Analysis post. Quick one for a short update!
Diplomacy 15 [+3] -> 12 [+3]
-Terrify -3
Just the Terrify cost.
Economy 3 [+1-3] {1} -> 13 [+1-4] {11}
-Build Mills +4
-Main New Settlement +1
-Main Expand Econ +6
-War Mission? -1
Probably war losses there?
Econ Expansion 15 [+3-1] -> 10 [+4-1]
-Main New Settlement +1
-Main Expand Econ -6
Business as usual
Martial 12 {12} -> 8 {12}
-War Mission -4
A costly war, though costly on both sides. Offense policy will recoup this quickly.
18 [+(3+(2+8)/2+6)-(2-2-1)] -> 15 [+(3+(2+8)/2+6)-(2-2-1)]
-Build Mills -3
Very complex looking formula due to the trade doing a merry jig.
Mysticism 9 (+6) [+2-3] -> 10 (+6) [+2-3]
-Main New Settlement +1
Wonder what's the new holy site called
Tech 9 (+3) [-1] -> 8 (+4) [-1]
-Build Mills -1
Business as usual
Prestige 88 -> 87
-War -1
And another ding.
Stability 2 (optimistic) -> 1 (hopeful)
-War -1
And another ding.
Centralization 7 -> 5
-Expand Econ -2
Business as usual.
No change to Trade balance since it hadn't hit the midturn.
Minion loyalty went up by 1 across the board. War unifies.
No change to techs.
Something inside Yshuyn had snapped.
This whole war had been a mistake as far as he was concerned. They had gone off with the justification of priests and the prompting of those with less than virtuous purposes, and it had cost them dearly in terms of diplomatic contacts and the opinions of their neighbours. He had stood in the background for much of it, working feverishly to ensure that everyone had food to eat, and what did he get for it?
He got the report of several thousand warriors getting trapped in a narrow valley and slaughtered to the last. Thousands. Tens of thousands perhaps. Nothing so catastrophic as say the Battle of Bloodvalley, but where the People had just been able to roll with the disaster there, had been energized in some ways, this was just a demoralizing slog. Yshuyn knew that when he had received the news he had absolutely broken down, weeping uncontrollably at the senseless brutality of it all.
Bloody as hell. Must have been some pretty horrific rolls, and painful to the pacifist king.
Many were blaming the Proclamation, and thus him and the priests. They certainly carried responsibility for how the situation had evolved. First by starting it, and then proclaiming that all slaves held in bondage within Trelli lands were free to live their own lives, a Proclamation that the People would enforce with sword, spear, arrow, and battering ram. In any settlement the People seized, any person held in bondage would be released to take whatever vengeance they wished upon the conquered population, and thus it behooved the Trelli and their colonists to simply free those enslaved, both to end the war and to avoid any terrible fate befalling them. While by all accounts this had sown considerable fear among the Trelli, it had also motivated them to greater ferocity in the defense, and hence the massacre.
So Terrify worked, in that it caused the Trelli to lose Stability. But it also looked like they committed basically EVERYTHING into the fight because they knew they couldn't last long with the Stability hit, especially not if we did it again.
So it worked too well.
The fact that, because of Trelli ship patrols making trying to land troops close to their city was impossible, the Dragon Banner was still pushing along the coast out of Tinriver and Trelli itself was in no way threatened, was definitely making continued threats difficult.
With the war properly under way, we couldn't reach Trell itself by sea, which was a known fact as well, though they couldn't stop us on the open sea, near their city they could concentrate enough force that speed doesn;t do it.
Yshuyn felt... disconnected. Felt like his spirit wasn't entirely attached to his body, spreading a terrible numbness through him. Sometimes he broke down crying over nothing at all as he contemplated the senseless waste of it all. Sometimes fits of giggles came over him as he remembered that some of the slaves they had fought to free had taken up banditry or piracy - some of the pirates were their former traders disgruntled at the loss of the Trelli market! - and how stupid the whole situation had become. And sometimes dark rages came over him and he would scream and yell at those around him, at the incompetence and incorrectness of the world. He would almost invariably breakdown crying at the terror he wrought among those around him once the mood passed, but he feared that his outbursts were getting more common and more intense. Despite the fear within him over these fell moods, there was also something pleasant about feeling instead of the cold detachment that so easily draped itself over his shoulders the rest of the time.
And this is not good for his heart.
Unsurprised by the slaves taking to piracy, if they couldn't trust anyone then they'd fight everyone and take what they wanted.
Annoyed about our traders going pirate, but I half suspect that those were probably the same bunch as the "Maybe we should trade slaves too" lot :<
[] [King] Embrace Anger
Wrath. Not necessarily the useful kind of anger, Yshuyn was never a warrior. But this made him scream and rage at his own court, as per the narration.
May spur him to change things in drastic ways.
[] [King] Embrace Sorrow
Sorrow. Here he is incapacitated by the world, so he breaks down and stops working for a time. Heart of Tears.
Might simply lead to suicide or giving up.
[] [King] Embrace the Absurd
Finding everything
hilarious, a cruel joke by the gods.
Hard to predict, this sounds a lot like Arbitrary.
[] [King] Embrace Numbness
Heart of Steel. Kill the emotions that pains him so, end the war with
Given his Admin skills, this can be pretty terrifying during the war, though the aftermath of him going on a Conviction Limit Break may be just as bad.
[] [King] Embrace Madness
Surrender to the madness. Be removed from his position and put into the care of the priests where he doesn't have to be responsible for so much death.