I just have a feeling that we should get the Shego-Diplo-Action done yesterday.... no it isn't. If we didn't have so many people who wanted to spend a Diplo action on being anti-SRA, we would have done the Shego action. And... what exactly do we need to do in terms of our Diplo stuff next turn? Shego, Khan... and campaigning for Flubber. The middle one we can do in two turns, and the latter requires a very high Diplo hero. But, Shego, that's going to be the very first action we choose, simply because it's the easiest Diplo action we have and that, with Goofy, we'll have the highest chance of Critting it...
... basically, we have no reason to not choose Shego next turn.
... why would she ally against us? And, again, we're, without a doubt, doing "Reach Out To Shego" next turn. So the process that would be required to turn her into our enemy would require multiple turns, which would include convincing her that being our enemy is somehow advantageous to her. Which, at the moment... it isnt. Especially if we keep doing Pro-Super actions. And, really, who would want to ally with her that would try and turn her into our enemy? Evelyn? She's either genuine on her pro-super stuff, or she's going to eventually reveal that she was really anti-Super all along. Toffee? Why would she ally with the weird lizard-man that, from the looks of it, doesn't really care about Supers?
*sigh* Maybe I'm just paranoid.