Thus was Yenyna the Dragon General born.


I love her
She's our First Berserker!

Of course she's great!

Vote time:

[X] [TH] Demand significant tribute (+4 Wealth, +4 Prestige, end of war)
We could use the overflow.

[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
I want these guys done for now. If they try something I will personally kill them.

[X] [Berserk] 1 Stability
Don't stop won't stop!
It makes the inevitable fights with KOTHs EASIER, that's pretty damn good, it might not work normally, but I doubt anyone is going to face us in our region if we win this

That's why i said it's meh instead of not worth it. Besides, this war is moving so fast that we aren't in mid turn yet; so K's stability is not affected.

And "we have reserve" trait works all the time on the other hand.
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] They need to be taught a lesson, keep fighting
[X] [Berserk] No

Damn, with our Genius Martial in that State there is no way she is going to give out Military reforms/tactic for future Generation ...
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@Academia Nut Will Txolla still be threatened by war loss if we get the TH to surrender?
What did we lose a stab from??
The Khemetri took more land from us while we were clearing up the TH and HK, so divine stewards proc'd again. Right @Academia Nut ?
Also AN just updated the civ sheet. Txolla isn't threatened anymore... Gulvalley is D= (Also AN i dont suppose Txolla gets a loyalty boost from us focusing on us saving them?)
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[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] 1 Stability
We need to send relieve for the fight against the Khemtri, don't we have a second Army we can send to open a Path?
[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] 1 Stability

I really want to kill the Highlands but we need to get rid of the Khemtri.

Anyway they have to be scared. I mean we were on a three front war but after the initial attack we push out two enemies in just a few years. Now we break our remaining enemy and finish our conquests. Then maybe we can finally consolidate.
[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] 1 Stability
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] They need to be taught a lesson, keep fighting
[X] [Berserk] No
We need to send relieve for the fight against the Khemtri, don't we have a second Army we can send to open a Path?
We have several armies currently. Two are being blocked off by Highlanders in our southern territory. One is fighting the Khemetri and the fourth is fighting under our Genius General in the Highlander core.
If we get the Highlanders to make peace all three war mission smack straight into them head on when they think their on the cusp of victory
Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Jul 29, 2017 at 11:09 PM, finished with 88403 posts and 25 votes.
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[X] [Berserk] No