Mad Mojo Cookbook: we already have a spell book that we have not finished reading its best just to let someone else have it
We finished reading our spellbook.

Also JEEESUS SHINIES. THERE ARE GOOD THINGS THIS TIME! I really want stuff, but the only thing that I 100% need to have is the Scroll, KI Powers are our Gap-Closer for Martial. The Book, Sword, and Key would also be very nice to have, I suggest we decided on two items, Preferably including the Scroll.
@Made in Heaven
If we do win the scroll, would it be possible to sell a promise to make a copy of it for him for say, 3 units of wealth for the auction round?
He gets the technique on it cheaper than he would have had he won a bid. We get more cash to spend for the next round.
[ ] Plan: Budget Knowledge is Power
- [ ] 7 for the Scroll of Jo-Lan

How about this for a cheap plan? We'll have 20 points to spend in the next round if we win with it.
For the people who are saying we don't need the key keep in mind that while 140 DC Learning action is theoretically doable we have at best a 52% chance of success at it and a significant DC drop, which this is implied to be, would drastically improve our chances and make it easier to get a good success or even a critical one rather than just scraping by

Plus it also keeps the Key out of anyone else's hands and prevents us from having to steal Toffee's or try and convince Marcus to hand his over
Losing a roll isn't the end of the world.
No it isn't but it is a waste of an action which we should try to avoid, especially on something as important as that, and we have no real reason to not buy the key
I'd like to save 16 points for round 3 so let's just bid 5 on the scroll and 6 on the key. 16 points should let us bid on 2 items next round. Maybe one if we need to go all in.
"Please don't buy that." Max says simply.
The virgin has spoken! We will not be buying that! (Please to the virgin. Please)
"This multi-purpose tome is the Mad Mojo Cookbook!" Magica declares. "An ambiguously authored documentation of the syncretized "Pacific Voodoo Ninjutsu" native to parts of the Pacific. Believe me, I was as surprised as you to find out this was a thing. And I know every discipline! Anyway, It's apparently an introductory guide to becoming a sorcerer/kahuna/bokor/onmyoudou capable of working elemental forces, channeling exotic spirits, or balancing one's inner self. Also contains a great recipe for pineapple gumbo."
Oooo, something for Tobe now! I say we lay down the minimum and if we don't get it, that's fine. We don't necessarily need it.
Yeah, no. I'd rather not kill anyone if I can help it.
CONFIRMATION OF NINJA MAGIC! MUST GET FOR TOBE! (Bet only a bit higher than minimum, trying to conserve here)
Sword of Enlightenment
Oh, this looks coo-!
"Now, some have reported some very minor feelings of megalomania and an overwhelming desire to conquer the world after prolonged exposure but hey, who hasn't tried to take over the world at least once?"
Never mind. Don't touch that.
You sit up a bit straighter. The whole 'random' thing is an issue, but with this thingy, the Other-Dimension-Inator could go from a design document and the odd pontification to an actual reality! It would make it way, waaaaay easier to build. All you'd need to do is find a way to keep the portal open for a while, and if you can't figure that out, you'll eat someone else's hat.
[ ] Plan: Key to your Inator
- [ ] 6 for the Key
Honestly, only interested in Key. Gotta advance our Toffee plotline. Plus we know that all the goodies are in the 3rd round, like Encantus or Talismans, and more points we save, the better.
Seriously, the key is most likely going to have more than one benefit. It'll probably let the Other-Dimension-Inator have things that it wouldn't otherwise.
[ ] Plan Hedging The Bets
-[ ] Spend points on the Mad Mojo Cookbook
--[ ] 4
-[ ] Spend points on the Scrolls of Jo-Lan
--[ ] 5
-[ ] Spend points on the Crystal Key
--[ ] 6
Do not get the Ring or the Sword. The red heads are after them and if they truly are Demona then we want them waste money on it to not get the third turn auction item.

The only thing interesting to me is the Cookbook, the Scrolls, and the Key.

The Key is a given at this point as Xanatos had given it to us and the only other one interested in it backs doesn't seem to be able to bid it highly.

We should return the favor to Xanatos though. He is interested in both the Cookbook and the Scrolls. So buying only one of them should let us paying him back for the Key and lowering his money for the third turn.

I want at least 18 points remaining in our pockets so that we can buy 2 of third turn item with one worth 10 points and the other 8.

Based on all of those reasoning. This is what I suggested.

[ ] Plan: Auction Courtesy
-[ ] Mad Mojo Cookbook
- -[ ] 5 Points
-[ ] Crystal Key
- -[ ] 4 Points

The Cookbook seems the least Xanatos is interested in, and more usefull to us as it had relations to Ninjutsu and Onmyoudo so Tobe and Kitsune can use them, and being a Cookbook may offer recipe to our potion making.

The Scrolls will only increase power and being a seal breaker of which will increase our Martial Hero units like Temujin, but Xanatos is more interested in this item than the Cookbook. So we better off surrendering this to him to make him waste money.

The key will lower the DC of our dimensional tech, and the only one who wants it couldn't bid very high. But with our learning, the DC for dimensional tech, 140 DC, is not unreachable. So it's not too important. I say put a 4 on it and if we lose we will still have 22 points left that basically guaranteed us two items of the third round.

The real meat of the auction is on the third turn guys. We need to save some points.
Ya know, Gomez's high learning and specialty would also help us magi-tech a portal
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Ah, you're predicting a "bonuses from ODI have been increased" rather than a mere dc reduction? I could see it.
Ok so I'm tired and I may just be repeating what you're saying and if I am I apologize.

What I'm predicting is that, besides just a DC drop, it'll give the ODI bonuses it wouldn't have even if we had crit succeeded it.
I want the Scroll to avoid us missing out on some fundamentally important powerset, like what could potentially be derived from Ki.

The cookbook is a bit sketchy to me, and beyond that, the only things it's useful for is the magic disciplines, specifically controlling elemental forces, channelling exotic spirits, and balancing one's inner self. It has a bit of synergy with the Scroll based off of that last line, but probably not that much. Besides that, since it's familiar to Feldrake, we'll probably be able to get it, or equivalents, through his questline, and Sorcerer's Apprentice magic has elemental magic as a domain, so the elemental magic from that isn't that notable after we get the Encantus.

The key... I'm not interested in.
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[ ] Plan: Ninja key
-[ ] Spend points on the Mad Mojo Cookbook
--[ ] 4
-[ ] Spend points on the Scrolls of Jo-Lan
--[ ] 5
-[ ] Spend points on the Crystal Key
--[ ] 6
Here's my analysis of the situation.

-Wailing Star
Worthless. We don't need to supercharge anything right now, the screaming is really annoying, the wild magic would probably wreck us, and Max asked us not to get it.

-Mad Mojo Cookbook
Nice. Cooking skills AND beginner Occult skill-teacher, both of which are useful to us.

-Ring of the Borgias
Nah. Doof really isn't the kind of person who would ever make use of this sort of assassination tool and it probably wouldn't even work on Toffee anyway since it's apparently wolf-based; I don't think even magic wolves will be able to kill him and that's if he even falls for it in the first place - which he won't.

-Scrolls of Jo-Lan
Niiiice. "Ninja magic" for Tobe and anyone else who wants to learn, and opens up a new Paradigm (Ki) for card-gaining/recruiting! There are probably a bunch of occult research things it opens up as well.

-Sword of Enlightenment
Meh. Technor would like it probably, but you need somewhere to steal the power from in the first place, so.

-Crystal Key
Helpful (but not essential) for a core goal of ours. Interdimensional travel stuff is something we are pretty much always going to go for and a large reduction in the DC for it would be very helpful. We might even be able to crit it if the Crystal Key lowers it by enough.

I'd personally recommend minimum bidding the cookbook to try our luck at an easy snag, 2 above the minimum for the Scrolls to maybe beat out Xanatos' 1 over, and only 1 above minimum for Crystal Key since I don't think anyone is gonna actually spend that much on it so we can snag it cheap.
Jokes aside, I think we ought to spend 5 on the key and 4 on the scrolls. We aren't allowed to trade during the auction, but word of QM on Discord is that we can trade after; we can bring up the idea of changing the book for the scrolls once we're both done with our personal projects later.
I have a Silly Idea.

And it goes like this.

1) We split the cookbook/scrolls down the middle between us and Xanatos
2) Each of us sets up a training institute (David Xanatos can surely get some haute cuisine place going, and we're Eccentric enough to make a dojo, or the other way around perhaps)
3) We each give the other a preferential slot in the program, maybe something like 1/year? And the rest go at market rates.