Let's talk about applications of approval voting, as they are likely to become relevant either this vote or the next unless
@Made in Heaven decides against it.
So, if you're voting for a plan you really like, but 5 hours into the vote it only has 5 votes and two other plans have 20 each, approval voting allows you to add a vote for the frontrunner you prefer without taking a vote away from your actual favorite vote. That way, you don't need to choose between strategically voting and hoping for the comeback.
That's the obvious, surface-level application of approval voting; in my opinion, it's also not a very important one.
The key thing approval lets you do, in my opinion, is take a plan you mostly like but has one or two things you really
don't (recruiting Wasabi over the Glooms, reaching out to Shere Khan rather than the Zaibatsu, not putting TECHNOR on a quest, etc.), and just...
change the things you don't like about it. And then also vote for whatever more established plans you prefer, for strategic reasons.
Then, when other voters are looking over their options, they can vote for whichever frontrunner they prefer for strategic reasons, and then also vote for any tweaked versions of the frontrunners that better match their preferences. If a tweaked version is deemed better by enough people, eventually it'll become one of the frontrunning plans itself, and people who voted for it and another mediocre plan can drop their vote for the mediocre plan and allow the tweaked version to win.
This sort of thing happens all the time in Divided Loyalties, and it's by far the most reliable way I've seen to overturn bandwagons and to mitigate the tendency for votes to be decided by who can post their plan the soonest after the moratorium ends.
..I recind my complaint.
If we end up using color-coding like that, can we agree on one code and pin it somewhere for easier browsing?
The colors used in most of the plans are the colors that the Plan-Inators automatically add when the Include BBcode option is set to yes.
Any feedback or suggestions on the Plan-Inator formatting or functionality are always welcome.
I still do not see why LOVEMUFFIN would be upset at Decentralizing. @kfrar has made the argument before about them being a good choice, but I can't find where he made it. I could only find this post:
It was something about give them it, mentioning how LM has worked with our killbots in the past and this would be a freebie for them. Or something like that, does anyone remember it?
Edit: HaHA! I found it!
To be fair, I was making a case that they'd be good at it while mocking them with the implication that they would be terrible at anything else. I'm not sure they'll be particularly happy about it, though I imagine it'll be a step up over corporate work.
It's no chemical weapons, but it does involve working on the killbot armies, so eh.