Your post was one long litany of pathos, not "logic". That is why I ignored it. It was an outpouring of rhetorical pathos that assumes religion makes for moral actions. Which is, well, wrong. In this game, religion has served its purpose for our civilization, and I have never denied that. But I do take your issue with your claim that ultimately only religion can keep people in line.
So we are ignoring the actual examples and labelling them as 'pathis' I used because you don't like them?

Okay, no use in arguing with an atheist whose hateboner drowns out anything that goes against his opinions.
The problem is the new Intervention CB. And apparently we have now an Intervention CB against the Thunder Horse. If we don't use it, we'll be constantly using legitimacy...
Lol. How about let's not get into a useless war in the east when we can eliminate an enemy right next to us. Jesus, the more obstacles appear in our way to annexing the HK, the more I want to end them.
...well. this was either a wacky roll or AN is fucking with us based on the Highlander hate
So we are ignoring the actual examples and labelling them as 'pathis' I used because you don't like them?

Okay, no use in arguing with an atheist whose hateboner drowns out anything that goes against his opinions.
Funny. You accuse me of a hateboner when your wargl-garbl anger can be heard all the way to here.

Yes, there have been traders who suggested selling slaves. But it is utter nonsense to use this as an example that religious indoctrination works better for the transfer of moral values than secular education.

Because hey, there have never been immoral churchmen, right? People are fallible, that is all there is to it, and no system of transfer of moral values will be perfect.
Hmm... You know, there's always the chance that this does turn out to be a low-fantasy setting and this is real.

That being said, Love of Wisdom. Let's test this.
[X] No (???)

It's still worth being cautious though.
@Academia Nut
Can we get a few more details as to how the primary calculations were done? How frequently do these correlations appear?
edit: If we remove the CB vs. the HK, do we lose their trait or does it stay with us until fused/lost?
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The problem is the new Intervention CB. And apparently we have now an Intervention CB against the Thunder Horse. If we don't use it, we'll be constantly using legitimacy...
Arnt the Games a wonderful thing, their effectively trying to force us to solve all the worlds problems and if we don't our people will bitch at us for it, clearly the white-knight faction now exists in-universe.
[x] No (???)

This is why predictive astrology is rubbish. It gets everyone in a tizzy over absolutely nothing. This absolute nonsense would see us enter a useless war where we gain nothing, ruin Yenyna's retirement and give up our CB against an actual threat we can eliminate.

Fuck you for giving us this useless bullshit Khemetri. We save untold numbers of you and you give us superstitious detrimental bullshit.

That's astrology for ya, but it also contains the beginning of astronomy. So it's a double edged sword.

I predict Bad Things will happen if we accept the prediction.

Also, the CB intervention sucks ass. Why is it a pro to go to war?
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
how long do the damned intervention CB's last
who do we have them with
and do they decrease our prestige 1 per CB per turn

As long as a Games participant is at war with someone and losing and you are King of the Hill.
And yes, it is per CB per turn.

Can we get a few more details as to how the primary calculations were done? How frequently do these correlations appear?

It's all pretty complex, but they've spent the past ten years coming up with this by going over every record possible, and initial implementation has saved more than one harvest from bad weather. The priests trust this prediction absolutely.