Plugging in the numbers, we get that the time to the 1000ppm threshold for a 500m radius air dome with atmospheric mixing, containing 2000 people with an oxygen consumption rate of 20 m^3/person/day (to go on the high end), and with no other consumption or production, is:
\[ \frac{\frac{2\pi}{3} \cdot 500^3 \cdot 0.001}{20*2000 + 0} = 6.5 \text{ days (2 s.f.)} \]
Why are you using oxygen consumption rate on the denominator, and not CO₂ production rate?
Why don't we develop a few ways to kill Sharingan users based on different hypotheses on how the Sharingan works, give them to Sasuke, and let him pick which one we should focus on researching? Sasuke doesn't have to choose the one that gives away the most information on the Sharingan's capabilities, just the one that has the greatest chance of success.
I think that engaging with Sasuke on ways to disable the Sharingan is an endeavor doomed to fail for myriad reasons. Naruto already signaled he had to lean on him hard to get basic information about the Sharingan. This guy murdered Sasuke's entire family and walked into our village and threatened to level the damn place after his gang killed our Hokage. Its the standard irrational Clan Secrets Brained stuff, yeah, so I don't expect Sasuke to be helpful on the info front.

We have a better chance of asking the Kurosawa TBH.
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However I don't think there's any reason to write the current arc in the way it's been written, with snippets of Hazo et al in the minutes between all the researching going on. Would it be more QM-spoons-friendly if we just got the sealing notes at the end, and the rest of the update was snippets of other things going on in the EN, or interludes, or something else? The majority of our current plans are just Hazo doing research, or doing something that lets us do more research. There isn't much reason for us to follow his POV when it's essentially static.
Personally, i'm not quite sure why we're running a normal voting cycle at the moment.

My understanding is that one, we can't do longer chapters because of some complexities with FP refresh, and two, we need occasional breaks to assess the prep-day results and decide where to go from there.

But there has to be some way to solve both of those problems. Combining updates, doing prep days in batches or having hazopilot report on them between chapters... something.
Naruto doesn't have to tell him why, or that he's communicating that information to Hazou. And from another angle, Sasuke is probably interesting in discovering the Sharingan's weaknesses and how to avoid them.

(And it's not like we're asking Sasuke, anyway. We're asking Naruto to. If he can't do it, oh well.)

Ask him if Sasuke would be willing to test the limits of the Sharingan's future sight.
[x] [prep day] Remote Explosion Rune

This would be a minimum viable weapon if Naruto needs to trigger the assault on the rift in the next two weeks. And it would be a great step towards veterancy for the purposes of delivering more esoteric payloads.
Landmine Rune

A modified explosive rune that does not explode upon initial activation but only after seal-activation levels of chakra is also detected on the surface of the rune. Once the rune is activated, it becomes 'primed'. Upon detection of seal-activating chakra on its surface, the rune immediately explodes.
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[x] [prep day] Kagome-sensei Satisfying Explosive Rune
[x] [prep day] Canary Rune
[x] [prep day] Unsummoning Anchor
[x] [prep day] Chakra Shredder
Why are you using oxygen consumption rate on the denominator, and not CO₂ production rate?
Because my brain is not working very well, apparently. (It's worse than that, actually, I just typed in air inhalation rate, which is exactly the same error I was trying to correct in @Buggy's work.) Will fix in a second.

Edit: Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out; hopefully there aren't any other errors.
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A railgun uses electromagnetism.

We have a seal that creates electricity.

We know of a seal that makes magnets.

Should we make them kiss, and see what happens?
This is probably going to be very hard or straight up impossible.
Hazō had invented two runes so far. The explosive rune had been drop-dead simple, just like the explosive seal had been. Just poke a hole into the Out, command up as much energy as you can, then let it all blast free. The math, the theory, designing the components had all been easy. When it came time to infuse the rune, he had been sure beyond sure that he knew what it would do.
The explosive rune just opens a hole in the Out to get energy, then release it all at once. In theory, all we would have to do is have the rune store that energy, like adding water to make a water balloon. At least I hope.

Surely it's worth a prep day to gauge the difficulty of bypassing the 30s timer for runes, right?
[x] [prep day] Canary Rune
[x] [prep day] Unsummoning Anchor
[x] [prep day] Chakra Shredder

[x] [prep day] Runic Force Dome
[x] [prep day] Iron Earth Rune
[x] [prep day] Kagome's Tears

[x] [prep day] Magnifying Glass Rune
[X] [prep day] Beam Collimator Rune (spatial variant)
[X] [prep day] Beam Collimator Rune (optical variant)

I'd like to strongly suggest that, in addition to clever ideas and moonshots, we prep at least 2 directly-useful runes that are likely to be low-difficulty.
We don't have a "next project" queued up right now, and we really want to have actionable relevant research options before we start the next research cycle.
If we don't do this, we run the risk of yet another floundering research cycle that doesn't really advance our goals.

Currently, I think Runic Force Dome and Iron Earth Rune seem like our best candidates.
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I'm hoping that the beam collimator rune will be our immediately applicable combat route. If it's spatial-based, we could use that to target some easy-to-research omnidirectional nukes. If the spatial warping has a semi-decent range, a basic "big explosive rune" could suddenly become relevant.
We'd still need a way to aim it (and we'd need its range to be good) but it would definitely be a huge step forward.