[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Hunt Troublemakers
[X] [Secondary] Hunt Troublemakers x2
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City Lower Valleyhome
[X] [Secondary] Support Urban Poor
[X] [Secondary] More Warships
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City Stallion Pen
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Blackmouth
[X] [Secondary] Launch Intrigue Mission (Patricians)
[X] [Secondary] Launch Intrigue Mission (Patricians) x2
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Sacred Shore
[X] [Secondary] No Distribute Land
[X] [Secondary] No Distribute Land x2
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory

Not really sure what to vote for, other than no freaking way is Distribute Land going to be one of them... So I'm going with the plan that's against that right now I believe?

I mean, seriously, we're probably in one of the best spots to fight a civil war considering that our current and future King are Gods of War, which means we shouldn't actually really lose anything territory-wise from it... Or at least, not permanently...
If the thread is not willing to risk a civil war in the face of the patricians, there is one other solution that does not involve simply conceding to the Patricians.

Support the two other factions that can counterbalance the influence of the Patricians in rural areas: the Yeomen and the Priests. If we can empower them, it will ensure that the Distribute Land is not simply a naked powergrab by the Patricians. We know that the Yeomen want an internal reorg, and hopefully that will synergize with Distribute Land in a way that blunts the impact.

Empowering the Yeomanry is going to mean lowering city count.

And that is going to mean less player actions.

It's not an ideal situation, but this entire snafu is about as far from ideal as it gets.
So we give in to the assholes threatening it?

That will make us blackmailable forever. And once we're through with that, we can just about forget about any elves comparisons. Then we'll just be a normal feudal hellhole.

This is more important than territory or megaprojects or trade dominance or really anything. This is, basically, about how good we are as a society. If we're worth having all that territory, all those megaprojects, all that trade dominance. Who cares who has all that if one side is as bad as the other?

What matters is keeping our unique society. Keeping as much equality and social mobility, as much social justice, as still possible.

Even if it means having to fight for it.

We basically had slaves for a long, long time and didn't notice. What system we have on paper is much less meaningful than strong values/thoughtful use of the system.

Better to ride this out, learn the lesson, and address any lack of noblesse oblige directly. Civil war hacks at the branches instead of the root of the problem.
It'seems not like distribute land distributes all of it at once. Ithe was nice not having any private land but as long as most of it is public so it can be used efficiently and infrastructure can be built as needed, it should be fine.
Academia Nut has previously said that once the Crown distributed land even once, the Patricians will be able to use their own faction actions to do it. Do you seriously expect them to stop?
Well, now we have to. Sometimes it's the only way to decide things when two sides refuse to agree. And frankly, I have not much doubt that with the yeomen and urban poor onside along with his momma's cavalry Alyx jr will thrash the living fuck out of the patrician's elites.
AN said that the yeoman are supportive of distribute land and the UP are 'meh' on it quite frankly the only ones opposed to this within the Ymaryn are the priests.
Warning For Marginal Behavior
[X] PrimalShadow

Just to stop anti-DL civil war assholes. Also, I don't think voting "[]no DL" is a valid vote
The king who, for reasons nobody IC can adequately explain, decides to not DL

AN will come up with an in-universe explanation for why it doesn't happen, like he did with the half-exile reform. Things don't just happen for literally no reason. You can argue all you want about what's the more reasonable option but asserting that it'd be completely without IC reason is just flat-out wrong - said reason can and will be manufactured to fit whatever the vote ends up being. That's how this quest has always worked.
We basically had slaves for a long, long time and didn't notice. What system we have on paper is much less meaningful than strong values/thoughtful use of the system.
That looks nice on paper, but I fear the reality is that power concentrates. If we empower the patricians, they'll just use that power to empower themselves even more. We're starting a process here that will make them absolutely entrenched.

Plus, they shouldn't get away with threatening civil war over it. That goes against both Joyous Symphony and especially Greater Justice something fierce.
That looks nice on paper, but I fear the reality is that power concentrates. If we empower the patricians, they'll just use that power to empower themselves even more. We're starting a process here that will make them absolutely entrenched.

Plus, they shouldn't get away with threatening civil war over it. That goes against both Joyous Symphony and especially Greater Justice something fierce.
And Lord's Loyalty.
That looks nice on paper, but I fear the reality is that power concentrates. If we empower the patricians, they'll just use that power to empower themselves even more. We're starting a process here that will make them absolutely entrenched.

Plus, they shouldn't get away with threatening civil war over it. That goes against both Joyous Symphony and especially Greater Justice something fierce.

The thing is they have not threatened civil war yet. It's just that we know it will happen in 100 years if we do nothing.
Less flippantly, we as the thread have important outside perspective on how damaging the slide toward fragmentation will be and aren't operating under the same personal incentives as the powerful interests in Ymaryn society. We're in a position of perspective from which we can say that we understand why it seems like a good idea to certain in-universe folks, but that those folks are responding to their local incentives in a way that risks screwing the entire civilization.
Sure. The players have a valuable contribute to make. You can count them as their own faction, in a certain sense.

However, it is clear that at this point we are pushing things far enough out of line from the "natural" state that it is starting to screw us. We've seen this before, on a number of occasions:
  • In the first Tax Crisis, we came up with what we wanted to do with taxes. Society said "too complicated. Lets do something else". We insisted. Society also insisted. It didn't go well for us.
  • In the Trelli Intervention, we tried to help free the slaves, despite this being rather strange for the times. Our allies didn't understand, leaving the games and largely cutting off previously delightful relations.

It is clear that we are moving towards the same dynamic here.
Wait a minute, I just realized the Iron Ore subsidy is exactly the amount of profit for a Dominant/Leading good for two countries. And we have both the SY and HK leading in Iron Ore.

So the amount will change if:
-One or both of them gain Center of Trade based values
-Additional Leading suppliers emerge
-One or both of them stop selling iron ore(though this will kick US due to running out of stock)

The tales of his campaigns were amazing and enthralling, and the way he explained how he did things were fantastical even in their mundanity. Father was writing down his adventures and insights, and Shunmyn was helping and writing his own commentary. He was writing a lot actually. His poems and improvements on the writing of others; his commentaries on his father's military campaigns and strategies; and his book on fighting. That last one was the most fun for him but the trickiest to actually do, because he needed to find artists who could get the pictures he needed just right. All of his teachers - including father! - agreed that he was an absolute prodigy and while he still needed a few more years to finish growing, he certainly had many excellent ideas. His "combat poetics" seemed interesting to more than a few veterans who were able to understand what he was trying to explain sometimes.
Alyx is writing the Art of War, but his son seems to be developing Formal Martial Arts? Doesn't seem to be on the front page yet.
He hoped to one day write his poetry on the grandest scale like father had, only in more exotic locales fitting of such epic deeds. He had heard many arguments coming from the palace that made him pretty sure he would get his chance. Arguments about how they should have sent help to the Freehills, or the Harmurri sooner, or invested in the navy before all the pirates came flooding out of the strait.
And there goes pirates again.
Going to have to check the budget for Warships.

Shunmyn didn't have all the facts, although father did share many of them with him, but it sounded like the Freehills had been pushed around and could no longer control the strait in the south-west properly, and now pirates from the Saffron Islands were coming in to take advantage of the disruption, while in the south no one was quite sure who was in charge of the Harmurri at this point, as there were a couple of different groups who had a decent claim and they hadn't quite sorted out who got what yet. There was of course the yelling about laws and land distribution and the like, but Shunmyn honestly had no time for all that.
Freehills is starting to break up, Hamurri is in total chaos, but not really on fire. Yet.

Fortunately father had taken many of the lessons about good leadership and lieutenants on the battlefield and spread it far and wide.

If you wanted to be the best, you needed to have the best attendants, who needed to be assisted by the best themselves. It was just common sense really.

Life of Arete -> Divinely Glorious Elites (Maxed Development)
A well lead life is one of excellence in all things at all levels, from the stitch of cloth to prowess on the battlefield to skill in oration. The best and finest is thus demanded of and by all to show their virtue and honour, in the knowledge that those that rise to the top will be supported by excellence below.
Pros: Increase Martial gain from raising elite units; bonus Culture, Tech and/or Mysticism for certain actions; effect of criticals and doubles greatly increased; ruling faction gains an additional faction power
Cons: Increased potential Martial loss in fighting, increased social stratification, increased costs, dominant faction can no longer be suppressed, -3 Culture/ turn (need more academies)
Oh god. We're on fire again.
More on fire.

Bet nobody expected that eh?

Shunmyn Dragonson: (Heroic Cultured, Genius Martial, Logistical Admin (Poor Regular), Inspiring Diplomacy (Poor Regular), Poor Mystic)
So he's good at Proclaims and Festivals, not so good at other kinds of Diplomacy.

Time to hunker down and do it while Alyx lives. At least he can control the outcome.

Note to everyone, we can do the cities and we don't need to do the harbors, the passives will build harbors. No it doesn't matter if the Patricians cockblock it. The Traders, the Guild and Redshore has enough to finish it themselves.
Expected Faction Policy result:
-Admin Infrastructure x2 - Redshore Governor Palace 4/12
-Trade Infrastructure x2 - Redshore Harbor 2/3

Expected Free City Policy result
-Redshore - Trade Infrastructure - Redshore Harbor 3/3
-Redhills - Defence - Redhills Colosssal Walls 7/9
-Valleyguard - Defence - Valleyguard Colosssal Walls 5/9

Expected Crown Policy result:
-Hygiene Infrastructure x4 - Redshore Aqueduct Level 3 6/6, Redshore Bath level 3 3/9

Expected Faction Preferred Action result:
-Patricians x2: Distribute Land x2
-Priest x2: Open. Temple is blocked due to high RA. Any and all Priest actions taken by them will fulfill the quest. Expected Study Stars, Academy
-Guild x2: Open. They cannot accelerate the Ironworks more than they already are right now other than to generate more Tech/Wealth. May follow Agenda to protect their power.
-Trader x1: More Warships
-Yeomen x1: New Settlement(internal reorg)
-Urban Poor x1: Open. They will follow Agenda for power.

4x King's Policy(Megaproject Support) province actions:
-Great Dam x3 - Econ -6, Tech -6
-Great Library x1+1(track) - Mysticism -6 Culture -6

[X] [Merc] Yes
[X] [Agenda] Sea Control
[X] [Sec] Distribute Land
[X] [Sec] Distribute Land x2
[X] [Sec] Hunt Troublemakers
[X] [Sec] Enforce Justice
[X] [Sec] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Sec] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
[X] [Sec] Found Free City - Lower Valleyhome
[X] [Sec] Art Patronage
[X] [Guild Sec] More Warships

Expected result:
-Cent -4 +?(1 to 3) => 3 to 5
-Econ -3-4-1-6-1 => 19
-Wealth +10 -1 -4 -8 -4 => 3
-Tech -1(+1) -6(+3) => 13 (+7)
-Mysticism -2-6 => -3(+8)(note this is from the megaproject worst case estimate, it won't actually reach this)
-Culture -3-3-6 +3 => 0(note this is from the megaproject worst case estimate, it won't actually reach this)
-Martial -3 => 5
-Naval +2 => 3
-Intrigue -1 => 3
-Stability +2 => 4
-Legitimacy +1 => 4

So the best Agenda(above math is pre-agenda) should be Sea Control, which allows the Traders to cooperate with us to cut the cost of More Warships, which keeps our wealth above Guild Panic, and spends the leftover actions on Sailing Missions to deal with the pirates before we have to deal with Trade Disruption.

The Art Patronage is to take advantage of the Poet.

-Patricians - Will be getting their way. We enable them, they do the other half. We make sure they do it right.
-Guild - First stage guaranteed. No further progress available until mid turn.
-Traders - We just need to meet them halfway.
-Yeomen - Completion guaranteed. No further action needed.
-Priests - Depends on Agenda. Most likely will take the two actions on their own and spawn a free temple this turn. To avoid red RA, they will ignore agenda
-Urban Poor - Completed.
Old Version inside.
Patricians (14 {28})
Guild (16)
Traders (8)
Yeomen (6)
Priests (6)
Urban Poor (6)

5 Province Policies

Look to highest power: Patricians, 28
20-29 Strength -> Patricians, 1 action
10-19 Strength -> Patricians, 1 action; Guilds 1 action - 1 action for having 3 actions of their own, 2 remaining
0-9 Strength -> Patricians, 1 action; Guilds 1 action - 1 action for having 2 actions of their own, 1 remaining; Traders, 1 action; Yeomen 1 - 1 for having 1 of their own, 0 remaining; Priests 1 - 1 of their own, 1 remaining; Urban Poor, 1 action

Therefore the order is Patricians, Patricians, Patricians, Traders, Urban Poor

Our checklist:
-Main Great Dam
-Main Great Library
-Redshore Harbor 1
-Redshore Block Housing 3 Blocked by Harbor 1
-Redshore Ironworks 4 Blocked by Block Housing 3
-Redshore Aqueduct 3
-Redshore Aqueduct 4 Blocked by Aqueduct 3
-Redshore Bath 3
-Redshore Bath 4 Blocked by Bath 3
-Main Distribute Land
-Sec Hunt Troublemakers
-Sec Enforce Justice
-Main Repairs
-Main Warships
-Sec Sailing Mission
-1 RA capacity
-Free City x2

Checking commitments in the following order Passives > Active > Faction > Crown, and then taking resources judiciously before arriving at final builds.
Faction Policies: Admin Infrastructure x2, Trader Infrastructure x2, City Support x1, Forestry x2
Player Policies: Hygiene Infrastructure x4, Skullduggery x1, Forestry x1, Vassal Support x1
Free City Policies: Redshore, Redhills, Valleyguard

Assigning passives in order of maximum self interest followed by city quests, followed by faction interests, followed by incomplete structures, followed by overall needs:
-Redshore - Redshore Harbor(1) 0/3 -> 1/3. Guilds + City desire.
-Redhills - Redhills Colossal Walls 6/9 -> 7/9. Closest to completion
-Valleyguard - Redhills Colossal Walls 4/9 -> 5/9. Closest to completion
-Patricians 1st - Admin - Academy 0/3 -> 1/3. Trait demand. May be doubled. We don't know
-Patricians 2nd - Admin - Academy 1/3 -> 2/3. Trait demand. May be doubled. We don't know
-Trader - Trade - Redshore Harbor(1) 1/3 -> 2/3. Faction interest. Faction power.
-Urban Poor - City Support. Faction interest
-Yeomen - Forestry. Faction interest. Faction quest
-Guilds - Trade - Redshore Harbor(1) 2/3 -> 3/3. Faction interest. Faction quest.
-Crown 1st - Hygiene x2 - Redshore Aqueduct(3) 1/6 -> 3/6. Warpgate barrier
-Crown 2nd - Hygiene x2 - Redshore Aqueduct(3) 3/6 -> 5/6. Warpgate barrier.
-Crown 3rd - Hygiene x2 - Redshore Aqueduct(3) 5/6 -> 6/6, Redshore Bath(3) 1/9. Warpgate barrier
-Crown 4th - Hygiene x2 - Redshore Bath(3) 1/9 -> 3/9. Warpgate barrier

Our checklist:
-Main Great Dam
-Main Great Library
-Redshore Harbor 1 - Done
-Redshore Block Housing 3 Blocked by Harbor 1
-Redshore Ironworks 4 Blocked by Block Housing 3
-Redshore Aqueduct 3 - Done
-Redshore Aqueduct 4 Blocked by Aqueduct 3
-Redshore Bath 3 - Progress
-Redshore Bath 4 Blocked by Bath 3
-Main Distribute Land
-Sec Hunt Troublemakers
-Sec Enforce Justice
-Main Repairs
-Main Warships
-Sec Sailing Mission
-1 RA capacity - Progress
-Free City x2

Megaproject Track:
-Main Great Library - Mysticism -3, Culture -3. 2/5-7 -> 3-4/5-7

Mysticism 8 -> 5 (+3)
Culture 9 -> 6

Megaproject Support:
-Main Dam - Econ -2, Tech -2. 5/6-8 ->6-7/6-8.
-4 more secondaries. Assign after other expenses

Econ 34 -> 32
EE 4 -> 6
Culture 6
Mysticism 5 (+3)
Tech 20 -> 18(+1)

Faction Province actions(all factions wants to do King's Agenda once to maintain power parity unless they have something they want more, first Agenda action doubled):
-Patrician 1st - Main More Warships - Econ -3, Wealth -8, Martial -3, Naval +2

Econ 32 -> 29
EE 6 -> 9
Martial 8 -> 3
Naval 1 -> 3
Wealth 12 -> 4
Culture 6
Mysticism 5 (+3)
Tech 18(+1)

Word of AN, Patricians will snipe Main Warships first because they aren't going to give up a single scrap of their power.

-Patrician 2nd - 1/2 Main Distribute Land
-Patrician 3rd - 2/2 Main Distribute Land. Centralization -2, Wealth +5

Econ 29
EE 9
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 4 -> 9 {4}
Culture 6
Mysticism 5 (+3)
Tech 18(+1)
Centralization -2 < 6 < 9 -> -2 < 4 < 9

And they take our precedent and go.

-Trader 1st - Secondary Sailing Mission
-Urban Poor 1st - Secondary -> Main Sailing Mission(Traders fuse) Econ -1

Econ 29 -> 28
EE 9 -> 10
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 9 {4}
Culture 6
Mysticism 5 (+3)
Tech 18(+1)
Centralization -2 < 4 < 9

Their main interests are met already, so they got nothing to do but go for the Power from the Agenda(the traders might go for a second Warships if we had the budget, but we don't.

Faction private actions(likely locked):
-Guild 1st - Secondary Sailing Mission
-Yeomen 1st - New Settlement(internal reorg). Econ -1, Econ (+1), Mysticism (+1), EE (+3)

Econ 28 -> 27 (+1)
EE 10 -> 11 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 9 {4}
Culture 6
Mysticism 5 (+3) -> 5 (+4)
Tech 18(+1)
Centralization -2 < 4 < 9

Yeomen with only one action will pursue additional settlements instead of faction power. Reason being they have better luck forming a new province or popping a city than gaining an action by faction power.
Also they'd get the lost power right back from their quest anyways.

-Priests 1st - Study Stars. Wealth -1, Tech -1, Mysticism +2

Econ 27 (+1)
EE 11 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 9 {4} -> 8 {3}
Culture 6
Mysticism 5 (+4) -> 7 (+4)
Tech 18(+1) -> 17 (+2)
Centralization -2 < 4 < 9

This gives them 3/4 progress on finishing their quest and is their favorite action anyway. Safe to assume.

-Guild 2nd - Secondary [Guild] action based on needed stat balance for Ironworks(Econ 12, Tech 12) and Block Housing(Econ 9, Tech 9). They will also try to avoid Guild Panic. Options:
--Build Docks. Econ -1 Diplo +1. This if theres nothing else. Cycle the stat points to avoid spending.
--Plant Cash Crops - Textiles. Econ -3 (+1), EE -5, Tech -1(refunded), Wealth +8, Diplo +1(becomes Econ).

Econ 27 (+1) -> 25 {24} (+2)
EE 11 (+3) -> 8 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 8 {3} -> 16 {3}
Culture 6
Mysticism 7 (+4)
Tech 17 (+2) -> 16 (+3)
Centralization -2 < 4 < 9

So I'd assume they'd prefer to plant cash crops to generate wealth to avoid Guild Panic(also its easy to convert Wealth to any other stat next turn) and leave the Econ to the baby boom rather than do nothing and twiddle fingers or adding even more sailing missions. This will of course ruin the Yeoman plot to pop cities.

-Priests 2nd - Secondary [Priest] action to complete their quest based on needed stat balance...is not needed because the Great Library is a [Priest] action in its own right, completing their quest
--Improve Annual Festival. Econ -1, Wealth -2, Stability +1, Culture +1. Will not take this if we do our Stability gain combo due to Stability being capped. Will not take this if we spend any wealth due to dipping below 0.
--Plant Cash Crops - Drugs. Econ -2, EE -3, Tech -1(refunded), Mysticism +1, Wealth +5. Not preferred due to social values.
--Great Library/Library. Culture -3, Mysticism -3
--Build Temple. Econ -3, Culture -3. Unable to build Temple due to maxed RA.
--Build Observatory. Econ -3, Mysticism -3
--Secondary -> Main Sailing Mission. Econ -1

Econ 25 {24} (+2) -> 24 {23} (+2)
EE 8 (+3) -> 9 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 16 {3}
Culture 6
Mysticism 7 (+4)
Tech 16 (+3)
Centralization -2 < 4 < 9

Odds are good they'd build Libraries to support the Academies to support new temples, but this leaves Culture and Mysticism very low and thats a problem with the Great Library in progress.
So I think the most logical option is for them to just contribute to the King's Agenda and avoid losing power at all.

Also we have checked, other than Economy and Wealth we can temporarily dip below 0 on most stats harmlessly as long as it is above 0 at the end of action resolution, so Order of Execution can be skipped and will not be tracked for anything else.
Tracking the lowest point for Wealth and Econ in {}

All above decisions are made from the PoV of the factions as inherently selfish actors without being actively stupid about their goals. They also don't care about stat balance

Our checklist:
-Main Great Dam - Done
-Main Great Library - Done
-Redshore Harbor 1 - Done
-Redshore Block Housing 3 Blocked by Harbor 1
-Redshore Ironworks 4 Blocked by Block Housing 3
-Redshore Aqueduct 3 - Done
-Redshore Aqueduct 4 Blocked by Aqueduct 3
-Redshore Bath 3 - Progress
-Redshore Bath 4 Blocked by Bath 3
-Main Distribute Land
-Sec Hunt Troublemakers
-Sec Enforce Justice
-Main Repairs
-Main Warships - Done
-Sec Sailing Mission - Done
-1 RA capacity - Progress
-Free City x2

Which leaves us with:
9 Crown Secondaries
1 Guild Secondary

And thus my actions:
[X] [Merc] Yes
[X] [Agenda] Sea Control
[X] [Sec] Distribute Land
[X] [Sec] Distribute Land x2
[X] [Sec] Repair Damage
[X] [Sec] Repair Damage x2
[X] [Sec] Enforce Justice
[X] [Sec] Hunt Troublemakers
[X] [Sec] Found Free City Lower Valleyhome
[X] [Sec] Found Free City Sacred Forest
[X] [Sec] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Guild Sec] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles

Intrigue 4 -> 3
Econ 24 {23} (+2) -> 11 {10} (+6)
EE 9 (+3) -> 18 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 16 {3} -> 20 {0}
Culture 6 -> 4
Mysticism 7 (+4)
Tech 16 (+3) -> 11 (+5)
Centralization -2 < 4 < 9 -> -2 < 4 {2} < 9
Stability 2/3 -> 4/4
Legitimacy 3 -> 4

Noting that the Plant Cash Crops assumes the Guilds act as predicted(they do want Textile dominance and it spends nothing they don't want to spend). If not it would generate a LOT more wealth.

Intrigue 3
Econ 11 {10} (+6)
EE 18 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 20 {0}
Culture 4
Mysticism 7 (+4)
Tech 11 (+5)
Centralization -2 < 4 {2} < 9
Stability 4/4
Legitimacy 4

So that leaves our Provinces on Active Policy:
4 secondaries left -> 2 Mains
If Dam not finished:
-Great Dam 6-7/6-8 -> 7-8/6-8. Econ -2, Tech -2
-Great Library 3-4/5-7 -> 4-6/5-7. Culture -3, Mysticism -3

Intrigue 3
Econ 11 {10} (+6) -> 9 {8} (+6)
EE 18 (+3) -> 20 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 20 {0}
Culture 4
Mysticism 7 (+4) -> 4 (+7)
Tech 11 (+5) -> 9 (+6)
Centralization -2 < 4 {2} < 9
Stability 4/4
Legitimacy 4

Fairly straightforward, Everything is in the safe zone for passive costs and income, but we'd want to Expand Econ in the midturn

If Dam finished(+1 Culture/Tech/Mysticism):
-Great Library 3-4/5-7 -> 4-6/5-7. Culture -3, Mysticism -3
-Unable to pay culture cost. Attempting to generate more culture without spending Wealth to avoid dipping below 0.
--Main Build Ceramic Kilns. Econ -3, Tech -5(refund 1), Wealth +3, Culture +7
--Main Plant Cash Crops - Luxuries. Econ -5, Econ Expansion -3, Tech -1(refund 1), Wealth +8, Culture +2.

Intrigue 3
Econ 11 {10} (+6) -> 8 {7} (+6)
EE 18 (+3)
Martial 3
Naval 3
Wealth 20 {0} -> 23 {0}
Culture 4 -> 9
Mysticism 7 (+4) -> 5 (+7)
Tech 11 (+5) -> 7 (+6)
Centralization -2 < 4 {2} < 9
Stability 4/4
Legitimacy 4

Assume Ceramic Kilns due to being better at generating culture.
This leaves us in a pretty healthy position, but we'd need to expand econ in the mid turn to protect the free cities.

Final checklist:
-Main Great Dam - Done
-Main Great Library - Done
-Redshore Harbor 1 - Done
-Redshore Block Housing 3 Blocked by Harbor 1
-Redshore Ironworks 4 Blocked by Block Housing 3
-Redshore Aqueduct 3 - Done
-Redshore Aqueduct 4 Blocked by Aqueduct 3
-Redshore Bath 3 - Progress
-Redshore Bath 4 Blocked by Bath 3
-Main Distribute Land - Done
-Sec Hunt Troublemakers - Done
-Sec Enforce Justice - Done
-Main Repairs - Done
-Main Warships - Done
-Sec Sailing Mission - Done
-1 RA capacity - Progress
-Free City x2 - Done

My eyes are rotating.
This is almost like work. Except more fun and I don't get paid for spending 3 hours staring at the screen.

E: Shit it's past midnight. To bed.
And @Reader of all
Develop Intrigue Web is nice and all but we don't have a single point of Wealth to spare man.

E: My god did everyone else just shoot from the hip?
Last edited:
The thing is they have not threatened civil war yet. It's just that we know it will happen in 100 years if we do nothing.
Well, then let's do nothing and see them become the treacherous rebel scum, while we are the loyalists.

However, it is clear that at this point we are pushing things far enough out of line from the "natural" state that it is starting to screw us. We've seen this before, on a number of occasions:
  • In the first Tax Crisis, we came up with what we wanted to do with taxes. Society said "too complicated. Lets do something else". We insisted. Society also insisted. It didn't go well for us.
  • In the Trelli Intervention, we tried to help free the slaves, despite this being rather strange for the times. Our allies didn't understand, leaving the games and largely cutting off previously delightful relations.

It is clear that we are moving towards the same dynamic here.
Well, in the first case we literally didn't have the means, the pure tools, to do that reform. We were literally unable to. This isn't true here. And in the second case, well, yes, that was some extra pain, but we worked around it. We can do so here as well - and here, it's definitely worth it.
E: My god did everyone else just shoot from the hip?
Hey, ever notice that there are certain voters who dig further into the information, peeling out further information by asking pointed questions so as get more than the initial bit of information (which is still crafted to be sufficient to make an informed vote) and possibly reshape their initial impressions?

And yet I don't impose any sort of vote moratorium because I am of the opinion that unless I make a profound screw up in the presentation of options the initial impressions of voters are just as valid.

Ever wonder if you're all staring at chicken entrails? ;)
Wait a minute, I just realized the Iron Ore subsidy is exactly the amount of profit for a Dominant/Leading good for two countries. And we have both the SY and HK leading in Iron Ore.

So the amount will change if:
-One or both of them gain Center of Trade based values
-Additional Leading suppliers emerge
-One or both of them stop selling iron ore(though this will kick US due to running out of stock)

Alyx is writing the Art of War, but his son seems to be developing Formal Martial Arts? Doesn't seem to be on the front page yet.

And there goes pirates again.
Going to have to check the budget for Warships.

Freehills is starting to break up, Hamurri is in total chaos, but not really on fire. Yet.

Oh god. We're on fire again.
More on fire.

Bet nobody expected that eh?

So he's good at Proclaims and Festivals, not so good at other kinds of Diplomacy.

Time to hunker down and do it while Alyx lives. At least he can control the outcome.

Note to everyone, we can do the cities and we don't need to do the harbors, the passives will build harbors. No it doesn't matter if the Patricians cockblock it. The Traders, the Guild and Redshore has enough to finish it themselves.

Expected Faction Policy result:
-Admin Infrastructure x2 - Redshore Governor Palace 4/12
-Trade Infrastructure x2 - Redshore Harbor 2/3

Expected Free City Policy result
-Redshore - Trade Infrastructure - Redshore Harbor 3/3
-Redhills - Defence - Redhills Colosssal Walls 7/9
-Valleyguard - Defence - Valleyguard Colosssal Walls 5/9

Expected Crown Policy result:
-Hygiene Infrastructure x4 - Redshore Aqueduct Level 3 6/6, Redshore Bath level 3 3/9

Expected Faction Preferred Action result:
-Patricians x2: Distribute Land x2
-Priest x2: Open. Temple is blocked due to high RA. Any and all Priest actions taken by them will fulfill the quest. Expected Study Stars, Academy
-Guild x2: Open. They cannot accelerate the Ironworks more than they already are right now other than to generate more Tech/Wealth. May follow Agenda to protect their power.
-Trader x1: More Warships
-Yeomen x1: New Settlement(internal reorg)
-Urban Poor x1: Open. They will follow Agenda for power.

4x King's Policy(Megaproject Support) province actions:
-Great Dam x3 - Econ -6, Tech -6
-Great Library x1+1(track) - Mysticism -6 Culture -6

[X] [Merc] Yes
[X] [Agenda] Sea Control
[X] [Sec] Distribute Land
[X] [Sec] Distribute Land x2
[X] [Sec] Hunt Troublemakers
[X] [Sec] Enforce Justice
[X] [Sec] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Sec] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
[X] [Sec] Found Free City - Valleyguard
[X] [Sec] Art Patronage
[X] [Guild Sec] More Warships

Expected result:
-Cent -4 +?(1 to 3) => 3 to 5
-Econ -3-4-1-6-1 => 19
-Wealth +10 -1 -4 -8 -4 => 3
-Tech -1(+1) -6(+3) => 13 (+7)
-Mysticism -2-6 => -3(+8)(note this is from the megaproject worst case estimate, it won't actually reach this)
-Culture -3-3-6 +3 => 0(note this is from the megaproject worst case estimate, it won't actually reach this)
-Martial -3 => 5
-Naval +2 => 3
-Intrigue -1 => 3
-Stability +2 => 4
-Legitimacy +1 => 4

So the best Agenda(above math is pre-agenda) should be Sea Control, which allows the Traders to cooperate with us to cut the cost of More Warships, which keeps our wealth above Guild Panic, and spends the leftover actions on Sailing Missions to deal with the pirates before we have to deal with Trade Disruption.

The Art Patronage is to take advantage of the Poet.

-Patricians - Will be getting their way. We enable them, they do the other half. We make sure they do it right.
-Guild - First stage guaranteed. No further progress available until mid turn.
-Traders - We just need to meet them halfway.
-Yeomen - Completion guaranteed. No further action needed.
-Priests - Depends on Agenda. Most likely will take the two actions on their own and spawn a free temple this turn. To avoid red RA, they will ignore agenda
-Urban Poor - Completed.

E: My god did everyone else just shoot from the hip?
Valleyguard is already a free city. I assume you meant Lower Valleyhome.