls.
Sure, but I think we both are already voting the way our risk assessment tells us we should. I'm sure there will be interesting things on the third round outside the Encantus, I just prefr not making those mystery items a priority compared to what we are deficiency in. The third round may or may not have more knowledge sources outside the Encantus, but there 2 perfectly fine magical manual in front of us right now; so I think going for them is quite worth it.
I desire the Cookbook the most, and the scroll second. Unfortunately that means my vote is meaningless yet again, because no leading plan includes the Cookbook.
Acquire knowledge revised does make a bid for the Cookbook, but I can't say it's a priority.
[X] Plan Key And Ki
-[X] Spend points on the Scrolls of Jo-Lan
--[x] 4
-[x] Spend points on the Crystal Key
--[x] 5
Adhoc vote count started by stuckunderwater on Sep 19, 2020 at 2:44 AM, finished with 282 posts and 60 votes.

Looks like a genuinely close one, this time, folks! Counting the person whose vote isn't being counted with everyone else's because of homonyms, it's 26 to 24 in Key and Ki's favor.

EDIT: Make that 27!
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Acquire knowledge revised does make a bid for the Cookbook, but I can't say it's a priority.
It does, yes, but it wastes money trying for all 3 instead of consolidating on two. I want to actually win the items we bid on, not just put money out and get a refund. I want that Cookbook most of all.
Adhoc vote count started by stuckunderwater on Sep 19, 2020 at 2:44 AM, finished with 282 posts and 60 votes.

Looks like a genuinely close one, this time, folks! Counting the person whose vote isn't being counted with everyone else's because of homonyms, it's 26 to 24 in Key and Ki's favor.

EDIT: Make that 27!
Speaking of which, @GoldenCookie could you fix that?
I mean, that doesn't really preclude what I said? I said Kat was designed to be the replacement nemesis after Inquinator was taken out, and that is functionally correct. I wasn't saying a "you're wrong because..." statement. I was saying a "To be fair..." statement
You are assuming here Kat is a replacement to Inquinator. Which he is not. We just rolled a bad inator that caused Kat to appear. I'm not sure how he would be designed like that.
Key feels like solid 6 at most
Yeah, but nobody wanted to vote for it sadly. People want goodies here and now instead of waiting flr what is in the mystery box...
Sure, but I think we both are already voting the way our risk assessment tells us we should. I'm sure there will be interesting things on the third round outside the Encantus, I just prefr not making those mystery items a priority compared to what we are deficiency in. The third round may or may not have more knowledge sources outside the Encantus, but there 2 perfectly fine magical manual in front of us right now; so I think going for them is quite worth it.
I think your focus on magical knowledge is a mistake in the first place, given the abstraction level of the quest.
Speaking of which, @GoldenCookie could you fix that?
You are assuming here Kat is a replacement to Inquinator. Which he is not. We just rolled a bad inator that caused Kat to appear. I'm not sure how he would be designed like that.
He is though. The Inator that drags in Nemeses was what brought him in, and then one of the Jr. QMs (don't remember if it was weredrago or Arathnorn) collaborated with MiH to make sure their omake of Kat arriving would be actively canon. He serves as the replacement for Inquinator. Unlike Inquinator, he doesn't have to be Doof's Nemesis and he could very well go native, but he is definitely a functional replacement until actually recruited.
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Adhoc vote count started by Rah13 on Sep 19, 2020 at 2:56 AM, finished with 291 posts and 60 votes.

Key and Ki only bidding 4 on the scroll is good. If we win we get it for cheap. If we lose then we just have some more money to go all in on two items. We will probably need 9-10 points for one item tbh and maybe like 15 points for an item that Xanatos also wants.

Im fine with either plan winning I guess.
I do think Key and Ki and my plan have a fair chance of not landing us the Key, but like, whatever? All that happens if we lose is that it make us spent a Personal Attention on the Other-Dimension-Inator, which is hardly the end of the world. I think that 4 bid on Key and Ki that Scroll might as well not be there as well, but again, we don't lose anything so whatever. I hope the round 3 stuff is pretty good if that's the winning plan, then.
I said the scrolls are secondary, not "a non-starter" like the key. If you look back up at my original statement, I voted for the plan that purchases the Cookbook and scrolls.
OK...But, again, why do you prioritize the scrolls as below the cookbook, and why are you against the key? The key would be damn useful even if all it did was lower the dimensional research DC, and i'm pretty sure it'll have other powers. As for the scrolls, the cookbook would be useful, but it'd probably be mostly for Tobe. Reuben and Dennis might get something out of it, sure, but past that...Meanwhile, the scrolls could give a Martial boost to lots of people. Khan, Tobe...US, probably. Ultimately, the cookbook would be fun, but it's just not worth trying to outbid Xanatos. The scrolls are.
On the one hand, we do want to get as many magical items that are useful to us as possible out of this auction, but on the other hand, we still have an auction round, so we should save some points, as there is a good chance that round 3 of the auction has more than one items that might be interesting to us... to that end, I have a few compromise plans, based on Plan Key and Ki...

[] Plan Secure Spending (Version 1)
-[] Spend points on the Scrolls of Jo-Lan
--[] 6
-[] Spend points on the Crystal Key
--[] 5

[] Plan Secure Spending (Version 2)
-[] Spend points on the Scrolls of Jo-Lan
--[] 6
-[] Spend points on the Crystal Key
--[] 6

[] Plan Secure Spending (Version 3)
-[] Spend points on the Scrolls of Jo-Lan
--[] 5
-[] Spend points on the Crystal Key
--[] 5

[] Plan Secure Spending (Version 4)
-[] Spend points on the Scrolls of Jo-Lan
--[] 5
-[] Spend points on the Crystal Key
--[] 6

Opinions on any of these plans?
It looks like if anyone wants a actual shot at the books this round the best bet is plan aquire knowledge revised.

I wouldn't have bid on the key but, oh well.