Voting is open for the next 15 hours, 47 minutes
How so? I'm assuming the counterfactual world is something close to SC at level ~20. I don't know the rules enough to say, but I'm assuming that gets you at least one shadow clone (maybe two)? The marginal amount of time an extra copy of yourself saves you as a percent diminishes pretty fast. (50%, 33%, 25%, 20%, etc)
You can have as many SCs as you want at any level (recall in canon that Naruto made a bazillion SCs right after learning the technique). Leveling the techniques mostly gets you longer-lasting clones, of which at least level 30 is required for reading notes and level 40 is required for research.

it seems that roughly 95% of Hazo's ability to be a real powerful force in this world is his cracked imagination (due to us) and his sealing ability?
Yeah, sounds right.

To be clear, this means Canfuwumpu went to bed? And not he was so injured he "begged for the sweet release of sleep"?
Yep, he was a very sleepy puppy.

Also, any chance we could get research results from Chapter 664? There were some prep days people were interested in.
We have 48 hours before voting closes. If it's possible to get the prep results back to us in the next ~24 hours, it would be a huge help.
Sorry about the delay, edited this into Chapter 664:

Hazō feels perfectly comfortable no-prepping both these seals when he's using SSA, so he'll just do that.

Day 1
Infuse Force Blades.

Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 24 (SSA) + 3 = 78
Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (IN) + 3 (Dampeners) + 0 = 53

Hazō finishes the Force Blades seal! Tentative mechanics: Makes melee attacks Weapons:4 if currently lower, +3 to hit, +6 if the opponent doesn't know the Force Blade is there. Cannot be used nonlethally.


Hazō (Sealing): 51 + 24 (SSA) + 0 = 75
Hazō (Calligraphy): 47 + 3 (Dampeners) - 3 = 47

Hazō easily finishes CATEARS! Tentative mechanics: The CATEARS is paired with another seal at infusion time. When the CATEARS is triggered, it activates the paired seal if the paired seal is within a Zone of the user. The CATEARS is triggered by chakra-adhesion, so can be used as a Reflexive Supplemental if worn on the hands or feet. If worn over skywalkers or under Rocket Boots, it can be triggered with the same Reflexive Supplemental that activates those seals.

Prep Force Dome Rune. Difficulty result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune. Hazō thinks completing this rune would remove a Sealing stagnancy barrier.
Prep Spatial Beam Collimator Rune. Difficulty result: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.
Prep Optical Beam Collimator Rune. Difficulty result: Hazō thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.

Day 2
SSA recovery.

Day 3
SSA recovery.

Day 4
Off to Leopard to aid the Dog clan in combat.
@Noumero >:3

[X] Action Plan: A Moment with Snowflake Under the Starlit Sky
Word Count: ???
Desired Update Duration: Unknown
  • During a recovery day, spend time with Snowflake in a Skytower, under nighttime sky.
    • Discuss:
      • Stress of the mission, concerns about research deadlines, and rusting skills.
      • Missing Leaf/our family. We're glad that she's here, with us.
      • How we're glad to know her and be known by her.
        • She's important to us, and deserves to hear that more. After losing Akane, we've realized we need to saythat more, even if they "already know." We don't want to take anyone for granted.
          • (NB: "Notice the friggin flags, Snowflake! Kiss the poor, stupid boy! Make a move, Sage-dammit!" -ROTP)
  • Sanity check with Kei
    • Send some orders back to Mari to have the clan begin purchasing several small buildings or plots of land around the city. Spin it as some economics wumbo jumbo, but make it inconspicuous.
    • Tell Naruto we can probably defend Leaf from aerial bombardment with a new rune design and are still working on other gamechangers. Advise him to begin reinforcing the ground beneath Leaf immediately
    • Ask him if Sasuke would be willing to test the limits of the Sharingan's future sight
  • Research
    • Will copy from Stompy
Speaking for myself, I feel strongly that some of these runes are insufficient as serious vectors for killing Akatsuki, nor do they possess additional functions that can be used to kill Akatsuki. I highly recommend my Prepared Explosive Rune and Landmine Rune (was this done already?).
Okay let's work the DoB buy or not cases out. This assumes full prep for all rolls.

Right now we softcap PS at 26 due to our crossover bonus of 25, that gives us an eff PS of 26(base)+25(crossover) + 6(prep at AB3) = 57

Many players, myself included want to raise Sealing to 56, and PS to 30. That would let us roll at 30(base)+26(crossover)+8(prep at AB4) = 64

If we get DoB and don't raise Sealing, PS still soft caps at 51, but Eff Sealing is now 63. So the crossover is 21. PS now soft caps at 30 and we get 30(base)+21(crossover)+12(DoB)+10(prep at AB5) = 73

Assuming we raise Sealing to 58 to get the AB to 70 now PS gets a crossover of 24 and we softcap at 34.

That means we can roll at 34(base)+24(crossover)+12(DoB)+10(prep at AB5) = 80
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Speaking for myself, I feel strongly that some of these runes are insufficient as serious vectors for killing Akatsuki, nor do they possess additional functions that can be used to kill Akatsuki. I highly recommend my Prepared Explosive Rune and Landmine Rune (was this done already?).
I ran the voting for these last research cycle and they either didn't make the cut or were done already. If you want these particular runes. Vote them in again.

I don't think it's fair to the people whose ideas won the vote that they'll have to advocate for their ideas again 3+weeks later.

EDIT: Landmine Rune is literally on this list, I guess you want the other one too? In that case, vote for it and convince others to do the same.
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[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research
Word Count: <299
Intended Duration: Two research cycles, maybe 3 if Hazou thinks he's close to finishing one of his runes.
Can I suggest cutting this bit? Unless Hazō decides to no-prep everything the second cycle, we'll have done twelve prep days by its end, so doing a third cycle would mean an in-world delay in checking the next batch of ideas.
Respectfully sir, if you send another raiding party, Hazou thinks a larger force is warranted. Our casualty ratio was too high for comfort. 9 to 6 is nearly even odds for them.

I think that's because Cannai didn't want to escalate. Assuming Hyōhisan was actually well known enough due to exceptional power and not just "strong respected elder" then Cannai's message came across.

Right now Leopard acts with disorganized raiding groups (Maybe Hyohakken is trying to play Dog and Pangolin? Not fully commiting to a war and buying time). On the other hand the Den we attacked was working together.

Giving them time seems to give the Leopard an advantage to organize. The next operation shouldn't be a raid, but a proper invasion to hurt them before other Leopards become to interested, like his brother.

Or Cannai is willing to bait them into traps in his territory, if they going to raid, let them raid themselves to death. Probably a big time investment on Hazou's part.
what if we offered leopard immigration into dog? than the raider teams instead of choosing between risk of death from raids vs risk of punishment from clan boss. have the choice between raids and immigrating to a foreign land. dunno if dog has enough land to give each solitary leopard immigrant their own space.

edit: this could make it easier to obtain leopard land too. if leopards along the border immigrate to dog but physically stay where they are, and we just convert their land into dog territory with the different sky color.
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Hmm. Thinking about it, I guess I could just ...

[X] Action Plan: Research, Reassess
Word Count: 277
Intended Duration: 6 days subjective, 5 calendar.
  • Sanity check with Kei
  • Move locations again when it's time. Clean up after yourself. Ask Kei if it's time to leave Aisu Bay.
  • Rune Research:
  • Cannai
  • Respectfully, if he sends another raiding party, Hazō thinks a larger force is warranted. We never had even a 2:1 advantage of numbers.
    • The Dogs' great strengths are their numbers, their coordination, their stamina, and their tracking abilities.
    • Based on the interrogation, the Leopards seem to be travelling in "packs" of 5 or so combatants.
    • A favourable strategy might be to harry their "packs" in groups too large for them to fight (20 members?), and corner them when they have to defend their cubs, or they're too tired to keep running.
      • Not that Hazō knows Dog's strengths better than Cannai does, of course.
  • Ask Cannai if he knows a Dog that might be interested in helping Hazō develop Roki into something that can be used against quadrupeds.
    • If so, ask him to introduce us, try to make a good impression
    • Work on this during SSA rest days.
    • Do your best to incorporate Force Blades into the expanded taijutsu style
  • Misc
    • Give Noburi a copy of MS7; ask him if he thinks there are medical uses.
    • Test if a HOWR makes a 5SB expire more quickly.
    • Test if a campfire will trigger LR seal set to receive below-red.
    • Compare Hazō's sun measurements with Gaku's.

This is exactly Sir Stompy's plan (plus some QoL and WC edits), but instead of doing two/three cycles with three tracks, we do one cycle with two tracks and spend the rest of the time on prep days. With PS being raised to 20, full prep will now mean three prep days and one infusion day, so four days on three tracks gives us twelve days for difficulty checks. (Like Sir Stompy, I'd be incorporating the top three prep days people vote on in addition to the nine carried over from last plan.)

The rationale for this is as follows:
  • It's possible (though unlikely) that we'll finish Air Leadening or Icarus in one cycle, in which case we'll want to have the prep days done so we know what to research next in that slot.
  • It's somewhat more likely that, looking at the rolls, we might decide that one of those runes could go in a non-SSA slot. The bonus from SSA is only slightly more than the bonus from 3 days of prep, so if we'd be happy no-prepping them, we would likely also be happy full-prep no-SSA-ing them. However, that's a decision we would want to make after knowing what else might go in the SSA slot, hence this plan.
  • Whether or not this plan is actually better, I think it should exist so people who want this kind of approach can vote for it instead of having to overcome the barrier of making a plan themselves.
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The "use bigger groups" suggestion feels off. What if a big enough group is worth the effort for the Boss to personally quash ?

[X] Action Plan: Research, Reassess
The "use bigger groups" suggestion feels off. What if a big enough group is worth the effort for the Boss to personally quash ?

I mean Cannai knows,
They do not come across the border in a massed charge, battle howls leading the way. They began by slinking across in ones or sometimes in twos, hiding in the grass until they find a vulnerable group. They have recently escalated to larger groups, but their tactics remain the same. They kill, they mark, and they leave. They do not respond to diplomatic outreach. I am tired of this."

He looked across the wide grass between where they stood and the border where the nearest leopard might stand. "I am so tired of this," he murmured.

If Hazou is correct here:
(but Hazō suspects that Cancurunchu will be privately admonished later for charging into unknown danger when a safe retreat was likely possible).

Then Cannai probably didn't want us to run into anyone strong.
[X] Action Plan: That's Right Kids, More Rune Research
Ask Cannai if he knows a Dog that might be interested in helping Hazou develop Roki into something that works on quadrupeds.
Do you mean "can be used by quadrupeds" or "can be used against quadrupeds"?

Intended to be the test rune for transporting runes to the Seventh Path via Reverse Summoning
Should we include a note that we don't actually want to test it before asking the Toads?

The rune is shaped in a particular way to suggest a direction (recommendation: an arrow)
This seems unnecesary and has a chance of making the research harder. The expert/creator knows which direction the rune has to face and can attack an arrow or a label for ease of use.
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We keep kicking Storage Runes down the road, but these might allow us to make Implosion Runes and will definitely get more space time veterancy. I prefer that plans do less prep days and research those in a non-SSA slot at the moment.

We have to actually research more runes so that we get more accurate prep days to begin with...
I agree with MMKII. We should make a plan that ends with as many new completed runes as possible, with a bias towards building Veterancy.
[X] Training Plan Hazō: Next AB!

I don't think it does, we aren't able to download Naruto's Bijuu seal.
IIRC, QMs put a note about how IN remembered the user's internal 'chakra-seals', and so Hazou could quickly turn any of them on and off. I'm guessing we'd need to see Naruto's full MS to download it.

Unless the Leopards quiet down after this, Cannai might request another mission of Hazō in a couple weeks' time.
That's a trap! ...though IC we don't know it lol

Also, if Hyohakken doesn't reply to Cannai (as the update suggested) then that mission might be in preparation of the invasion?

Respectfully sir, if you send another raiding party, Hazou thinks a larger force is warranted. Our casualty ratio was too high for comfort. 9 to 6 is nearly even odds for them.
IIRC Cannai originally wanted to delay the raid a few days to gather more Dogs, and Hazou was meant to make up for a weaker team comp.
I think the thread is overreacting to the last fight. We were up against a strong Leopard pack, that worked together, led possibly by an elite jounin! All things considered, we did great. I'm thinking we had terrible luck with the Welcoming Party rolls, rather than our party being abysmally prepared for a raid. Also, Canrunchu (?) might get chewed out because he made the wrong tactical decision (engaging instead of withdrawing).

During this raid, we got detected every single time, and adding more dogs will not help. What we need for safe raids is a stronger pack, not a larger one. Perhaps we could suggest creating a temporary commando pack?

Giving them time seems to give the Leopard an advantage to organize. The next operation shouldn't be a raid, but a proper invasion to hurt them before other Leopards become to interested, like his brother.

Or Cannai is willing to bait them into traps in his territory, if they going to raid, let them raid themselves to death. Probably a big time investment on Hazou's part.
Yeah, Cannai seemed to hint that he would commit to invading them soonish unless he talked things out with Hyohakken.
Chances are that words are already out for Hazou's trap. At least one leopard saw what happened and destroyed the trap. So by default I'd say that Hazou's traps will be less effective, unless used in a more sophisticated strategy.
Voting is open for the next 15 hours, 47 minutes