
How do you feel about the plans currently competing with yours?

Im actually partial to Getting a Clue, yours, and then (lethal) Yes. I find these give us options that "Continue the plan" does not.

Yeah, alright. I'll vote tactically if it means Mari will whack Hazou in the face with the "End This Subplot Already" bat.

[X] Action Plan: Getting a Clue

Still want to improve Lee, but there's always next update.
This was in the context of QMs implying that Hazou would have to lose his sincerity if he gained the ability to stop eating his foot, with the further implication that any person who is sincere also has a flipside to that trait that causes them crippling social/emotional issues.
Hang on there... Where did we imply that? That's certainly not what I believe, at least. Quite the contrary, actually. Eventually Hazō will develop more social skills and lose this Trouble, but he will always be the sincere guy that he is.
Fine. If you look at real people they don't universally have horrible crippling social/emotional problems (some definitely do, and even ignoring standard social incompetence, mental health problems that might impact such are more common than people think, but you do find plenty of people who are caring and socially adept and not emotionally unhealthy -- I'm lucky enough to know several such people personally). I understand that it's an artefact of the rules system, but it gets on my nerves. And again, I dispute that Hazou cannot be sincere without also being emotionally/socially incompetent.

He needs a Trouble, but it doesn't need to be something as bad as what he has at the moment. He could just have "Haru has a Grudge Against Me", and under FATE rules that would be perfectly valid.

I think @eaglejarl thinks something like the following:
"Hazou has an established characterization of being somewhat socially inept. The rules exist to ease simulation of the world, but not at the expense of making it gamey rather than simulationist. Regardless of whether it's mechanically his Trouble, it's gonna be a problem for him until he's undergone a lot of character growth. However, we are willing to gradually transition him over to another Trouble (such as Savior Complex) in a way that keeps his character intact."

Now, something I'm not sure about is what conditions would have to be met for this Trouble-transition. It does seem like we've put effort into this at various times (training relevant stats, asking Mari for help, putting things like "be considerate" into plans); I'm not sure if the QMs are just looking for more efforts in the same vein, or something qualitatively different.

But overall, it seems like you and EJ are largely on the same page here?
Hang on there... Where did we imply that? That's certainly not what I believe, at least. Quite the contrary, actually. Eventually Hazō will develop more social skills and lose this Trouble, but he will always be the sincere guy that he is.
We'd also have to consider the positive side of the Trouble, currently "Invoke when Hazō's painful sincerity melts a cynic's heart". If Hazō permanently removes his foot from his mouth, should he also lose the power to move people with unfiltered sincerity?
Akane can be sincere without eating her own foot.
And in her case, the Aspect which represents this has a flip side of ignoring her own emotional needs. Which is to say, the kind of thing that can severely damage your relationships if you let it build up too long and then something throws it in your face.
[-] Action Plan: Getting a Clue
[X] Action Plan: A Contest of Eternal Rivals
[X] Action Plan: A Contest of Eternal Clues
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[X] Action Plan: Getting a Clue
[X] Action Plan: A Contest of Eternal Rivals
[X] Action Plan: A Contest of Eternal Clues
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by faflec on Sep 14, 2018 at 10:01 AM, finished with 277 posts and 25 votes.
I think you're misinterpreting the discussion. My original point was that, insofar as the advantage and disadvantage of Hazō's Trouble are two sides of the same coin, we should consider both when talking about changing his Trouble, rather than just focusing on ditching the negative. Hazō will always be sincere as a character trait, but to the extent that his unfiltered, "painful" sincerity is tied to his readiness to speak before he thinks (which is what the Trouble represents), you can't change one while leaving the other completely untouched. When people change significant parts of themselves, they do not do so in a compartmentalised fashion.

For the second quote, you argued that Akane's sincerity was represented by a much lighter Trouble. I pointed out that it wasn't, because that wasn't the Aspect which was modelling it, and that in practice, her "other side of the coin" was just as bad in its own way. I at no point generalised this to all sincere people ever.
I at no point generalised this to all sincere people ever.

Given that the subtext seemed to be

"Sincerity should have a negative downside of social/emotional problems, which is why Hazou would lose sincerity if he loses that downside."

"Here is a counter-example where that is not the case, proving that sincerity does not require such a downside."

"This counter-example is invalid."

It felt like you were making that generalisation.
Can anyone else think of how else to exploit Hazou's painful social ineptitude to rectify this situation that doesn't delve into squick territory?
I think you're misinterpreting the discussion. My original point was that, insofar as the advantage and disadvantage of Hazō's Trouble are two sides of the same coin, we should consider both when talking about changing his Trouble, rather than just focusing on ditching the negative. Hazō will always be sincere as a character trait, but to the extent that his unfiltered, "painful" sincerity is tied to his readiness to speak before he thinks (which is what the Trouble represents), you can't change one while leaving the other completely untouched. When people change significant parts of themselves, they do not do so in a compartmentalised fashion.

For the second quote, you argued that Akane's sincerity was represented by a much lighter Trouble. I pointed out that it wasn't, because that wasn't the Aspect which was modelling it, and that in practice, her "other side of the coin" was just as bad in its own way. I at no point generalised this to all sincere people ever.
For what it's worth, I would totally be okay with losing the mechanical side of Hazou's sincerity (and whatever narrative effects that has on how Hazou's sincerity is described) in exchange for taking up a different Trouble like Saviour Syndrome and thus putting Hazou on the path to mitigating his Open Mouth, Insert Foot troubles.

Also, since I know neutral voices can easily sound negative in aggregate, I'd just like to stress that I think you've handled all this very well so far. Not only Hazou's characterization (as much as I want to get rid of Open Mouth, Insert Foot I can recognize that it fits Hazou's character as it grew over the course of the quest and you model it well) but also our discussion about Hazou's characterization. Thanks for keeping a level head!
Hazou's tendency to speak even when it pisses people off does have some advantages. Yes, it can anger or upset people, but they walk away convinced that he says what he thinks. Which means that when he actually does want to leverage his Deception score, he has one of the most valuable assets you can have.... a reputation as an honest man. Mechanically this means that he can invoke his Trouble under the right circumstances as he could any other aspect.

INO: Wait, did you really mean to do that?

HAZOU: (confidently) Of course I did! (Rolls Deception. Invokes 'Open Mouth Insert Foot' because Ino knows he's so sincere and just blurts out his true feelings, making his lies more credible.)
For the second quote, you argued that Akane's sincerity was represented by a much lighter Trouble.

I actually didn't. I said that Akane can be sincere without eating her own foot, which is true, and on a seperate chain of discussion I argued that Noburi and Akane have lighter Troubles than Hazou, and that this shows that Troubles don't need to be as troublesome as what Hazou currently has, which is also true.

Hazō will always be sincere as a character trait

It would have been much easier if you had opened with that, rather than with "If Hazō permanently removes his foot from his mouth, should he also lose the power to move people with unfiltered sincerity?" which makes it sound like he's going to lose his sincerity if he undergoes character development to not be so socially clumsy.

I apologise that I'm sounding annoyed, by the way.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by MMKII on Sep 14, 2018 at 10:19 AM, finished with 280 posts and 26 votes.
Given that the subtext seemed to be

"Sincerity should have a negative downside of social/emotional problems, which is why Hazou would lose sincerity if he loses that downside."

"Here is a counter-example where that is not the case, proving that sincerity does not require such a downside."

"This counter-example is invalid."

It felt like you were making that generalisation.
Therein lies our miscommunication. To me, it seemed clear that

We'd also have to consider the positive side of the Trouble, currently "Invoke when Hazō's painful sincerity melts a cynic's heart". If Hazō permanently removes his foot from his mouth, should he also lose the power to move people with unfiltered sincerity?

was referring specifically to Hazō and Hazō's Trouble, rather than being a general statement about sincerity. Hence I also assumed that your reference to Akane was as a parallel to Hazō, rather than as an example of sincerity in general.

Can we consider this resolved?

I apologise that I'm sounding annoyed, by the way.
Not at all. You're still being perfectly civil (balm to my soul after what I started the morning with), and you've built up tons of reputational credit with me for the purposes of assuming good faith. Besides, I probably sound annoyed as well.
[X] Buy a YOUTHSUIT for Akane to show Hazō's love for her!
I think this is the nuclear option.

So like, heres what I mean:

Fuck it.

[X] Action Plan: Getting a Clue
  • Hazou will ask Noburi, Mari, and/or Jiraiya for girl advice.
    • Hazou explains the (now fixed) Akane Situation to each of them.
    • Hazou is very glad that Akane is dispelled of any thoughts of them "Never being friends." and is really glad that his response of "They will always be friends." seemed to fix the issue.
      • Gee, what a silly thing to worry about.
    • Regardless, he asks for advice on how to better navigate such complex social situations.
      • In particular he doesn't want to fuck up his relationship with his girlfriend again.
  • Otherwise, continue the plan as before.
The above was a quickly (yet carefully) constructed maneuver that ideally accomplishes the following:

  • Hazou has no IC reason to flat out lolnope it (He has demonstrated he is willing to go really dang far for Akane).
  • Weaponizing his social ineptitude and infinite sincerity to inform anyone with enough experience in the matter that:
    • The Akane Situation is fucked beyond belief
    • Hazou doesn't yet realize how fucked it is
    • This needs to be taken care of.
  • Ends this poor boys torturous delusions before they grow to be visible next to the supermassive blackhole of Keiko's own delusions.

I believe it accomplishes the above in a way that is easily reworded and reworked to fit in another interaction with another character. So this can pretty much be reused as needed over the course of the next in universe week until the problem is solved.

Alternative solutions:

  • Attempt the above with anyone from that list that Hazou hasn't talked to yet.
  • Attempt the above with Hana when she arrives.
  • Get lunch with Ino.
Nuclear Options:

  • Manipulate things so that Akane is somehow forced to clarify things.
    • Board game night with Third Party (Hazous mom?) present to have a round of introductions.
  • Ask Akane out on a date.
  • Etc.

Ideally, we need to expand on "Alternative ways to leverage Hazous characterization to resolve this massive issue", since those are less damaging overall.
In contrast there are a big pile of nuclear options that will end this immediately, but I would rather our cheerful and idealistic protagonist still have a soul when all is said and done, thank you very much.
Nuclear Options:
  • Ask Akane out on a date.
I mean, if Akane's into nuclear dates, I'm willing to consider pursuing her romantically, even if it's hard. That said, I'm fairly sure she's in the "no global annihilation" camp.

Edit: in all seriousness, Hazou should ask her on a date sometime soon as a normal course of "thinking he's in a normal relationship." That should clear things up.
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