Anyways. Based on what I've seen on the thread so far I think I can safely make a note on our problems and actions that should be taken to fix them. That said, I am reasonably sure we have our Admin/Mystic Hero for at least one more turn, so I'm not really eager to set up a list of things we need to do for now. That said, I do remember they tend to listen to what we want them to do, so...
Oh great
@Academia Nut Carry the voice of this humble spirit to the king that rules over our people so that it may guide him and provide him insight in these troubled times!
Right mate, so The Garden of your people has three major problems to deal with, though one of them is stalled for long enough that you can probably afford to make notable headway on the other two before it pops up again. Still, there is an opportunity to make progress on it that it would be nice if you got behind. This is some friendly advice on what you need to focus on.
The Three Crises
Government Organization (Most important)
-Reform Government
--Complete Patrician Quest (4 Grand Hall Annexes)
-Establish Better Communications (Pick 2)
--Better Roads
---Double Main Roads
--Better Boats
---Lots of Docks
--Better Horses
---??? Maybe Stable Annex or Spirit Bonded
--Bonus (Does not count in general, but does help greatly)
---Lowland Water Passage (Lowland Dam and Canal)
-Ensure Subrodinate Loyalty
--Influence Subordinate Actions
--Vassal Support Passive
-Integrate Subordinates (Requires Government Reform and Better Communications to be fufilled)
Nomad Threat (Close Second in terms of importance)
-Gain Large Ammounts of Light Cavalry
-Establish Diplomatic Relations with Friendly Nomads
-Grow Trees, All the Trees
-Build Colossal Walls
-Triangle Canal
Liquidity (Stalled)
-End Goal: Central Banking and Paper Money (A long ways away from actually dealing with)
--Complete Quest to gain Grand Bazaar Megaproject
--Gain Markets in general
--Increase Connectivity and Trade
-Means of Stalling:
--Gain Precious Metals (Preferable)
---Gain more land
--Devalue Currency
---Reactionary Action, Crises may have triggered by now if this comes to pass
There is also the general upkeep to make sure The Garden stays nice and clean, so keep that in mind and don't get
too mono focused here.