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Some day we will devolpe a style focused on ki use. A style that actually plays to our strengths.
Some day we will devolpe a style focused on ki use. A style that actually plays to our strengths.
I did write an outline of a style a while back. It had heavy focus in telekinesis for long range and it involved flying and IT to close the distance for ki blocking (which we have yet to learn) aswell as multiform, taioken and both ki control and ki sensing to use for ambushes. As well as oozaru and four witches (which, again, we haven't learned yet) among other things. I basically cobbled together the things we already knew or were likely to learn and tried to apply it in the less violent way possible... well, the point is that it is possible and easily doable but we are always busy with other stuff.
I did write an outline of a style a while back. It had heavy focus in telekinesis for long range and it involved flying and IT to close the distance for ki blocking (which we have yet to learn) aswell as multiform, taioken and both ki control and ki sensing to use for ambushes. As well as oozaru and four witches (which, again, we haven't learned yet) among other things. I basically cobbled together the things we already knew or were likely to learn and tried to apply it in the less violent way possible... well, the point is that it is possible and easily doable but we are always busy with other stuff.
I know and it makes sense to focus on exhausting what is known before we try and make something for ourself.
So @PoptartProdigy have you started on the update or focusing on the other quest? Do we need to use any cookies?
No cookies shall be required or helpful for this upcoming update. All relevant bonuses have been applied. I'll strike them from the list once the update is posted. Possibly today, although it depends on how tired I'm feeling once I finish; I may leave a quick edit for tomorrow.
No cookies shall be required or helpful for this upcoming update. All relevant bonuses have been applied. I'll strike them from the list once the update is posted. Possibly today, although it depends on how tired I'm feeling once I finish; I may leave a quick edit for tomorrow.
Now, for me to desperately hope we succeeded.

...Also, be disappointed it won't be posted on page 536. Updates being posted on 512, 524 and 536 would have been cool. :(
No cookies shall be required or helpful for this upcoming update. All relevant bonuses have been applied. I'll strike them from the list once the update is posted. Possibly today, although it depends on how tired I'm feeling once I finish; I may leave a quick edit for tomorrow.

Hey would you be willing to just put a strike though the bonuses instead of deleting them? I personally like looking at the rewards questers earned over time and seeing the occasional funny one that actually gets used. (totally fine if you don't want to though)

On a different note, anyone have omake suggestions? My muse follows a different sleep cycle than I do so I'm having trouble coming up with anything.
Hey would you be willing to just put a strike though the bonuses instead of deleting them? I personally like looking at the rewards questers earned over time and seeing the occasional funny one that actually gets used. (totally fine if you don't want to though)
That's a pretty good idea.

Update tomorrow morning, folks! Need some sleep, then edit time.
Non-Canon Omake: Chiaotzu Style
Omake: Chiaotzu Style

An eclectic style that is unique in how little it focuses on hand-to-hand combat. Rather, this style focuses almost entirely on ki talents and seeks to avoid close combat as much as possible, relying instead on weaponized telekinesis and piercing Dodon Rays in battle, augmented by a sharp control of their sensory and telepathic abilities. Practitioners mimic their progenitor not just in combat, but in lifestyle, as a philosophy of humility, integrity, and self-sacrifice is deeply ingrained in all modern forms of the style's teachings. Many people find practitioners to be overly passive and devoid of proper Saiyan pride, but when there is a desperate need, you will find no braver warriors anywhere on Garenhuld. Enhanced by passive, compassionate, and loyal traits. Further mastery blocked by aggressive, impulsive, and self-interested traits. Will probably worry everyone who cares about you as a person. Involved techniques: Flight, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Dodon Ray, Super Dodon Blast, Mimicry, Self-Destruct Bombs. Penalized techniques: Deceit, Intrigue, Hand-to-hand Combat (all).

A/N: I've had this idea for quite a while, since I noticed Chiaotzu's exclusion from the style list. Finally just sat down and finalized the flavor and mechanics of it. I hope it's balanced. Figured penalizing all CQC would be good recompense for actually weaponizing Telekinesis and getting Mimicry. In addition, there are restrictions on what kind of person can Master this style, so intense study kinda restricts our traits, as well as penalizing Deceit and Intrigue. Hope you guys like it.
Fairly certain it's at least partially based on Endivan style (the one that let him beat a Super Saiyan).
When I asked Poptart, they responded with some impressive spoilers.
(personally this spoils nothing because I lack sufficient familiarity with canon, so don't feel bad on my count, but: )

It's probably best to remove this post if you're speaking as to spoilers mentioned in private.
(personally this spoils nothing because I lack sufficient familiarity with canon, so don't feel bad on my count, but: )

It's probably best to remove this post if you're speaking as to spoilers mentioned in private.
I'll find the post when I get back from work, but it was literally a picture of some car spoilers. Probably should've made it clearer it was a joke. ;)
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Omake: Chiaotzu Style

An eclectic style that is unique in how little it focuses on hand-to-hand combat. Rather, this style focuses almost entirely on ki talents and seeks to avoid close combat as much as possible, relying instead on weaponized telekinesis and piercing Dodon Rays in battle, augmented by a sharp control of their sensory and telepathic abilities. Practitioners mimic their progenitor not just in combat, but in lifestyle, as a philosophy of humility, integrity, and self-sacrifice is deeply ingrained in all modern forms of the style's teachings. Many people find practitioners to be overly passive and devoid of proper Saiyan pride, but when there is a desperate need, you will find no braver warriors anywhere on Garenhuld. Enhanced by passive, compassionate, and loyal traits. Further mastery blocked by aggressive, impulsive, and self-interested traits. Will probably worry everyone who cares about you as a person. Involved techniques: Flight, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Dodon Ray, Super Dodon Blast, Mimicry, Self-Destruct Bombs. Penalized techniques: Deceit, Intrigue, Hand-to-hand Combat (all).

A/N: I've had this idea for quite a while, since I noticed Chiaotzu's exclusion from the style list. Finally just sat down and finalized the flavor and mechanics of it. I hope it's balanced. Figured penalizing all CQC would be good recompense for actually weaponizing Telekinesis and getting Mimicry. In addition, there are restrictions on what kind of person can Master this style, so intense study kinda restricts our traits, as well as penalizing Deceit and Intrigue. Hope you guys like it.
That's a fascinating idea, but trait exclusions aren't really a part of the Styles system. A truly interesting entry nonetheless. Non-canon, with the bonus going towards Style training.
Is jaffur's style essentially a kaioken style?
Kakara doesn't think so, no.
Last Chance
[X] Try to negotiate a complete cease-fire. It'll mean making promises backed by your position of authority, and definitely will take some of your people scrambling to get Meerak to a radio to vouch for your sincerity and trustworthiness, but if you convince enough of the scouts that a fight isn't necessary right now, you may be able to pressure the leader into admitting that a surrender is his only choice. But you're not even sure if it's possible...

Last Chance
"This doesn't have to be a fight," you say, your hands folded at your waist. "I don't want to fight today. And none of you have to."

The argument subsides slightly, the scouts turning towards you again. Below, you see the crowd beginning to disperse, although to your senses they're barely moving.

Dad, send somebody to get Meerak on the radio, you send. I think I can talk this down, but I need him vouching for me. And...I need to make promises.

Dad doesn't hesitate for a moment. Make them. If you can defuse this without a fight, I want you to try. I'll get my people ready to jump in if it falls through. Our Sorcerer is ready to snare the bruiser. If it comes to a fight, keep Jaron safe. He's still the Scion, and he's the weakest of you three. We'll protect the civilians.

Yes, Dad. Thank you

You turn to face the scout's leader. "I don't know why you're here. But we don't have to be enemies. I am your host, and if you're willing to accept my hospitality, we can talk about what you need."

For a moment, silence. Then... of the human that's been arguing for your side speaks up, this time aloud. "Boss. Look at this mess. Why are we so hell-bent on fighting when this girl is standing here telling us over and over that we don't have to?" She folds her arms. "I don't-"

The leader whirls on her, a sharp whistle piercing the air. It's untranslated, but it is unmistakably violent disagreement.

"We're not here to play nice, Private," snarls one of the other aliens. "Do our orders say, 'negotiate?' No. We're out here to find a new place to rule. We're not here to be refugees." The disgust in his voice for the term makes you blink.

"The situation has changed!" snaps one of the other scouts -- the other human on-side for you. "We've been kicked off of every planet we visited so far. Look at how far out we are! There's nothing left! I don't think that we can take this one. You want to die?"

"Even if we do, the fleet will smash them," says another.

"I don't know," says a blue-skinned alien. It looks like an amphibian. "Sir, I'm not questioning you, but...I think they make sense. Our orders don't demand suicide."

"I agree!" roars a reptilian alien.

A sharp whistle cuts through the air as the leader imposes order, glaring around the circle.

Then its eyes fall on you, narrowed in what looks like a hateful glare.

Your stomach drops. That doesn't look like indecision.

Dad, get Meerak on the radio right now!

Ten seconds!

We don't have ten seconds, it's about to attack!

Your eyes dart around the circle. There's your three advocates, probably two more that you've swayed, four others that you think are conflicted enough to stand down if you push, and the rest...

You grit your teeth. Crap.

Then their scouters crackle. "This is Meerak. Sir, what are you doing? They're telling me that you're starting a fight; we agreed to talk!"

The leader's eyes widen and it whistles, the translator activating. "...'we?'"

"Sir, I-"

"You weren't just captured. You surrendered to them."

"Boss, you haven't felt this girl's father, he is too strong for us-"

"You coward. You traitor. You've been working with them to sell us out!"

"I've been trying to make sure that we can find someplace to live!"

"When I find you, I am going to kill you, Meerak."

"Boss!" shouts the woman on your side. "He didn't betray us! We wouldn't still be-"

The leader lets loose a shriek. "I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH! I AM NOT GOING TO STAND HERE AND WATCH MY SOLDIERS SLIP AWAY ONE BY ONE!" It powers up, and four of the other scouts follow suit, including the bruiser. "THIS PLANET IS OURS! ATTACK!"

The bruiser turns towards you faster than any of the other, firing a blast at your face at full power. You barely manage to lean aside and kick it up into the air where it won't do any harm before powering up yourself. You hear a shriek of outrage from Maya as she darts into the air and sends the scout reeling with a powerful kick.

The other scouts form up and dart in towards you, auras flaring. The three you have already convinced dart back in shock and outrage, and the four who are still uncertain look as though they're struggling to decide what to do.

And your Dad's voice rings in your mind. All teams, go now!

Despite some limited success, a fight has broken out. The fight itself is going to be won; the scouts remain unaware of your backup and are badly outnumbered. The question is how you conduct yourself. For the following votes, if you are unsure of your stance on one of the tasks, you do not have to vote for it.

[ ][ORDERS] Do as Dad said, and glue yourself to Jaron throughout the fight.
[ ][ORDERS] You can act more freely if you leave Jaron behind. He should be safe enough.

[ ][IFF] Engage all of the scouts. Everything is hostile.
[ ][IFF] Do not engage the three you convinced.
[ ][IFF] Engage only those scouts which you can confirm as actively hostile.

[ ][AIM] Fight to withdraw you and your friends from the press and help the teams protecting the civilians.
[ ][AIM] Target the bruiser and get her out of the fight before she does serious damage.
[ ][AIM] Go straight for the leader.
[ ][AIM] Forget the fight; make certain that the four scouts showing signs of trying to figure out what to do don't join the fight. Get them to surrender.
[ ][AIM] Write-in.


Let me stress that the bonuses expended on these rolls were not wasted. They allowed you to push four of the scouts over the edge into indecisiveness. You knocked the majority of the unit out of the fight through peaceful means. Let me also say that calling Meerak was not a trap. When rolls fail, I have to depict how and why they did, and I decided that in this case, the failed roll to force a surrender happened because the leader was outraged by Meerak's attempted mediation rather than soothed. Had the roll succeeded, it would have worked. It didn't, and I decided that that would be the turning point.

Again, I'm not out to trap or railroad you. This is just a normal failure on an nigh-impossible task.

And now, we get our first actual superpowered battle since the Sealing. :D Have fun, folks! I hope you enjoyed.

It has come down to the end. Kakara must face down those of the scouts she hasn't swayed from their course of action. Will the young Scion stand and fight, try her hand at last-ditch calls for surrender, or withdraw with her friends to allow the arriving saiyan forces free reign in the coming fight? Find out next time, on the continued season finale of Dragon Ball AE!

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I say we convince the indecisive scouts to not get into the fight. All other roles (fight the bruiser, fight the leader, protect the civilians) can to some degree or another be done by the other Saiyans. But the scouts' only point of contact is us, plus Meerak who is not on-site. They'll be much less willing to engage against us/the civilians if we move over to them and talk.
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