[X] [Main] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine x2
[X] [Kick] The Garden

More Carrion eaters before the last of the DP priests die.
...thats exactly why now. The HK are codifying their laws. We can influence them to adopt some of ours to make future relations easier. By the time they start the wars up again we'd be a long time trade partner who could buy diplomatic immunity with Salt.

Oh and don't forget, we are likely to lose the Opium discovery from the DPs if we don't get SOME before their last guys who can identify the flower dies.
I highly doubt it. We can roll up with literal tons of salt- and basically lower our sunglasses and ask the HK where an upstanding gentleman can go to get some drugs around here.

Opium is awesome, it's not so awesome that the HK wouldn't give us some poppies for a fuckton of salt. Even if it's not a trade as much, it would make the HK king look weak if he didn't offer any reciprocation.
The Plan
Step 1: Main Southshore + x2 Mine + Kick the Garden in the loamy titties.

Step 2: Mid turn. Take things that come from the March, if such an option spawns. Remain on Mega Support. Take one Stab of Refugees if they come.

Step 3: Project Turn. Garden should finish or be finished already. Main New Settlement Stonepen + Main New Trails Stonepen. Lowlands probably blew up now

Step 4: Brace for Murphy. I'm just gonna assume the Nomads are back so switch to Offense Policy. Stab is high so take in Lowlands refugees or take them last step.

Step 5: Project Turn. Send Secondary TM to HK or SHP, whichever one we didn't send to in step 1. Main Dam + Kick Dam. Secondary Mega Support policy switch.

Step 6: Mid turn. Assume Dam incomplete. What's coming Senor Murphy?

Step 7: Project Turn. Dam should be or is about to be done. Main East Hills + Secondary TM TH. Plus Secondary War Mission to punch Nomads.

Step 8: Mid Turn. Dam is certainly done. Switch to Expansion.

Step 9: Project Turn. Main New Trails Northshore + Main Improve Festival.

Step 10: Mid turn. Tank what comes.

Step 11: Project turn. Main More Boats. Secondary Switch to Progress Policy. Secondary Expand Warriors.

The Horrible Horrible Math
Step 1: Econ 5 -> 5(+3 from mine +1 from Southshore)(-3 Econ from Provinces: Garden). Diplo 7(+2)[+1] -> 9[+1]. Martial 8. Stab 3. Cent 5 -> 4. Myst 8 -> 9. More Econ slots.

Step 2: Econ 5 -> 5 ~(+2)(+1). Diplo 7(+1). Martial 8. Stab 3 -> 3 ~(-1). Cent 4. Myst 9.

Step 3: Econ 6 -> 6(+1 from Stewards, +1 from Garden, + 1 from New Settlement)(-2 from Province: Garden at worst,-1 from trails). Diplo 8(+1). Martial 8. Cent 4 -> 5. Myst 9 -> 10. More Econ Slots.
Stab may be at 2.

Step 4: Switched to Offense, resource drain of some form. Call it 2 Econ.

Step 5: Econ 4 -> 4(-2 from Us: Dam, -1 Provinces: Dam, +2 from Provinces)~(+ 2). Diplo 8(+1) -> 8(+1). Martial 8 -> 9~. Cent 5. Myst 10. Stab 3 or 2 -> (3 or 2) - 1.

Step 6: Resources in flux, sacrificed to Murphy.

Step 7: Econ 3 -> 3(+1 From East Hills, -2 Province Dam, +1 from Dam complete, +1 from Stewards). Diplo 9(+1) -> 9(+1). Martial 9~. Cent 5 -> 4. Myst 10 -> 11. Stab 1 is probably optimistic.

Step 8: Mid turn. Dam is done for sure. Switch to Expansion.

Step 9: Econ 4 -> 4(-1 from Trails, -2 from Festival)(+4 from Province actions). Diplo 10(+1). Martial 8~. Cent 4 -> 5. Myst 11. Stab 1 or 2.

Step 10: Take it on our faces.

Step 11: Econ 5-> 5(-2 from Boats, +1 end of turn, +1 next turn). Diplo 11(+2). Martial 8ish. Cent 5. Myst 11. Stab 1 probably.

Not really. Both are north of us, and I'd assume everyone has met the MW so far.


Here have a map:

Ne fuck it I planned to have The Path be damned flexible. And SHP was to appease folks and since they don't seem to want it *chucks over shoulder* See ya!

[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[X] [Kick] The Garden
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Not really. Both are north of us, and I'd assume everyone has met the MW so far.
There's at least a thousand miles between the two and they have never met given that the metal workers are to the far west.

You have no contact with the Eastern Thunder Horse, only the more familiar Western Thunder Horse, who are slowly transitioning over to being called the Thunder Speakers.
I'm not too sure why we want to send out trade missions now. Since we would likely get better return by using the "gift salt" option when both sides are depleted by their pending war.

So wait a bit?
We would have to be trading with them first if we want better returns.
I doubt the HK and the TH are going to be butting heads immediately next turn. The Law will still be running for the HK and the TS are still fighting the ETH right now. Granted, it's probably only a matter of time- but we should be able to throw a Gift Salt at the HK before the fighting picks back up.
Them, maybe not. Them against the Xohyssiri? Very likely

The best time to Gift Salt is after we have trade missions to them. That way we can gift salt to them and not just to the Xohyssiri.
If fighting starts again we might have to cut off trade again. If fighting is going to start soon, we don't want to be heavily involved with trading with them.
And yes, it very much does have urgency. We've been putting of metal for so long despite knowing that it's a game-changer. It's so valuable we're importing a lot of it despite the horrid inefficiencies of travel at the time.

Also, don't forget that the one rule that had the largest impression was our fairness one.
The point of trade is that helps reduce the chance of fighting. They already know that we will cut off trade rather than be dragged in. As is, we are very likely to be dragged in because we are trading with the Xohyssiri and they would not look favorably on us.

Not as much as Trade Mission do. We have no idea when the fighting will start again. The metal is important yes, but not so that we can't hold off on one turn.
I highly doubt it. We can roll up with literal tons of salt- and basically lower our sunglasses and ask the HK where an upstanding gentleman can go to get some drugs around here.

Opium is awesome, it's not so awesome that the HK wouldn't give us some poppies for a fuckton of salt. Even if it's not a trade as much, it would make the HK king look weak if he didn't offer any reciprocation.
We would need to have good relations first too even get to see the King.
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Not really. Both are north of us, and I'd assume everyone has met the MW so far.
....the ETH are southeast of the WTH, who are slightly southish of us while being pretty far east(remember they're where the old ST place was, about 8 months round trip). This means the ETH has to not only go through the WTH territory but OUR territory to get to the MW (who are so far northwest of us we need to go by boat to even reach them, remember). Simple Geography dictates they have no clue of the MW's existance. Plus AN confirmed there's metalworkers to the far east who are where they're getting their bronze.
I think you are all getting things a bit wrong here.
a few daggers of 'Eastern copper', a strange variation on copper that was used by a few of the Eastern Thunder Horse that held an edge much better than regular copper, and was a bit more golden in colour than copper.
That is not Bronze... that is Brass. Bronze is more brown that copper. Brass is more yellowy gold than copper.

Other than that the only real choice here is if its worth the resource sink to kick the Garden. If the dice say its a one turn thing your wasting your stuff.
I think you are all getting things a bit wrong here.

That is not Bronze... that is Brass. Bronze is more brown that copper. Brass is more yellowy gold than copper.

Other than that the only real choice here is if its worth the resource sink to kick the Garden. If the dice say its a one turn thing your wasting your stuff.
Not much difference really, in ancient times there were such things a brass weapons IIRC
[X] [Main] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine x2
[X] [Kick] The Garden

More Carrion eaters before the last of the DP priests die.
IIRC we gave back the DP medical priests during the trade mission.
Not much difference really, in ancient times there were such things a brass weapons IIRC
As far as far as The People are concerned that is pretty much true. New fangled metal is an upgrade in quality. However the discussion is going to have a good chunk of it driven by metal lust for a bit and its best people understand what metal it is before the convoluted planning kicks in.
I think you are all getting things a bit wrong here.

That is not Bronze... that is Brass. Bronze is more brown that copper. Brass is more yellowy gold than copper.

Other than that the only real choice here is if its worth the resource sink to kick the Garden. If the dice say its a one turn thing your wasting your stuff.
Okay so everyone calm down. Bronze isn't here yet. There is no sudden need of copper mine because of fearmongering that we are falling behind
Not much difference really, in ancient times there were such things a brass weapons IIRC
Those aren't really used for weapons. Look at the update
strange variation on copper that was used by a few of the Eastern Thunder Horse that held an edge much better than regular copper, and was a bit more golden in colour than copper. While still not terribly useful for making weapons, the knives made from the material were good enough to make a useful replacement for stone or wood variants,
They could be used, but they weren't really that good at it for weapon use. Brass is not sturdy enough to make most weapons out of it.
First of all, if you're going to be posting this repeatedly, mind spoilering it? Anyway, planning 6 turns out is doomed to failure. We can barely manage 2 turn plans. Even 1 turn ago, who would've thought that we'd be trading with the DP?

The point of trade is that helps reduce the chance of fighting. They already know that we will cut off trade rather than be dragged in. As is, we are very likely to be dragged in because we are trading with the Xohyssiri and they would not look favorably on us.

Not as much as Trade Mission do. We have no idea when the fighting will start again. The metal is important yes, but not so that we can't hold off on one turn.
I agree that increasing trade is important, but disagree on the importance. The HK likely has 1-2 more turns on The Law, so a trade mission next turn will still likely give us most of the benefits. Not all, no. But compared to the sheer utility that Metal gives us? I very much place metal's importance well above re-establishing our trade routes. If they go to war again, well, we're happy when our neighbors take stability hits since Cosmopolitan Acceptance makes the refugees efficient again.

IIRC we gave back the DP medical priests during the trade mission.
Only some of them. Others stayed with us. But it doesn't really matter, we've already picked their brains dry of all their medical knowledge.
We would have to be trading with them first if we want better returns.

Them, maybe not. Them against the Xohyssiri? Very likely

The best time to Gift Salt is after we have trade missions to them. That way we can gift salt to them and not just to the Xohyssiri.

The point of trade is that helps reduce the chance of fighting. They already know that we will cut off trade rather than be dragged in. As is, we are very likely to be dragged in because we are trading with the Xohyssiri and they would not look favorably on us.

Not as much as Trade Mission do. We have no idea when the fighting will start again. The metal is important yes, but not so that we can't hold off on one turn.

We would need to have good relations first too even get to see the King.
Weellllll if the current vote of Southshore + Garden Kicking + Mine goes through the Lowlands are suddenly not our problem.

In the slightest! They just become an annoyance again as we have to accept refugees. Also we can stop trading with the Xoh for a pittance in my opinion. No skin of my back to drop them like a hot potato.

First of all, if you're going to be posting this repeatedly, mind spoilering it? Anyway, planning 6 turns out is doomed to failure. We can barely manage 2 turn plans. Even 1 turn ago, who would've thought that we'd be trading with the DP?
I have been actually, just didn't this time. I apologize. And I think that thinking we can't plan it out is silly. It feeds into itself and self propagates. We knew we would be trading with them since Healing Magic.
@Academia Nut just want to say great job on the Xohyssiri and our interactions with them.

For generations our people assumed whole group was made of psychos in general from stories told but in truth it is much deeper than that. Rather than monsters they simply have a culture that is different to ours rather than outright evil.

Really fits real life too in that people tend to get the wrong idea about a certain culture based on what they hear from other sources rather than interacting with said culture themselves.

Every culture has their ups and downs with the People most certainly no different we just don't see it as clearly that outsiders might be able to easily point out. What is important is friendly interaction to make much more production good for both our people.
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Weellllll if the current vote of Southshore + Garden Kicking + Mine goes through the Lowlands are suddenly not our problem.

In the slightest! They just become an annoyance again as we have to accept refugees. Also we can stop trading with the Xoh for a pittance in my opinion. No skin of my back to drop them like a hot potato.

I have been actually, just didn't this time. I apologize. And I think that thinking we can't plan it out is silly. It feeds into itself and self propagates. We knew we would be trading with them since Healing Magic.
I agree planning out 6 turns is silly. I'd rather go for 2 turn plans at the most, basically doing what we're doing this turn then planning for the next.

Making massive posts that need spoiler that plan 6 turns ahead gets you ignored.
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Southern Shores
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine
[X] [Secondary] Copper Mine X2
[X] [Kick] The Garden

Glad to hear they only have brass instead of us being behind an entire tech level.
Want to grab the mine both to finally get copper and to potentially unlock more Mega-Projects.

The southern shores settlement is just to grab all of the coastline we can.
I agree that increasing trade is important, but disagree on the importance. The HK likely has 1-2 more turns on The Law, so a trade mission next turn will still likely give us most of the benefits. Not all, no. But compared to the sheer utility that Metal gives us? I very much place metal's importance well above re-establishing our trade routes. If they go to war again, well, we're happy when our neighbors take stability hits since Cosmopolitan Acceptance makes the refugees efficient again.
I do not disagree that Metal is important. If we can do the Trade Missions now while we know we are still in ceasefire, then I am fully in support of doing Main Copper Mines next turn.

However we can't even make estimates on how long the peace will last. There is no guarantee that it will be possible next turn without problems. That's why I value Trade Mission this turn since we have no guarantee that the peace will last that long, while Copper Mines are still guaranteed to be there next turn.
Weellllll if the current vote of Southshore + Garden Kicking + Mine goes through the Lowlands are suddenly not our problem.

In the slightest! They just become an annoyance again as we have to accept refugees. Also we can stop trading with the Xoh for a pittance in my opinion. No skin of my back to drop them like a hot potato.
That however completely cuts us off from the Lowlands again, and we just saw how far we can fall behind if we isolate ourselves too much.
Glad to here they only have brass instead of being behind an entire tech level.
Want to grab the mine both to finally get copper and to potentially unlock more Mega-Projects.
The mines would absolutely still be there next turn. The same can't be said of the Trade Missions.