[x] [CA] Attempt to take control of adjacent villages (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, -2 Diplomacy, unknowable chance of war with the Hathatyn, +8-10 Econ, +4 Econ Expansion)
Raises our martial and econ to insane levels, so if the Hathayn want war we can finally throw some of it away at them, also we are now at a high enough stability to take the hit
[x] [Law] Attempt to close off both practices
Yeah, no, fuck corruption in all its forms.
[x] [Boats] Portability
Longboat style ships would be better for trading with the southerners annd interconnecting the kingdom. Also these ships could be useful in fighting the Hath on their river systems as we annex their richer territories
[x] [Infra] Main Saltern Construction
AN has hinted at a saltern that will make us dominate the salt trade, I want it! After all with such a domination we will have massive diplomatic influence.
This also serves the purpose of punching the Hathayn in the face twice, stealing thier villages and outright pushing them out of international salt trade in the midst of their civil war