So? We can wait a single turn to deal with the north.
We're well past waiting a single turn at this point, and our new Queen isn't helping. This could easily be the last straw; we can't assume we'll have a free turn to fix it.

We also can't assume the dam will finish in a single turn; even if it does, building an extended-project aqueduct to the north is going to cost us, and the baby boom is over. We need to consider how we're paying for everything we do.
I'm making the assumption it still holds for Law.
... for Law? As in Enforce Law or...?

We still have Restoration of Order. It's Enforce Authority that changed.

@Karugus I don't agree, and in fact feel that - while some are excessively demonizing the Stallion Tribes - in general, a dislike of their patriarchal, slave-making culture is fully and completely justified on not only anti-sexist but also anti-slavery and a general "anti-injustice" grounds.

Well it's not like Candesce is wrong, if we want to integrate the March the dam certainly won't help

We can as long as the Policy has actions that don't require econ, as the provinces won't spend econ during a mega project
My main issue with @Candesce is that they regularly speak as if their opinion is the only one that exists and the one held by all. This is rarely true, and comes across as intolerable arrogance.

The dam will not help with integrating the March, but might help with strengthening our core of traditional policies. An additional plan option is doing New Trails now and Dam + Province next turn. This maintains us at 4 Centralization. We could then possibly do a double Trails the turn after bringing us to 6. Remembering here that AN said a high Centralization isn't immediately toxic. Over the midturn we would switch the policy to Expansion, giving us immediate Economy and eventually another Province, Centralization @ 5, settlements in Southshore where we're competing w/ the SHP for land, and development to the north.

I don't understand. What I was saying is that if we don't switch out of the megaproject this turn, we're given a choice of Policy to switch into during the midturn. The issue is thus whether, in this midturn choice, we can choose to stay in the Megaproject Support policy. If so, great. If not, we "waste" an action switching back in.
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The problem with the March is that its been distant for so long due to few trails combined with them getting such a influx of nomad culture. This means they are, by design, a combination of The People and the nomads. A lot of this is that The People couldn't ditch Centralization easily for hundreds of years (and still can't) so there wasn't really a good way to make things more connected. This is an admin tech issue combined with largely ignoring the area with the most exposure to danger.
I'm glad to hear that you speak for all of us.
While I agree with the sentiment that the Dam does little to nothing to help with integrating or appeasing the March... I also agree informing people how they must vote next turn is not persuasive.

I consider 'The Great Dam' a vanity project to do turn. Its spiffy, if somewhat risky, and all... but it means ignoring March entirely, particularly as the leading option is a Grand Sacrifice action over doing synchronized trail upgrades. Which means literally burning Economy for high stability.

I also feel that Its kind of disturbing that people don't seem to consider that the March is the Military's best trained troops. They break off The People lose a great deal of military in the process.
Just to clarify, I really like March / stallion faction and would like them to remain as is for the foreseeable future.

I voted for the hero heir as I'm not worried about her poor martial since it's relatively peaceful with the people dropping dead cough.

The heir being an artisan vastly outweighed her gender. Would vote for artisan hero even if they are from South Hill people.
We're well past waiting a single turn at this point, and our new Queen isn't helping. This could easily be the last straw; we can't assume we'll have a free turn to fix it.

We also can't assume the dam will finish in a single turn; even if it does, building an extended-project aqueduct to the north is going to cost us, and the baby boom is over. We need to consider how we're paying for everything we do.
Good points, but we can be sure to finish the Dam in one turn. 3 Main+Kick+Symphony worked on a longer project without any notable indication it was lucky. It would almost certainly work again.

Not recommending that option, just arguing it is one. I'm inclined to stop megaprojects at this point (much as I REALLY REALLY want the dam. And think people underestimate how good it is.) The March got upgraded in priority for me.

I'm inclined to do:
[] [Main] Build Roads
[] [Main] New Settlement

[] [Main] Build Roads
[] [Secondary] Policy Change (Trade)
[] [Secondary] Expand Econ
Good points, but we can be sure to finish the Dam in one turn. 3 Main+Kick+Symphony worked on a longer project without any notable indication it was lucky. It would almost certainly work again.
So, you not only want to spend 6 actions and probably 3 economy on a distraction, you want to bounce our stability down, too?
Everyone who has not voted yet or has voted for one of the other actions I implore you people to choose or switch to this vote!

[] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)

It would keep better intigrate the northern privinces and will help avoid our civ from fracturing
Just to clarify, I really like March / stallion faction and would like them to remain as is for the foreseeable future.

I voted for the hero heir as I'm not worried about her poor martial since it's relatively peaceful with the people dropping dead cough.

The heir being an artisan vastly outweighed her gender. Would vote for artisan hero even if they are from South Hill people.
Yeah, I agree with this.

Question, why is stability being valued over strengthening ties to the Stallion Tribes right now? I mean, the current plan at worst drops us down to 0 stability, why are we so set on pushing it back up to 2, rather than try to address a longstanding problem?
... for Law? As in Enforce Law or...?

We still have Restoration of Order. It's Enforce Authority that changed.
I was slightly befuzzled, and thought it had changed to Restore Law. MB
I don't understand. What I was saying is that if we don't switch out of the megaproject this turn, we're given a choice of Policy to switch into during the midturn. The issue is thus whether, in this midturn choice, we can choose to stay in the Megaproject Support policy. If so, great. If not, we "waste" an action switching back in.
Last time (well, the only time) we had a mid turn choice, staying on our current policy anyhow was a choice. Barring WoG to the contrary, I'm assuming it's possible.

However, you don't gain anything. You do save an action, but in the intervening turn you don't gain an action from Law.

If you Change, then change, you're spending an action to control what the provinces do on that turn, and gaining it back as a doubled province action.
Question, why is stability being valued over strengthening ties to the Stallion Tribes right now?
I think many people are just remembering the long arguments we've had over stability in the past, and that low stability made the tax crisis worse, and aren't considering that more roads would, in fact, be part of resolving the widening split between us and the Stallions.
I explicitly said I wasn't recommending it.
Fair enough.
Question, why is stability being valued over strengthening ties to the Stallion Tribes right now? I mean, the current plan at worst drops us down to 0 stability, why are we so set on pushing it back up to 2, rather than try to address a longstanding problem?
People like picking causes to champion. The 'Infinite Stability' faction and the ''Gender' Issues' Faction (which wants to micromanage sex roles) are two of the more vocal. The 'Wonders for the Wonder Spirit' Faction are being fed so they are mostly happy. 'Trails, Trails Everywhere' Faction ran into an issue where their was little way to lower Centralization so isn't really popular.
Explicit from AN that Study Health will NOT help here. It's more of a knee jerk reaction to events.
It should be noted that Study Metal, however, is here. This rather highly suggests that Study Metal on its own could be enough to solve this problem.

Keep in mind that the ST were pathologically afraid of stability loss, to the point of getting stuck in a war for the majority of the turns in this situation. It's quite possible that these problems are relatively easy to solve, but will cost stability.
And its' already been outlined how to prove the superstition false:
1) Wait for the disease to fade to normal levels.
2) Study Metal or Build Mine
3) Demonstrate the lack of disasters happening.
4) Repeat until Observance has been convinced.
Waiting for stuff to not go wrong is an incredibly optimistic outlook, and one I whole heartily do not support. I believe just devoting a turn to solving the issue would give us much better results.

However, part of the problem is that Stonepen and Northshoreare not sufficiently Roaded.

So it will help.

Its a very strange thought to realize that under a Heroic Administrator an unkicked Dam is actually one of the cheaper ways to raise Stability...

Dam costs 4-7 Econ and actions. Copper reduces the cost of megaprojects. If the cost goes to 3-5 it has a better ratio than Festival already.

If I'm reading this right, she could one turn it with Provinces supporting. Unkicked.
This does encourage me to do the Dam for more stability-

First of all- while the Dam is appealing, and I want to go with it eventually with our new hero- but it sends entirely the wrong message right now. Mainly, it further promotes the Valleyhome centric-view that the northern provinces resent further magnified by the fact the King doing it is already one they resent and claim is part of the problem.

No, I suggest we leverage our heroic admin and diplo to rebind the Northern provinces to us with the awesome power of rush build.

We can devote 1 secondary to building an aqueduct in Stonepen, one to policy change, and then a salt gift to the Hathathyn/expansion EH.

My point is, the number one way to reaffirm the loyalty of the northern provinces is by showing them what benefits they stand to gain from our glorious union- immediately implementing the fruits of our efforts in Valleyhome for them does that excellently and pulls them away from the Stallions.

Furthermore, it transitions Stonepen from a pastoral economy into one more resembling our heartlands.

[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Yeah no, blowing our load on the damn- stability or no is not going to make the North feel any less neglected. Because to an extent they're right. We've only really invested in the North to protect it from nomads whereas we've expanded dye production, made a canal, have built a saltern- etc. We've been funneling Northern resources into wonderhoring it up in our capital region and core provinces and the one real benefit the North got from us (besides some internal trade) has been foisted off onto the Stallions. The Dam can fucking wait, it's time to give the North some TLC.

Seriously Magwyna is hands down the best possible hero for reproachment with the North. Admin, diplo, and she's been strawmanned into representing everything they think is wrong with the establishment already. By breaking that expectation and breaking bread with the North we can truly start on the path to creating a unified national spirit.
But I believe that these arguments are much more appealing. We are going to not only have our first female hero king here, but she's going to be in a position where she is heavily scrutinized. Having her solve actual problems will go a long way towards helping us with a great deal of problems. My one concern is that we are approaching the effective mysticism cap.

Legitimate concern true enough.
So, what about this build?
[Main] New Trails(unless we already built it)/New Settlement - Eastern Hills(if we already built Trails)
[Secondary] Aqueduct - Stonepen
[Secondary] Policy - Trade
Our diplo and mysticism are both at incredibly high levels, and the vast majority of the trade policy would increase our diplo. I am not a fan of this.

...uh, how is starting an even more remote and disconnected province going to help with the problem of people being remote and disconnected?
It works if we get boats, because the Black River is almost certainly the river that leads into the March, so dealing with trade to said province would help in moving towards the March if we get more boats.

Fourth, find SOME excuse to perform a Restore Order action. It's the most powerful tool for removing dissidents if you have a Heroic Administrator. Or a Proclaim Glory, which can be used to use art to spread the message of how to be Ymaryn
Restore Order can be taken at 0 Stability, btw.

It will build new trails everywhere and bring the Stallion Tribes closer.
This very much encourages me to get on the New Trails train.

So probably costs Stability and a bunch of Hard Stats in the process and/or requires making a political compromise at some point.

Sounds similar to the tax crisis in a way, where the compromise grows less extreme the more accomodations we have made.
It's probably just stability, 2 points I'd say as we both main study metal and mine in one turn.

I still think that starting the rule of a new queen at possible 0 stability is a mistake.
To be fair, it's only a chance. We also have to keep in mind a couple of other things though. Narratively, Grand Sacrifice just feeds in to superstition, we do not want to feed into superstition at this point. Also, her accomplishments are going to be scrutinized just as much as the general feel of the population. We want to, wherever possible, do admin and diplo focused solutions to our problems while possible.

[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects)
[X] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)

Ultimately the question of how grand sacrifice works makes me believe it will just further entrench our problem rather than solving it. People are quite likely to sacrifice their new, and obviously cursed, metal goods, which would purely exacerbate the problem. There are a couple things that we should take note of, though. First off, we are getting dangerously close to where our diplo and mysticism caps should be, so taking any actions that would expand them should be scrutinized heavily.

For example-
[Main] Salt Gift-SHP
[Secondary] Aqueduct
[Secondary] Change Policy- Expansion

Has a pretty good chance of getting us 2 mysticism from expansion (as two provinces are being taken), one mysticism from Salt gift, and even one mysticism from Aqueduct, thanks to the canal bonus (though it may very well take more than one turn to finish). We are currently at 10, going on 11, mysticism. So... yeah, that's a very huge problem.

We need to identify actions that ideally cost diplo and mysticism, help deal with the crises, and return little to no diplo or mysticism in return. Currently, the actions I can think of are-
  • More Carrion Eaters: Costs Mysticism as a secondary and may help increase the number of doctors. Only stat it returns is Martial.
  • Salt Gift: Purely as a secondary, since, while we want the tech a main could give us, the danger level we are at in mysticism is far to great.
  • Study Metal: While the main has a painful cost on Stability, the secondary doesn't, I believe, so doing this as a secondary purely to get rid of mysticism will likely be necessary.
All things considered, this means gaining both a new province and building the aqueducts in the same turn is likely to backfire on us. We will likely have to change our policy to progress purely to try and dump mysticism down the drain. This is also pointing out a different, long term, problem.

Because we work significantly better when focused on actions, our current stat caps are very dangerous for us. We either need the ability to much more cheaply change focus of our provinces, or a significantly greater increase in our stat caps (I'd say even a +3 would be cutting it very close as a minimum, +6 is probably something we'd actually need at this point) in order to handle the constant fluctuation of our focus. I'm not sure which would be best long term. We also really want better and more consistent dumps for mysticism and art, long term, as our current ones are either too situational or too small of a dump to work for even our current situation, much less long term.
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Good points, but we can be sure to finish the Dam in one turn. 3 Main+Kick+Symphony worked on a longer project without any notable indication it was lucky. It would almost certainly work again.

Not recommending that option, just arguing it is one. I'm inclined to stop megaprojects at this point (much as I REALLY REALLY want the dam. And think people underestimate how good it is.) The March got upgraded in priority for me.

I'm inclined to do:
[] [Main] Build Roads
[] [Main] New Settlement

[] [Main] Build Roads
[] [Secondary] Policy Change (Trade)
[] [Secondary] Expand Econ

If we don't do the Dam next turn, we honestly don't have to worry too much about Econ in the short term. We would be at 6 or 8 Econ, depending on if we go with GS or Roads. As such, if we do GS, I think something like

[] [Main] Build Roads
[] [Secondary] Policy Change (Trade)
[] [Secondary] New Settlement - Stonepen

would make more sense. For one thing, if you can wait the extra turn for the econ boost, New Settlement is just better than Expand Econ as it gives you more Expand Econ slots rather than takes one up. For another, more People close to the March would probably only help. It might also bias the new Roads we'd be building to be in the area we want them to be.
We're well past waiting a single turn at this point, and our new Queen isn't helping. This could easily be the last straw; we can't assume we'll have a free turn to fix it.

We also can't assume the dam will finish in a single turn; even if it does, building an extended-project aqueduct to the north is going to cost us, and the baby boom is over. We need to consider how we're paying for everything we do.
I'm dealing with the problem the very next turn, as well as the turn after. What do you mean by "free turn"? Kicking is totally fine since we immediately get it back as soon as the Dam is done.

It's also fairly safe to assume that the Dam will finish in a single turn. It takes 4-7 right now. Symphony means we'll get an extra +1 progress, so we'll be at 5 progress if kicked. This is still above 1 econ so the provinces will still contribute at full power.
We'll be low on econ for T2, but by T3 we'll be back to reasonable levels since Policy:Expansion is really good. With the heroic admin rolls it's nearly guaranteed if we kick it- and we immediately get the stability back from finishing the Dam. Thanks to Copper and Stewards, we should still be at ~4 econ once we're done. Too low to do another megaproject, but still more than enough to be safe. We can't make another Garden on T2, but we'd be able to on T3 if we think that's worthwhile assuming we go with Policy: Expansion.

We can as long as the Policy has actions that don't require econ, as the provinces won't spend econ during a mega project
That's only true under the General policy, which we almost certainly want to avoid now since it's unpredictable and doesn't get The Law's doubling except for Expand Economy, which they often won't take.

I consider 'The Great Dam' a vanity project to do turn. Its spiffy, if somewhat risky, and all... but it means ignoring March entirely, particularly as the leading option is a Grand Sacrifice action over doing synchronized trail upgrades. Which means literally burning Economy for high stability.
It massively improves our drought resistance, which is a disaster that we haven't seen in a while but could be coming back at any time. Every single megaproject has given us very useful civilization-lasting benefits. Most actions give us either stats or small advantages, whereas the megaprojects have
1) Given us effectively infinite wood
2) Given us massive amounts of Mysticism and Art
3) Given us +1 Diplo per turn and an amazing way to spend that Diplo.
4) Unlocked "true city" status
We don't know how useful the 4th will be, but all the others give massive bonuses over time. They aren't worthwhile in the ultra-short term but are amazingly worthwhile long-term. (~3 turns to pay off for most of them thanks to all of our ridiculous benefits).

We don't actually know what problems being at the stat caps cause for most of our stats. I doubt that it'll be majorly debilitating for things like econ, diplo, or mysticism since they all represent spare capacity: it might get wasted, but it's unlikely to actually cause us harm for being too high.
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If you Change, then change, you're spending an action to control what the provinces do on that turn, and gaining it back as a doubled province action.

Tbh, I just really want a province next turn.
I want us to do Dam + Province or the following:
Trails/ RoO or GS (i.e. whatever we don't do now)
Change Policy - Expansion
Extended Project: Aqueduct - Stonepen

@Academia Nut If we create a province do we gain +1 provincial action the very turn it is created? I assume not, as it would seem illogical, but would appreciate a clarification.

Edit: Not rly at you, pblur, but... Note that The Dam took 4-7 actions prior to creating the Mine and receiving Well Dressed Stone, and actually has always been labeled as 4-7 regardless of technological developments.
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Question, why is stability being valued over strengthening ties to the Stallion Tribes right now? I mean, the current plan at worst drops us down to 0 stability, why are we so set on pushing it back up to 2, rather than try to address a longstanding problem?

I'm speaking for my views so it's likely i overlooked certain things.
But having the stability go from +3 to maybe 0 stability is narrativly and mechanically unsound.

We have already lost a point of stability and baby boom from the cough and disease season, coupling it with the new stability losing artisan hero would greatly undermine her power and authority if we don't attempt to placate population.

In short Northern region integration is of less importance when compared with immediate attention on people's mood/happiness.

I propose we main settlement somewhere and expand forest with expand road this turn. The baby boom is gone so we need to expand our economy point and slots.
I'm dealing with the problem the very next turn, as well as the turn after.
By the time that happens there may not be a next turn remember 1 turn=1 generation so it may be too little too late
Adhoc vote count started by Reader of all on May 10, 2017 at 2:09 PM, finished with 517 posts and 100 votes.
Select a bonus
[] Random Admin tech upgrade /// Admin tech is the best. Better administration tech means we can support a larger civ by land area and by population. Best tool to reintegrate the march.
[] Random Construction tech upgrade /// Construction tech is great, as it increases the bang we get for our buck in architecture, and potentially releases newer, shinier megaprojects. Warning: higher construction tech may tier us out of our current set of megaprojects, making the dam obsolete.
[] Free holy site expansion (+2 Mysticism) /// Holy sites are nice. With the amount of mysticism we'd have, I wonder if it might trigger a high accumulation event? Develop full pantheon?
[] Reassure the People of their safety and prosperity (+1 Stability) /// Always a classic.

Choose the next heir

[] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo]) /// Oh, we were just wondering about those girls. Well, time to try to eek out a semi-egalitarian honor value (because that's our only free slot :()
[] Attrikwyn ([Good Admin, Diplo, and Martial]) /// No specific mention of him imposing his family's bullshit on the civ. He's a safe choice.
[] Someone else (Standard) /// Just... why?

Choose a midturn project

[] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability) /// Great with a high refugee policy, meh elsewhere.
[] Study Metal (-2 Mysticism, -1 Econ, -1 Stability, chance of new discoveries) /// Rough pick without doing +1 stability on the first.
[] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries) /// 'Greater' as opposed to 'tiny', 'small', and 'no descriptor' chance implies at least a 65-75% chance of success. This... basically can't fuck up, and maybe we'll stumble on a muscle relaxant to hit whooping cough with. A basic throat coat mixed with honey that either causes muscle relaxation or light anesthesia would really take apart the danger of coughing oneself to death if they physically can't cough as hard as normal.
[] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects) /// Just skip it as an action proper. Kind of meh overall, unless paired with the admin tech bonus.
[] Focus on Growth (+2 Econ) /// Bleh boring.

Refugee policy

[] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
[] You have lots of room (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, chance of further effects)
[] Encourage people to come to a safe place (-3 Stability, chance of further loss, +8-11 Econ, further effects)
[] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)

Overall obvious for values except the last one. True City... so tempting to stress the system and force sanitation and hygiene to upgrade to keep in line with our value system, but we all remember the last time we stressed the system with a 'necessity is the mother' mentality. Let's avoid that.

Frankly, now that I get to look at them properly:

[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries)
[X] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
Total stability effects: ~36.5% of -3 stability, ~48.5% of -2 stability, ~13.5% of -1 stability, and a hilarious 0.5% of net 0 stability.
Total Econ effects: +3-4 Econ
Other dice: 1 Random Admin tech for the times (more advanced writing practices, better power accumulation at top practice, development of internal policing are most likely results), 1 health discovery (focus likely on converting opium into primitive muscle relaxant or anesthetic, or using another known plant to produce a similar effect to -not cure-, but reduce the deadliness of the disease).
I have to say, the rabid anti-sexism is something that worries me more than anything else in terms of the voter base. It's lead to a lot of people denigrating and dehumanizing the Stallions-who are our people and at least try to fit into the system. And it's promoted a really toxic view- as far as I'm concerned- sexism is not and never will be a hill I feel inclined to die on in the fucking chalcolithic era. We have a benevolent, kind, just, and tolerant nation where even if women are being discriminated against they'll still have actual codified legal protection and a better life than they'd have pretty much anywhere else. That's not to say promoting gender equality is bad, but it's not worth pushing to civil war like some people seem to be willing. We have to accept we don't necessarily have total control how our culture develops, and that every culture is going to have some ugly blind spots.

I say this now, because the tax reform proved just how stubborn SV could be and that we as a whole are perfectly willing to demonize any major internal dissent.
Some people have buttons. Personally I could care less how we treat our wimminz, I just want to make sure we don't basically bar them from positions that heroic ability would shine brightest in (and the fact that we have to pay stability to have a female ruler seems to drive home the point that we're starting to do that).
[] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries) /// 'Greater' as opposed to 'tiny', 'small', and 'no descriptor' chance implies at least a 65-75% chance of success. This... basically can't fuck up, and maybe we'll stumble on a muscle relaxant to hit whooping cough with. A basic throat coat mixed with honey that either causes muscle relaxation or light anesthesia would really take apart the danger of coughing oneself to death if they physically can't cough as hard as normal.
AN all but stated that Study Health was a trap option. We're already basically at the highest possible tech for Study Health.
Adjusted since there is a demand, but study health is unlikely to help with any of the immediate problems.
Also, why go for -1.5 stability? That has no chance of the extra effects and is perfectly neutral in terms of action efficiency assuming we use {M} GS to get it back.
Select a bonus
[] Random Admin tech upgrade /// Admin tech is the best. Better administration tech means we can support a larger civ by land area and by population. Best tool to reintegrate the march.
[] Random Construction tech upgrade /// Construction tech is great, as it increases the bang we get for our buck in architecture, and potentially releases newer, shinier megaprojects. Warning: higher construction tech may tier us out of our current set of megaprojects, making the dam obsolete.
[] Free holy site expansion (+2 Mysticism) /// Holy sites are nice. With the amount of mysticism we'd have, I wonder if it might trigger a high accumulation event? Develop full pantheon?
[] Reassure the People of their safety and prosperity (+1 Stability) /// Always a classic.

Choose the next heir
[] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo]) /// Oh, we were just wondering about those girls. Well, time to try to eek out a semi-egalitarian honor value (because that's our only free slot :()
[] Attrikwyn ([Good Admin, Diplo, and Martial]) /// No specific mention of him imposing his family's bullshit on the civ. He's a safe choice.
[] Someone else (Standard) /// Just... why?

Choose a midturn project
[] Grand Sacrifice (-3 Econ, +2 Stability) /// Great with a high refugee policy, meh elsewhere.
[] Study Metal (-2 Mysticism, -1 Econ, -1 Stability, chance of new discoveries) /// Rough pick without doing +1 stability on the first.
[] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries) /// 'Greater' as opposed to 'tiny', 'small', and 'no descriptor' chance implies at least a 65-75% chance of success. This... basically can't fuck up, and maybe we'll stumble on a muscle relaxant to hit whooping cough with. A basic throat coat mixed with honey that either causes muscle relaxation or light anesthesia would really take apart the danger of coughing oneself to death if they physically can't cough as hard as normal.
[] New Trails (-1 Econ, +1 Diplo, +1 Centralization, other effects) /// Just skip it as an action proper. Kind of meh overall, unless paired with the admin tech bonus.
[] Focus on Growth (+2 Econ) /// Bleh boring.

Refugee policy
[] Take in some (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
[] You have lots of room (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, chance of further effects)
[] Encourage people to come to a safe place (-3 Stability, chance of further loss, +8-11 Econ, further effects)
[] Everyone can come on in! (-4 Stability, chance of further loss, +11-15 Econ, further effects, chance of over crowding, Upper Valleyhome attains True City status)

Overall obvious for values except the last one. True City... so tempting to stress the system and force sanitation and hygiene to upgrade to keep in line with our value system, but we all remember the last time we stressed the system with a 'necessity is the mother' mentality. Let's avoid that.

Frankly, now that I get to look at them properly:

[X] Random Admin tech upgrade
[X] Magwyna (-1 Stability, other effects, [Poor Martial, Heroic Admin and Diplo])
[X] Study Health (-1 Econ, greater chance of new discoveries)
[X] Let it be known that you have room (-1 Stability, chance of further loss, +4-5 Econ)
Total stability effects: ~36.5% of -3 stability, ~48.5% of -2 stability, ~13.5% of -1 stability, and a hilarious 0.5% of net 0 stability.
Total Econ effects: +3-4 Econ
Other dice: 1 Random Admin tech for the times (more advanced writing practices, better power accumulation at top practice, development of internal policing are most likely results), 1 health discovery (focus likely on converting opium into primitive muscle relaxant or anesthetic, or using another known plant to produce a similar effect to -not cure-, but reduce the deadliness of the disease).

Some people have buttons. Personally I could care less how we treat our wimminz, I just want to make sure we don't basically bar them from positions that heroic ability would shine brightest in (and the fact that we have to pay stability to have a female ruler seems to drive home the point that we're starting to do that).
Just want to make sure you're aware that AN said Study Health is very unlikely to do anything about our immediate problems.

Edit: LOL :ninja:.
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We don't actually know what problems being at the stat caps cause for most of our stats. I doubt that it'll be majorly debilitating for things like econ, diplo, or mysticism since they all represent spare capacity: it might get wasted, but it's unlikely to actually cause us harm for being too high.
Econ: Increase in unemployment, quite likely to cause stability hits as we address the issue, bare minimum.
Diplo: Politics starts allowing for rampant increase in power of the trade cast, possibly causing people to start stealing from the perceived 'too rich' or just a general dislike of us overly focusing on shinies. I would not be surprised if this cost stability to fix.
Mysticism: Increased number of superstitions, see our current problem.

The only time we went into red in a stat was a temporary drop of negative econ, otherwise we have not seen the problem. Do not underestimate the problems that will occur, and if they happen under the leadership of a female artisan leader, it will purely encourage those who are against her rulership that either artisans are improper rulers, or that females are not fit to rule. Taking our female artisan as a ruler is as much of a gamble as it is an opportunity and I do not want to fuck it up.
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