[X] Action Plan: The True Power of Feelings
I still don't like us making Mari doing work when she should me relaxing but don't see a plan I like better.

[x] [ParadeInvite]: Hazou did not offer it to Aito
[X] [ParadeInvite]: Mari stopped Hazou from handing it over
@eaglejarl What about the argument that in Asian culture like Japan they do yearly increment instead of birthday?
We've literally never done it that way in the nearly 4 years the quest has been running.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail In the interests of Not Boring You Guys Out of Your Minds, I would like to propose a SOP that, if relevant during plans, meetings happen and are offscreened (without having to be explicitly included in planning), that way you guys can write more interesting things. In exchange, of course, we'd have to accept your judgements as to acceptable alterations to the plans in accordance with Offscreen Meetings.
I'd certainly love it if we could offscreen the vast majority of busy-work meetings in the future. It raises the potential for players to object if things don't go precisely according to plan in the most optimal path, but that will hopefully be manageable.

So, just to be clear...Naruto had an opportunity to correct Keiko (and in the process tease her about the mistake) and didn't do it? I mean, I can rationalize it away as him being tired and/or not at his best...but given his consistent teasing of Keiko, I honestly wouldn't have predicted him to have not taken the opportunity.
It is my experience that teenagers rarely object if you round their age up.

And on a relevant, though tangential, note: @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Did we ever talk to Tsunade about supporting her hospitals and related stuff as outlined in the note/plan here?
Let me get back to you.
[x] [ParadeInvite]: Hazou did not offer it to Aito

Definitely need to not give the parade invite to Aito.

Even ignoring whether or not slighting them is a good or bad idea, it puts a target on his back.

He was terrified when he had some nice ninja wanting to fairly buy some land, he would not do well in the middle of a feud between clans.
[X] Action Plan: Do Things

@MMKII While he's there, could you get Noburi to check with Kabuto regarding the investigation into his bloodline for SC/Summoning interactions?
Also, I'm bad at nuance and forgot to ask: Was the entire Uchiha giving us the position behind them in the parade was meant to mollify us after they backed off the deal, xor was there some other meaning I'm not noticing?
Also, I'm bad at nuance and forgot to ask: Was the entire Uchiha giving us the position behind them in the parade was meant to mollify us after they backed off the deal, xor was there some other meaning I'm not noticing?
Its simultaenously a mollification, a derail, and a snub.

Replace this gift with a crappy XL tshirt and thats about the value of what we've been offered compared to the previous psuedo-alliance terms.
Can we get QM confirmation that Keiko has checked in with us in person after returning from the summoner realm, but that the event just got off-screened? Otherwise...I'm a little worried.
She has not.

The intent on that was that she would be back Thursday night. I realize the timestamp was still Tuesday, but the expectation was that the characters were treating it as Wednesday morning "tomorrow" referred to Thursday, after the Hokage vote. She's not back, but she's also not overdue.

Fourth, it appears that Hiashi and/or the totally monolithic village of Leaf cannot stop us; see how we just traipsed down to the border of River without complaint in the last update. If we can do that, we can probably go north without complaint as well, allowing us to accomplish this self-assigned mission.
You didn't go there, you just looked at some maps of the area.

I think I'm definitely on board as a whole with us being more active than the last arc, and view this as a good step in that direction, but want to make sure "active" doesn't become "rash".
You get +1 bazillion Like + Insightful + 'Yes Please'

Do we want to meet with Captain Minori to get the full skinny on BotG and boost relations with her in preparation for a future Clanless Rights Campaign(or whatever)? I don't think we've done this yet.
If we kept up with the action plan schedule we would have.
I may be wrong on this, but I thought you had. I'll check with the others.

I think that's how I'm playing it already, since the exact wording is "I'm thinking of sending a gift", not "I'm sending a gift"; it's still a soft greenlight, just with a more "we're going to do this unless you object heavily," instead of "please give your approval or I'm not going to do it".
On the one hand, I would prefer to write plans that say "Do this unless <names> strongly object."

On the other hand, I don't want to guarantee that doing that would necessarily ensure the Good Outcome or prevent any sort of problems.

Take that as you will, I guess? I have nothing more coherent.

Did keiko ever send the letter about the toad, snake, pang alliance for a gouketsu summoner?

This is worrisome. If we've been getting important OOC info from interludes, I think we should start making interludes focus more on areas that aren't relevant to Hazo. Like, if we had to fight Zabuza the story would have changed so much.
As a general rule, we try not to put OOC information into interludes. It does happen sometimes.

Also, I'm bad at nuance and forgot to ask: Was the entire Uchiha giving us the position behind them in the parade was meant to mollify us after they backed off the deal, xor was there some other meaning I'm not noticing?
According to Mari the Uchiha were trying to back out of the deal in a way that allowed them to save face and look like they weren't welching. The parade position actually is a pretty significant honor and will provide a moderate degree of soft power (e.g. name recognition) but it definitely does not make up for them voting for Hiashi.

Sidebar, only a suggestion: The whole 'xor' thing does get a bit old after a while. Maybe let it go and stick with only 'yes'ing occasionally?

Its simultaenously a mollification, a derail, and a snub.

Replace this gift with a crappy XL tshirt and thats about the value of what we've been offered compared to the previous psuedo-alliance terms.
See above -- it's not quite that bad.
Handing the parade position to a random civilian shopkeeper (the default [x] let it stand option) is probably more insulting to the Uchiha/Hyuga than giving it to Rock Lee. At least the latter is a Leaf Ninja in good standing, personality quirks and political toxicity aside.

My reasoning as well. Rock Lee was also the pupil of an elite jounin and he himself is probably a rising star with the proper patronage. Giving this honor to a civie is a bare insult while Rock Lee is....

Damn it.

Best to take the insult on the cheek though. Switching back.

EDIT: Is anybody noticing the posting wonkiness???

[X] [ParadeInvite]: Mari stopped Hazou from handing it over
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Having take some time into dreamland time, I came back to this subject...

1) I feel grumpy and unhappy that things did not go our way.
2) I would spend significant XP to ensure an acceptable outcome, up to 100 XP.
3) I find the challenge posed by Hiashi as more work.
4) I find 'adventures' and conflict as frustrating and stressful.
5) I am also completely invested in the characters.
6) I no longer care about working to gain bonus XP

Yet I must acknowledge the outcome of the simulation as 'fair' even though we could have won, even the 'good' arguments that we should have won. What do?
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Sadly, I can tell that scouting out the basement is going to be far more fun this cycle, but I would also like to work on shoring up our alliances; to that end, here's my proposed plan for next turn:

Operation Seven Nation Army
Word Count: 292
  1. Initiative
    1. We go to Minor Villages giving out gifts as representatives of the Noble Clans of Konoha. The more names we represent, the better.
    2. Later, when we have a secure revenue base, we'll offer full trade deals. First, gifts and talking.
  2. Prepatory Assignments - Timeframe: Two weeks.
    1. Hazou and Mari
      1. Liason with Ami to accomplish her favor, losing the vote included.
      2. Get as many clan names and seals on this project, as possible. If they'd like to come or materially contribute, great, but it isn't expected.
        1. Our top priority of names we want on this project are our allies from the vote.
        2. Don't bother with clans that don't seem like they'll sign.
        3. Save Hyuga for last. We don't need their permission, and when we should already be on our way.
    2. Noburi, Akane, and other volunteers.
      1. Work on:
        1. Adoptions
        2. Buying appropriate gifts for minor Villages. Budget is 15 million ryo.
        3. Getting civilian nobles to clear land sales.
        4. Finding lands ideal for clearing.
        5. Secure fig-leaf mission contracts.
          1. Border patrols, possibly.
    3. Kagome
      1. Keep up progress on Jiraiya's notes.
      2. Fortify the spot we just bought.
  3. Trip - Timeframe: As long as necessary
    1. Deliver gifts to the minor Hidden Villages in counterclockwise order and Mist, if possible.
    2. Sound out Village stances towards Leaf, Rock, and Cloud; if we can secure alliances or declarations of friendship, even better.
    3. Special notes:
      1. Skip Iron; they don't have a Hidden Village for us to concern ourselves with.
      2. Respect Rice sovereignity, and leave the gifts in the Rice nin's hands.
      3. Hot Springs through Mist should be handled by not-Goketsu. If none come, don't bother.
      4. Consider resolving Tea/Isan issue ourselves.
    4. Side objectives:
      1. Quick Uplift projects, like wall-building and chakra beast extermination.
      2. Acquiring new contacts.
      3. Scouting out land marked as candidates for land-clearing.
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[] Action Plan: The True Power of Feelings

Maybe we can have Noburi seduce Hinata? Keiko already has her claws in Hanabi, why not get the other sister too?
Have Naruto date her. :p

I'm thinking of giving a gift to the minor villages of Waterfall, Grass, and Rice, as a representative of a Noble Clan of Leaf. Would you be willing to say the ISC are with the Goketsu here?
You should probably put something in telling Shikamaru how we'll do this without Hiashi just putting us in jail once he has the excuse of us leaving the village without permission. If we were out of the village during the update, it was probably because we took a mission that was near the area we were in and used that to get out of the village.
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Does Aito have a residence in Leaf or something?
Yes. HDK whether he owns or rents, but he was staying in a house in Leaf.

Maybe we can have Noburi seduce Hinata? Keiko already has her claws in Hanabi, why not get the other sister too?
Have Naruto seduce her. :p
Careful, guys. They're all underage by 21st-century American standards and we're on SV. Probably wise to stick with words like "court" or "romance".
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