Why are people voting for 'Twelfth Night'? We can probably get some insight into it, but that's about it. There's not much we can really do about it. Considering...
The Inator we voted for is going to be weighing us down when it comes to high DC actions.
1) Forewarned, we might get a
low-DC national action option to help us prepare, much as we got low-DC preparation options for the Sands Gala and magic auction quests. Say, forewarned that Demona is going to replicate her "cause every TV screen in the region to turn people into stone" trick or something, we might have a low-DC action to minimize screen time and cover up screens.
2) We might get information that lowers the DC of some automatic dice roll we might otherwise make, increasing the likelihood of getting a critical success on "withstand the onslaught" as opposed to a critical failure, depending on how things work.
3) We might get information that lets us attempt a quest or quest-like action to affect the sequence of events. This would not necessarily interfere with our need to play nicely with the Probabilinator.
4) We might get information that lets us warn Xanatos, giving him further information. If this helps
him deal with the problem, he will be in our debt. If it causes probably-Demona's plan to fail, so will the US government.
5) The extra context from the tarot reading might give us more information that lets us correctly interpret events that would have happened anyway, positioning us better to react
later, after the fact.