Urk I.. didn't consider the government angle. That does increase ablative armor being us potential. Frick but I want to be xanys friend along with all my arguments
We've been winning Russ over and his loyalty is set to get quite the increase soon.

Please just edit the old post instead of clogging the thread.
Have to say that hearing you talk about clogging the thread is a bit funny considering how often you post.
Which isn't a criticism or anything, post when you have something to say. Your advocacy for the [action favored by me] is greatly appreciated.
But it's just a little bit amusing.
Urk I.. didn't consider the government angle. That does increase ablative armor being us potential. Frick but I want to be xanys friend along with all my arguments
Doof proving himself (compared to his past self) worthwhile on his own could be a different way towards a better relationship through earning a bit of his respect. Not equals in terms of intrigue, but equals in terms of actors on the world stage.
Both imagined paths towards friendship that people are proposing are uncertain. There's no guarantee that letting Xanatos go on with his manipulations, just in a more open manner, will result in friendship either.
It's really unfortunate for the XanaDoof shippers, no?
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Thinking about it, I noticed something very obvious that I somehow didn't before and am brining up because it might be relevant:

[ ] Develop Your Center
Xanatos' Infiltration will fall to Tier 2. For now.

The fact that Xanatos' Infiltration goes down to Tier 2 strongly implies that he's already got one of are Heroes.

However, the "For now" part is relevant because...

--[X] [Intrigue] Root out high-level moles (Mezmerella) [CoS 74%] (Crit thresholds 94+/3-)
DC 120
Excellent Success

To be continued in Interlude: Find Fantastic Part 1: Clean Slate

the action we took to find out about these kinds of leaks passed with an almost crit

So, there's also the option that we could knock him down to Tier 1 pretty much immediately however that would come at one of our Hero units being lost.

In which case, there comes the hazard of "what if we say no but it turns out his infiltrator is one of our more useful hero units?"

On the other hand, if this does turn out to apply, then the fact they're a spy suddenly becomes irrelevant since we'd already be passing on the info to Xanay anyway

So, there an additional cost/benefit to weigh the scales with but we don't know the answer since it's in a later interlude
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Thinking about it, I noticed something very obvious that I somehow didn't before and am brining up because it might be relevant:

The fact that Xanatos' Infiltration goes down to Tier 2 strongly implies that he's already got one of are Heroes.

However, the "For now" part is relevant because...

the action we took to find out about these kinds of leaks passed with an almost crit

So, there's also the option that we could knock him down to Tier 1 pretty much immediately however that would come at one of our Hero units being lost.

In which case, there comes the hazard of "what if we say no but it turns out his infiltrator is one of our more useful hero units?"

On the other hand, if this does turn out to apply, then the fact they're a spy suddenly becomes irrelevant since we'd already be passing on the info to Xanay anyway

So, there an additional cost/benefit to weigh the scales with but we don't know the answer since it's in a later interlude
Uh...No? The way I read it is that the tier 3 infiltration is the fact that we have regular meet ups with him. He's getting his info straight from the source. Combine the info he's getting from Doof's chatterbox nature with his regular tier 2 spies, and it effectively serves as tier 3. We are his mole, in the sense that we have regular meetings where we tell him shit.
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Uh...No? The way I read it is that the tier 3 infiltration is the fact that we have regular meet ups with him. He's getting his info straight from the source. Combine the info he's getting from Doof's chatterbox nature with his regular tier 2 spies, and it effectively serves as tier 3.
Going by what I remember from mechanic descriptions, tier 2 spies are hero units.

Tier 2: Information or resources provided only to your hero units. Ex. The existence of magic, other dimensions, most of your research options, your secretive black ops work.
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Uh...No? The way I read it is that the tier 3 infiltration is the fact that we have regular meet ups with him. He's getting his info straight from the source. Combine the info he's getting from Doof's chatterbox nature with his regular tier 2 spies, and it effectively serves as tier 3.

I don't quite get what you're denying here; the action we took and passed is the one to get rid of, or at least find, Tier 2 spies so it is a relevant consideration to wonder how this might interact with our decision
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The government will probably already have access to our secrets through Agent Russ
Russ is a Tier 2 spy by definition, unless we put him on the Council. And that's alright, because the Tier 2 stuff is not generally where we keep our major crimes againt the US of A.

Your advocacy for the [objetively superior action] is greatly appreciated.
Hey, no, don't say that. I'm advocating with you guys, but this vote, any vote, is subjective and depends on what you value more. It's unfair to say that the guys voting to be Xanatos' pawn are making an objective mistake or anything, or that we are making an objective mistake by turning down his "help". We simply care about different things.
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Thinking about it, I noticed something very obvious that I somehow didn't before and am brining up because it might be relevant:

The fact that Xanatos' Infiltration goes down to Tier 2 strongly implies that he's already got one of are Heroes.

However, the "For now" part is relevant because...

the action we took to find out about these kinds of leaks passed with an almost crit

So, there's also the option that we could knock him down to Tier 1 pretty much immediately however that would come at one of our Hero units being lost.

In which case, there comes the hazard of "what if we say no but it turns out his infiltrator is one of our more useful hero units?"

On the other hand, if this does turn out to apply, then the fact they're a spy suddenly becomes irrelevant since we'd already be passing on the info to Xanay anyway

So, there an additional cost/benefit to weigh the scales with but we don't know the answer since it's in a later interlude
If they're a spy, I don't want them working for us, not that I think any of our hero units are spies (save Mez). Well, and Russ, but we know his deal.
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Russ is a Tier 2 spy by definition, unless we put him on the Council. And that's alright, because the Tier 2 stuff is not generally the stuff we desperately need to keep hidden.

Hey, no, don't say that. I'm advocating with you guys, but this vote, any vote, is subjective and depends on what you value more. It's unfair to say that the guys voting to be Xanatos' pawn are making an objective mistake or anything, or that we are making an objective mistake by turning down his "help". We simply care about different things.
Sorry, it was supposed to be ironic, but I really should know better than to do it this way over text.
Especially in the context of such a heated disagreement.
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[X] Develop Your Center

As others have said, I'm really not interested in taking this step towards giving up against Xanatos.
What is surprising is that the man walking through the door is David Xanatos.
"Xanay?" You ask, standing up from your desk.
"Please, call me David." He replies, with a voice that sounds oddly triumphant, as if he'd just found a solution to a niggling problem.
"Okay, David. I appreciate you coming, but what are you doing here? Janna and her little friends have already filled me in on what happened. I'd imagine you'd have enough to do dealing with…" you wave your hand vaguely. "Things."
"Believe me, I do." Xanatos replies, a hint of exhaustion showing on his face. "But I wanted to thank you Doctor, in person. Your assistance last night might well have spelled the difference between victory and disaster."
"Oh, well, I didn't really do anything. All I knew was that Janna was going to pick up one of her friends from work."
"In New York?" Xanatos asked.
"Have you met Janna?"
Xanatos chuckled. "Nonetheless, I think you are selling yourself short. Thanks to you, not only was Demona stopped, but no one learned anything they didn't already know. Your people performed with admirable discretion, and aside from some largely irrelevant chatter about a 'Super' with purple skin, you'd be hard pressed to find any evidence magic occurred at all."
"So this all just… goes away?" You ask.
"I wish it were that simple. I've ensured details on Demona leaked to the appropriate authorities; for the first time in living memory, someone on the FBI's 'informal' most wanted list has made it public. Images of Demona will be up across the country within the day. She really will be hunted now… not least by the Huntsclan. So far they seem to be staying quiet, possibly deciding their next move, but I don't expect them to sit idly."
"This… is bad for gargoyles, isn't it?"
"I'll do what I can." Xanatos replied. "But every inch Xanatos Enterprises sticks its neck out for gargoyles right now is less credibility it will have to do the long work later. People are scared. Terrified. I'll have my hands full helping the city deal with rioting."
You grimace. "Man, I can't believe this all really happened in like a day. Is this the sort of thing you have to manage all the time? I'm glad I don't have any crazy murderous enemies. Just a grumpy mayor and an ordinary tech company and a lizard who still doesn't know I exist. Things are usually pretty quiet around here."

You know, this is a positively amicable interaction, above and beyond Xanatos acknowledging that we did him a solid. I wonder what...

"Oh, that reminds me. I maaaay have accidentally broken probability for a bit."

Xanatos blinked. "Has something unexpected happened?"

"No. Well yes. No, but actually yes. You seee David, I may have accidentally left one of my more conceptual Inators lying out while my intern Janna- you remember Janna, right? Help saved the world, we were talking about her forty seconds ago? Yes good. I made the Probabilinator with the intent to finely manipulate reality and achieve literally anything! By calculating the chance of a specific improbability occurring, and then just changing probability so that improbability was probable. Like the probability of teleporting halfway to Mars, or the probability of a whale materializing over Doofania. Or… something like that. I dunno why I said whale. Anyway! Turns out there's really no way to calculate something like that, so I had to call the whole thing off. But thanks to Janna, I now know that the Inator still worked! But on activation, it ended up hitting the probability that my Inator-Inator would spontaneously activate, and then that made a Super-Inator-Inator, which then hit the original Inator which started the whole mess, and well… long story short, you should probably expect the very concept of chance and uncertainty itself to be a little wibbly for ahhh, I dunno, two months or so? About that? Things that go well will go really well with no explanation or reason, but things that end poorly will end extremely poorly. Everything's just gonna be more extreme-y for a while as really improbable things are suddenly probable. So uh, yeah. Keep an eye on that."

Xanatos Intrigue Check: Stay. Calm.
DC 150
Bare Success

"How far is this… effect... going to reach?" Xanatos asked weakly.

"Well, I'm not sure." You reply, rubbing your chin. "Not so far as the Kuiper Belt, I don't think, but it'll definitely reach Mars. I'm still trying to figure out the exact details, I only just got it down to the exponent."

"I see." Xanatos said through clenched teeth. His fists balled for a single, brief moment, before he released the tension and replied continued in a controlled, clipped burst. "If you'll excuse me Doctor, I believe there are a few plans I need to get in order."

"Oh of course, of course." you answer, waving him off. "I understand, schemes to be scheming. I do apologize for the inconvenience. Only, one thing. I don't suppose you would be willing to talk to Shego about this for m-"

But Xanatos was already gone.


That's what happened.

Xanatos is afraid of us. This Xanatos who personally beheaded the being to whom gods bowed in fealty is seriously afraid of Doof's mad science, which can randomly manipulate probability itself in a planetary scale.

Which explains why Xanatos has been keeping tabs on Doof, while attempting to keep more of a distance than before.

Xanatos offering to teach Doof Intrigue is not a manipulation or, at least, not just a manipulation.

David Xanatos is grasping for control or, at least, the illusion of it. He is a man who is dealing with powers way beyond him, who has lost the love of his life and even his nemesis, after Goliath was murdered.

In other words, this guy needs a friend.

[X] Take Xanatos' Promotion
What is surprising is that the man walking through the door is David Xanatos.
"Xanay?" You ask, standing up from your desk.
"Please, call me David." He replies, with a voice that sounds oddly triumphant, as if he'd just found a solution to a niggling problem.
"Okay, David. I appreciate you coming, but what are you doing here? Janna and her little friends have already filled me in on what happened. I'd imagine you'd have enough to do dealing with…" you wave your hand vaguely. "Things."
"Believe me, I do." Xanatos replies, a hint of exhaustion showing on his face. "But I wanted to thank you Doctor, in person. Your assistance last night might well have spelled the difference between victory and disaster."
"Oh, well, I didn't really do anything. All I knew was that Janna was going to pick up one of her friends from work."
"In New York?" Xanatos asked.
"Have you met Janna?"
Xanatos chuckled. "Nonetheless, I think you are selling yourself short. Thanks to you, not only was Demona stopped, but no one learned anything they didn't already know. Your people performed with admirable discretion, and aside from some largely irrelevant chatter about a 'Super' with purple skin, you'd be hard pressed to find any evidence magic occurred at all."
"So this all just… goes away?" You ask.
"I wish it were that simple. I've ensured details on Demona leaked to the appropriate authorities; for the first time in living memory, someone on the FBI's 'informal' most wanted list has made it public. Images of Demona will be up across the country within the day. She really will be hunted now… not least by the Huntsclan. So far they seem to be staying quiet, possibly deciding their next move, but I don't expect them to sit idly."
"This… is bad for gargoyles, isn't it?"
"I'll do what I can." Xanatos replied. "But every inch Xanatos Enterprises sticks its neck out for gargoyles right now is less credibility it will have to do the long work later. People are scared. Terrified. I'll have my hands full helping the city deal with rioting."
You grimace. "Man, I can't believe this all really happened in like a day. Is this the sort of thing you have to manage all the time? I'm glad I don't have any crazy murderous enemies. Just a grumpy mayor and an ordinary tech company and a lizard who still doesn't know I exist. Things are usually pretty quiet around here."

You know, this is a positively amicable interaction, above and beyond Xanatos acknowledging that we did him a solid. I wonder what...

"Oh, that reminds me. I maaaay have accidentally broken probability for a bit."

Xanatos blinked. "Has something unexpected happened?"

"No. Well yes. No, but actually yes. You seee David, I may have accidentally left one of my more conceptual Inators lying out while my intern Janna- you remember Janna, right? Help saved the world, we were talking about her forty seconds ago? Yes good. I made the Probabilinator with the intent to finely manipulate reality and achieve literally anything! By calculating the chance of a specific improbability occurring, and then just changing probability so that improbability was probable. Like the probability of teleporting halfway to Mars, or the probability of a whale materializing over Doofania. Or… something like that. I dunno why I said whale. Anyway! Turns out there's really no way to calculate something like that, so I had to call the whole thing off. But thanks to Janna, I now know that the Inator still worked! But on activation, it ended up hitting the probability that my Inator-Inator would spontaneously activate, and then that made a Super-Inator-Inator, which then hit the original Inator which started the whole mess, and well… long story short, you should probably expect the very concept of chance and uncertainty itself to be a little wibbly for ahhh, I dunno, two months or so? About that? Things that go well will go really well with no explanation or reason, but things that end poorly will end extremely poorly. Everything's just gonna be more extreme-y for a while as really improbable things are suddenly probable. So uh, yeah. Keep an eye on that."

Xanatos Intrigue Check: Stay. Calm.
DC 150
Bare Success

"How far is this… effect... going to reach?" Xanatos asked weakly.

"Well, I'm not sure." You reply, rubbing your chin. "Not so far as the Kuiper Belt, I don't think, but it'll definitely reach Mars. I'm still trying to figure out the exact details, I only just got it down to the exponent."

"I see." Xanatos said through clenched teeth. His fists balled for a single, brief moment, before he released the tension and replied continued in a controlled, clipped burst. "If you'll excuse me Doctor, I believe there are a few plans I need to get in order."

"Oh of course, of course." you answer, waving him off. "I understand, schemes to be scheming. I do apologize for the inconvenience. Only, one thing. I don't suppose you would be willing to talk to Shego about this for m-"

But Xanatos was already gone.


That's what happened.

Xanatos is afraid of us. This Xanatos who personally beheaded the being to whom gods bowed in fealty is seriously afraid of Doof's mad science, which can randomly manipulate probability itself in a planetary scale.

Which explains why Xanatos has been keeping tabs on Doof, while attempting to keep more of a distance than before.

Xanatos offering to teach Doof Intrigue is not a manipulation or, at least, not just a manipulation.

David Xanatos is grasping for control or, at least, the illusion of it. He is a man who is dealing with powers way beyond him, who has lost the love of his life and even his nemesis, after Goliath was murdered.

In other words, this guy needs a friend.

[X] Take Xanatos' Promotion
I...I think that's a bit self-flattering.
David Xanatos is grasping for control or, at least, the illusion of it. He is a man who is dealing with powers way beyond him, who has lost the love of his life and even his nemesis, after Goliath was murdered.

In other words, this guy needs a friend.
I think that, yes, this is very possibly true. But I'm not sure learning Intrigue from him will make that any more likely. The QMs have pointed out on Discord that the power dynamic between Doof and his employees makes it hard to be friends, because they can't be equals, and that same inequality will likely apply if Xanatos has a good understanding of exactly how Doof's mind works in terms of Intrigue, is my suspicion.

To put it more simply, a player can't be friends with a chess piece, no matter what it's promoted to, but they can be friends with another player.
What is surprising is that the man walking through the door is David Xanatos.
"Xanay?" You ask, standing up from your desk.
"Please, call me David." He replies, with a voice that sounds oddly triumphant, as if he'd just found a solution to a niggling problem.
"Okay, David. I appreciate you coming, but what are you doing here? Janna and her little friends have already filled me in on what happened. I'd imagine you'd have enough to do dealing with…" you wave your hand vaguely. "Things."
"Believe me, I do." Xanatos replies, a hint of exhaustion showing on his face. "But I wanted to thank you Doctor, in person. Your assistance last night might well have spelled the difference between victory and disaster."
"Oh, well, I didn't really do anything. All I knew was that Janna was going to pick up one of her friends from work."
"In New York?" Xanatos asked.
"Have you met Janna?"
Xanatos chuckled. "Nonetheless, I think you are selling yourself short. Thanks to you, not only was Demona stopped, but no one learned anything they didn't already know. Your people performed with admirable discretion, and aside from some largely irrelevant chatter about a 'Super' with purple skin, you'd be hard pressed to find any evidence magic occurred at all."
"So this all just… goes away?" You ask.
"I wish it were that simple. I've ensured details on Demona leaked to the appropriate authorities; for the first time in living memory, someone on the FBI's 'informal' most wanted list has made it public. Images of Demona will be up across the country within the day. She really will be hunted now… not least by the Huntsclan. So far they seem to be staying quiet, possibly deciding their next move, but I don't expect them to sit idly."
"This… is bad for gargoyles, isn't it?"
"I'll do what I can." Xanatos replied. "But every inch Xanatos Enterprises sticks its neck out for gargoyles right now is less credibility it will have to do the long work later. People are scared. Terrified. I'll have my hands full helping the city deal with rioting."
You grimace. "Man, I can't believe this all really happened in like a day. Is this the sort of thing you have to manage all the time? I'm glad I don't have any crazy murderous enemies. Just a grumpy mayor and an ordinary tech company and a lizard who still doesn't know I exist. Things are usually pretty quiet around here."

You know, this is a positively amicable interaction, above and beyond Xanatos acknowledging that we did him a solid. I wonder what...

"Oh, that reminds me. I maaaay have accidentally broken probability for a bit."

Xanatos blinked. "Has something unexpected happened?"

"No. Well yes. No, but actually yes. You seee David, I may have accidentally left one of my more conceptual Inators lying out while my intern Janna- you remember Janna, right? Help saved the world, we were talking about her forty seconds ago? Yes good. I made the Probabilinator with the intent to finely manipulate reality and achieve literally anything! By calculating the chance of a specific improbability occurring, and then just changing probability so that improbability was probable. Like the probability of teleporting halfway to Mars, or the probability of a whale materializing over Doofania. Or… something like that. I dunno why I said whale. Anyway! Turns out there's really no way to calculate something like that, so I had to call the whole thing off. But thanks to Janna, I now know that the Inator still worked! But on activation, it ended up hitting the probability that my Inator-Inator would spontaneously activate, and then that made a Super-Inator-Inator, which then hit the original Inator which started the whole mess, and well… long story short, you should probably expect the very concept of chance and uncertainty itself to be a little wibbly for ahhh, I dunno, two months or so? About that? Things that go well will go really well with no explanation or reason, but things that end poorly will end extremely poorly. Everything's just gonna be more extreme-y for a while as really improbable things are suddenly probable. So uh, yeah. Keep an eye on that."

Xanatos Intrigue Check: Stay. Calm.
DC 150
Bare Success

"How far is this… effect... going to reach?" Xanatos asked weakly.

"Well, I'm not sure." You reply, rubbing your chin. "Not so far as the Kuiper Belt, I don't think, but it'll definitely reach Mars. I'm still trying to figure out the exact details, I only just got it down to the exponent."

"I see." Xanatos said through clenched teeth. His fists balled for a single, brief moment, before he released the tension and replied continued in a controlled, clipped burst. "If you'll excuse me Doctor, I believe there are a few plans I need to get in order."

"Oh of course, of course." you answer, waving him off. "I understand, schemes to be scheming. I do apologize for the inconvenience. Only, one thing. I don't suppose you would be willing to talk to Shego about this for m-"

But Xanatos was already gone.


That's what happened.

Xanatos is afraid of us. This Xanatos who personally beheaded the being to whom gods bowed in fealty is seriously afraid of Doof's mad science, which can randomly manipulate probability itself in a planetary scale.

Which explains why Xanatos has been keeping tabs on Doof, while attempting to keep more of a distance than before.

Xanatos offering to teach Doof Intrigue is not a manipulation or, at least, not just a manipulation.

David Xanatos is grasping for control or, at least, the illusion of it. He is a man who is dealing with powers way beyond him, who has lost the love of his life and even his nemesis, after Goliath was murdered.

In other words, this guy needs a friend.

[X] Take Xanatos' Promotion
He probably does need a friend, at that. But that's exactly not what this vote is about. This vote is about Xanatos telling us to our face that we are not his friend, have never been, and stating his desire to pursue a mutually beneficial business partnership.

Xanatos may or may not need a friend, but he doesn't want one. At least, not in Doof. What he wants is control of a slightly more valuable chess piece.

"Fear of someone's insanity and the desire to manipulate them as a form of damage control" does not a good basis for a friendship make.
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I...I think that's a bit self-flattering.

Well, that is how I see this part.

"No. Well yes. No, but actually yes. You seee David, I may have accidentally left one of my more conceptual Inators lying out while my intern Janna- you remember Janna, right? Help saved the world, we were talking about her forty seconds ago? Yes good. I made the Probabilinator with the intent to finely manipulate reality and achieve literally anything! By calculating the chance of a specific improbability occurring, and then just changing probability so that improbability was probable. Like the probability of teleporting halfway to Mars, or the probability of a whale materializing over Doofania. Or… something like that. I dunno why I said whale. Anyway! Turns out there's really no way to calculate something like that, so I had to call the whole thing off. But thanks to Janna, I now know that the Inator still worked! But on activation, it ended up hitting the probability that my Inator-Inator would spontaneously activate, and then that made a Super-Inator-Inator, which then hit the original Inator which started the whole mess, and well… long story short, you should probably expect the very concept of chance and uncertainty itself to be a little wibbly for ahhh, I dunno, two months or so? About that? Things that go well will go really well with no explanation or reason, but things that end poorly will end extremely poorly. Everything's just gonna be more extreme-y for a while as really improbable things are suddenly probable. So uh, yeah. Keep an eye on that."

Xanatos Intrigue Check: Stay. Calm.
DC 150
Bare Success

"How far is this… effect... going to reach?" Xanatos asked weakly.

"Well, I'm not sure." You reply, rubbing your chin. "Not so far as the Kuiper Belt, I don't think, but it'll definitely reach Mars. I'm still trying to figure out the exact details, I only just got it down to the exponent."

"I see." Xanatos said through clenched teeth. His fists balled for a single, brief moment, before he released the tension and replied continued in a controlled, clipped burst. "If you'll excuse me Doctor, I believe there are a few plans I need to get in order."

"Oh of course, of course." you answer, waving him off. "I understand, schemes to be scheming. I do apologize for the inconvenience. Only, one thing. I don't suppose you would be willing to talk to Shego about this for m-"

But Xanatos was already gone.

If you disagree with my interpretation or agree with it and still believe that the other choice is the better one for whatever reason, you can do as you prefer. It just seemed like an idea worth sharing, just in case it helps others decide.
Xanatos is afraid of us. This Xanatos who personally beheaded the being to whom gods bowed in fealty is seriously afraid of Doof's mad science, which can randomly manipulate probability itself in a planetary scale.

Which explains why Xanatos has been keeping tabs on Doof, while attempting to keep more of a distance than before.

Xanatos offering to teach Doof Intrigue is not a manipulation or, at least, not just a manipulation.

David Xanatos is grasping for control or, at least, the illusion of it. He is a man who is dealing with powers way beyond him, who has lost the love of his life and even his nemesis, after Goliath was murdered.

In other words, this guy needs a friend.
damn.... alright Murazor, you got me.

[X] Take Xanatos' Promotion

There is very few things worse than a good man going to war and i really dont want to scary Xanatos to get like that... also, ANOTHER FRIEND!!!
If you disagree with my interpretation or agree with it and still believe that the other choice is the better one for whatever reason, you can do as you prefer. It just seemed like an idea worth sharing, just in case it helps others decide.
It's more like "mostly agree with your interpretation, diametrically opposed conclusions". I just don't see how the premise that Xanatos sees us as a ticking time bomb leads to the conclusion that he needs a friend, or that we are remotely qualified to be that friend.

In fact, since David Xanatos wants stability, that's probably one more point for him throwing us under the bus once our usefulness has run its course.
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