Voting is open for the next 19 hours, 26 minutes
  • Budget the chakra
    • Have Noburi inflict Severe Consequences on the Moon ninja for extra chakra.
    • 5 Tsunade SCs and 5 Orochimaru SCs refilled to 600 CP
    • Shaping and infusion of 9 RER 2.0s split into 3 sections manned by Hazouclones with unrefilled Tsunade spotters
    • Additional runic infusions, and unrefilled Hazou SCs to infuse Force Dome, Iron Earth, Air Leadener, Ninja Radars, Superchiller
    • All the Clan Bosses, the Toad Sages, 10 additional jounin Summons (no Toads)
    • A few genin Summons as a screen for anti construct arrays.
    • If there is 1000+ chakra remaining: 3 Mari SCs refilled to 300 CP, then the rest into jounin Summons, or if less than 1000+ just us ethe rest for jounin

Okay, so I've done the math. We can leverage several thousand more CP out of natural chakra regeneration merely by staggering shadow clones and summons. This doesn't even require complicated chakra juggling. Just summoning Hazo's shadow clones w/ 5k+ CP distributed out amongst them 12-11 hours before the assault will allow us to get 5k CP back easy.

We should have access to about 800 CP regenerating naturally per hour. That means we can summon up to 2400 CP worth of summons before the cost of maintaining the summons outweighs our chakra regen rate.

As just a sample load out, this staggering could be used to support 5x Strength of 100 Tsunades, 8x Orchimaru, all 5 bosses, Ma and Pa, 2x Mari, 3x Kurenai, and 8x Jonin summons. That's without even inflecting Severe consequences on all the Moon nin.

(forgive me for not posting a google drive link but I don't have a burner gmail).
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Oh, well you see that's the part I'm too stupid to understand. TBF we can risk Severe mental consequences now more than any other time. That probably still fucks my math lmfao. Welp!
yup, we'd be rolling at 72(resolve + 3*(SC AB -2)) vs TN 128 (20 + (12 hours * 9 clones))
that's about 18 shifts of mental stress, exploding Hazou's weird little brain.

Maybe it's possible with Sanin clones? they can store 600 CP, and we know they can do 20 clone-hours each, so that's 15 spare clone-hours per sanin.

EDIT: OtOH, they probably don't want to be pushing to the limit on clone hours they can handle, because if they have a genjutsu/sharingan consequence when an SC pops, that could turn the clone shock from "fine" to "crippling, possibly lethal".
not worth the risk.
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yup, we'd be rolling at 72(resolve + 3*(SC AB -2)) vs TN 128 (20 + (12 hours * 9 clones))
that's about 18 shifts of mental stress, exploding Hazou's weird little brain.

Maybe it's possible with Sanin clones? they can store 600 CP, and we know they can do 20 clone-hours each, so that's 15 spare clone-hours per sanin.

Damn, well even if he has 4 clones that at least lets us squirrel away another 1600 CP or so. We could also use Kei as a chakra capacitor, but that does bring us back to annoying Chakra juggling.

Still, we can get tremendous gains by simply calling Jonin summons early. We can afford 8 jonin summons before we're in danger of having maintenance costs exceed regen. If the summons are staggered right, then that will have far less of an impact on our zero-hour budget than if those same 8 jonin had been summoned 30 minutes before the battle.

EX: 4 summoned Jonin would cost around 1200 up front w/ 400 CP hourly upkeep. Given the ~800 CP base regen rate, we would be flush with Chakra again in 3 hours while still regening 400 per hour.
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Clone Stress could compound on top of Genjutsu attacks.

Shrimply have Mari and Kurenai erase clone memories before popping. If Mari cannot find the baller within her, retrocausally have a Yamanaka in the Leaf cheer squad for that purpose. (Pray to jashin that the clones don't all pop prior. Otherwise pray to Ino that a Yamanaka can block the formation of new memories, hence make Shadow Clone into What Tobirama Intended)

Edit: Conversely this means that nerds like Itachi, whose "Naruto canon" abilities include generating a ton of artificial memories, can fry naive Shadow Clone owners through a similar vector unless SC has a defense against overloads, which I doubt. But ultimately you cannot have one without the other.
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Damn, well even if he has 4 clones that at least lets us squirrel away another 1600 CP or so. We could also use Kei as a chakra capacitor, but that does bring us back to annoying Chakra juggling.

Still, we can get tremendous gains by simply calling Jonin summons early. We can afford 8 jonin summons before we're in danger of having maintenance costs exceed regen. If the summons are staggered right, then that will have far less of an impact on our zero-hour budget than if those same 8 jonin had been summoned 30 minutes before the battle.

EX: 4 summoned Jonin would cost around 1200 up front w/ 400 CP hourly upkeep. Given the ~800 CP base regen rate, we would be flush with Chakra again in 3 hours while still regening 400 per hour.
Smart, 4 Hazouclones are a good candidate to store chakra in. Kei might be solid to, but you'd be fighting against the startup costs of the jutsu. Can you spreadsheet-math this for us, alongside using 4 Hazouclones and pre-summoned Jounin summons?
It'd be great to have the maths worked out for how to pull as much extra CP as possible for the fight, and append it took the action plan.
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Kei can spend 300 of her 315 CP to make 6 clones, each with 300 CP reserves.
refilling Kei and the Snowflakes will take 2100CP, or 2.6 hours of battlegroup chakra regen.
This nets us a total gain of 1800 CP.
Kei defends against clone shock at a whooping 81, so she can safely keep 6 SC up for 10 hours.

Hazou already needs lots of SC, so we won't include that as a cost.
Hazou defends against clone shock at a 72, so he can safely keep 9 SC up for 6 hours.
refilling 9 clones to 390 is 3510 CP, or 4.3 hours of battlegroup chakra regen.

with the hour-and-change between topping of the last Hazou SC and starting the assault, we could summon ~620 CP of Summons, and pay their upkeep costs, netting us an additional 2 Jounin-level summons

Between Hazou and Snowflake, we can sneak an extra 5300 CP in to the rift assault, plus 2 extra Jounin-summons. there remains some room to optimize harder, but I'm leaving wiggle room, as chakra regen rates are not exactly uniform. This is enough extra CP to give all Tsunade clones Strength-of-a-thousand.
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Suggestion: Optimize the budget/assault with the Sannin/crew.

I would write "Have Noburi overdraw the Moon-nin, inflicting maximum Consequences, for extra chakra". The meaning is slightly different: this version indicates that, on a Consequence-free ninja, we inflict a Mild, Moderate, and Severe Consequence to overdraw 5% + 10% + 15% chakra (total: 30% extra chakra). I'm not 100% sure we are allowed to do this on an unwilling/unconscious ninja, but if we can that's a lot of chakra we'd lose out on if we just did a Severe Consequence (15% extra chakra).

Uh, should we be including a Superchiller infusion in the budget? I was under the impression we wanted to do this part secretly, and Hazou could just...use his personal stores for this part. Probably should have this part in a secret section after the "Assault the Rift" section.

Assuming we're summoning at some point before this, I would suggest we use a Summoning creature to do the tunneling, to save chakra relative to burrowing 100m down and 2.5 miles forward using our own jutsu.

I would suggest that the activation of the Force Dome would itself be enough of a signal, given that the thing would pretty obviously reveal a massive dome in the sky/destroying the surrounding landscape.
@Sir Stompy Just wanted to check and ask if you were intending to make the changes I have suggested above.
Kei can spend 300 of her 315 CP to make 6 clones, each with 300 CP reserves.
refilling Kei and the Snowflakes will take 2100CP, or 2.6 hours of battlegroup chakra regen.
This nets us a total gain of 1800 CP.
Kei defends against clone shock at a whooping 81, so she can safely keep 6 SC up for 10 hours.

Hazou already needs lots of SC, so we won't include that as a cost.
Hazou defends against clone shock at a 72, so he can safely keep 9 SC up for 6 hours.
refilling 9 clones to 390 is 3510 CP, or 4.3 hours of battlegroup chakra regen.

with the hour-and-change between topping of the last Hazou SC and starting the assault, we could summon ~620 CP of Summons, and pay their upkeep costs, netting us an additional 2 Jounin-level summons

Between Hazou and Snowflake, we can sneak an extra 5300 CP in to the rift assault, plus 2 extra Jounin-summons. there remains some room to optimize harder, but I'm leaving wiggle room, as chakra regen rates are not exactly uniform. This is enough extra CP to give all Tsunade clones Strength-of-a-thousand.
We can probably eeek out some more CP by having Mari, Kurenia and, the other leaf jounin engage in sc shenanigans
Okay, so I've done the math. We can leverage several thousand more CP out of natural chakra regeneration merely by staggering shadow clones and summons. This doesn't even require complicated chakra juggling. Just summoning Hazo's shadow clones w/ 5k+ CP distributed out amongst them 12-11 hours before the assault will allow us to get 5k CP back easy.

We should have access to about 800 CP regenerating naturally per hour. That means we can summon up to 2400 CP worth of summons before the cost of maintaining the summons outweighs our chakra regen rate.

As just a sample load out, this staggering could be used to support 5x Strength of 100 Tsunades, 8x Orchimaru, all 5 bosses, Ma and Pa, 2x Mari, 3x Kurenai, and 8x Jonin summons. That's without even inflecting Severe consequences on all the Moon nin.

(forgive me for not posting a google drive link but I don't have a burner gmail).
@Sir Stompy this is a solid idea, and I believe it merits inclusion.

We should also ask the Leaf Ninja chakra batteries if they're willing to accept Milds (which heal in a day). The extra chakra might be worth it.
[X] Action Plan: Armageddon Initiative
When are the first ninja radar activated? Before shaping RERs? Before infusing RERs? After infusing RERs?
Do we give radar clones Orochimaru's long distance communication seals?
Do we do anything different based on radar readings?
The "short warmup period" for RERs is more like 10 minutes than like 1 minute, so multiple shots are extremely unlikely.
We never got around to defining it but ponwog75 it's measured in rounds.

At first it sounds like Tsunade and Oro plan to be at the RER firing position when the attack starts, as they suggest they activate the RERs.
Fair point, that's a mistake. Assume they'll be charging forward as you're getting to take the shot, with the intent to arrive a round or so afterwards. I'll change it later.
[X] Action Plan: Armageddon Initiative

I'm in favour of making whatever adjustments are possible to the plan but the reality of the situation is that we're largely locked into all of the major decisions. Barring a sudden, brilliant insight, we're looking to shave percentage points, not define the course of the battle.

The only exception is how we handle Superchillers. I personally favour coming clean to the Sannin (and only the Sannin) that we have a rune-of-last-resort which we will deploy if and only if it becomes obvious we have lost the battle as a means of denying the Rift to the Akatsuki. While its area of effect will be contained within the Force Dome, it will not allow us to seize the Rift. We are under orders from the Hokage to discuss no further details and are indeed violating his orders in having discussed this much. (That the Hokage in question is Asuma and not Naruto is immaterial.)

Question: are the Sannin themselves going to be in the Force Dome bubble? Because if so, I'm leery of telling them even that much. 'If this goes badly we're going to kill you' is something we shouldn't even think particularly loudly around Orochimaru.
Honestly speaking with so many runes and so many seals and so many preexisting chakra effects in play I wonder if mega sealing/technique failures may occur due to unexpected interactions from the RER bombardment.

I'm a bit concerned about an active RER being destroyed by counterattack of some kind, but we're presumably already taking such precautions as are feasible. (Unless we could spare an air dome to keep at the RER position to be activated in case enemies approach or something, but I doubt we can spare the time & chakra )

We should also ask the Leaf Ninja chakra batteries if they're willing to accept Milds (which heal in a day). The extra chakra might be worth it.

Can someone be overdrained for a mild without also being drained to 0 CP and unconscious? They currently intend to remain above zero:

Leaf's ninja currently intend to be at low-but-nonzero reserves in order to facilitate running away if things go south

...though I would prefer to trade away Leaf's ability to survive a lost battle for increased chance of winning even at fairly harsh rates.
Fair point, that's a mistake. Assume they'll be charging forward as you're getting to take the shot, with the intent to arrive a round or so afterwards. I'll change it later.
Thanks, that makes a lot more sense.

If I can ask one more question:
Do the Sanin think the battlegroup won't set off the alarm while charging, and that they can follow up the RER explosion by attacking quickly enough that the Akatsuki won't have time to buff or otherwise get on combat footing?

Because I'm still struggling to see why they want to charge a sasori-reinforced position, rather than exploiting RER for free kills and wearing down the Akatsuki chakra reserves before the fight.
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The only exception is how we handle Superchillers. I personally favour coming clean to the Sannin (and only the Sannin) that we have a rune-of-last-resort which we will deploy if and only if it becomes obvious we have lost the battle as a means of denying the Rift to the Akatsuki. While its area of effect will be contained within the Force Dome, it will not allow us to seize the Rift. We are under orders from the Hokage to discuss no further details and are indeed violating his orders in having discussed this much. (That the Hokage in question is Asuma and not Naruto is immaterial.)

Question: are the Sannin themselves going to be in the Force Dome bubble? Because if so, I'm leery of telling them even that much. 'If this goes badly we're going to kill you' is something we shouldn't even think particularly loudly around Orochimaru.

This seems familiar.

How about this?

"Are we agreed that the Akatsuki cannot, under any circumstances, be allowed to triumph? Very well. We have a single, final rune which we will deploy if and only if it becomes obvious that our efforts to prevent the Akatsuki from maintaining their possession of the Rift have failed. We are confident that it will kill any living thing which remains in the Force Dome. It will not allow us to win but it will ensure that they lose. We are forbidden from discussing any further details by the order of the Hokage and indeed are violating his orders by having disclosed this much."

It's honest. It heads off any other questions. And if we actually need to deploy it, then...the fallout doesn't really matter.

I don't know... The combination of "why don't you open with the winning move" and "why haven't you told me, your beloved uncle who cares more about survival than anything else" seems rife for a death-by-Orochimaru speedrun.

With that said,

The new problems introduced by your repeated plan with more detail:
1. This plan requires Hazou to actively deceive the Sannin. We've just seen that Hazou sucks at that.
We don't get to snark "it's technically true that the hokage ordered it" when we know we are engaging in deception. If that is somehow insufficient, the paper-thin smoke screen of "... It will not allow us to seize the rift" is another attempt at active deception, because Hazou knows the answer to (and anyone in that conversation can immediately think to ask) "can't we just go in afterwards?" Even if the Sannin take a cognitive vacation, Hazou himself still knows. This plan just adds more and more deception. Are we agreed that we should minimize Hazou's need to roll Deception? If so, perhaps the disagreement lies elsewhere?

2. The consequences are not thought out. Let's go through with them. I will assume that Hazou succeeds in his unlikely deception for ease of analysis, as otherwise we've already failed massively anyway.
First case: The EM nuke is necessary, and is used. The Sannin now know, at least broadly, what it is. Orochimaru's To-do list has now been topped (along with, possibly, stealing the rift) by "why didn't my beloved nephew tell me about this when I specifically asked for such runes?", "the effect is eerily similar to a rather notable recent event", "I wonder if I can make this, and how that'd go".
In any of these cases, Orochimaru connects the dots. Through trial, reasoning, or memory he realizes or sufficiently closely approximates the specifications of the EM Nuke / Superchiller. Some of them can be rather immediate. Regardless, the outcome is the same:
Hazou is dead.

Second case: The rune is not necessary, and we luckily manage to destroy all evidence, somehow. It's great that Orochimaru didn't have to see it in action!
In that case, why tell them and expose yourself to case 1 in the first place? You can only lose.


Finally the absurdity of "I have an ultimate weapon" <> "why not open with the winning move dearest nephew" is somewhat revealed by the thinness of the fig leaf placed gently over that concern in the repeated plan after the response to the previous.

I share your concerns regarding keeping Superchillers secret effectively in the current plan, and I think it should be executed very carefully with as minimal exposure as possible. As a demonstrative but not necessarily practical example, as minimal as "can we retroactively have a shadow clone start mining as early as possible".
I would sincerely welcome suggestions to minimize our exposure here! Can we brainstorm in that direction?

However, the suggestion that we preempt that failure scenario by telling The Last Man We Want To Know About Superchillers about Superchillers seems like a strategy that can only end in greater expected losses.

If you disagree that Orochimaru (the only other Runesmith as well as an Essie with an extreme combination of paranoia, severe self-induced (?!) psychopathy, and immortality monomania) learning about the capabilities of Superchillers is an overwhelmingly likely lose condition, that is a separate discussion. I assumed you didn't?

For your ease of consideration, here are my assumptions laid out as clearly as possible. Perhaps the error in them will be clearer this way:
1. The proposed plan contains more literal Deception than the current one. (Since Hazou gets rolled by the Sannin here, this is bad.)
2. It is imperative that Orochimaru does not learn about the Superchiller rune, or he will kill Hazou in short order. Ideally he'd never learn, but the relative simplicity of the rune (iirc), his intense focus on runecraft, and The Isan Event lead me to bekieve that this is a ticking timebomb. Thus it behooves us to gain maximal leverage, personal strength, and other support before that happens.
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Are we agreed that we should minimize Hazou's need to roll Deception? If so, perhaps the disagreement lies elsewhere?
AFAIK committing to simply Shutting Up gets you around Deceit rolls. "Can't talk about it the Hokage said not to" accomplishes this.
In that case, why tell them and expose yourself to case 1 in the first place? You can only lose.
We need to sneak an entire rune into an active combat zone and be able to infuse it. I frankly don't think we're going to be able to manage that without tipping our hand and I don't want to have to lie while all of this is going to hell.
Finally the absurdity of "I have an ultimate weapon" <> "why not open with the winning move dearest nephew" is somewhat revealed by the thinness of the fig leaf placed gently over that concern in the repeated plan after the response to the previous.
We don't have an ultimate weapon - the fallout really constrains when and where we can use it. In this case, we can only deny the Rift to the Akatsuki, not take it for ourselves. This is a really bad outcome because it effectively ensures Leaf is flattened.

Orochimaru tying us to Isan is bad. But I think trying to sneak a rune past him is unlikely to work and will cast a big shadow over anything that happens after we're discovered. A lot of things need to go right for us to be able to deploy the Superchiller. We need to hang onto the chakra, we need to have a clone with access to a blank for the required ten minutes, all sorts of stuff. The issue with those problems is that we aren't going to have time to explain after RERs start firing and Orochimaru or Tsunade might decide by fiat that no, we are not allowed to activate an unknown rune while everything is going to hell around us.

I'm frankly not that concerned with providing Orochimaru with an idea for a city- or even country-killer. They're trivial to produce with runes - see, the lightning rune. If he wanted one, he would make one. We get a lot of bang for our buck with Superchillers but I don't think knowing about this specific attack vector makes him a greater threat to the world at large. To us, certainly, but that's a distinct matter.

To summarize: I'm a lot more concerned about the prospect of sneaking an extra rune into the battlefield while also maintaining the ability to infuse it. I'm pretty sure that Tsunade will help keep Orochimaru in line ('he says he has orders from the Hokage, stop trying to coerce him') for the duration that matters, and we have a mountain of problems to solve after we win - adding 'Orochimaru is pressing us for details of a rune' feels incremental to me.
This seems familiar.
I'm also not really sure what you're getting at here - it isn't unusual to post the same idea more than once. I'm specifically mentioning it again while voting because that tends to communicate more directly with the planmaker.
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AFAIK committing to simply Shutting Up gets you around Deceit rolls. "Can't talk about it the Hokage said not to" accomplishes this.

We need to sneak an entire rune into an active combat zone and be able to infuse it. I frankly don't think we're going to be able to manage that without tipping our hand and I don't want to have to lie while all of this is going to hell.

We don't have an ultimate weapon - the fallout really constrains when and where we can use it. In this case, we can only deny the Rift to the Akatsuki, not take it for ourselves. This is a really bad outcome because it effectively ensures Leaf is flattened.

Orochimaru tying us to Isan is bad. But I think trying to sneak a rune past him is unlikely to work and will cast a big shadow over anything that happens after we're discovered.

I'm frankly not that concerned with providing Orochimaru with an idea for a city- or even country-killer. They're trivial to produce with runes - see, the lightning rune. If he wanted one, he would make one. We get a lot of bang for our buck with Superchillers but I don't think knowing about this specific attack vector makes him a greater threat to the world at large. To us, certainly, but that's a distinct matter.

I understand. As a minor correction, the point I attempted to make with the shorthand "reason through outcomes" section was that the Coming Clean strategy merely jumps ahead to one of our worse case scenarios, in this case the "So what's that rune?" immediate or postponed Deceit hell (simplifying). That is why leapfrogging any other strategy to minimize exposure, which I hope is clearly not equivalent to shutting up, in lieu of trying to Deceit our way through exposure is unwise.

That being said, while I understand your objections there remain multiple problems with the coming clean plan from my perspective, which I noted in my prior messages. And I don't think the reasoning against them in the latest message, e.g. the hokage point, is sufficiently effective. Finally some others arose from the latest response, but they are less fundamental (e.g. I think you may be making too many worst case assumptions with regards to what the forward-deployment Hazouclones will be doing, where they'll be, and where the closest Orochimaru clone will be, we seem to be disagreeing on how the Superchiller rune works and what its post completion effects will be, etc. For the sake of argument we can assume you are correct about all the new issues, but the old ones largely remain untouched - Deceiving someone multiple times and then shutting up being equal to not deceiving them? Uh.).
I am in favor of the motivation but not the implementation.

In addition, if you have other ideas for navigating the Superchiller deployment for greater expected success, I at least would be happy to hear them. Like I said previously, I share the concern albeit apparently with different assumptions. A wider variety of ideas with less effort devoted to each of them maybe, I don't know.
Effortposts can too easily engender a sunk cost situation. (He said, ironically)

Edit/Update: The current plan is for forward deployment Hazouclones to carry their runes, most notably SC, in storage seals. They are already shaped + stored (or at least SC is), so even that bit if exposure is secured. So my worries regarding SC transportation and deployment are assuaged.
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I suggest also inflicting up to a Moderate on any Leaf-ninja chakra battery who'd be up for it (or all of them as ordered by Tsunade). Another ~2k chakra, I think.

I'm worried about Sasori having researched some anti-Collapse contingencies, and this part of the plan triggering them.

I don't know what form these defenses would have: detection of jutsu usage underground, some kind of byakugan-like seal but mono-directional to be easier to make… but more probably, something I won't think of. This doesn't matter, what matters is that they would offer protection against a Collapse-style attack (a big part of which is approaching the enemy base underground). Akatsuki has reasons to worry about this since Leaf has been made an example a few years ago of how devastating this can be.

It would be very unfortunate to give up the surprise effect from opening with RERs, which are something out-of-context for Akatsuki that they have no reasons to be prepared for, because we simultaneously try to sneak closer underground when it's a famously deadly vector of attack that they should want countermeasures for if they are competent.

(Whether they have actually managed to develop functional countermeasures is less certain, but I don't like the odds)
Do you want to skip the Force Dome? Our options regarding the Force Dome are

1) Infuse it underground
2) Infuse it above ground

I think it's vastly less likely Sasori has anti-Collapse countermeasures out to the km distance from the Rift, than Hazou gets picked up by a patrol trying to do this above ground.
Tunneling in ahead of time might get detected by seals and jutsu. Having 2 Hazōclones splitting off from the main group might also be noticed by the main strike team who are going to be on extremely high alert. Also, the secret runes and SCs require a significant chakra allotment that will be hard to hide. Oro is smart enough to calculate the estimated chakra available and will definitely notice if the distribution is off. He has strong opinions on Tsunade's strength of 100 chakra sink technique so we know he's going to be snarky about chakra inefficiency
The Hazouclones are explicitly not sneaking off, the placement of a Foce Dome and the Iron Earth is their job, the Superchiller is a free rider that won't be mentioned.
Okay, so I've done the math. We can leverage several thousand more CP out of natural chakra regeneration merely by staggering shadow clones and summons. This doesn't even require complicated chakra juggling. Just summoning Hazo's shadow clones w/ 5k+ CP distributed out amongst them 12-11 hours before the assault will allow us to get 5k CP back easy.

We should have access to about 800 CP regenerating naturally per hour. That means we can summon up to 2400 CP worth of summons before the cost of maintaining the summons outweighs our chakra regen rate.

As just a sample load out, this staggering could be used to support 5x Strength of 100 Tsunades, 8x Orchimaru, all 5 bosses, Ma and Pa, 2x Mari, 3x Kurenai, and 8x Jonin summons. That's without even inflecting Severe consequences on all the Moon nin.

(forgive me for not posting a google drive link but I don't have a burner gmail).
So there are a few mistakes here. Hazou can't contribute anything in terms of SC hours, but Mari and Kei can.
Kei can spend 300 of her 315 CP to make 6 clones, each with 300 CP reserves.
refilling Kei and the Snowflakes will take 2100CP, or 2.6 hours of battlegroup chakra regen.
This nets us a total gain of 1800 CP.
Kei defends against clone shock at a whooping 81, so she can safely keep 6 SC up for 10 hours.

Hazou already needs lots of SC, so we won't include that as a cost.
Hazou defends against clone shock at a 72, so he can safely keep 9 SC up for 6 hours.
refilling 9 clones to 390 is 3510 CP, or 4.3 hours of battlegroup chakra regen.

with the hour-and-change between topping of the last Hazou SC and starting the assault, we could summon ~620 CP of Summons, and pay their upkeep costs, netting us an additional 2 Jounin-level summons

Between Hazou and Snowflake, we can sneak an extra 5300 CP in to the rift assault, plus 2 extra Jounin-summons. there remains some room to optimize harder, but I'm leaving wiggle room, as chakra regen rates are not exactly uniform. This is enough extra CP to give all Tsunade clones Strength-of-a-thousand.
No clones for Hazou, but the rest seems accurate.
@Sir Stompy this is a solid idea, and I believe it merits inclusion.

We should also ask the Leaf Ninja chakra batteries if they're willing to accept Milds (which heal in a day). The extra chakra might be worth it.
This is in the plan and since I suspect most of the Leaf jounin know it I think we have a good shot of capturing most of the regen of the assualt force.
Question: are the Sannin themselves going to be in the Force Dome bubble? Because if so, I'm leery of telling them even that much. 'If this goes badly we're going to kill you' is something we shouldn't even think particularly loudly around Orochimaru
Yes they are and I don't want to say anything about this other than giving the "flee to the Seventh Path signal"
[X] Action Plan: Armageddon Initiative
Word Count:<399
Desired Duration: Until the battle for the Rift
  • Buy 3 FP
  • Assualt the Rift
    • Optimize the budget/assault with the Sannin/Uplift (separately)
    • Budget the chakra
      • Source additional chakra
        • Have Noburi overdraw the Moon-nin, inflicting maximum Consequences, for extra chakra.
        • Ask for volunteer Leaf ninja to take Mild and Moderate overdraw Consequences.
        • Capture the natural chakra regeneration of everyone for the 12 hours leading up to the assualt and store it in Shadow Clones of the non-participating ninja. As SC time permits.
      • 5 Tsunade SCs and 5 Orochimaru SCs refilled to 600 CP
      • Shaping and infusion of 9 RER 2.0s split into 3 sections manned by Hazouclones with unrefilled Tsunade spotters
      • Additional runic infusions, and Hazou SCs to infuse the preshaped runes. Additional chakra for tunneling.
      • All the Clan Bosses, the Toad Sages, 10 additional jounin Summons (no Toads)
      • A genin Summons as a screen for anti construct arrays.
      • If there is 1000+ chakra remaining: 3 Mari SCs refilled to 300 CP, then the rest into the jounin Summons (no additional toads)
      • If chakra remains after the jounin are summoned, give Tsunade SCs the chakra to cast Strength of the Hundred.
    • Approach the Rift
      • Use the plan discussed in the previous chapter.
      • Shape the RER 2.0s at the staging area and carry them to their assualt positions. Fortify the emplacement with SCSA, SSSA, and skyslicer nets.
      • Once emplaced, send aa duo of Hazouclones carrying Iron Earth, Force Dome and (secretly) Superchiller blanks
        • They should approach via tunneling at least a couple hundred meters underground. To a point close enough to trap the fortress but not so close as to run into defenses.
        • One should infuse the Force Dome (timeladdered up once) and the other the Iron Earth (timeladdered twice)
        • That second should then tunnel away from the first (to minimize chance of discovery) and infuse the Superchiller (timeladdered twice) at a depth of 200m.
        • Once the Force Dome is infused, create a tunnel upwards to just a few meters under the surface so that the Force Dome chakra pillar can penetrate.
        • Force Dome formation signals the bombardment to begin.
    • The Battle
      • Aim for any members of Akatsuki you can see as top priority targets.
      • Below that, any concentrations of ninja.
      • Set up signals that assualt force can give via Banshee/signal justu for calling down shots on their position or nearby positions.
      • Silently pray to Jashin, and dedicate all kills in his name.
      • If the assualt goes poorly, signal Orochimaru and Tsunade to retreat to the Seventh Path and activate the Superchiller.
2.0 version of the plan is up.
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