I'd like to do a quick follow up on Aya. Reasons:
  • Hazou noticing the weirdness of her behaviour and how it's inconsistent with Noburi's research will characterize him as perceptive and socially competent.
  • Aya could be very useful in helping Mari, circumstances permitting.
  • Won't cost us much, as we'll ask Akane to take care of it.
  • If we don't do it now, or within the near future, we won't do it ever.
Here's an independent plan component, feel free to steal:

Kayano Aya follow-up
  • In hindsight, Kayano acted strangely around Hazou.
  • She wasn't at all like what Noburi described. Was it an act?
  • If she doesn't want to join, that's fine, but Hazou would like to understand what's going on.
  • Explain this to Akane and ask her to sound Kayano out with her usual consideration and empathy.
  1. Mission plan
    1. Isan
      1. Request permission to launch mission to take over Isan with Yuno, Keiko's religious status, and a strong team backing them.
    2. Nagi Island
      1. We'd like to check out the remains of the bijuu and the seals.
    3. Importing tradespeople
      1. We'd like to import tradespeople into Leaf replace losses from the sealing failure and Collapse.
      2. Will you sanction a mission to do this?
I am a bit concerned this is essentially asking to be sent on a couple sidequests in the midst of "You have two months to munchkin stuff for these awesome rewards: ready, start!"
[X] Action Plan: Biological, Political, and Military Science
Wordcount: 280

Run these ideas by the clan.
  1. Noburi
    1. SCIENCE
      1. Let's test for rot formation.
        1. He'll get credit.
      2. Acquire sixteen long-necked flasks.
      3. Pour a small, equal amount of broth into each.
      4. Make half into swan necked flasks.
      5. Make groups of one swan and one normal flask.
      6. Treat groups with
        1. Nothing (control)
        2. Boiling
        3. Medical chakra (Noburi)
        4. Seal/unseal (storage scroll)
        5. Boiling + Chakra
        6. Boiling + Seal/unseal
        7. Chakra + Seal/Unseal
        8. Everything
      7. Let sit for a few weeks.
        If the swan neck and straight neck are equally rotten, we fail to find evidence to reject the theory of spontaneous generation.
    2. Yuno
      1. Where is your relationship at?
      2. What do you think of proposing to her?
  2. Hinata
    1. Friendship
      1. Goals
        1. Befriend Hinata.
        2. Prove we can engage her at a high level of context.
        3. Relax and have fun.
      2. Bring her a board game as a gift.
        1. Message: We value cooperation over fighting.
      3. Suggest playing the game with her and anybody she'd like to invite.
        1. Hint that business naturally requires understanding us.
      4. Play the game with our goals in mind.
        1. Reinforce valuing strength together over winning scraps.
    2. Business
      1. Negotiate for formalized terms of cooperation.
        1. Offers:
          1. Seal discounts.
          2. Custom CHAOS suits.
          3. Research collaboration.
        2. Requests:
          1. Recruiting Hyuuga for missions.
          2. Business cooperation
      2. Will you press for a marriage between Yuno and Neji?
  3. Asuma
    1. Mission plan
      1. Isan
        1. Request permission to launch mission to take over Isan with Yuno, Keiko's religious status, and a strong team backing them.
      2. Nagi Island
        1. We'd like to check out the remains of the bijuu and the seals.
      3. Importing tradespeople
        1. We'd like to import tradespeople into Leaf replace losses from the sealing failure and Collapse.
        2. Will you sanction a mission to do this?

the fact that I waited a week on this is really awkward but someone's gotta put a plan up.

So @eaglejarl gave us permission last time to slot some extra space under a plan (and not included in wordcount!!!) that would be reasonable to put in the background and would not belong in the Action Plan. Direct quote:

@Velorien, I know that in your great evenhanded maleficence you would never pass up an opportunity to simulate unplanned consequences, and technically none of this is planned, is it? Would you be willing to give us this opportunity for you to be more evil?

  • Delegate repair of The Naked Jaybird( our tavern) to Kenta, given a reasonable budget.
  • Establish chain of command for projects so that they can continue if Goketsu members leave on mission. Listed in importance of ranking.
    • Merchant business (Making and completing merchant contracts, controlling the Merchant Council, etc.)
      • Mari -> Hazou -> Akane
    • Resolving general "court" cases:
      • Hazou -> Akane -> Reo
    • Erecting civilian housing:
      • Hazou -> Atomu -> Reo
    • Establishing the school:
      • Kagome -> Hazou -> Akane
    • Establishing the clinic:
      • Noburi -> Akane -> Hazou
    • Sourcing Noburi's chakra:
      • Hazou -> Mari -> Noburi
    • Running camp logistics (including census)
      • Hazou -> Reo -> Atomu
Changes made:

No more merchant escort missions.
Research section edited with Sentient Tree's suggestions, and then expanded to account for the possibility that heat or medical chakra together wouldn't kill all rot bacteria.
Oooooh, biology! :)

I'm pretty sure that conventional wisdom is that broth just plain goes bad, probably because of rot spirits or something. We really should be first lookingto find out that small, living creatures are all over the place (unfortunately, we need a microscope for this), then essentially using Koch's postulates to show that those creatures are responsible for broth going bad.
Since we can't do that without a microscope, Hazō's current knowledge is that broth goes bad because of some kind of spirits. We should double check this with Noburi though, in case people think something else causes rot.

Really, what we would like to do is to do a literature review by asking Noburi to tell us literally everything he can about spirits, disease, any connection to rot or brewing alcohol, etc. Then we could base our experiments off of proving/disproving those ideas. Unfortunately, that takes update time.

Anyway, all this spoiler'd stuff is kind of a digression since we can't act on any of it without spending update time and QM spoons on stuff that not everyone is interested in. :(

I'll base my suggestions off of the assumption that current EN knowledge is that rot is caused by spirits, much like disease, that those spirits can be killed by heat, and that they are spontaneously generated. These are pretty big assumptions, but as mentioned in the spoiler all we can do is assume things unless we can get people to vote on asking for a huge info dump on EN knowledge of biology.
  • We need to kill the spirits after we put them in the flasks. I suggest either using heat or medical chakra, as we know that medical chakra sterilizes things and we know that high heat kills bacteria. Ideally, let's do both (in different flasks).
  • If we do both medical chakra and heat to kill the spirits, we can test whether spirits or bacteria exist in MfD. If bacteria are responsible for disease and rot, both medical chakra and heat should prevent rot in the swan necked flasks. If spirits actually exist and are not just another name for bacteria, the medical chakra will work but the heat may not.
  • Let's also add sealing and unsealing a swan necked flask, so we can find out if storing microorganisms/"spirits" kills them.
Therefore, here's my suggested changes:

    1. Let's test for rot formation.
      1. He'll get credit.
    2. Acquire eight long-necked flasks.
    3. Pour a small, equal amount of broth into each.
    4. Make half into swan necked flasks.
    5. Make groups of one swan and one normal flask.
    6. Treat groups with
      1. Nothing (control)
      2. Boiling
      3. Medical chakra (Noburi)
      4. Seal/unseal (storage scroll)
    7. Let sit for a few weeks.
    8. If the swan neck and straight neck are equally rotten, we fail to find evidence to reject the theory of spontaneous generation.
After doing this, I conclude that typing on SV is absolutely horrible.

[X] Action Plan: Biological, Political, and Military Science

Benefits of this line of experimentation:
  • Food preservation, especially if simply sealing and unsealing food kills all bacteria inside.
  • Learning more about spirits, which could have benefits for med nin, especially if they don't actually know yet that heat kills "spirits."
    • In particular, knowing that heat kills spirits would be invaluable for the civilian medics that Tsunade often has to train, since they can't use medical chakra to sterilize things.
    • Also, this tells the Hivemind more about the world of MfD, which could be important for our model of the world.
Thanks for keeping it so wordcount optimized, by the way; it's only one word more than my original version.

No. Have you been living under a rock?

Hazo and Kagome are already world famous sealmasters because any village who can rub two brain cells together can deduce how Leaf got skywalkers. Our threat rating is extremely high. That is stuff Mari told us before Rock's attack on us.

If you want to go around and be a spymaster? That's fine. Our visit should be unpredictable and brief.

Not so with escort mission. We're fucking sitting ducks, because our route are predictable, and we can't walk faster than the merchants we're guarding.
I agree with Kiba on this one. Taking escort missions is a fool's errand for clan ninja in general, much less high profile ones like us.
Fair enough. Section removed.
[X] Action Plan: Biological, Political, and Military Science
Wordcount: 280

Run these ideas by the clan.
  1. Noburi
    1. SCIENCE
      1. Let's test for rot formation.
        1. He'll get credit.
      2. Acquire sixteen long-necked flasks.
      3. Pour a small, equal amount of broth into each.
      4. Make half into swan necked flasks.
      5. Make groups of one swan and one normal flask.
      6. Treat groups with
        1. Nothing (control)
        2. Boiling
        3. Medical chakra (Noburi)
        4. Seal/unseal (storage scroll)
        5. Boiling + Chakra
        6. Boiling + Seal/unseal
        7. Chakra + Seal/Unseal
        8. Everything
      7. Let sit for a few weeks.
        If the swan neck and straight neck are equally rotten, we fail to find evidence to reject the theory of spontaneous generation.
    2. Yuno
      1. Where is your relationship at?
      2. What do you think of proposing to her?

This whole structure ignored motivation and reasoning that will let Hazo figured things out. Exactly why are swan necked flasks relevant to the experiment? This is germ theory. We haven't even discovered microbes.
  1. Hinata
    1. Friendship
      1. Goals
        1. Befriend Hinata.
        2. Prove we can engage her at a high level of context.
        3. Relax and have fun.
      2. Bring her a board game as a gift.
        1. Message: We value cooperation over fighting.
      3. Suggest playing the game with her and anybody she'd like to invite.
        1. Hint that business naturally requires understanding us.
      4. Play the game with our goals in mind.
        1. Reinforce valuing strength together over winning scraps.
    2. Business
      1. Negotiate for formalized terms of cooperation.
        1. Offers:
          1. Seal discounts.
          2. Custom CHAOS suits.
          3. Research collaboration.
        2. Requests:
          1. Recruiting Hyuuga for missions.
          2. Business cooperation
      2. Will you press for a marriage between Yuno and Neji?

Look. I get this whole social maintenance thing to keep Hazo's sane, but I only see limited upside when we could be focusing on skyslider and other high value projects.

I won't say no to hanging out with Hinata and taking care of a few important things, but no more than that.
  1. Asuma
    1. Mission plan
      1. Isan
        1. Request permission to launch mission to take over Isan with Yuno, Keiko's religious status, and a strong team backing them.
      2. Nagi Island
        1. We'd like to check out the remains of the bijuu and the seals.
      3. Importing tradespeople
        1. We'd like to import tradespeople into Leaf replace losses from the sealing failure and Collapse.
        2. Will you sanction a mission to do this?

Exactly why are we are focusing on missions outside the village when we put zero actual focus on decoding J's note, skyslider and other high value stuff?


Updated my action plan.

[X] Action Plan: Lifty Uplift

Check with plan as per usual.

Strategic questions:
  • Mari: Won't Tsunade becomes murderously mad if she found out about your pox blanket idea?
  • Prize: Should we aim for focusing on one individual/one prize or could we afford to try to snag two prizes with two individuals?
    • Hazo thinks he has a few good ideas to snag a prize but competition may be fierce due to clans with established jutsu and seals.
Focus on high impact, relatively low effort projects:
  • Kagome - Continue decoding J notes and figuring out what we have.
  • Kagome and Kenta - Continue developing prototypes for the Skyslider. How to test it without prying eyes looking at the sky?
    • Different shapes for the longest slide needed to be tested. The paper shiruken may not be the best form.
  • Hazo - Semaphore system for light communication. Demonstrate an encoding system for messages that go with switching light on and off.
    • Essentially, Morse code paired to individual Katakana.
Miscellaneous projects:
  • Assign Kenta responsibility and a reasonable budget for renovating Naked Jaybird.
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I am a bit concerned this is essentially asking to be sent on a couple sidequests in the midst of "You have two months to munchkin stuff for these awesome rewards: ready, start!"
Exactly why are we are focusing on missions outside the village when we put zero actual focus on decoding J's note, skyslider and other high value stuff?
Because this is a cover to go outside the village and do all that munchkin shit, aside from Isan, which is basically our ultra-trump card in this event.

The unspoken reasons for why we're headed outside of the village:
Recruiting Isan
Recruiting engineering talent for skysliders
Reactivating the high-level contacts with shogi codes we have
Recreating an informant network
Importing tradespeople

There's shit we want to do outside of the village, and most of the shit we want to do doesn't require us to be in the village anyway; that's why I want to go on a "side quest".
Look. I get this whole social maintenance thing to keep Hazo's sane, but I only see limited upside when we could be focusing on skyslider and other high value projects.

I won't say no to hanging out with Hinata and taking care of a few important things, but no more than that.
Read the second part of the Hinata section again.

The actual reason for this section is so that we have formalized terms of cooperation between us and the Hyuuga. The game stuff is meant to show that we can engage with her like a traditional clan, but that's mostly to feed into the part where we talk about how we can cooperate, both in general and for this section too.
most of the shit we want to do doesn't require us to be in the village anyway; that's why I want to go on a "side quest".
We need to do so much Sealing research (after an annoying conversation with Kagome to get him to agree to that)!

We don't need to spend time recruiting engineers or tradespeople. For the latter -- there should be a large amount of those coming at the moment.

For the former: what engineers?
Because this is a cover to go outside the village and do all that munchkin shit, aside from Isan, which is basically our ultra-trump card in this event.

The unspoken reasons for why we're headed outside of the village:
Recruiting Isan
Recruiting engineering talent for skysliders
Reactivating the high-level contacts with shogi codes we have
Recreating an informant network
Importing tradespeople

Skyslider research required iterations and conceptual understanding. Craftsmanship is of secondary importance. Look at Hazo's proof of concept: A paper shiruken, which meant spinning the damn thing, and a kite. Zero consideration is being made on how to steer things, which again required conceptual breakthrough more than figuring out how to build the thing.

Remember, in this era, craftspeople make stuff and craft things. They don't do new and innovative things.

Read the second part of the Hinata section again.

The actual reason for this section is so that we have formalized terms of cooperation between us and the Hyuuga. The game stuff is meant to show that we can engage with her like a traditional clan, but that's mostly to feed into the part where we talk about how we can cooperate, both in general and for this section too.

It's still limited upside to me. Might be important in the future. Might not be. I don't see the potential for a 10K IQ move here.
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I'm going to have to agree with Kiba on the whole Hinata section. What reason does she have to seriously work with us?

[X] Action Plan: Lifty Uplift
We need to do so much Sealing research (after an annoying conversation with Kagome to get him to agree to that)!

We don't need to spend time recruiting engineers or tradespeople. For the latter -- there should be a large amount of those coming at the moment.

For the former: what engineers?
Sealing research: We do need to have that conversation with Kagome, you're right on that. That is an extra time cost to leaving the village - but we need to leave the village anyway so that we can actually go take over Isan.

Engineers in the medieval European period usually sold their services to, you guessed it, engineer and tinker with shit. There really wasn't much of a distinction between "high-end engineer" and "high-end tinkerer" when you got down to it; if you prefer calling them tinkerers you can do that but they're basically the same thing.

Counting on a "there should be" is not actually that reliable, because it requires that the QMs realizing what the impacts of this should be; right now Leaf has a bunch more push factors instead of pull factors, due to both a lot of merchants dying recently and also a lot of clan wealth and blackmail disappearing.
Skyslider research required iterations and conceptual understanding. Craftsmanship is of secondary importance. Look at Hazo's proof of concept: A paper shiruken, which meant spinning the damn thing, and a kite. Zero consideration is being made on how to steer things, which again required conceptual breakthrough more than figuring out how to build the thing.

Remember, craftspeople make stuff and craft things. They don't do new and innovative things.

No, craftspeople do do new and innovating things, otherwise there would actually never be any progress. Do you really think that the only people who can ever invent things have a job occupation labeled "inventor"?
It's still limited upside to me. Might be important in the future. Might not be. I don't see the potential for a 10K IQ move here.
It's not the most brilliant and perfect play in existence. It is, however, a pretty good play on balance, so I want to make that, instead of waiting for another update where we talk about all the brilliant plays we might make.

I'm going to have to agree with Kiba on the whole Hinata section. What reason does she have to seriously work with us?
You mean, aside from the section that I outlined, where we can offer reduced prices on seals, custom CHAOS suits, research collaboration, and other perks that normal clans do?

Like, what reason did the Amori have to work with us? We are still a clan of sealmasters, of mednin, and with Money: Minor Clan, so there is room for us to play ball here with the Hyuuga.
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No, craftspeople do do new and innovating things, otherwise there would actually never be any progress. Do you really think that the only people who can ever invent things have a job occupation labeled "inventor"?

Their occupation is to make pot, clothes, shoes, etc. Not invent new things. Inventing new things are an incidental byproduct of what they do for a living.

You mean, aside from the section that I outlined, where we can offer reduced prices on seals, custom CHAOS suits, research collaboration, and other perks that normal clans do?

Like, what reason did the Amori have to work with us? We are still a clan of sealmasters, of mednin, and with Money: Minor Clan, so there is room for us to play ball here with the Hyuuga.

Like I said, limited upside. What exactly do both clans or Leaf gain from this?

If we want to resolve political disputes and socialize with Hinata. We could do that instead of pretending that this is a 10K IQ strategic move we are making.
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Their occupation is to make pot, clothes, shoes, etc. Not invent new things. Inventing new things are an incidental byproduct of what they do for a living.
I mean, I was talking about engineering talent, not craftspeople, so this is a bit of a pointless digression to make my argument sound worse. Even then, there are plenty of craftspeople who do look into this stuff, so it's not entirely pointless.
Like I said, limited upside. What exactly do both clans or Leaf gain from this?

If we want to resolve political disputes and socialize with Hinata. We could do that instead of pretending that this is a 10K IQ strategic move we are making.
What do we gain with good relations and terms of cooperation with the Hyuuga Clan? We gain a good relations and better business cooperation with the Hyuuga clan, which has a long history and is embedded deeply in Leaf and Fire, which makes our own clan more attractive to work with, as well as having the direct benefits of working with the Hyuuga clan.

It's not 10,000 IQ, but it's a smart move with good upsides, so I want to do it.
I mean, I was talking about engineering talent, not craftspeople, so this is a bit of a pointless digression to make my argument sound worse. Even then, there are plenty of craftspeople who do look into this stuff, so it's not entirely pointless.

Engineering talents here is not what we need for skyslider research. We need someone who can develop a conceptual understanding of how flight works. That is, they can look beyond the surface details of bird flapping their winds and derive principles of how flight works.
It's not 10,000 IQ, but it's a smart move with good upsides, so I want to do it.

And we could have spent the time getting our research started instead. Talking to the Hyuga and doing all that deals is an expensive move. It is not free.
Engineering talents here is not what we need for skyslider research. We need someone who can develop a conceptual understanding of how flight works. That is, they can look beyond the surface details of bird flapping their winds and derive principles of how flight works.
Sure, but you do need those "people who can big brain the principles of flight" to delegate to, unless you intend to have Hazou do all the work, in which case skysliders take up a lot of our time.
And we could have spent the time getting our research started instead. Talking to the Hyuga and doing all that deals is an expensive move. It is not free.
I think that establishing terms is a slightly better use of our time than a few hours of research, which we can do in the next plan too.
Sure, but you do need those "people who can big brain the principles of flight" to delegate to, unless you intend to have Hazou do all the work, in which case skysliders take up a lot of our time.

We don't need any more than a few craftsmen.

I think that establishing terms is a slightly better use of our time than a few hours of research, which we can do in the next plan too.

There's more than one way it's expensive. It's expensive in term of writer's effort and wordcounts, in term of real life time, and for benefits that have little gains for us. Instead, we could get more bang for our buck by discussing what research we want to focus on and executing them, not to mention a better use of Hazo and Hinata's time!
We don't need any more than a few craftsmen.
We still need to recruit them for the project if we're going to do it.
There's more than one way it's expensive. It's expensive in term of writer's effort and wordcounts, in term of real life time, and for benefits that have little gains for us. Instead, we could get more bang for our buck by discussing what research we want to focus on and executing them, not to mention a better use of Hazo and Hinata's time!
I think that the benefits of reinforcing our friendships and being able to work out a working collaboration on equal terms outweighs the opportunity cost of a few hours and one update's worth of research, as well as being well worth Hazou and Hinata's time.

I guess we'll have to leave it to everyone to decide which one they value more.
We lived in konoha. There are craftsmen all over! What's difficult to find is anybody who can actually think outside the box and actually do original research.
We can tap a population of 30,000 people with attendant craftspeople in Konoha, or 90,000 if we go to all the major cities in Fire. I think we have a higher chance of finding "someone who can actually think outside of the box and do original research" if we tap the larger population of Fire - assuming we keep it to Fire only.
I think that the benefits of reinforcing our friendships and attempting to work out a working collaboration on equal terms outweighs the opportunity cost of a few hours and one update's worth of research, as well as being well worth Hazou and Hinata's time.

Serious: Your offers for a collaboration are insufficient. Kagome is busy with making seals for the Tower and Hazou is still banned from making them. So seal discounts and CHAOSsuits are not going to be provided in a short period of time. We also do not have usable manpower to offer the Hyuga, which is one of the most prestigious clans in Konoha; why wouldn't they have sealmasters and medical researchers on standby? What do we offer that they don't have?

Serious: Your offers for a collaboration are insufficient. Kagome is busy with making seals for the Tower and Hazou is still banned from making them. So seal discounts and CHAOSsuits are not going to be provided in a short period of time. We also do not have usable manpower to offer the Hyuga, which is one of the most prestigious clans in Konoha; why wouldn't they have sealmasters and medical researchers on standby? What do we offer that they don't have?
Kagome is also one of the four or five chunin+ grade seal masters in Leaf period. When Hazou is allowed to make seals again, he'll be the sixth or seventh of the group that can make skywalkers. Assuming the Hyuuga have a chunin+ grade sealmaster is not a safe assumption when there are all of like three or four chunin+ grade sealmasters that we don't know personally. (Kagome, and Orochimaru are the two we know personally).

This is not a small thing. We are offering chunin-grade seals at a discount, which is one of the few ways to convert the Hyuuga's economic power into "kill the other guy dead" power.

The Hyuuga are more likely to have medical researchers, it's true - and yet I would find it unlikely if they had a huge amount, so much that collaborating with Noburi would be pointless.

Even if we're not necessarily offering anything they don't have, we can still benefit via comparative advantage; we're offering things which may benefit them in exchange for things that may benefit us.
Kagome is also one of the four or five chunin+ grade seal masters in Leaf period.
I'm too lazy to check it myself, so...citation?
I would find it unlikely if they had a huge amount
Hiashi had a bunch of his ninjas work with Tsunade for medic training, as part of their arrangement. I'd find it unlikely if they didn't.

@1234qwerty Keiko is a part of ISC and KEI, just ask her instead of the organizations separately. I'd also recommend removing the arbitration thing in its entirety, not sure what the purpose is.
[X] Lore Update: Keiko Tells Us How Shadow Clone Works Before Cariyaga Has An Aneurysm

[X] Lore Update: Keiko Attempts To Tell Us How Shadow Clone Works Before Cariyaga Has An Aneurysm But Is Distracted By Ami

I don't know why this isn't an action plan so

[x] Action Plan: Ask Keiko How Shadow Clone Works
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[X] Lore Update: Keiko Attempts To Tell Us How Shadow Clone Works Before Cariyaga Has An Aneurysm But Is Distracted By Ami; Cariyaga subsequently has an aneurysm