Current plans:
Stability 0 or 1:
[Main] Grand Temple
[Secondary] Expand Snail Production
[Secondary] Expand Snail Production x2
Might switch snails to vineyards if that looks more promising.
Stability -1 or -2:
[Main] Grand Temple
[Secondary] Restore Order
[Secondary] Restore Order x2
Possible alternative Stability 0 plan:
[Main] Grand Temple
[Kick] Grand Temple
[Secondary] Restore Order
[Secondary] Restore Order x2
We were allowed to do this for the mine so we should be able to do this here as well.
The only reason to accumulate action-equivalents is for what we can do with them.
...Yes, but they provide exponential growth. Permanent action-equivalent income is
the most important long-term investment we can do, since it means we can do everything better. (Directly improving our actions would also work, but we don't have any way of doing that reliably.)
But with promised nasty downside, maintaining those leads will be hard, harder for each one, and sliding will punch us...probably in Stability - and without TGG giving us GS, we do not have emergency +2 guaranteed stability button.
So, while this is a powerful tool, I would much rather prefer to limit it to one trade good, maybe two, because otherwise we will, down the line, tie our actions in maintaining the leads or dealing with consequences of losing them.
Hmmm... being dominant in multiple positions would make it less worse,
Need I say more? Multiple Dominant positions gives more Diplo and some resistance to losing the lead.
My plan would be that, if we're at 0 or 1 stability, switch to Megaproject support to knock out the Temple and the Library in 2 to 3 turns, with our other actions probably going toward Expand Econ to keep True City and pay for things. After that, go hard on trade goods.
Or we could dominate trade first, guarantee ridiculous stats, and then switch to Megaproject Support. It delays the Library by ~2 turns in exchange for securing our stat income so that we can do like 4 megaprojects in a row if we somehow don't have any disasters.