"Oh, that's a good idea," you say. An idea strikes you. "Do you think something coffee flavoured would be too mean?"
Can someone please explain-
Ah. Cause she's a sleepyhead. Okay.
A laser beam.
Now we're talking.
And you choke yourself off, fighting back the blush that's already making its way onto your face. Too soon. Too soon, when just last night she was sobbing into your arms because she was terrified you'd leave her. She... Whatever her feelings towards you, you don't want to pressure her.
Idk about that, but being romantically invlovled with Mami is a terrible idea, at the moment. Regardless of her feelings, she wouldn't refuse, and that makes things not okay. Basically she would ignore asking herself whether she likes you, and if yes, then in what capacity, and go straight into "I'll do whatever you want, just don't leave me."

Another problem is that Mami would almost never make the first move in such a situation. Even if she
does like you, she won't ask, because her problem is almost diametrically opposite of ours. She's irrationally afraid of Sabrina leaving her over any disagreement, and well, asking someone out was never easy even without heavy abandonment issues.
The only way I see it resolving happily, barring any character development ( which will happen, I'm talking about this whole thing from the hypothetical standpoint of Sabrina and Mami during On a Rail. ), is someone ( one hint: pink is cute ) playing a matchmaker between them, without Sabrina being aware of it. Yeah, that would clearly be easy as pie. And by easy as pie, I mean impossible, cause, you know, we're Sabrina.
I wrote that? Huh.
You laugh, throwing your arms around both Mami and yourself, the Mami on your head pitching forward with to hug your head from the top. You -the chibi you- squirm out of Mami's hug and clamber onto her head, opening your arms to the chibi-Mami in invitation.
Just marking the place where I've nearly reached
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state.
Homura peers at the rifle, interested.
Hey, do you reckon Homura became a bit of a gun nut during the loop? Totally understandable, considering her situation. Will she retain her hobbie after Walpurgisnacht, though?
Really, what is it about that gun that makes it so popular?
Desert Eagle is big and shiny. Two qualities that attract all kinds of people.
There is also something inexplicably badass in its name. "Desert Eagle". Sends shivers down your spine, doesn't it? No? It's just me? Okaaay, nevermind.
... Sayaka and limb loss. Heh.
Hora-hora, Sayaka Quest!
Goddamit, Sayaka.
"That won't be necessary,"
I think this should be our "I should go."
Bonus points for saying it together with Homura.
More bonus points if we get her to
agree to say it together with us.
... Right, Mitakihara Middle School Syllabus. It deserves the capital letter.
Yeah. I bet they'd assign to read the whole Legendarium over summer holidays, just for kicks. Japanese summer holidays.
Printed across it in gold-embossed words are a single phone number and a name.
Is it connected to her knowledge about the main cast? Like, she was infodumped with everything essential for her to start out, but if she requires more information, she just needs to wish for it. That makes no sense, unless she's really a manifestation of Madokami's Wish. Or she's inside Homura's barrier. Or we are representing higher-dimensional beings who really hate Incubators, so they(we) decided to hit them where it hurts:
money energy. Or...
Damn it, tinfoil hat. Again?!
Hmm. Could she have wished for a specific location? I mean, why not? She got her phone number. Or is it extending to information Sabrina could possibly find out herself only? I'm pretty sure there was a reasoning in the forum thread, but I can't find it. ( not that I was looking very hard. Oh well. )
Oh, wait, the movie comes out at the end of the year, doesn't it?
So, what, precognizance? Or maybe stop asking stupid questions and roll with it...
Seriously, Tomohisa's like 185cm tall.
Yep, that's really tall for Japan.
You don't know what Sayaka sees in him, really, what with his fawning over his violin. He will have once made a terrible boyfriend to Hitomi, neglecting her in favour of, well, his violin. Apparently he much prefers said instrument's wooden curves.
Which razes ( no, not a misspelling

) even more questions about him and Homura. Terryfying, mind-boggling questions.
Heh. Inner shipper...s aside, you don't think Homura is in any kind of mindset to see Madoka as anything but 'someone to be protected'. Trauma does that to a person, after all.
Sadly, canon. Someone from the team said that Homura's feelings to Madoka are decidedly non-romantic during the main series. And Rebellion... well.
Because she's about as straight as a bow shaft?

I regret nothing!
Come to think of it, why did substitution come after integration by parts, anyway? The logic of integrating by parts makes more sense when viewed through the lens of substitution.
Supposedly, it's easier to operate or some such. I dunno, they let us do many things in any way we want, as long as the results are correct and not pulled out of the ass.
As Hitomi watches with sharp interest
I think the girl will figure things out even if we don't tell her. She is
Hitomi's eyes meet yours, a telepathic connection snapping together. "She's the one who set Sayaka's house on fire, isn't she?"
As I said, smart. Although, I was talking about Witchbombing. Like, I can see Hitomi figuring it out on her own, through a few observations and logical conclusions.
"You did not have the right to pronounce judgement," Hitomi says, cold and clear.
I like how, when Sabrina talks, things get worse and worse with each update, even when/if they get better after. Don't you?
It wasn't that long ago, and you're not proud of what you did.
500 thousand words in, and she still can't forget it.
... Maybe I didn't need to rant about it, after all.
"Duh I would have. Like you!" Sayaka declares. "So what?"
The difference would be, Sabrina contracted to survive. Sayaka would have done that to get her revenge or justice or whatever. Justice is a noble goal. As long as it's not a justification.
"Stop it, stop it-" Sayaka cuts you off, fisting her hands in her hair. "Stop that, just get to the point."
Yep, one melodramatic speech too many, Sabrina.
Not that melodrama is a bad thing. It's just starting to grate you when in large quantities.
You've overexposed Sayaka, and you
shall pay.
You tactfully leave out the implied 'you drama queen'.
Kettle, pot, yellow.
... what?
"Thank you. Thank you for..." you purse your lips, trying to find the words to convey what you mean. "Thank you for being you. I messed up, back there, more than once, and... you caught me, every time."
Maybe we should delegate as much talking as we can to Mami?
Nah, that'd just be lazy, even if easier in the long run.
"She's setting herself up as the scapegoat," you murmur to Mami.
Oujo is not so different from us. She has foreknowledge. She wants to save everyone. The only difference is that she hacks and slashes through the problems, presenting solutions by applying the algorithm "spider?->shotgun" to everything, while Sabrina only maims and brutalizes her social interactions.
( I know that Firnagzen just makes social combat hard and as realistic as possible, because it's one of the most important aspects of PMAS. Just let me have my sass, please? Thank you. )
Hell, you kind of wish you could give her a vacation somehow. Pack her some food, shove her into timestop to just sleep and relax.
I think it'd be counterproductive. Maybe I'm wrong, but hear me out.
will break. Arguably, Rebellion is all about Homura simultaneously having a witching-out and a massive breakdown, a simplification so callous I kinda wish I'd have saved "hear me out" for this sentence. Anyway.
She's acquired decades of emotional trauma that she reins in by enforcing tight control over her actions, though using Path of Madokami instead of normal human morality. VtM reference, btw.
The moment things calm down a bit, she's going to have a BSOD the sizes of which we haven't seen since Cloud figured out that... agh, whatever, spoilers. The game's two decades old.
She's basically running ahead of her trauma. When trauma catches up, we'd need a lot of time to help Homura stay in one piece, psychologically speaking. Doing this with Walugimart and Feathers mindbuggery still around is probably not the best idea.
Depends on how much time we're willing to spend inside the time stop. Maybe a couple of months for preliminary therapy? What am I doing, I have no education in this field whatsoever, why don't we have a professional psychotherapist in our group? Or... do we?
Going to read the rest of the chapter in silence.
"'m not stupid," Kirika says, twiddling her fingers together. "You think that Oriko's purpose in life is me?"
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist.