The fairies don't do shapeshifting, just invisibility.

those were completely separate questions; the Brockium question was related to the possible shapeshifter, when we have an item to counter that, while the Fairy question was me just randomly remembering that it's happening in the same interlude so questiong how the narrative of the two events fits together.

Also, something about @Pawn Lelouch 's quoted section stood out to me:
[ ] Root out high-level moles
Council Outlook: 3/4 (Pass)
Coyote: Sorry about that everyone, I was using the little canid's room. I am absolutely certain there are no moles. I would have sniffed them out by now. And just to prove it, I say we spend all possible resources to put this nonsense to rest. (Pass)
Goofy: Some 'a those people are just doin' their jobs! I mean, I get it, but… (Abstain)
Janus Lee: Do this immediately. (Pass)
Mirage: My concerns remain, Doctor. I have a full report available if you need further convincing. (Pass)
Ludivine: I dunno. Some of my best friends are moles! (Abstain)
Malifishmirtz: Oh, I'll get the shepherds! (Pass)

four people seemingly agreed, yet there were only three positive votes
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If Wile did get replaced, then the next question would be "when?"

followed by "how does the Fairy Book crit fail fit into this event?"

and also "Does the fact that we have Brockium, a substance which is stated to be specifically for shapeshifer situations, play a role?"
I imagine if Wile did get replaced, it was an unseen roll, definately after Bonkers, maybe during the MirageQuest turn if he did an infiltrate the council action. If not... New York perhaps?

No Idea how the fairy book fits in, but since it is in part 2 it's probably gonna play a role after he enacts his plan. Brockium also wouldn't reveal Blot, his disguises are almost always very, very good costumes tmk.

Of course there is something else the Blot can do that might explain the tier 3 infiltration and is probably for the best

He is a Hypnotist.
I have read pretty far into this quest so far and I am surprised that even though there was an option to increase the number of martial actions up for grabs for about... Idk 6+ turns it was not even attempted. Also Doof has yet to think about Norm as his son since basically the start of the quest! Anyways I am going to get back to reading about the katocalypse.
I have read pretty far into this quest so far and I am surprised that even though there was an option to increase the number of martial actions up for grabs for about... Idk 6+ turns it was not even attempted. Also Doof has yet to think about Norm as his son since basically the start of the quest! Anyways I am going to get back to reading about the katocalypse.
Congrats on joining and great to have ya!

Spoilers I suppose but: the martial DC is a tad high to reach casually to my memory so it's been avoided in favor of more attractive options. Also we don't have alot of Martial actions we need to get done anyway so 1 has been fine.

Real Spoilers: got done very recently actually. I'm hoping we get some nice actions to improve Norms body to better robot standards as a celebration of this fact. Though even if we did we'd need to wait on some free actions to go for it.
By the way, i'd like to note: We maybe should be concerned about the Blot. See, the Blot is no killer...Kinda. It's a major point sometimes that the Blot won't kill directly...But is perfectly willing to stuff someone in a lethal death trap and allow them to die out of sight! And he's damn good at those death traps: Mickey fairly frequently only escaped via luck, and, on at least one occasion, he solved one trap, only for it to turn out Blot had a second back-up trap waiting just in case. And then, when he solved that one, there was a THIRD back up: Namely, a bomb went off. I don't know if that will come up but part of me hopes so (provided it doesn't kill Doof) because, I mean...Can you imagine Doof and/or Coyote, for the first time in their lives, being on the OTHER end of the overly-complicated death trap? Being like "wow, that's what I look like from the outside, huh".
class [Learning] {
public static void main ( String [reDevelopDigitizerCodes( )] alan)
float var (0+38+26+20+2=N/A);
system.out.println("USER ERROR");

You were shocked when Alan Bradley told you that he had no idea where to even start with these things, and he didn't want to take any risks that involved disassembling people. You made all natural and normal arguments about starting with apples, ants, telemarketers, and other things nobody really cares about, but Alan adamantly refused to help you unlock the secrets of digitization. How dare he! You gave the man a good reaming out for daring to question his employer, which he stood there and took for about forty seven minutes without speaking. You pay good money for unquestionably loyal minions, and you're seriously considering punitive measures!

Alan Bradley outright refuses to work on Digitizer Codes! Would you like to:

[ ] Change Alan's Learning Action (write-in)
[ ] Change the Hero Assigned to the Action (write-in who Alan is swapping with)
This post seems to be threadmarked wrongly? It appears between two mid 2020 threadmarks, despite being from 2021. @Made in Heaven
This post seems to be threadmarked wrongly? It appears between two mid 2020 threadmarks, despite being from 2021. @Made in Heaven

Xenforo threadmarks go weird in threads with many threadmarks, particularly if you are threadmarking posts by many different people, particularly particularly if some threadmarks have been deleted at some point. I've encountered the phenomenon in SB and it is a pain and a half to correct.
Didn't Doof get stuck in a number of his own traps as well. I remember one time when he set up two traps make sure both ways are trap and got himself trapped when showing that off to Perry.
Drusselstein is a place that shuns the new and the unexpected. The arrival of anything strange or unknown is a thing of fear and anger. And so it was that when little Strudelpops Friederick fell into a hole surrounded by fungi while fleeing what he thought was the Kinderlumper but was in fact just a shaved spitzenhound, and discovered a cavern of metal and glass, the traditional angry mob was convened within the hour.

Wilhelm led the mob into the strange cavern, filled with unknowable glyphs and heretical objects. Heresy against what exactly wasn't important. It was heresy, sure enough. Beyond the first chamber, there were but a few tunnels that led deeper into the earth before being blocked by debris and rubble. Clearly whatever had been here had not been here for a long time.
Looks like one of the benefits of conquering Drusselstein might be better access to the Artemis Fowl part of the universe.
Only a maybe though, against all the reasons not to.
Hmm... Maybe we could still send someone to Drusselstein to ask where they got the object? Just to make sure we know where not to go of course. That place would be terrible heretical after all.
Seems like a possible diplomacy action. Maybe justified by losing the original object after this turn's failure.
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Interlude: Pawn to D2
You drop the wrench to the ground with a heavy clunk.

"Ah, David! There you are! Behold, my-"

You look over your latest Inator; a massive, sprawling device with hands like a clock. Maybe they are clock hands? You're not sure what website you ordered them from. As a final sprocket springs into place, the machine begins a gentle tick, tick, ticking which fills the messy workroom.

All of which you observe in order to buy yourself more time before you must stand up, look the newly arrived Xanatos in the eye, and admit that "Hrm. You- you know, I don't quite remember what I was going to call this one."

"I'm sure it will be as impressive as always." Xanatos replies, favoring you with a smile. You can't detect an ounce of insincerity in it.

"One way or the other!" You reply, standing up and brushing off your lab coat. "Here for our newly bi-monthly meet-up? I would have prepared a nice cheese platter or something, but well, inspiration called!"

"Not a problem, Heinz." He says. You asked him to call you that. "What does it do?"

"Oh, just something about messing with time, get more hours in the day. Pretty standard stuff." You reply idly, sitting down on one end of your workbench. Xanatos takes the other end of the black counter, idly examining a white microscope. You'd salvaged it from an Inator last week and had been hoping to re-use it. He seems either used to a machine shop environment or just very good at hiding his unfamiliarity.

You aren't sure.

Tick, tick, tick.

"So, um, David." You stop. The word sits oddly as it falls from your mouth. He asked you to call him that. Keep talking. "I uh… I'm not really sure how to broach the subject, but I think I… might be really mad at you."

Xanatos quirks a single eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah!" You say, talking faster now that you've gotten started. "You, David Xanatos, have been manipulating me!"

"What… exactly do you mean?" Xanatos asks.

You're forced to pause. You didn't expect to have to explain that. Why didn't you?

"Well-" you reply, and you can feel the words catching on your tongue as you speak. "These- these meetings are just an opportunity for you to get as much information out of me about DEI as possible! You've been taking advantage of the innate power of monologues!"

Xanatos steeples his fingers, and you tense.

"Heinz." He says, and a part of you warms when he uses your first name, and another part finds that concerning. "I thought that was obvious from the start."

You blink.


The machine whirrs and clicks. You stare.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"I assumed it was an opportunity for both of us." Xanatos replies, hands spreading out in an expression of openness. "Companies are always looking to know more about other agents in their space. Knowledge is power. I thought you'd said yes to get that chance."

This wasn't what you thought would happen.

"Well, yeah, but…" You reply, words trailing. You reach out and fiddle with some black screws you'd left scattered on your table, rolling them back and forth across the counter. You can feel their hard ridges pressing into your skin. They rattle in time with the clock. "I just… I mean… you acted like you wanted to be, like…" You try to shake the feeling you're being childish. "Friends."

Xanatos leans back, as if in surprise. His eyes widen. "Doctor." He says. "How often have we spoken together?"

Oh, you can answer that, easily. You put the screw in your hand back down as you think.

"Well, there was the gala, and then uh… the magic auction! And then the time the world almost ended, I wasn't there but you stopped by afterward, and then the time we set up these meetings and then now! That's four whole…"

You look at Xanatos's face, and you can't tell what he's thinking at all. You breathe in.


Xanatos moves the microscope out of the way.

"Heinz." Xanatos says, putting a hand on top of yours. "I'm sorry, but that is not a basis for a relationship deeper than an acquaintanceship. I'm sorry if I misled you into thinking our friendship was stronger than it was, but that was part of what this was about, wasn't it? To get to know each other. Networking."

Every word Xanatos is saying makes sense. You can feel your wounded pride being assuaged in real time, and your arguments slip from your fingers. But it still feels wrong somehow.

Tick, tick, tick.

Like it's your fault. You push the feeling down.

"Okay, but listen!" You declare. "If you think I'm going to keep being a loose-lipped ninny just spilling all my best secrets for nothing, then you've got another thing coming, Mr. Man!"

"I'd expect nothing less." Xanatos says warmly.

You believe him.

You do.

But the gnawing in your stomach remains. Something doesn't fit. You feel off-balance with two feet on the ground, adrift on dry land. You're back in Evil Science School, and Dr. Gevaarlijk is grading your practical again. You rub your palms together. They're dry.

It's Xanatos that fills the silence.

Xanatos glances at the microscope. It looms over the screws, now. He picks one up, holding it idly in front of him. "Heinz, may I be honest?"

"Well typically I've found that's a death knell for most relationships, but go ahead."

"You seem… concerned. About your ability to control your information."

You hesitate. Does he have an angle?

Tick, tick tick.

You don't know.

"I just… there's a lot I've had to confront, recently." You say, prevaricating as best you can on what to actually tell him. "Part of that is just how… sneaky this all is. It's not a problem, exactly, like I- I know how to build a good trap and if you ask me that's already half the job, but I just worry I…" You feel like you're not paying attention to the right things. Maybe Roger would. It would be hard to ask him.

"That it won't be enough." Xanatos finishes for you, dragging you back to the conversation. "I understand your concerns. They've mirrored mine in the past."

You scoff. "Oh, right, like the great David Xanatos has ever failed at hiding something."

"See the end of the world right in front of your eyes, and you might think differently." Xanatos replies.

Tick, tick, tick.

You can't argue with that.

Xanatos puts the screw down at the other end of the table, right next to him.

"You know, I… might be able to help you with that."

You blink. "What, the end of the world?"

Xanatos smiles and somehow, it doesn't feel like an insult. "Eventually, perhaps. But today, I meant… your security. You've said yourself that you admire my abilities in that department. What do you say I… give you a few pointers?"

You pick up another screw and, after a few moments twirling it in your hands, trying to figure out why you did so, set it back down.

"And what do you get out of it?" You ask, expecting him to try and hide another spy trap right under your nose. To your surprise, he doesn't.

Try to hide it, that is.

"You'd, by definition, be giving me insight into how your system works and what you want hidden." Xanatos replies. "Rather vital to the whole idea, I'm afraid. I'm not trying to pressure you Heinz, or hide anything from you. The choice is yours."

Xanatos takes a business card out of his pocket and sets it on the table, leaving the second screw between it and the microscope. Boxing it in.

You look down at the counter, trying to decide what else to fidget with. When did your table get so messy?

You've been given a choice.

Why does it feel like… you already made the important one?

Tick, tick, tick.

Black to move.

How many seconds on the clock?


[ ] Take Xanatos' Promotion
Your "Ask Mirage to let you practice lying" Personal Action changes to 'Ask Xanatos to let you practice lying'. Reward changes from gaining 1d4+1 intrigue to 1d4+3 intrigue.
Xanatos will teach you Intrigue.
Xanatos will teach you Intrigue.

[ ] Develop Your Center
Xanatos' Infiltration will fall to Tier 2. For now.


Relations with Xanatos will not change either way.

There is a 12 hour moratorium on voting.
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Yes. I just...

All of the yes. Xanatos is a threat, but the fact of the matter is that he is one of the better players on the board, and every action we achieve that builds bonds between our factions means that both of our factions are the better for it, and we don't share borders.
I have finally caught up with the story. I want Doof to have Mirage help him rather then Xanatos. I know, I know that Xanatos and Doof aren't exactly enemies... But how sure are we of that? I mean one of the biggest weaknesses of Doof is his poor intrigue and we get a biased view from his PoV.

I prefer Doof to contiue to develop with the help of his employees and possible friends rather then the other Big players who definetly don't have our best interests at heart.
[ ] Take Xanatos' Promotion
Your "Ask Mirage to let you practice lying" Personal Action changes to 'Ask Xanatos to let you practice lying'. Reward changes from gaining 1d4+1 intrigue to 1d4+3 intrigue.
Xanatos will teach you Intrigue.
Xanatos will teach you Intrigue.

[ ] Develop Your Center
Xanatos' Infiltration will fall to Tier 2. For now.

Fucking hell...

Let's just quit fighting it. Xanatos is too damn good.

Doesn't even pretend not to be manipulating us, acts surprised and concerned that we didn't seem to realize it, apologizes for us not having the basis of a friendship that we mistakenly assumed it was, and offering to help us with the full admission that he would know whatever he needs to know everything about us.

We... can't even begin to compete with that level of... whatever he's doing. He's utterly dominating.

He's already at tier 3.

We might as well get some extra intrigue out of it. And be useful enough he doesn't have a reason to betray us or anything.

Xanatos gambit indeed...
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I have finally caught up with the story. I want Doof to have Mirage help him rather then Xanatos. I know, I know that Xanatos and Doof aren't exactly enemies... But how sure are we of that? I mean one of the biggest weaknesses of Doof is his poor intrigue and we get a biased view from his PoV.

I prefer Doof to contiue to develop with the help of his employees and possible friends rather then the other Big players who definetly don't have our best interests at heart.
Positively sure. Xanatos doesn't exactly have our best interests in mind, BUT he's not going to actively go against us or sabotage us. Not when he owes us for both the Auction and Twelfth Night events. Plus, we do need allies amongst the Big players... and there is no better one than Xanatos.

Also, this is a Xanatos Gambit in full force, as stated by the comment above.
Honestly I'm leaning towards taking it. We need to start building relationships, the "for now" in the decline makes it pretty clear that he's going to try again and we might as well be aware of it IC.

Like yeah he doesn't have our best interest at heart, duh. But I think it's more or less worth it, and we at least need to start building relationships with more people on the board.
plus he is well aware that if he overtly does something against us it would most likely Have to be a crippling blow because of how petty doof is anything less would actually make a enemy of him, as is he is a business partner who may become more
Leaning towards a no.

Especially because the thread seems to only want to use Intrigue actions to do some world police rather than espionage stuff and stealing.

If we actually started committing to say, infiltrating the various members of the Zaibatsu to steal their research, sabotage them, poach disloyal employees, etc, I would be more on board for risking everything for the extra Intrigue.
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