@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped
Hello! A few questions have come up regarding Remote Explosive Runes (RE) and how the mechanics works when using multiple of them at once. Per Paper's request, I will outline an example scenario that we may find ourselves in within a few months.
Sasori and Hidan are having tea in O'Uzu, 30 meters away from the Pure Lands rift scar. They are both sitting on the ground with no warning of what is going to happen shortly.
Hazo is slightly less than 1 mile from Sasori and Hidan in the sky with the sun behind him. He has set up a skytower to work from and has infused and aimed 10 REs at Hidan and Sasori with the help of some Shadow Clones. The REs have seals (MARS if that is sufficient, if not then a new seal that works with REs) that are linked to a MARS chain leading from Hazo.
Hazo activates the MARS chain before Sasori and Hidan know that combat is going to happen.
What do Sasori and Hidan roll to dodge? Some possible solutions include:
- A single TN 100 dodge.
- A single dodge roll with a higher TN based on the number of REs firing at once.
- A TN 100 dodge roll for every RE that is fired.
Does the answer to this change if Hazo uses larger numbers of REs (50, 100, etc)?
Does the answer to this change if Hazo and Kei simultaneously activate MARS chains leading to these REs?
Does the answer to this change if instead of using MARS, each RE is activated simultaneously by a Shadow Clone?
Does the answer to this change if instead of using MARS, each RE is activated sequentially by a Shadow Clone?