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I interpreted that to mean he intended to sleep with his girlfriends before lunch, which he would then confess to after everything is over.
I interpreted that to mean he intended to sleep with his girlfriends before lunch, which he would then confess to after everything is over.
He doesn't need to be married to Kumokogo to enter Arachnid territory, just to view the Great Seal.Why on earth would he banish himself from Arachnid and prevent his participation in The Final Battle?
I've now also pointed out that even if we die, Orochimaru lives. That's a problem for them, and he's going to find out that they were serious about this Rift thing.Itachi can make this much, much harder for Leaf by killing Hazou right here, you really want him to do that? That seems like a possible outcome of this plan.
You misspelled 'makes clear that we understand the realities of the situation and that Itachi is also obviously aware of those same realities'.the other plan which is...practically begging Itachi to kill us.
I think it's far from guaranteed that we'll be ordered to do this—living in an Akatsuki world seems plausibly safer for Leaf than a desperate attempt to kill them. And if we were ordered to do this, I think we should just refuse to cooperate. Getting killed by Akatsuki and taking most of Leaf with us (they would inflict reprisals) is not actually better than getting killed by the Hokage, if they were even willing to push us that far. Orochimaru isn't guaranteed to cooperate either.Leaf has two of the world's best sealmasters. Tsunade will have us research the Rift, either to open or close it. The Akatsuki can't guarantee they can detect our research.
I don't think this is true. They would still try to recruit Hazō for the extra help even if they thought they could do it without him. Also, why are you so confident Sasori won't be able to replicate our results? We've gotten like 1/4 of the way to figuring out necromancy, the results themselves aren't even that spectacular, he has all of our notes, and his stats are probably high enough to do the research himself.If the Akatsuki were confident they could crack the Rift before us we wouldn't be having this conversation. Sasori is not going to be able to easily replicate our results, even with notes.
They can't guarantee it, but they don't need certainty. And Itachi was just talking about how if the world was to see true peace, it couldn't come from killing. They could kill us to guarantee Leaf won't close or open the rift, but they don't want to and they don't need that guarantee.So: short of murdering us they can't guarantee Leaf won't close or open the Rift,
Though the punishment for divorce is exile, but maybe there's an exception in wartime or somesuchHe doesn't need to be married to Kumokogo to enter Arachnid territory, just to view the Great Seal.
Put another way: what am I saying that isn't painfully obvious? What am I saying that hasn't been painfully to the Akatsuki at large since they found out we visited the Rift?
I appreciate the vote of confidence, but that is intended as a outline for a plan, not a plan itself. I would need help with optimizing it towards being a actual conversation with Itachi, remove all the notes in the plan that are intended for the people reading it, par down the word count a lot, solidfy the if-statements, etc.
Yup its one big "What are you gonna do, shoot me?"Yes but in the same way, you don't tell the guy with a gun trained on you "You know I can always after you and oppose you, right? Like as soon as you leave?" Like yes, it's a known thing, a possibility even, but you don't say it and provoke them into attacking you. It's asking to die.
If Itachi is going to kill us unless we come with him that decision has already been made and any move short of leaving with him right now will result in our death.Yes but in the same way, you don't tell the guy with a gun trained on you "You know I can always after you and oppose you, right? Like as soon as you leave?" Like yes, it's a known thing, a possibility even, but you don't say it and provoke them into attacking you. It's asking to die.
The decision as to whether or not we'll be shot has already been made. Discussing the relevant factors sets up the pitch, as we're making it clear to him that if our options are join and die, we pick death, which is an outcome he seemingly wants to avoid.
This sounds cool and all, but my read of it is that in the end its just a very wordy suicide plan.
Itachi could just be trusting Hazō to not do the thing. That's what Itachi is essentially saying. "You are the only person who can do the thing we don't want you to do. Normally that means I should kill you. But you seem to be sensible (as I define it) so I'll just tell you not to do the thing. But if you do do the thing, then we'll kill you after all."Is there anything you think I'm saying in my plan which would be news to Itachi? The only way that he hasn't reached these conclusions, IMO, is if this all happened way too fast for him to have thought through any of this.
I'll edit my plan to ask if this is what he's counting on. If it is, then I'll remove the relevant sections, or somehow gate them.Itachi could just be trusting Hazō to not do the thing. That's what Itachi is essentially saying. "You are the only person who can do the thing we don't want you to do. Normally that means I should kill you. But you seem to be sensible (as I define it) so I'll just tell you not to do the thing. But if you do do the thing, then we'll kill you after all."
Its not too late though, it was even quite explicitly stated near the end of the chapter - Hazoupilot thinks revealing Lithosealing would certainly make a difference and give us a way to continue the conversation, and iirc we were planning to do that anyway, in the meeting with Sasori, if we joined. Maybe if we do this we can even pull Ami into the talk and figure out a way to make this work without putting our family / clan in jeopardy.I wish we had discussed our exfiltration and how we could keep our family safe despite it more. Like, clearly Itachi's plan is to fake either our death or our abduction. But which of the two was he going for? And does he have any idea how to prevent our family, and especially Kagome, from going Pretty Damn Far™ to rescue/avenge us?
Ah well, it's too late to ask now and have that influence my vote. We can't delay our final answer by another chapter. So I will have to default to no.
If he entered this conversation serious about letting us leave alive he did so with the full awareness of everything I say.
Under which plausible circumstances (the Akatsuki have discussed this at length over a period of weeks, Itachi acts rationally) do you think that part of my plan would make a difference? Again, Itachi isn't going to kill us right now in a fit of pique - not for stating the obvious, anyway.
I *mostly* agree with this, but want to propose changes.[X] Action Plan: No, but Yes
- If Nagato is going to continue the work of AMITY and fix the world by gaining the non-coercive cooperation of the EN, we want him back and we want to help achieve this goal. Full stop.
- That support is heavily conditioned on nonviolent, non-coercive behaviour. We're not willing to go missing to help the Akatsuki revive him for a variety of reasons. But an unbreakable AMITY interested in redistributing power to help civilians? Yes, we want that, very badly.
- The situation as we see it:
- Leaf has two of the world's best sealmasters. Tsunade will have us research the Rift, either to open or close it. The Akatsuki can't guarantee they can detect our research.
- We don't know, but someone may only need to touch the Rift to open or permanently close it. Leaf can field Naruto, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and an army of Summons, so the Akatsuki can't guarantee they can keep Leaf out.
- If the Akatsuki were confident they could crack the Rift before us we wouldn't be having this conversation. Sasori is not going to be able to easily replicate our results, even with notes.
- Turning the Rift into the site of another bloody, world-destroying war is the last thing anyone needs and hopefully not something the Akatsuki want, either.
- So: short of murdering us they can't guarantee Leaf won't close or open the Rift and even that wouldn't dissuade Orochimaru. We likely probably need each other to open it and neither side wants to fight.
- With permission, dispatch messenger Dogs to fetch Ami and Tsunade. We need their involvement. 'Yes, Hazo is defecting' and 'no, Hazo is not defecting' cannot possibly be the only options. We're going to find a third way.
- If we're not allowed, well, it was a nice run. Tell our family we loved them. We'll look for Pain in the Pure Lands.
- If we're not allowed because this is a genjutsu, lay out the below (minus the starred section) and coordinate a meeting with Itachi to present your plan to Ami and Tsunade.
- If Itachi isn't on board but we're also allowed to leave, then just say no.
- Tsunade, Ami, and Itachi:
- Brief Tsunade and Ami - the Dragons, the Rift, what Itachi's said, everything.
- The Rift is going to open. Sasori will eventually crack it.
- The question is whether AMITY states have any voice in its use.
- Our proposal:
- Make opening the Rift an AMITY project. Between Sasori, Orochimaru, Hazo, and whoever else knows enough to help, we can do this.
- Anyone who doesn't like it can try to take on the Akatsuki, Leaf, and Mist.
- Anyone revived must swear allegiance to AMITY - above their nation, above their personal interests, above everything. Pain included.
- Not the Akatsuki, but AMITY, the council of the heads of nations for the purpose of ensuring peace.
- Anyone who doesn't make this oath to the satisfaction of every member state isn't allowed back. Pain included.
- Everyone here lost someone they dearly want back, can see where the world is heading and wants to turn it around, or both. This can accomplish both goals...but only if can work together.
- Can we do that? How can we get to that point if we aren't there now?
- If you need to sell Tsunade on this, Itachi, retract all demands except Kisame's - we need that for the Dragons and Great Seal.
- Work with us. Make this happen. Do it the hard way.
I could've sworn that it was Ami who originally brought Karusu seals up as a hook for Hazou. That may have been a ploy for something else, but still interesting lore.Kagome brought it up one time, in a conversation about chakra beasts that could gather the powers of whatever they killed. Sort of like the Dragons... But apparently stupider and more extinct.