Care to do a full analysis? They're always a delight to read.

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of "Zamin over analyses everything".

To sum up:

[][Crisis] Let them go (-3 Martial, -1 Stability, potential for war with the Storm Tribes, Crisis Continues)
[][LC] Coin isn't as needed in urban centers, just distribute food there blindly (+1 Urban Poor power, ???)
[][Religion] Accept it (-1 RA, mechanical effects begin)
[][Main] Enforce Justice
[][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[][Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[][Secondary] More Blackbirds
[][Secondary] Build Observatory
[][Guild] Support Artisans
[][Guild] Plant Poppies

Provinces – [Main] Expand Econ, [Sec] Build Mills, [Sec] Build Gymnasium, [Sec] Study Alchemy, [Sec] Study Stars
Policies – Valleyguard Aqueduct (3/3), Blackmouth Baths (3/3), Sacred Forest Baths (1/3), Significant Walls (27/58)
FC - Redshore (Armament +1 Martial), Redhills (Armament +1 Martial)
Western – [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] Raise Army
Greenshore – [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] Raise Army, [Sec] More Warships
Gulvalley – [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] War Mission – Pirate Clans
Heaven's Hawk – [Sec] Expand Econ, [Sec] Phygriftywn Aqueduct (6/9)
Txolla – [Main] New Settlement, [Sec] Build Wall
Tinshore – [Main] Trade Mission - Trelli
Thunder Speakers – [Main] New Settlement
Thunder Horse – [Main] New Settlement
Amber Road – [Sec] Expand Forest, [Sec] Expand Econ

Famine stalked the People, the gaunt specter of a slow, lingering death that came for the most vulnerable among them. According to the priests, who knew the situation best, starvation itself rarely killed, but rather it left its victims so weak that disease finished them off, troublesome when the primary centers of food distribution were still wracked with persistent plague. This was somewhat doubled by the fact that the king had decided that the best way to address the People having a lack of coin to pay for food was to simply freely distribute staples in the major settlements. To some degree it worked, but soon enough the situation took a distinct turn for the worse. Worried about the dwindling supplies of coinage, merchants and guilds pushed for more investment in cash crops, especially in moving poppies from the gardens of the priests to the fields. In the cities the king could still use the power of the crown to keep people fed, but in the countryside where everyone had assumed there would be enough food because that's where it was grown there were instances of families who had grown only poppies or cotton or hemp under the assumption that the silver they earned would be more worth it than growing staples, only to discover that there simply wasn't enough food to go around because of this decision.

To sum up:

Urban Poor: Oh no! We don't have enough money to buy food!

The King: Don't worry, we'll give you food

Traders: Hey, farmer guys, can you plant more cash crops for us instead of food?

Farmers: Sure. I'm sure there'll be plenty of food to go around anyway. It's not like all my neighbors would also decide not to plant food this year, right?

People went in two directions: either to the cities, which filled up and caused further flaring of plagues, or out to the colonies... and then, in rather significant numbers, to the renegade kingdoms, who took the influx of people and warriors as just the thing they needed to withstand the onslaught of the riled Storm Tribes, who had rallied around a powerful leader and pushed the Western People back from much of their gains in prior years. Still, despite their rather anarchic attitudes, the renegades were still mostly composed of the People, and thus they were getting organized. With the king and guilds and traders screwing up so badly, there were many that whispered that the Western People offered a viable alternative, especially if the western colonies broke off and joined them.

Oh look, the traitors are getting even more set up. Why did we decide to leave them be for so long, anyway?

Panem: All True Cities and Free Cities cost an additional -1 Econ each per turn as additional food is distributed to the urban poor. Urban Poor faction adds faction power to Urban challenge rolls

Hmm... not really sure what to think about this. On one hand, we're losing more Econ every turn to keep the plebs fed. On the other, the Urban Poor now have a very big reason to support our government.

Renegade Kingdoms -> Western Ymaryn
AN: Yes, the Western Ymaryn have PiA, and yes, they drained Econ from you (after you had already recovered due to timing, or you would have imploded). Also, the Western Ymaryn and any of their successor states count as successor states of the People and thus you assume direct control in the event of a Social Break

> Renegades are now officially seen as a proper kingdom
> They also have Pride in Acceptance, which means that they can Econ vamp us whenever we start looking weak


Oh god. Is this what all our neighbors felt like?

As it was, even as the king and governors desperately scrambled to restore agriculture, refill granaries, and try to prevent deaths through a combination of farming initiatives and judicial reforms and pushes to crack down on hoarders, the new Mylathads whipped the People into a frenzy. Blame for the famine was rightfully placed upon many of those on the top, especially the merchants, and the religion and the social reform accompanying it swept aside old mores about the accumulation of wealth and the power it brought.

Rule of Gold removed as it is no longer compatible.

Mylathadysm - "Seekers of Truth"
Virtues: Humility, Contemplation, Community
Values: Syncretic (Increased Spread, Increased Schisms), Charity (+RA/2 temp Econ damage resistance, -RA/2 Max Wealth), Independent Priesthood (Independent Infrastructure)

This left the merchants in a rather unpleasant mood, especially as those who still valued what gold could bring shifted to the west, to the colonies, to the Western People, and to the Trelli, even as the priests, new and old, were sailing high on the feeling that they had actually made a difference in keeping some people fed and in driving out some of the influence of the greedy merchants, as well as fresh revelations from the heavens. However, to the king's ears it also sounded like the priests were planning on doing things he wasn't entirely sure he wanted them to do, like set up their own farming communities around temples and holy places. That sounded like it could be trouble later...

On one hand, fuck the traders. The greedy little shits brought this upon themselves.

On the other, I'm really not sure if I'm happy about how our religion is forming. That Independent Priesthood trait might just come back to bite us in the ass later.

And then news arrived. The Trelli had straight up run out of money. In their efforts to deal with the issue they had somehow completely emptied their treasuries and ended up with nothing to pay their numerous mercenary companies or the ships crews for hunting pirates, and now the strait, their colonies, and all their close trading partners had exploded into flames as anarchy took over. The pirate clans that the People had been fighting, realizing that the land war was all but lost and the only reason that they were able to keep up with the material superiority of the People's ships was because their king was somehow more of a naval madman than the warriors who rode war catamarans, decided to just pack up and run to the west. Either way, while technically that pirate problem had been solved, the People's biggest trading partners - the Trelli, and through them the Khemetri - had just been cut off by the Trelli spontaneously exploding and filling the area around the straits with lots of minor bandit and pirate groups.

The merchants, banished west, were both horrified and delighted.

Oh, NOW you decide to blow up?! NOW?!

Why couldn't you have done this when we were in the middle of fighting you, eh? Look what a mess you've made! Goddamned bandits and pirate gangs popping up everywhere! And now we can't even talk to anyone far away cause everything is on fire!

Well, at least the established pirate clans have left. I hope we'll never have to deal with them again, but honestly speaking they're probably going to reappear the moment we start exploring the Mediterranean.

Faction Quests:
Patricians (4*) - Objective: Have Light cavalry above 3 within 2 turns. Success: Free equestrian tech
Guild (4) - Objective: Generate 2 Econ from War or Refugees within 2 turns. Success: Free textiles technology, Failure: Random trade power downgraded
Traders (3*) - Objective: Conquer Trelli within 1 turn. Failure: Civil War (Suppressible)
Yeomen (3*)- Objective: Finish internal reorg within 2 turns. Success: Half current EE converted to Econ, Failure: -2 Econ
Priests (3)- Objective: Have maximum Econ within 3 turns. Success: Free Spiritual Value slot
Urban Poor (2*) - Build 1 more baths within 2 turns. Success: Urban Plague status removed early. Failure: Patricians and Guilds -1 Power, Yeomen +1 Power
These counters iterate at the next mid-turn. The numbers in brackets indicate the general faction strength.
AN: System note, (Suppressible) means that when using the Suppress Faction action the Failure penalty will not trigger. This is generally only applied for particularly bad failures. The is an (Unsuppressible) tag for really bad failure conditions where suppression merely triggers them early

Patricians: I WANNA PONY!

Guild: We need more slaves, uh, I mean, unskilled workers


Yeoman: Hey, uh, Mr. King man. Can, we, like, get things fixed around here?


Urban Poor: Dude, you stink! Man, if only we had a Bath around here...

Of course, while there were those who eyed the chaos with greed, and those who were intensely worried about how weakened the position of the People was with many of the next generation of warriors running off to the west, there were those who had ideas about how to deal with the soldier prob

Ah, and here we can see our noble class discussing how they should fix this crisis. The product of generations of careful breeding, these men are some of the best our empire have to offer. I'm sure they'll come up with a decent solution to our proble-

"It's still complicated, but the new iron coming out of Redhills is cheaper than ever, so we can make lots of them in a hurry," Myranyn explained to the skeptical patricians of Redshore, showing off the latest design of crossbow, this one replacing the old slider mechanism with smaller and sturdier trigger system. "Combined with the new armour designs the cheaper iron has spurred on, and we can raise up tens of thousands of warriors just as good at ranged combat as the yeomen, only they can come from the urban poor instead. I know you've experience with the gymnasia and the methods for a single instruct to teach a dozen youths athleticism and basic combat, and the techniques are definitely scalable to much larger groups."

"Yes, but then the poor would be the problem, would they not?" Harmysyn, a fellow would-be reformer, pointed out.



Sorry. Now, on a more serious note, this isn't actually that bad of an idea. It lets you field a sizable army without spending tons of money and resources training up proper warriors, which is nice. Heck, we already kinda do something similar with our 'We Have Reserves' trait.

The only problem is that while the Yeoman spend most of their time farming out in the country side. The Urban Poor live in the big cities and don't have much to do all day. Giving dangerous weapons to bored young men with plenty of free time seems like a recipe for disaster to me.

"To a degree, but especially with the bread dole now in place we can better keep them dependent upon the nobility and the crown than we can with the yeomanry, who have farms and, assuming they don't do something stupid, can just use the productivity of their farms to keep themselves alive if they decide to defy the crown. With the city dwellers, if they defy us, we just cut off the supply of grain and wait until their bellies bring them crawling back to us. Besides, your proposal seems rather... you know what, I'm just going to come out and say what every one of us has been thinking: you want an excuse to oggle our daughters' tits," Myranyn accused, causing the gathering to erupt in various degrees of disagreement.

And how does he intend to counter this? "Oh, we can just cut off their food. That'll make them obedient!"

Yeah, but obedient to who? And for how long?

This just seems like a dangerous idea, honestly. Also, that last line made me laugh.

Besides, your proposal seems rather... you know what, I'm just going to come out and say what every one of us has been thinking: you want an excuse to oggle our daughters' tits," Myranyn accused

"HOW DARE YOU! I am an equal opportunity ogler! I wanted to ogle your wife's tits as well!"

"We need to reconcentrate the military power of the patrician class, and if all the best warrior sons are going to run off, I see no reason not to train our daughters! The demands of command are not so vigorous as those of the common footsoldier, and there are many an account-"

"Gods and heroes do not count!" Myranyn shouted.

"MANY AN ACCOUNT! - many an account of women commanders of great skill. More than that, if all the most vital young men from the rural middle classes keep disappearing then I greatly fear for the vigour of the patrician blood! If all we have to marry our daughters to are merchants and artisans then in a short time all martial valour will be bred out of us. More than that, we can bring wayward sons back to us by offering the temptation of potent wives who will bear far stronger sons than any barbarian peasant woman in a felt tent!" Harmysyn countered after shouting his say back into place.

Huh. I kinda want to encourage this, if only so that we can maybe start getting more female heroes running around. It's a little sad that all our great female leaders are seen as mythical figures nowadays.

And hey, if having more muscle girls encourages the young warriors to stay home instead of running off to Western Traitorland, that's great too.

It was a rapidly growing divide among the patricians. Myranyn wanted to rework the entire system by which the common soldiers were recruited, trained, and equipped, while Harmysyn wanted to bring in more commanders by opening up the gymnasia to patrician daughters. Among the patricians both had their supporters and detractors, as well as many who wanted them both to shut up.

The Second Sons Crisis is pushing the People to the breaking point militarily. Reform the system?
[] [Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain
[] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain
[] [Reform] Begin Both (-1 Stability, Both Events Started, ???)
[] [Reform] Ignore Both

Personally, I'm leaning towards Harmysyn, though I wouldn't cry too much if Myranyn won either. However, please don't vote for both. Our Stability is low enough as it is and now we have another Econ Vamp hanging around just outside our borders.

Megaproject Completed!
This facility full of water wheel operated hammers, bellows, and grindstones concentrates ironworking potential into the first proto-industrial fashion. Completion grants additional Econ, metalworking techs, increases iron trade power, doubles income from iron trading, and opens up new opportunities.

Choose a completion bonus
[] [Iron] Gain at least two additional metalworking techs (Exploding dice)
[] [Iron] Gain an additional Social Value slot
[] [Iron] Gain a free random Guild type manufacturing facility
[] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[] [Iron] Gain the Steel Fist Legacy

All of the bonuses look good, honestly. I'm not too fussed about which wins.

Rule of Gold has been kicked out, who to draw from now?
[] [PiA] Western Ymaryn (Possibly Pioneering Spirit)
[] [PiA] Harmurri (Something trade related maybe [Not Center of Trade related])
[] [PiA] Mountain Horse (Probably an Honour Code)
[] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)
[] [PiA] Freehills (Social Value)
[] [PiA] Storm Tribes (Probably an Honour Code)
[] [PiA] Nomads (Honour Code)


By the way, who are the Freehills? Is that what we're calling the Highlanders now? I may have missed a few updates.

I'm going for Khemetri here cause I remember that they had something which let them take Religious Authority damage instead of Stability damage. Might be nice to have, considering the Gilded Age situation.

Gilded Age Bonus
[] [GA] Administrative innovation (-8 Wealth)
[] [GA] Financial innovation (-8 Wealth)

[] [GA] Begin Great Dam megaproject in independent action track (-10 Wealth)
[] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
[] [GA] New materials tech (-10 Tech)


Nah, just fucking with you. Here's the full list:
Gilded Age Bonus
[] [GA] Administrative innovation (-8 Wealth)
[] [GA] Financial innovation (-8 Wealth)
[] [GA] Begin Great Dam megaproject in independent action track (-10 Wealth)
[] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
[] [GA] New materials tech (-10 Tech)

Honestly, they're all good. Once again, I'm not gonna make a fuss about whoever wins. However, considering our current situation, I'm actually leaning towards the Subordinate reform so that hopefully less people will decide to leave.

And now, for the only part of this entire post that matters: My votes!

[X] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
Last edited:
Quick overview since work is hectic.
Panem: All True Cities and Free Cities cost an additional -1 Econ each per turn as additional food is distributed to the urban poor. Urban Poor faction adds faction power to Urban challenge rolls
This is expensive as hell, but the Urban Poor being happy enough to help rather than glare spitefully while they try to burn everything is pretty big.
We're going to need City Support policies.

@Academia Nut does this upkeep fall under Free City offset or not?

Renegade Kingdoms -> Western Ymaryn
AN: Yes, the Western Ymaryn have PiA, and yes, they drained Econ from you (after you had already recovered due to timing, or you would have imploded). Also, the Western Ymaryn and any of their successor states count as successor states of the People and thus you assume direct control in the event of a Social Break
*Feels unfamiliar sucking sensation*

Mylathadysm - "Seekers of Truth"
Virtues: Humility, Contemplation, Community
Values: Syncretic (Increased Spread, Increased Schisms), Charity (+RA/2 temp Econ damage resistance, -RA/2 Max Wealth), Independent Priesthood (Independent Infrastructure)
Not sure what Independent Infrastructure does.
Does it mean the priests get their own action and resource track to build with?

This is handy, but it makes politics more complicated. We could probably still manage it unless we start giving them their own cities. So long as holy sites are tied to centrally administrated cities, they'd still be controlled.

The pirate clans that the People had been fighting, realizing that the land war was all but lost and the only reason that they were able to keep up with the material superiority of the People's ships was because their king was somehow more of a naval madman than the warriors who rode war catamarans, decided to just pack up and run to the west.
Oh, that explains the Pirate power, they had a Hero.

Also war catamarans mmm...

Traders (3*) - Objective: Conquer Trelli within 1 turn. Failure: Civil War (Suppressible)
Tempting, but you freaking we DARE to grab Trell while they're burning right now even?!

Normally we could, but we lost 3 Martial this turn already.
On the other hand if we don't take it, the pirates under their Hero king will. Urgh.
Pirates holding the straits are a goddamned nightmare.
Priests (3)- Objective: Have maximum Econ within 3 turns. Success: Free Spiritual Value slot
As you wish, priests

[] [Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain

Go go gadget Professional Armies.
This should help solve Second Sons because Urban population are unlikely to run off seeking conquests, but it also makes low stability more dangerous because riots would have more armed citizens.

[] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain

Go go gadget Gender Equality movement centuries early.
This might or might not help with anything, but people like it?

[] [Reform] Begin Both (-1 Stability, Both Events Started, ???)

Go go gadget WITNESS ME!

[] [Reform] Ignore Both

"Eh, it'd work out"

[] [Iron] Gain at least two additional metalworking techs (Exploding dice)

Easiest to gain on our own.

[] [Iron] Gain an additional Social Value slot

Usually valuable.

[] [Iron] Gain a free random Guild type manufacturing facility

Probably LEAST valuable.

[] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded

Okay, remember how Iron Blooded drove us leagues ahead of all our neighbors? This is the next level up.

[] [Iron] Gain the Steel Fist Legacy

This is the Military advantage route. If only we were actually designed to fight wars.

[] [PiA] Western Ymaryn (Possibly Pioneering Spirit)

Oh hey it exists again.

[] [PiA] Harmurri (Something trade related maybe [Not Center of Trade related])

This is interesting, but there's a backlash

[] [PiA] Mountain Horse (Probably an Honour Code)


[] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)

Well, maybe we could borrow their RA -> Stability mojo?

[] [PiA] Freehills (Social Value)

Democratic values.

[] [PiA] Storm Tribes (Probably an Honour Code)

Military or Family value

[] [PiA] Nomads (Honour Code)

Military or Family value

[] [GA] Administrative innovation (-8 Wealth)

Admin is part of the problem.

[] [GA] Financial innovation (-8 Wealth)

Finance is another part. We'd face another currency crisis eventually without it.

[] [GA] Begin Great Dam megaproject in independent action track (-10 Wealth)

It gives us the damned Dam, but it also ramps us closer to the edge faster. The dam is kind of expensive.

[] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)

Subordinates verging away is a problem. This should help fix that.

[] [GA] New materials tech (-10 Tech)

Eh, not urgent

Not much to say, but approval voting go:
[X] [Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Reform] Begin Both (-1 Stability, Both Events Started, ???)
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Freehills (Social Value)
[X] [GA] Administrative innovation (-8 Wealth)
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)

The Harmysyn Event Chain would make the thread happier because it reinforces our OOC values, but it doesn't do anything to solve the Second Son crisis we have at hand.
And Subordinate reform because under the current system we really don't have any options to rein in or convert subordinates, Admin similarly.

And now back to dealing with work. x.x
Last edited:
Y'know what'd be hilarious. We train up daughters and they go and found another successor state.

Our luck with successors always felt a bit off. Some died, some got lost, and some just went rouge. I wouldn't be too unhappy if they decided to found their own land with their vision. (Unless they want slaves, then i'm more miffed.)

By the way, who are the Freehills? Is that what we're calling the Highlanders now? I may have missed a few updates.


Freehills are those "republic" of freed slaves that lives besides Gunvalley. They are fairly quiet up to this point.

Dam would be nice but I WANT ADMIN TECH!:mob: We are walking blind when the government can't keep a handle on anything!
Which is better for our current situation Administration innovation, Financial Innovation, or Subordinate Reform?
Which is better for our current situation Administration innovation, Financial Innovation, or Subordinate Reform?

Administration innovation, government got too big too fast; and now it is tilting towards fracture. Subordinate Reform is unlikely to cover Western Ymaryn since people are starting to see them as an viable alternative entity.
[X] [Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Reform] Begin Both (-1 Stability, Both Events Started, ???)
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)
[X] [GA] Financial innovation (-8 Wealth)
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
The Harmysyn Event Chain would make the thread happier because it reinforces our OOC values, but it doesn't do anything to solve the Second Son crisis we have at hand.

It does, though, by empowering the patricians more over the yeomen, meaning more ability to crack down on wayward Second Sons and getting us closer to yanking that idea out of the People's unconsciousness. I think there's a current of class warfare running here.

And anyway, your proposal is that instead we risk shattering our whole polity with more stab hits, or just ignore the yeomen and hope they forget how to shoot a bow? Neither of the reform proposals directly address the problem.
Last edited:

Some important highlights.
Hmm... not really sure what to think about this. On one hand, we're losing more Econ every turn to keep the plebs fed. On the other, the Urban Poor now have a very big reason to support our government.
Remember the City Support passive policy?
This is what it's used for I think.
Well, at least the established pirate clans have left. I hope we'll never have to deal with them again, but honestly speaking they're probably going to reappear the moment we start exploring the Mediterranean.
The pirate clans that the People had been fighting, realizing that the land war was all but lost and the only reason that they were able to keep up with the material superiority of the People's ships was because their king was somehow more of a naval madman than the warriors who rode war catamarans, decided to just pack up and run to the west.
Remember the geography is:
Tinriver - Trell - Pirates - Freehill - Gulvalley

Pirates fled west. They've gone to take Trell.
Sorry. Now, on a more serious note, this isn't actually that bad of an idea. It lets you field a sizable army without spending tons of money and resources training up proper warriors, which is nice. Heck, we already kinda do something similar with our 'We Have Reserves' trait.

The only problem is that the Yeoman spend most of their time farming out in the country side. The Urban Poor live in the big cities and don't have much to do all day. Giving dangerous weapons to bored young men with plenty of free time seems like a recipe for disaster to me
Can't be more wrong with the bolded:
-The Yeomen have about six idle months a year during the Growing and Fallow seasons.
-The Urban Poor work for minimum wage to buy their daily bread.

The bored young men are the second sons. The Urban Poor are the minimum wage McDonalds cashier and warehouse workers.

By the way, who are the Freehills? Is that what we're calling the Highlanders now? I may have missed a few updates.
Freehills are the slaves we freed.

I am for financial reform because we did not *really* solve liquidity crisis as much as Trelli's death delayed the problem for us.
And there in lies the problem. If we go with Financial reform won't we collapse? I mean you probably don't care if the Ymaryn collapse, I think you're pro Western Ymaryn. What will keep the Ymaryn alive long enough to fix all our problems?
@Academia Nut
What about the HK
How come we can't use PiA in the?
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Oct 6, 2017 at 3:40 AM, finished with 112073 posts and 29 votes.
I am really tired so I am probably going to pass out and try wrapping my head around all this tomorrow but I just want to say these factions really know how to tempt me.

Priests (3)
- Objective: Have maximum Econ within 3 turns. Success: Free Spiritual Value slot
Traders (3*) - Objective: Conquer Trelli within 1 turn. Failure: Civil War (Suppressible)

This. This is the stuff I like. I am going to be pushing for the priests objective no matter what happens because, well... free value slot and I would love to conquer Trelli if at all possible. If we could take control over that city we would become immensely powerful... Then again, pushing for it might be too much for us right now. Ahh well, I shall have time to think it over later.
[X] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
[X] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
Remember the geography is:
Tinriver - Trell - Pirates - Freehill - Gulvalley

Pirates fled west. They've gone to take Trell.

*shrug* then they'll go legit, like these things go IRL. A lot of polities were founded by roaming conquering asshats.

And there in lies the problem. If we go with Financial reform won't we collapse? I mean you probably don't care if the Ymaryn collapse, I think you're pro Western Ymaryn. What will keep the Ymaryn alive long enough to fix all our problems?

If I did not care about Ymaryn I wouldn't get most of my infractions in the thread :V

Amd I don't think any of those are significantly better than others.
[X] [Reform] Begin Both (-1 Stability, Both Events Started, ???)
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)
[X] [GA] Financial innovation (-8 Wealth)
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
Adhoc vote count started by sidestory on Oct 7, 2017 at 2:42 AM, finished with 112647 posts and 89 votes.
Last edited:
@zamin why not western Ymaryn, for the chance of Pioneering Spirit?

I'm going for Khemetri here cause I remember that they had something which let them take Religious Authority damage instead of Stability damage. Might be nice to have, considering the situation.

Can't be more wrong with the bolded:
-The Yeomen have about six idle months a year during the Growing and Fallow seasons.
-The Urban Poor work for minimum wage to buy their daily bread.

The bored young men are the second sons. The Urban Poor are the minimum wage McDonalds cashier and warehouse workers.

Oh, I see. That makes it a little better.

Still, I don't like the idea of letting them have easy access to weapons. If we get another riot or something things could get real nasty.

Freehills are the slaves we freed.

Ah, gotcha. Honestly, I kinda thought that they'd collapse before Trelli. Nice to see that they're still hanging in there.
The Khem value might be at odds with our new religion, and there's no telling what bad effects that would have. So please be careful.
[X] [Reform] Begin Myranyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Reform] Begin Both (-1 Stability, Both Events Started, ???)
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)
[X] [GA] Financial innovation (-8 Wealth)
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)

Reminder that blindly copying veekie votes is how we ended up with an entirely avoidable famine for the first time in the millennia long history of the Ymaryn.
Which is better for our current situation Administration innovation, Financial Innovation, or Subordinate Reform?
All of them, but the Financial crisis is over because the Trelli imploded, so there's nobody else using up the gold :V

It does, though, by empowering the patricians more over the yeomen, meaning more ability to crack down on wayward Second Sons and getting us closer to yanking that idea out of the People's unconsciousness. I think there's a current of class warfare running here.

And anyway, your proposal is that instead we risk shattering our whole polity with more stab hits, or just ignore the yeomen and hope they forget how to shoot a bow?
No, historically the solution to the Second Son crisis(i.e. militarized landowners starting wars because they want their children to also be landowners) was to indeed move to an urbanized crossbow/musket army.

The urban conscripts do not have the financial liberty to wage war independently. They do not have their own logistics in the form of the produce from their farms.
Their weapons are issued by the state, though most nations quickly realized the problem with this and made sure that they only had said weapons while on duty.

The important element here is that crossbows are very easy to train. Where the Yeomen HAVE to be armed all the time to stay sharp on their skills, a crossbowman only needs a period of refresher training every year or so to remember how to aim and shoot on command.

This meant that the Yeomen with independent streaks are no longer uncontested, as the state had an army dependent only to the state.
No, historically the solution to the Second Son crisis(i.e. militarized landowners starting wars because they want their children to also be landowners) was to indeed move to an urbanized crossbow/musket army.

The urban conscripts do not have the financial liberty to wage war independently. They do not have their own logistics in the form of the produce from their farms.
Their weapons are issued by the state, though most nations quickly realized the problem with this and made sure that they only had said weapons while on duty.

The important element here is that crossbows are very easy to train. Where the Yeomen HAVE to be armed all the time to stay sharp on their skills, a crossbowman only needs a period of refresher training every year or so to remember how to aim and shoot on command.

This meant that the Yeomen with independent streaks are no longer uncontested, as the state had an army dependent only to the state.

I fail to see how this is different from our present situation, since we already have two mercenary companies who are the closest things to professional soldiers that we have in this era. The yeomen are not uncontested in terms of available military force. If need be they can be suppressed, the problem is that they're 90% of our population and we can't keep an eye on all of them no matter how many city dwellers we conscript.
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[X] [Reform] Begin Harmysyn Reforms Event Chain
[X] [Reform] Begin Both (-1 Stability, Both Events Started, ???)
[X] [Iron] Upgrade Iron Blooded to Steel Blooded
[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably a Spiritual Value, hard to tell compatibility with new religion)
[X] [GA] Financial innovation (-8 Wealth)
[X] [GA] Subordinate reform (-10 Prestige)
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All of them, but the Financial crisis is over because the Trelli imploded, so there's nobody else using up the gold :V

No, historically the solution to the Second Son crisis(i.e. militarized landowners starting wars because they want their children to also be landowners) was to indeed move to an urbanized crossbow/musket army.

The urban conscripts do not have the financial liberty to wage war independently. They do not have their own logistics in the form of the produce from their farms.
Their weapons are issued by the state, though most nations quickly realized the problem with this and made sure that they only had said weapons while on duty.

The important element here is that crossbows are very easy to train. Where the Yeomen HAVE to be armed all the time to stay sharp on their skills, a crossbowman only needs a period of refresher training every year or so to remember how to aim and shoot on command.

This meant that the Yeomen with independent streaks are no longer uncontested, as the state had an army dependent only to the state.

In this case the "state" is the Patricians and Priesthoods handling the food payments, since the government can't even figure out what itself is doing. I thought quite a lot of voters are against granting Priesthood access to military power and Patricians gaining handle over the poor to prevent heredity warring nobles.
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