Hey look, things are not as on fire anymore. Wonder how long that's going to last?
[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)
Seems like a decent option. We are fighting the pirates anyway.

[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
For glory!... and Stability!... and Legitimacy!

[X] [Secondary] Block Housing- Redshore
Everyone who is voting for ironworks, do you mind waiting a bit? Lets get this done first in case we can get the ironworks done as a Myranyn reforms action. We need this anyway and can only do it for a little while.

[X] [Secondary] War Mission- Pirate Clans
We are going to punch them in the face until they stop disrupting our trade!

[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
Lets invite these guys to the games, we are on decent terms right now.

[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands
So we can get the trader's quest done.

[X] [Guild] Build Porcelain Works
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
The only thing I really have to say about the guild actions is, can we not build warships yet? I am not comfortable with having that low of a martial score right now.
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Not a given that we select it due to the other costs attached (we've been poor during the midturn multiple times and not really wanted to do anything) nor, as stated, do I like flirting with being high up there anyway due to pressures on the king to be not shit at his job.

Secondary doesn't progress that at all.
"Not given that we select it"

What? Unless you mean the forestry thing.

Aside from that there's the fact that we generally have a pick from six different options amongst Black Soil, Expand Econ, and Expand Forest and will always be dropping at least 1 Cent which is all we need to be safe based on calcs ABby Normal has made.

But that's okay, I'll leave you to it since I don't feel like continuing.
It's a shame though that the loyal Yeoman got fucked over like this but it was a systemic problem we were having with them.
The loyal Yeomen didn't really get affected. They used to just farm...and now they just farm.

Also remember their power level will shoot back up after this, once the Patricians switch to oppressing/supporting a different faction.

For everyone voting to Enforce Justice: Aren't we already pretty close to the Cent cap? If we go up much higher, aren't we in danger of locking up due to overcentralization?
Previous math analysis says our Cent cap is around 10-14 or so until the cities reform.

@Abby Normal, @BungieONI, @veekie

For you who are most active and reasonable I just want to bring this

to your attention, so that you might convice the thread of the importance of taking at least a sec sailing mission if we want to be successful against the pirates

Provinces took it for us last turn. I don't think it'd be a problem.

No analysis since still fevered AND rather busy at work, but a couple of observations:
Capital Palace
A grand center of government, the palace seats the king and all the necessary organs of governance, as well as being aesthetically attractive and imposing, so as to show off the wealth and power of the People. Required capstone project to move beyond Bronze Age models. Grants access to the Governor's Palace extended project.
Annexes (11/15): Grand Hallx2, Shrine, Library x2, Storehousex2, Garden, Arsenal x3
Annex Effect: +1 National Library count, -1 Temp Econ damage for all palaces, +1 EE before Valleyhome loses TC status, +1 Safe Martial, +1 Tech Refund, +1 Tech/turn
Storehouse level 2 changes it from -1 Temp Econ damage to -1 Temp Econ damage per Palace, which is a rather big boost.
The third Arsenal also added a +1 Tech drip, which is kickass.

Econ + Econ Expansion total is less than 24, preventing us from meeting the priest quest without Mills or New Settlements.

For their part, Freehills seemed more than a little interested in taking a swing at the Khemetri colonies, but upon hearing that the People weren't interested in letting them have their mercenaries for such an affair, decided to just work on getting their coastlines secured.
Oh good, they're paying us to suppress pirates. Handy.
And as for the glory hounding idiots who kept making trouble...

"They're going after the pirates?" The king asked of the advisor giving the report.

"Yes sir. The Western People are in something of an unstable back and forth with the Storm Tribes, so the big draw right now is to go south of Tinshore to raid 'bandit' villages, under the assumption that it is both safer and will be more condoned," the man informed him.
Toppest of keks. They're going bandit...and attacking bandits.

"No, I think that at most the guilds might just pull out some bribes to get more housing or industry built to improve their lot, but I don't think I've heard anything dangerous. Doesn't mean its not there, just, you know, I haven't heard anything," the general said.
Guilds may burn their Power to hijack and build Block Housing/Ironworks if we don't.

"We need more men and boats to ensure that the pirates are put down... but I think we might be able to pressure them into behaving, at least for a generation or two. We have trouble stopping them on the water, but our traders have a mostly secure route so they can't make as many opportunistic strikes from their home villages so long as we take the southern routes. That still makes a mess of the Tinriver route, and their king can still make long distance strikes, but it's not something that we can't deal with long term, and if we hit them enough they might decide to just settle down and stop raiding in any sort of organized manner."
Unlikely to actually wipe out the pirates under their Gold D Roger due to his immunity to critfails, but they may form a new polity on the Black Sea...which means that the Tinriver landgrab is extra important now.

Block Housing - Multilevel housing that allows for many, many people to be stuffed into a small area. Can only be built in locations with sufficient shipping to bring in enough external food to keep the locations fed, but can allow for Level 2 infrastructure to be built. Block Housing increases the city's EE limit by 5, but decreases the limit for cities without Block Housing by 4. Each Block Housing also increases the Econ tax of a True City by 1. Every {S} cost 3 Econ and 3 Tech for 3 progress. Redshore (0/3), Blackmouth (0/3)
Kind of expensive, and not very useful YET aside from the Ironworks
Ironworks [Guild] - Huge, centralized centers of iron production, these facilities make high quality iron tools cheaper and more widely available. Every facility adds +1 Econ, -1 EE, -1 Tech to the Expand Economy action. Every {S} cost 3 Econ and 3 Tech for 3 progress, and completed Ironworks also consume an additional 2 sustainable forest. Valleyhome (0/3), Redshore (0/3), Redhills (Wonder), Blackmouth (0/3)
REALLY expensive to use.
After we build the level 2 version we're going to be losing at least 1 point of unrefunded Tech per turn from Expand Econ actions, as we're using up too many skilled workers to produce the tools just to farm.
We might want to move the Academy up the schedule.

Patricians (5*) - Power: Add or subtract their faction power from factions they are supporting/opposing. Objective: Have Light cavalry above 3 within 2 turns. Success: Free equestrian tech
This is useful, they can activate faction powers for us at present...it also makes Patrician power twice as dangerous as any other faction.
Traders (2*)[/b] - Objective: Build a silver or gold mine within 2 turns. Failure: -5 Wealth [0/2]
This is going to use a Survey(which the provinces will take since it's free) and potentially 1 Forest to develop depending on the ore.

[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks (Redshore)
[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns x2

Bring them home. We can Proclaim right back up, grab a chunk of land for Tinriver too. Pity about the Diplomacy drip, but we'll live.
Main Proclaim Secondary Enforce seems better for Stability though, so I'll go with that.
Block Housing eats Econ fast, and likely increases disease until the baths catch up.
I'm seeing Games Invite as being quite popular as are Mills. I'll go with Games first personally, since we have three turns to sort that out, and it'd be easier to sort that out with a bigger Diplomacy drip.

Should keep an eye on the forestry:
-Current 3 Forest
-Kilns -3 Forest +6 Charcoal
-Ironworks -2 Charcoal
-Baths -1 Charcoal
-Ironworks level 2 -2(?) Charcoal
-Porcelain -1 Charcoal

We'd be cutting it a little close, if Ironworks level 2 costs differently, if the mine we find needs fuel or the passives build an extra bath.

@Academia Nut
I'm curious, does Terrify work on pirates or do they count as Sea Nomads? I think they do have settlements to service their ships after all.
Not planning on using that, just curious.
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So people are ok with whole second son / West Y shenanigan if they are against acceptable targets? Even if they just want ti raid and plunder 'bandit' villages? While having a shite time with SW war?

What a great opportunity for our traits to develop, especially for the greater justice trait.
There will always be more infrastructures for us to do. I suspect they will also get expensive quick such that our infrastructure policies won't be enough. I must also remind you that there are other issues we need to attend to, such as a spy network and our forestry policies.
Hmm? Infrastructure Passives cost nothing while building. Not sure what you mean by expensive. Do you mean more actions needed? That doesn't really make me less inclined to get more Infrastructure policies.

As for the rest, I don't really agree that there will always be more projects to do. We gain new ones at a surprisingly slow rate, and we're still working from the massive backlog from before we had policies. It would take a while, but we could finish them if we made the effort.

I'm not against a Skullduggery (it's pretty efficient), but we've got a lot of actions we need to get done (I consider the Dam and Canals required at this point) so generating Intrigue for Intrigue Missions we don't have the time to send seems wasteful at the moment.

Forest Policies are garbage and always have been. If I could convince the thread of one thing, it would be to stop using this and switch over to Forest Secondaries and Kiln actions. Legit probably the worst policy on the list, but keeps getting used because the thread was traumatized by not planting enough trees a thousand years ago. Bleh.
Any chance I could get people to support expanding the Palace? Palace bonusses are powerfull, and quite effective.

Building Palace Stables would be need for example.
We've been fraidd by/fighting against the pirates for the last couple of turns. I don't have nearly as much of a problem with a part of our people deciding to attack them by themselves as I would if they attacked a neutral/friendly polity.
I'm not against a Skullduggery (it's pretty efficient), but we've got a lot of actions we need to get done (I consider the Dam and Canals required at this point) so generating Intrigue for Intrigue Missions we don't have the time to send seems wasteful at the moment.

I don't know what kind of intrigue mission we would even want to do.

I just figure we need the stat for passive defense against enemy spy network and to use Hunt Troublemakers to surface up new information in our polity.
What? Not everything is on fire? How can this be?

[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)

[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks - Redshore
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
So people are ok with whole second son / West Y shenanigan if they are against acceptable targets? Even if they just want ti raid and plunder 'bandit' villages? While having a shite time with SW war?

What a great opportunity for our traits to develop, especially for the greater justice trait.

Look at our traits again:
-Greater Justice - Working with criminals to fight criminals is Justice when it minimizes harm to the innocent.
-Joyous Symphony - Working in sync with people being disharmonious.

This is in fact, perfectly in line with the Justice trait.
It's damaging to Crown Authority because people are ignoring the King, but attacking Pirates is Just even if their motives are impure.

Its even argable that leaving them to hang for doing vigilante justice is Unjust
I expect to take an Expand Forest action on the midturn from PSN if nothing else. Try to follow the vision of Yshuyn even if we can't afford the passive policies.

Similarly. It wouldn't hurt at least.
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks (Redshore)
[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild] Build Porcelain Works
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[X] [Secondary] Block Housing- Redshore
[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild] Build Porcelain Works
We should try to keep Cent high.

Remember - High Cent = More Information = Better Decisions
I'm also curious what the "other effects" of a Main Expand Forest are. Plus if we're incredibly lucky we could finally discover paper.

I believe it's a Study forest action.

Kinda silly really. We got that bonus after upgrading our forest wonder, and then we started using forest passives instead of building forests, so we had no benefit of it whatsoever.
[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks (Redshore)
[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild] Build Porcelain Works
We should try to keep Cent high.

Remember - High Cent = More Information = Better Decisions
It also multiplies the effectiveness of our king. This can be a double edged sword as if our king sucks, his sucky actions will get carried out more efficiently which is bad. Thanks to Philosopher Kings, however, high Centralisation is decidedly more good than it is bad.
As Main Expand Forest gives an innovation roll, is that doubled at the cost of one Wealth?

If the nomads are going to get Light Cavalry soon, a pair of Stables Annexes would probably be sensible to get ahead of the curve. The Patrician Equestrian tech would be nice, but I don't know if we'll be able to afford the actions for it.

We're going to have to look at intervening in support of Western Ymaryn next turn. Hopefully the Storm Wolves' heroic general will die off.
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I believe it's a Study forest action.

Kinda silly really. We got that bonus after upgrading our forest wonder, and then we started using forest passives instead of building forests, so we had no benefit of it whatsoever.

Nah, the text description of Expand Forest also mentions innovation potential, so these "other effect" seem like they're separate? There have been a few hints of possibly developing a "Terraform" action, which would be amazing.
Nah, the text description of Expand Forest also mentions innovation potential, so these "other effect" seem like they're separate? There have been a few hints of possibly developing a "Terraform" action, which would be amazing.
That's behind Black Soil's "other effects" as far as we can tell since it is almost literally a super sized use of Black Soil's principles to do the Terraform action.
Forest Policies are garbage and always have been. If I could convince the thread of one thing, it would be to stop using this and switch over to Forest Secondaries and Kiln actions. Legit probably the worst policy on the list, but keeps getting used because the thread was traumatized by not planting enough trees a thousand years ago. Bleh.
If you manage to regularly have the thread put forth a Study Forest Policy, then I will gladly lift your rock.