I can't find any ideas that're actually better, so I'm just going to stick with refining the existing vote.

[x] Simultaneously: Hijiri
-[x] Goals:
--[x] Continue vote in abeyance.
--[x] Get Hijiri blocked off from telepathy again to prevent coordination and keep Yuuri focused on you.
-[x] Potential specifics:
--[X] Apologize to Hijiri for screwing up with Yuuri.
--[x] Suggest going back under telepathy-blocking to deal with the screaming.
--[X] Ask Hijiri what Yuuri said that convinced her about the "truth".

[x] Simultaneously: Airi.
-[x] Goals
--[x] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest.
--[x] Keep pushing for open communication. We could understand if she'd just talk.
--[x] Keep trying.
-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] Offer your condolences.
--[x] Call her by her real name.
--[x] Her revenge would mean nothing if nobody knew what her point was.

[x] Simultaneously: Hunting.
-[x] Goals
--[x] Now that people have calmed down a bit, brainstorm higher-tech methods.
--[x] Encourage creativity in others.
-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] Ask Hijiri if she's willing to help find Yuuri.
--[x] Suggest drawing Yuuri out and counter-ambushing her.
--[x] Privately suggest a telepathy interceptor/lie detector.

149 words. Commentary:

-[rejected] Nudge to step back and consider whether she made the right call, or could do better.
-[rejected] Talk with Hijiri about her actions, and the rationality behind them.
-[rejected] Talk to Hijiri about what she did and how she could do better.

And other variations on this theme: We're already loaded up on things to talk to Hijiri about and she's nowhere near sufficiently disengaged with the situation to conduct a proper after-action report. Right now she'd just be doubling down on her current emotions. Give her a while to cool off and re-engage rational thinking. Remember, it's been less than fifteen minutes since Niko slapped her. Not the time.

-[modified] Telepathically, to your allies: Propose doubling something you make as a subvocalization & lie detector.

Telepathy is not subvocalization. First, there's no way that Sabrina's ten-way brainmail conversations are expressed through her muscles. Second, girls with no recognizable speech hardware - heavily damaged necks, muteness, changer forms (turn into light, turn into air, turn into animals) - are still capable of telepathy. Change this to a more general "telepathy detector" attempt. That's more likely to succeed in the first place. Additionally, don't worry about doubling it up; first, that's guaranteed to fail, and second, why would we tell Hijiri what it is anyway? Just say that we're making an information-gathering device or a tracker or something.
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[X] Vebyast

It's an improvement on mine.

For a bit more of why I've was pushing "apologize (give choices)" so hard: It seems clear to me that Hijiri is pretty emotionally volatile, and rereading PMKM volume 5 only emphasizes how much she overreacts. (Particularly to being rejected there, but I think PMAS shows it being broader.)

Whether she's the type to accept an apology or throw it in our face I can't say, but I think it's necessary to play to that.
Telepathy is not subvocalization. First, there's no way that Sabrina's ten-way brainmail conversations are expressed through her muscles. Second, girls with no recognizable speech hardware - heavily damaged necks, muteness, changer forms (turn into light, turn into air, turn into animals) - are still capable of telepathy.

Firnagzen said:
Hasn't it been proven that when thinking, people have a strong tendency to subvocalize?

For context, this was in the #pmas channel on Discord, in response to a discussion on ways that Sabrina could make her own telepathy network to replace QBs.

I think that a strong case can be made that barring unusual interference, like those examples you listed, most magical girls will likely subvocalize while intentionally thinking thoughts meant to be transmitted. I see no reason for Hijiri to be an exception.
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-[x] Potential specifics
--[x] Offer your condolences.
I'm really not fond of what this part reveals. It's a bit creepy, yes, but ((regrettably) possibly more importantly) it also uses up ammo we may need later. Calling her by her name will be plenty shock for now, IMO, and since she's pissed off about Yuri's death and its relation to the locals already (and quite off her rocker besides), I feel appealing to the dearly departed will probably backfire really hard.

[x] Apotheosise
I've seen the research on subvocalization for reading, but nothing for thinking, and I'd have expected that same team to have published thinking if they'd found it. It's worth trying, but I'd expect it to be rather easily defeated. And even then, I think the same argument applies - I don't know if we don't have much reason to believe that a surface-thoughts-reader would be any less feasible or effective, so try that first? Plus, "How would Sabrina do this" has only a very small relationship to "How does Kyubey do this."

Maybe I'll sit down after dinner and find a way to cram in "Use utility fog to monitor neurological/neuromuscular consciousness leakage AKA kludge yourself some mind-reading".
I'm really not fond of what this part reveals. It's a bit creepy, yes, but ((regrettably) possibly more importantly) it also uses up ammo we may need later. Calling her by her name will be plenty shock for now, IMO, and since she's pissed off about Yuri's death and its relation to the locals already (and quite off her rocker besides), I feel appealing to the dearly departed will probably backfire really hard.

[x] Apotheosise
I think that revealing that we know her real name will make it relatively obvious that we know that she also took her current name from someone else.

Which, by the way - Has anyone figured out how she decided to do that in the first place? "X died and they were awesome. I know. I'm going to wish to be X. That's a great way to remember them."
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Having had time to read through Veb's vote, I don't think I like it. Here's my take.

[x] Apologize for causing the screaming, while you discreetly get your grief fog into a position to intercept subvocalizations from Hijiri. Keep her occupied, and look for signs of collusion with "Yuuri".
-[x] Ask Hijiri if she knows any phone contact info for Yuuri. Imply communications use, not tracking. BTVote if given.
--[x] Ask for her help in locating Yuuri. Make it clear this is a real choice - you won't compel it if she refuses.

[x] Simultaneously, keep trying with Airi.
-[x] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest. Keep pushing for open communication..
-[x] Potentially, call her by her real name.

[x] Keep everyone informed of whatever you learn (obviously barring infohazards). Let them know that if Hijiri did indeed wish to "connect" with them, eavesdropping telepathy isn't out of the question.
--[x] When things settle, brainstorm higher-tech search methods. Encourage creativity in others. Suggest a counter-ambush.

150 words.

Intentionally thinking to yourself causes subvocalization to a degree able to be interpreted with fine enough readings of the larynx muscles. Here's a Stanford paper on it.
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Having had time to read through Veb's vote, I don't think I like it. Here's my take.

[x] Apologize for causing the screaming, while you discreetly get your grief fog into a position to intercept subvocalizations from Hijiri. Keep her occupied, and look for signs of collusion with "Yuuri".
-[x] Ask Hijiri if she knows any phone contact info for Yuuri. Imply communications use, not tracking. BTVote if given.
--[x] Ask for her help in locating Yuuri. Make it clear this is a real choice - you won't compel it if she refuses.

[x] Simultaneously, keep trying with Airi.
-[x] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest. Keep pushing for open communication..
-[x] Potentially, call her by her real name.

[x] Keep everyone informed of whatever you learn (obviously barring infohazards). Let them know that if Hijiri did indeed wish to "connect" with them, eavesdropping telepathy isn't out of the question.
--[x] When things settle, brainstorm higher-tech search methods. Encourage creativity in others. Suggest a counter-ambush.

150 words.

Intentionally thinking to yourself causes subvocalization to a degree able to be interpreted with fine enough readings of the larynx muscles, as discussed in Jorgensen, C. and Binstead, K. "Web Browser Control Using EMG Based Sub Vocal Speech Recognition." Proc. Int. Conf. on System Sciences 2005. pp. 294c-294c, 2005.
Intentional sub-vocal verbalization is very different from unconscious - intentionally-suppressed - microexpressions, so that citation doesn't work. On the other hand, according to the the citation you found after that in the discord, apparently the research has progressed somewhat since I last looked. So subvocalization may not actually intercept telepathy, but it might give us a decent idea of any concrete language that Hijiri is seriously focusing on.

Hmm. Possible edits:

[x] Simultaneously: Hijiri
-[x] Apologize for causing the screaming.
-[x] Use utility fog to try to listen in on subvocalization/telepathy/surface thoughts from Hijiri.
-[x] Keep Hijiri occupied. Subtly look for signs of collusion with "Yuuri".
-[x] Ask Hijiri if she knows any phone contact info for Yuuri. Imply communications use, not tracking. Break to vote if given.
-[x] Ask for her help in locating Yuuri. Make it clear this is a real choice - you won't compel it if she refuses. It's just a good thing she could choose to do.

[x] Simultaneously: Airi
-[x] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest. Keep pushing for open communication.
-[x] Potentially call her by her real name.

[x] Simultaneously: Allies.
-[x] Keep everyone informed.

-[x] Hypothesize that Hijiri can eavesdrop on telepathy.
--[x] Decline to explain the reasoning - you're guessing about her Wish and that's private.
-[x] When things settle, brainstorm higher-tech search methods. Encourage creativity in others.
-[x] Suggest a counter-ambush.

Let them know that if Hijiri did indeed wish to "connect" with them,
Did we discuss Hijiri's canon wish with them? Either way, I think that we don't want to give that away. In fact, if Hijiri is listening, this is a chance for us to win huge brownie points by explicitly defending her privacy even in the face of a threat.
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Did we discuss Hijiri's canon wish with them? Either way, I think that we don't want to give that away. In fact, if Hijiri is listening, this is a chance for us to win huge brownie points by explicitly defending her privacy even in the face of a threat.


[ ] Apologize for causing the screaming, while you discreetly get your grief fog into a position to intercept subvocalizations from Hijiri. Keep her occupied, and look for signs of collusion with "Yuuri".
-[ ] Ask Hijiri if she knows any phone contact info for Yuuri. Imply communications use, not tracking. BTVote if given.
--[ ] Ask for her help in locating Yuuri. Make it clear this is a real choice - you won't compel it if she refuses.

[ ] Simultaneously, keep trying with Airi.
-[ ] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest. Keep pushing for open communication..
-[ ] Potentially, call her by her real name.

[ ] Keep everyone informed of whatever you learn (obviously barring infohazards). Hypothesize that Hijiri might be able eavesdrop on telepathy. Decline to explain the reasoning citing privacy.
--[ ] When things settle, brainstorm higher-tech search methods. Encourage creativity in others. Suggest a counter-ambush.

EDIT: This is just a wordier version of your proposed revision, and vote splitting is pointless.

[x] Vebyast
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-[x] Hypothesize that Hijiri can eavesdrop on telepathy.
--[x] Decline to explain the reasoning - you're guessing about her Wish and that's private.
How much evidence for this do we have? IIRC we just got the idea from Hijiri saying "Anri" instead of "Yuuri" which has since been debunked as a writing error.

Is there anything else that makes this credible?
The major differences are in:
  • Handling of Hijiri's telepathy
  • What to talk about with Hijiri.
  • Watch for telepathy or subvocalization.
  • Try to force a rational after-action review with Hijiri.
  • Attempt to listen in on telepathy or subvocalization. Raise the possibility with allies that she's listening in.
  • Apologize for the screaming and ask her for help in a couple different ways.

I obviously prefer my own vote.
  • Discussing the possibility with allies, if she is listening, is a huge win - we're defending her privacy as she's invading our own. (well, sorta - we're defending her wish, she's just listening to us talking with our friends.)
  • Trying to force her into an AAR is a terrible idea right now. She couldn't be rational if she wanted to, and if we challenge her like that - "You know, what you did was pretty damn stupid" - she's certainly going to dig in and strengthen her views. It hasn't been fifteen minutes since Niko hit her! On top of that, as maliciously compliant as she's been with it, asking her for help has so far been the single thing that's gotten anything real out of her.
How much evidence for this do we have? IIRC we just got the idea from Hijiri saying "Anri" instead of "Yuuri" which has since been debunked as a writing error.

Is there anything else that makes this credible?
Her canon wish almost certainly would have given her the ability. Her current power-set is similar enough to canon that it's plausible she picked up that part of her likely canon powerset as well.
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NVM me, I had omitted this earlier for word count sake, but realized it's not a problem.

[X] Keep abusing multitasking.

[X] Talk with Hijiri about today her actions, their consequences, and the rationality behind them.
-[X] Carefully point out inconsistencies, if necessary.
-[X] Be agreeable whenever appropriate.

-[X] Nudge her to step back and consider whether she made the right call, or could do better.
-[X] Pay attention as to whether she's telepathying/subvocalizing.

[X] Airi: Call her by her real name.
-[X] Be brief:
--[X] Show condolence for her loss.
--[X] We don't understand everything, but we could, if we just talked.
--[X] Ask her to give us a chance.
-[X] If she blocks telepathy, insist as long as necessary.

[X] Hunting:
-[X] Group brainstorm searching methods.
--[X] Grief sensors (others should copy this); Ribbon Grid; Sayaklone Army; combos thereof.
--[X] Encourage others to propose ideas.
--[X] Ask Hijiri if she's willing to help find Yuuri.
--[X] Yuuri likes to spy and set up traps. Can we draw her out and counter ambush her?
Whew! I'm back!

So, what did I miss while I was off calculating the buoyancy of different mixtures and forms of concrete?
Her canon wish almost certainly would have given her the ability. Her current power-set is similar enough to canon that it's plausible she picked up that part of her likely canon powerset as well.
Can you explain your line of logic?

I want to be careful with this simply because I'm worried about spreading paranoia. I get the feeling that the Saints would be highly susceptible to it right now.
Can you explain your line of logic?

I want to be careful with this simply because I'm worried about spreading paranoia. I get the feeling that the Saints would be highly susceptible to it right now.
Hijiri's wish in canon was about being connected to the Pleiades and having the tools to undermine and destroy them. For a team that communicates so much, one of the strongest powers you can have is to get inside their decision loop by listening in to their communications. "Connection" is, on top of that, precisely the wish that would give her that kind of ability; we've been theorizing that Mami is our best collaborator for developing telepathy. This hypothesis would additionally explain our surprisingly rapid discovery of Hijiri and her ability to detect us despite the MOF being camouflaged black on a night sky and the part where people don't naturally watch the sky for threats.
Hijiri's wish in canon was about being connected to the Pleiades and having the tools to undermine and destroy them. For a team that communicates so much, one of the strongest powers you can have is to get inside their decision loop by listening in to their communications. "Connection" is, on top of that, precisely the wish that would give her that kind of ability; we've been theorizing that Mami is our best collaborator for developing telepathy. This hypothesis would additionally explain our surprisingly rapid discovery of Hijiri and her ability to detect us despite the MOF being camouflaged black on a night sky and the part where people don't naturally watch the sky for threats.
I'll point out that, as far as locating Sabrina in the night goes, Firn confirmed MOF had a witchy-windshield at the time. It may have been invisible to mundane folk but it was screaming out to meguca.
onlinemur said:
@ Firnagzen, do we have the witchy windshield on?
Timewise, we did have teams going to each corner of the city at the time.

I'm less inclined to think that comms interception is a natural consequence of their wish, since they are using a middleman for comms. (Kyuubey. Maybe switching Jyuubey after they made him) The same logic seems like it would imply that Hijiri would be able to listen to them talking over the phone.
Can you explain your line of logic?

I want to be careful with this simply because I'm worried about spreading paranoia. I get the feeling that the Saints would be highly susceptible to it right now.

She literally wished to "connect" to the saints, and her power used far more esoteric applications of the "connect" concept (connecting to them to copy powers, connecting witches to make a walpurgisnacht, etc etc) than literally listening in on a connection.
I wouldn't be surprised if she could do that, yes.
But besides the supposition itself, I can't see much in the way of supporting evidence that holds up. The only thing left of interest (the rapidity of our encounter with her) can be put down to pure chance, and our inability to find a rational reason for Hijiri to act as she did points to there being no plan behind it, further emphasizing the possibility of pure chance.

EDIT: In short, if it's clearer, there's not much that points to Hijiri having a plan and a lot that emphasizes Hijiri having no plan.
Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Nov 17, 2017 at 11:41 PM, finished with 129105 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Keep abusing multitasking.
    [X] Talk with Hijiri about today her actions, their consequences, and the rationality behind them.
    -[X] Carefully point out inconsistencies, if necessary.
    -[X] Be agreeable whenever appropriate.
    -[X] Nudge her to step back and consider whether she made the right call, or could do better.
    -[X] Pay attention as to whether she's telepathying/subvocalizing.
    [X] Airi: Call her by her real name.
    -[X] Be brief:
    --[X] Show condolence for her loss.
    --[X] We don't understand everything, but we could, if we just talked.
    --[X] Ask her to give us a chance.
    -[X] If she blocks telepathy, insist as long as necessary.
    [X] Hunting:
    -[X] Group brainstorm searching methods.
    --[X] Grief sensors (others should copy this); Ribbon Grid; Sayaklone Army; combos thereof.
    --[X] Encourage others to propose ideas.
    --[X] Ask Hijiri if she's willing to help find Yuuri.
    --[X] Yuuri likes to spy and set up traps. Can we draw her out and counter ambush her?
    [X]Simultaneously: Hijiri
    -[x] Apologize for causing the screaming.
    -[x] Use utility fog to try to listen in on subvocalization/telepathy/surface thoughts from Hijiri.
    -[x] Keep Hijiri occupied. Subtly look for signs of collusion with "Yuuri".
    -[x] Ask Hijiri if she knows any phone contact info for Yuuri. Imply communications use, not tracking. Break to vote if given.
    -[x] Ask for her help in locating Yuuri. Make it clear this is a real choice - you won't compel it if she refuses. It's just a good thing she could choose to do.
    [x] Simultaneously: Airi.
    -[x] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest. Keep pushing for open communication..
    -[x] Potentially, call her by her real name.
    [x] Simultaneously: Allies.
    -[x] Keep everyone informed.
    -[x] Hypothesize that Hijiri can eavesdrop on telepathy.
    --[x] Decline to explain the reasoning - you're guessing about her Wish and that's private.
    -[x] When things settle, brainstorm higher-tech search methods. Encourage creativity in others.
    -[x] Suggest a counter-ambush.
    [X] Do something to force Yuuri to pay attention to us. Call her by her real name? Yuuri hasn't actually dropped the connection with us, so she should actually be hearing what we're saying.
    -[X] Give Yuuri allllll the deats about what Hijiri is telling us about her. That she's a maniac. That she's obsessed.
    --[X] We're pretty convinced that's not what's going on. Friend died, she wished over it, hates the Pleiades because of it... that sound closer to right? Certainly sounds closer to sane.
    ---[X] If she doesn't respond just start playing Navi over the line.
    [X] Make a Grief-construct lie detector. If possible, make it able to tell whether a given statement is partially true but misleading, technically true but misleading, a total lie, or withholding some information but not misleading.
    [X] Question Hijiri--nothing personal, but we need to be sure: was she coordinating with Yuuri at any point since you met her (if so, how)? Has she misled us in any way or omitted any significant information about herself, her actions, or anything regarding Yuuri?
    [X] Propose an idea to Mami: using her ribbons to extend your range, create magic-sensing constructs every 100-meters or so, covering the whole city if time permits.
    [X] Telepathy-call Yuuri, calling her her original name. Explain that she doesn't actually understand the full picture of what happened to her friend.
    [X] Annoy her into submission
    -[X] Make her go limpet on us for safety measure
    [x] Apotheosise

Adhoc vote count started by Firnagzen on Nov 18, 2017 at 3:23 AM, finished with 129105 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Keep abusing multitasking.
    [X] Talk with Hijiri about today her actions, their consequences, and the rationality behind them.
    -[X] Carefully point out inconsistencies, if necessary.
    -[X] Be agreeable whenever appropriate.
    -[X] Nudge her to step back and consider whether she made the right call, or could do better.
    -[X] Pay attention as to whether she's telepathying/subvocalizing.
    [X] Airi: Call her by her real name.
    -[X] Be brief:
    --[X] Show condolence for her loss.
    --[X] We don't understand everything, but we could, if we just talked.
    --[X] Ask her to give us a chance.
    -[X] If she blocks telepathy, insist as long as necessary.
    [X] Hunting:
    -[X] Group brainstorm searching methods.
    --[X] Grief sensors (others should copy this); Ribbon Grid; Sayaklone Army; combos thereof.
    --[X] Encourage others to propose ideas.
    --[X] Ask Hijiri if she's willing to help find Yuuri.
    --[X] Yuuri likes to spy and set up traps. Can we draw her out and counter ambush her?
    [X]Simultaneously: Hijiri
    -[x] Apologize for causing the screaming.
    -[x] Use utility fog to try to listen in on subvocalization/telepathy/surface thoughts from Hijiri.
    -[x] Keep Hijiri occupied. Subtly look for signs of collusion with "Yuuri".
    -[x] Ask Hijiri if she knows any phone contact info for Yuuri. Imply communications use, not tracking. Break to vote if given.
    -[x] Ask for her help in locating Yuuri. Make it clear this is a real choice - you won't compel it if she refuses. It's just a good thing she could choose to do.
    [x] Simultaneously: Airi.
    -[x] Don't be aggravating. Be brief, be respectful, be earnest. Keep pushing for open communication..
    -[x] Potentially, call her by her real name.
    [x] Simultaneously: Allies.
    -[x] Keep everyone informed.
    -[x] Hypothesize that Hijiri can eavesdrop on telepathy.
    --[x] Decline to explain the reasoning - you're guessing about her Wish and that's private.
    -[x] When things settle, brainstorm higher-tech search methods. Encourage creativity in others.
    -[x] Suggest a counter-ambush.
    [X] Do something to force Yuuri to pay attention to us. Call her by her real name? Yuuri hasn't actually dropped the connection with us, so she should actually be hearing what we're saying.
    -[X] Give Yuuri allllll the deats about what Hijiri is telling us about her. That she's a maniac. That she's obsessed.
    --[X] We're pretty convinced that's not what's going on. Friend died, she wished over it, hates the Pleiades because of it... that sound closer to right? Certainly sounds closer to sane.
    ---[X] If she doesn't respond just start playing Navi over the line.
    [X] Make a Grief-construct lie detector. If possible, make it able to tell whether a given statement is partially true but misleading, technically true but misleading, a total lie, or withholding some information but not misleading.
    [X] Question Hijiri--nothing personal, but we need to be sure: was she coordinating with Yuuri at any point since you met her (if so, how)? Has she misled us in any way or omitted any significant information about herself, her actions, or anything regarding Yuuri?
    [X] Propose an idea to Mami: using her ribbons to extend your range, create magic-sensing constructs every 100-meters or so, covering the whole city if time permits.
    [X] Telepathy-call Yuuri, calling her her original name. Explain that she doesn't actually understand the full picture of what happened to her friend.
    [X] Annoy her into submission
    -[X] Make her go limpet on us for safety measure
    [x] Apotheosise
Last edited:
... Oh hell I just got a pun.

The Hyades are part of the Taurus constellation, which appears on Hijiri's costume.

Anri summons a bull.

[EDIT]The relevance of this is that it means Yuuri and Hijiri matched each other's themes. That speaks of a fairly close and/or coordinated working relationship.[/EDIT]

@Firnagzen question, do/did we see the Taurus constellation on Hijiri's meguca outfit? Asking because it would be indicative of the whole "Hyades, opposites of the Pleiades," thing. Or is she a pure mirror of Niko's costume?

EDIT2: ... Hmmm... nevermind actually, she probably wouldn't. We do see her having a jacket and she doesn't display the constellation costume until she drops disguise.
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Highway 17 pt. 13
You blink, faintly nonplussed. Not an unreasonable reaction from Anri, you suppose. If she's the one calling the shots - then it seems that she's lost her only ally. And if Hijiri's the one calling the shots, then it'd seem like she just got sold out.

You have the perfect hammer to drive this particular nail, too, and you have an idea you can follow up on here and now. You don't say anything to Hijiri for a moment, simply eyeing her with a watchful, careful eye. With equally delicate care, you bring your utility fog in, settling around her throat and jaw.

"I don't think Kazumi's chibis work that way," Sayaka reports. "I won't get multitasking for another of my powers if I copy them, just for the chibi."

"Ah, well, then... if you're sure, Sayaka," you say, glancing back and checking the course of your flying platform. It feels like more time has passed than it really did - multitasking does that, you suppose. Still, you're nearly there. Kazumi catches your eye and nods slightly.

"I'm sure," Sayaka says, steel in her tone.

"Then by all means," you say. You take a moment to reach out to Mami, too. "Keep an eye on her?"

"Of course, Sabrina," Mami responds warmly.

Sounding out words tends to lead to subvocalization. It's the same thing as reading - even if you're not reading out loud, your muscles wind up shaping the words anyway. It's not guaranteed, and it's difficult to make out individual words, but the movements tend to be there. Of course, they can be suppressed, if you know how. You're sure that magical girls have an even easier time doing that, meat-puppet bodies and all.


You'd left Hijiri stewing in silence for long enough, and... you're fairly certain that Hijiri's talking to someone.

"I suppose that's fair," you say at last, leaning forward a little and opening your palms to her. "You took your chances... but I have to ask. Was it the right call, do you think?"

"Obviously not," Hijiri snaps. "Got me here, didn't it?"

"I mean, beyond that," you say mildly, folding your arms and leaning back in the chair. You keep your eye on her, still watching for more signs of telepathy. Behind you, you can feel Sayaka rise to her feet and stride over to the edge of the platform... and then her form duplicates, the new Sayaka throwing herself off the side on shimmering wings.

That would be... Chouko's power, you suspect.

"I don't need your condescension," Hijiri snarls, crossing her arms sullenly.

And if she is talking to Anri... well, you're not sure what it implies. She could be calling the shots, or she could simply be trying to calm Anri's telepathic yelling. You don't think that wince earlier was faked, really. But perhaps you have a way you can test Anri's side of the story. All you need is a little nudge.

"Miss Anri, please," you say, taking care to enunciate the name clearly as you reach out mentally for her. "I really just want to help."

That gets you a reaction.

"Who told you that name?" Anri's voice is deadly quiet, incandescent fury burning beneath a facade of calm.

"I know things," you say. You have approximate knowledge of many things, but really, when you're trying to be emphatic isn't the time to be flippant. "And... I'm sorry for your loss, Miss Anri."

"What did you do?" Hijiri asks, flinching as a frown etches deep trenches into her forehead.

"I asked her a question," you say. "Really, I'm just trying to talk to her."

"You have no right," Anri snarls at you. "You have no right."

"What the hell kind of question did you ask her?" Hijiri says. And you're watching close enough to see that vein on her forehead start to throb.

"Something personal, I suppose. But that's between her and me," you say, waving it off. The nonchalance is only just faked. It's between you and Anri, indeed, but you want to see how Hijiri reacts to being told that her possible pawn was being diverted.

At the same time, you speak to Anri. "Miss Anri, please. I can't pretend I understand fully, but I could, if you were willing to talk to me."

"You can't possibly understand my pain!" Anri shrieks. "I- I- you're just like them!"

You're not terribly disappointed with Hijiri's reaction, either. The girl stiffens, hands twitching into fists before she catches herself and forces herself to relax.


You sigh, using that to cover any expression that might have crossed your face at that particular thought. "Though... I really have to ask, Miss Hijiri," you say. "You attacked the Pleiades Saints. Anri said you'd be hunted down, right? Then... wouldn't attacking them have just painted a bigger target on your head?"

And to Anri, you respond simply. "Give me a chance to try, Miss Anri. Maybe you're right, but you never know, right?"

"This again?" Hijiri snaps. "I was upset, and there was the opportunity, alright?"

"Sabrina, we're here," Kazumi calls from the front. "Well- we just overshot a bit."

"Hm?" you say, twisting around. "Oh! Uh, sorry, Miss Hijiri, I have to land this thing. Stay here?"

The blonde girl makes a thoroughly unimpressed face at you. "I could hit you all in the back with the antimagic beam. I doubt it'd impair any of you for more than five minutes, if I even hit, at which point I'd be run down and captured. Again. I'm good, thank you very much."

"Your cooperation is appreciated," you say, smiling faintly. She'd get exactly nowhere with that approach, of course, not with Mami's ribbon ready around her ankle. "And I actually mean that."

You're not so naive as to leave it at that, of course. Your utility fog remains in place around her throat, around her jaw.

You pad off to the front, already redirecting the platform to swerve a little loop back to the museum. Sayaka gives you a grin and a thumbsup as you pass, her attendance issues resolved. A pity you can't say the same for Mami, but... you can't say you're sorry to have Mami here, either.

Niko looks sullen, darting a look at you, and then Hijiri. Kazumi's evidently still trying to calm her, a hand on her wrist and an intent look on her face as if engaged in a silent conversation.

You spare a thought to check in on Oriko and Kirika - you don't doubt that Satomi and Umika are in contact with the rest of the Pleiades. "Oriko?"

"No luck so far, Sabrina," Oriko reports.

"Good," you say, before letting your tone turn teasing. "You have been searching, and not just inside malls, right?"

"We only went into one mall!" Kirika protests.

"Yes, Sabrina, we have," Oriko responds calmly. "We are taking this seriously."

Mirai's teddy bears stand sentinel on the roof of the museum, glowing with spectral fire in your Grief sense. Mami smiles at you, rising to stand beside you. Automatically, you slide your arm around her waist, giving her a warm smile as you land.

Hijiri's definitely talking, though you can't really make out anything.

"Hello, Miss Anri? Are you there?" you call again.

"You're working with them. Go and die," she hisses, vicious anger in her voice.

Voting opens
[] How do you respond to Anri?
[] More to say to Hijiri?
[] Hunting
- [] Per vote in abeyance
- [] How would you suggest drawing Anri out?
[] Write-in (word count limit: 150 words)

[X] Hunting:
-[X] Group brainstorm searching methods.
--[X] Grief sensors (others should copy this); Ribbon Grid; Sayaklone Army; combos thereof.
--[X] Encourage others to propose ideas.
--[X] Ask Hijiri if she's willing to help find Yuuri.
--[X] Yuuri likes to spy and set up traps. Can we draw her out and counter ambush her?


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